DynaMed EBM Focus Archive

- EBM Focus 31 (8/5/2015)
- Palliative Chemotherapy May Reduce Quality of Life in Patients with End-Stage Cancer and Good Performance Status
- EBM Focus 30 (7/29/2015)
- Medical Expulsion Therapy with Tamsulosin or Nifedipine Does Not Increase the Rate of Spontaneous Stone Passage in Adults with a Single Ureteric Stone
- EBM Focus 29 (7/22/2015)
- Very Early Mobilization of All Patients with Acute Stroke May Not Improve 3-Month Outcomes
- EBM Focus 28 (7/16/2015)
- Higher Rates of Mammography Screening Associated with Higher Rates of Breast Cancers, but Not Associated with Decreased Breast Cancer Mortality
- EBM Focus 27 (7/8/2015)
- Surgery May Not Improve Survival in Women with Low-Grade Ductal Carcinoma In Situ
- EBM Focus 26 (7/1/2015)
- Induction of Labor for Suspected Fetal Macrosomia Between 37 Weeks and 38 6/7 Weeks Gestational Age May Reduce Shoulder Dystocia
- EBM Focus 25 (6/25/2015)
- Expectant Monitoring of Women with Non-Severe Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy at 34-37 Weeks Gestation Appears to Improve Neonatal Outcomes, but Effect on Maternal Outcomes is Uncertain
- EBM Focus 24 (6/17/2015)
- Nivolumab May Increase Overall Survival and Progression-Free Survival Compared to Docetaxel in Patients with Advanced Squamous Cell Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
- EBM Focus 23 (6/11/2015)
- Herpes Zoster Subunit Vaccine Has 96% 3-year Efficacy Against Herpes Zoster in Immunocompetent Adults 50 Years of Age or Older
- EBM Focus 22 (6/3/2015)
- Supplemental Oxygen May Be Harmful in Normoxive Patients with ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction
- EBM Focus 21 (5/27/2015)
- Oral Prednisone Can Improve Functional Status in Patients with Acute Radiculopathy Due to a Herniated Disk, but Does Not Improve Pain
- EBM Focus 20 (5/21/2015)
- Mediterranean Diet Associated with Improved Cognitive Function in Older Adults with High Cardiovascular Risk
- EBM Focus 19 (5/13/2015)
- Glyburide is Associated with an Increased Risk of Adverse Neonatal Outcomes Compared to Insulin in Women with Gestational Diabetes
- EBM Focus 18 (5/6/2015)
- Emergency-Department Initiated Buprenorphine Treatment May Increase Addiction Treatment and Decrease Opioid Use in Patients with Opioid Dependence
- EBM Focus 17 (4/29/2015)
- Nicotine Patch Treatment for 52 Weeks May Be Safe, but May Not Be More Effective than 24 Week Treatment for Smoking Cessation
- EBM Focus 16 (4/22/2015)
- Adjunctive Corticosteroids May Improve Outcomes in Adults Hospitalized with Community-Acquired Pneumonia
- EBM Focus 15 (4/15/2015)
- Addition of Folic Acid to Enalapril May Slightly Decrease the Risk of Primary Stroke in Chinese Adults with Hypertension
- EBM Focus 14 (4/8/2015)
- Statin Discontinuation Might Increase Quality of Life in Patients with Advanced Life-Limiting Illness without Affecting Median Survival
- EBM Focus 13 (4/1/2015)
- Clindamycin and Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole may have Similar Cure Rates in Patients with Uncomplicated Skin Infections
- EBM Focus 12 (3/25/2015)
- Atypical Hyperplasia on Breast Biopsy may be Misinterpreted by Experienced Pathologists
- EBM Focus 11 (3/19/2015)
- Thrombolysis 3-4.5 Hours After Stroke Onset May Increase Mortality Without Clear Benefit
- EBM Focus 10 (3/11/2015)
- Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis with Red Blood Cell Count < 2,000 x 10^6 cells/L in the Final Tube and No Xanthochromia May Rule Out an Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Patients with Nontraumatic Acute Headache
- EBM Focus 9 (3/4/2015)
- Consumption of Peanut Products During Infancy May Reduce the Incidence of Peanut Allergy Compared to Peanut Avoidance in High Risk Children
- EBM Focus 8 (2/25/2015)
- Propranolol 3 mg/kg/day for 6 Months May Increase Hemangioma Resolution in Infants with Proliferating Infantile Hemangioma
- EBM Focus 7 (2/19/2015)
- Human Papillomavirus Vaccination is Not Associated with an Increase in Sexually Transmitted Infections in Adolescent Females
- EBM Focus 6 (2/11/2015)
- Colon Capsule Endoscopy May Detect More Polyps than Computed Tomography Colonography in Patients with Prior Incomplete Colonoscopy
- EBM Focus 5 (2/4/2015)
- Dabigatran May Increase Risk of Major Bleeding Compared to Warfarin in Older Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
- EBM Focus 4 (1/28/2015)
- Oral and Topical Pharmacological Agents for Neuropathic Pain
- EBM Focus 3 (1/22/2015)
- In Children with Uncomplicated Extremity Fractures, Oral Ibuprofen is as Effective as Oral Morphine for Pain Reduction and has Fewer Adverse Events
- EBM Focus 2 (1/14/2015)
- Extending Strict Rest to 5 Days from 1-2 Days May Not Improve Symptoms in Children with Mild Concussion
- EBM Focus 1 (1/7/2015)
- Individualized Pelvic Floor Muscle Training Appears to Improve Symptoms in Women with Mild Pelvic Organ Prolapse
- EBM Focus 52 (12/31/2014)
- Year in Review
- EBM Focus 51 (12/24/2014)
- Addition of Intra-arterial Treatment within 6 Hours of Stroke Onset to Usual Care Improves Functional Outcomes in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke Due to a Proximal Intracranial Occlusion of the Anterior Circulation
- EBM Focus 50 (12/18/2014)
- For Patients with Drug-Eluting Stents, Extending Duration of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy from 12 to 30 Months May Decrease the Risk of Stent Thrombosis and Myocardial Infarction, but May Increase the Risk of Major Bleeding and Might Increase Noncardiovascular Mortality
- EBM Focus 49 (12/10/2014)
- The AHT Clinical Prediction Rule Helps to Rule Out Abusive Head Trauma in Children < 3 Years Old Admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit with Acute Head Injury
- EBM Focus 48 (12/4/2014)
- Addition of Nonsterile Glove Use to Hand Hygiene May Reduce Gram-Positive and Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections in Premature Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
- EBM Focus 47 (11/26/2014)
- Percutaneous Closure of Left Atrial Appendage May Decrease the Risk of Death and Hemorrhagic Stroke Compared to Warfarin in Patients with Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation
- EBM Focus 46 (11/19/2014)
- Folic Acid and B12 Vitamin Supplementation May Not Affect Cognitive Outcomes Despite Reducing Homocysteine Levels in Elderly Persons With High Homocysteine Levels
- EBM Focus 45 (11/12/2014)
- A Single Negative Cardiac Troponin Level in Conjunction With Electrocardiogram Data and Clinical Judgment May Safely Rule Out Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department With Suspected Cardiac Chest Pain
- EBM Focus 44 (11/6/2014)
- Co-trimoxazole Might Increase Risk of Sudden Death in Elderly Patients on ACE Inhibitors or Angiotensin Receptor Blockers
- EBM Focus 43 (10/29/2014)
- Thyroid Dysfunction Screening; Peak Exercise Brain Natriuretic Peptide Testing
- EBM Focus 42 (10/23/2014)
- ADNEX Model Predicts Risk of Malignancy and Stratifies Risk Across Tumor Subtypes in Women with Adnexal Mass
- EBM Focus 41 (10/17/2014)
- Needle or Laser Acupuncture Does Not Improve Chronic Knee Pain in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
- EBM Focus 40 (10/8/2014)
- Timing of gluten introduction in high-risk infants does not appear to influence the risk of celiac disease at age 3-5 years
- EBM Focus 39 (10/1/2014)
- Addition of Inhaled Corticosteroid to LABA in Older Patients with COPD Associated With Decreased Risk of Death and Hospitalization
- EBM Focus 38 (9/24/2014)
- Bedside Ultrasound May Be an Alternative to Computed Tomography for Evaluation of Suspected Nephrolithiasis in the Emergency Department
- EBM Focus 37 (9/17/2014)
- Maternal Vaccination Decreases Risk of Influenza in Mothers and Their Infants
- EBM Focus 36 (9/10/2014)
- Bilateral Mastectomy May Not Increase Survival Compared to Breast-Conserving Surgery With Radiation in Women With Unilateral Breast Cancer
- EBM Focus 35 (9/3/2014)
- In Children With Sickle Cell Disease and Silent Cerebral Infarct, Regular Blood Transfusions Might Decrease Risk of Overt Stroke or Silent Infarct Recurrence
- EBM Focus 34 (8/27/2014)
- Pulse Oximetry Levels May Overly Influence Hospitalization Decision in Infants With Mild-to-Moderate Bronchiolitis
- EBM Focus 33 (8/20/2014)
- Brief Motivational Interviewing Interventions in Primary Care Do Not Reduce Drug Use in Adults
- EBM Focus 32 (8/13/2014)
- Hydroxychloroquine May Not Improve Symptoms of Primary Sjogren Syndrome in Adults
- EBM Focus 31 (8/7/2014)
- Addition of Extended-Release Niacin/Laropiprant to Statin-Based Therapy Increases Risk of Serious Adverse Events and Does Not Decrease Risk of Major Vascular Events in Patients With Vascular Disease
- EBM Focus 30 (7/31/2014)
- Thrombolytics for Patients With Intermediate-Risk Pulmonary Embolism: An Analysis of 2 Recent Systematic Reviews
- EBM Focus 29 (7/24/2014)
- Addition of Steroids to Epidural Lidocaine Injection May Not Reduce Disability or Pain at 6-12 Weeks in Patients With Spinal Stenosis
- EBM Focus 28 (7/16/2014)
- Letrozole Associated With Increased Live Birth Rate Compared to Clomiphene Citrate in Women With Anovulatory Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- EBM Focus 27 (7/9/2014)
- Antibiotic Prophylaxis May Reduce Recurrent Febrile or Symptomatic UTI in Children With Vesicoureteral Reflux
- EBM Focus 26 (7/2/2014)
- Pelvic Exam Not Recommended for Screening Asymptomatic Nonpregnant Women
- EBM Focus 25 (6/18/2014)
- In Patients With Unexplained Abdominal Pain After Cholecystectomy, Sphincterotomy Does Not Reduce Disability Due to Pain
- EBM Focus 24 (6/11/2014)
- Dalbavancin and Oritavancin Each Have Similar Efficacy to Vancomycin in Patients with Serious Bacterial Skin and Skin Structure Infections
- EBM Focus 23 (6/4/2014)
- Physical Therapy With Unsupervised Home Exercise Does Not Reduce Pain or Improve Function in Patients With Moderate-to-Severe Hip Osteoarthritis Pain
- EBM Focus 22 (5/28/2014)
- Topical Tetracaine for Home Use Not Associated With Delayed Corneal Healing or Increased Symptom Rates at 48 Hours in Patients With Corneal Abrasion
- EBM Focus 21 (5/22/2014)
- CAM-S Severity Score May Help Predict 90-Day Mortality and Length of Hospital Stay in Hospitalized Patients ≥ 70 Years Old Without Delirium
- EBM Focus 20 (5/14/2014)
- Compared to Amoxicillin, Levofloxacin and Azithromycin Each Associated With Increased Mortality and Risk of Serious Cardiac Arrhythmia in Older Men
- EBM Focus 19 (5/7/2014)
- Urine Dipstick Without Microscopy May Be Used to Rule Out Urinary Tract Infection in Infants < 90 Days Old
- EBM Focus 18 (4/30/2014)
- Web-based Educational Interventions to Promote MMR Vaccination Do Not Appear to Increase Parental Intent to Vaccinate Their Children
- EBM Focus 17 (4/23/2014)
- Diagnostic Algorithm Using Clinical Prediction Score, D-Dimer Testing, and Ultrasound Predicts Upper Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis
- EBM Focus 16 (4/23/2014)
- Combination Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir With or Without Ribavirin for ≥ 12 Weeks Reported to Have Sustained Virologic Response Rates > 90% in Adults With Chronic HCV Genotype 1 Infection
- EBM Focus 15 (4/9/2014)
- Lactobacillus reuteri Supplementation for 3 Months Reduces the Number and Duration of Diarrhea Episodes in Children Attending Child Care
- EBM Focus 14 (4/2/2014)
- Anastrozole May Decrease Risk of Breast Cancer in High-Risk Postmenopausal Women
- EBM Focus 13 (3/26/2014)
- In Colorectal Cancer Screening, Multitarget Stool DNA Test Appears to Have Higher Sensitivity Than Fecal Immunochemical Test
- EBM Focus 12 (3/19/2014)
- Elastic Compression Stockings May Not Decrease Risk of Post-Thrombotic Syndrome After First-Time Proximal Deep Vein Thrombosis
- EBM Focus 11 (3/13/2014)
- Strategies Used to Avoid Antibiotic Prescription in Patients With Acute Respiratory Tract Infections May Not Result in Substantially Increased Antibiotic Use Compared to Not Prescribing Antibiotics at Initial Clinic Visit
- EBM Focus 10 (3/6/2014)
- Maternal Plasma DNA Screening for Fetal Trisomies 21 and 18 May Reduce the Need for Invasive Follow-up Testing Compared to Standard Aneuploidy Screening
- EBM Focus 9 (2/26/2014)
- In Adults with Restless Leg Syndrome, Pregabalin Has Greater Efficacy With Less Iatrogenic Worsening of Symptoms Than Higher Doses of Pramipexole
- EBM Focus 8 (2/19/2014)
- In Adults With Unruptured Brain Arteriovenous Malformation, Interventional Therapy Appears to Worsen Outcomes Compared to Medical Management
- EBM Focus 7 (2/12/2014)
- Pimavanserin May Reduce Symptoms of Parkinson Disease Psychosis Without Increasing Risk of Motor Function Impairment
- EBM Focus 6 (2/5/2014)
- Warfarin May Increase Risk of Bleeding Without Decreasing Risk of Stroke in Elderly Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Receiving Dialysis
- EBM Focus 5 (1/29/2014)
- Parent-Delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy May Improve Anxiety in Children
- EBM Focus 4 (1/22/2014)
- In Adults With Moderate or Severe COPD Without Bronchiectasis, Continuous Prophylactic Antibiotics Reduce Exacerbations but Azithromycin Increases Risk of Hearing Loss
- EBM Focus 3 (1/21/2014)
- Buccal Dextrose Gel for Hypoglycemia Reduces Admission to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for Hypoglycemia
- EBM Focus 2 (1/8/2014)
- Walking Appears to Reduce Risk of Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Impaired Glucose Tolerance at Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
- EBM Focus 1 (1/1/2014)
- Arthroscopic Partial Meniscectomy Does Not Improve Symptoms of Degenerative Medial Meniscus Tear in Patients Without Knee Osteoarthritis
- Correction to DynaMed EBM Focus 52: Year in Review 2013 (12/27/2013)
- EBM Focus 52 (12/24/2013)
- Year in Review
- EBM Focus 51 (12/18/2013)
- Increasing Steroid Dose Perioperatively May Not Be Necessary for Prevention of Hypotension in Patients With Recent or Current Steroid Use
- EBM Focus 50 (12/11/2013)
- In Women with Coronary Artery Disease, Newer Generation Drug-eluting Stents Associated with Reduced Risks of Myocardial Infarction and Target Vessel Revascularization Compared to Bare Metal and Early Generation Drug-eluting Stents
- EBM Focus 49 (12/4/2013)
- Multivitamin plus Selenium Supplement May Slow Progression of HIV Disease in Treatment-Naive Adults in Low-Resource Settings
- EBM Focus 48 (12/19/2013)
- Clarithromycin Might Increase All-Cause Mortality and Hospitalization for Acute Kidney Injury Compared to Azithromycin in Older Adults Receiving Calcium Channel Blocker
- EBM Focus 47 (11/21/2013)
- New ACC/AHA Guidelines for Statins/Calculator Overestimates Risk/DynaMed Provides Patient-Specific Benefit Estimation
- EBM Focus 46 (11/14/2013)
- Testosterone Therapy Associated Increased Cardiovascular Events in Men with Low Testosterone levels and High Cardiovascular Risk
- EBM Focus 45 (11/6/2013)
- Steroids Reduce Time to Discharge from Observation Unit in Infants with Acute Bronchiolitis and Suspected Asthma
- EBM Focus 44 (10/30/2013)
- Probiotics May Not Reduce Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea in Elderly Inpatients
- EBM Focus 43 (10/24/2013)
- Colchicine Hastens Resolution and Reduces Recurrence After First Attack of Acute Pericarditis
- EBM Focus 42 (10/16/2013)
- In Twin Pregnancy with Cephalic Presentation of First Twin, Planned Vaginal Delivery Does Not Increase Neonatal Risks Compared to Planned Cesarean Delivery
- EBM Focus 41 (10/10/2013)
- Addition of Rifaximin to Lactulose Reduces Mortality in Patients with Overt Hepatic Encephalopathy
- EBM Focus 40 (10/2/2013)
- Multivessel Preventive PCI May Improve Cardiovascular Outcomes Compared to Culprit-Vessel-Only PCI Following STEMI
- EBM Focus 39 (9/25/2013)
- Ustekinumab Improves Symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis
- EBM Focus 38 (9/18/2013)
- Steroid Injection Reduces Need for Surgery in Patients with Mild to Moderate Carpal Tunnel syndrome and Failed Wrist Splinting
- EBM Focus 37 (9/26/2013)
- Estimation of Glomerular Filtration Rate Using Cystatin C Improves Risk Classification Compared to Estimation Using Creatinine
- EBM Focus 36 (9/4/2013)
- Home-based Intervention By Social Workers May Reduce Depressive Symptoms for Older African-Americans
- EBM Focus 35 (8/28/2013)
- For Pressure Ulcers, Air-fluidized Mattresses, Protein Supplements, Radiant Heat Dressings, or Electrical Stimulation May Improve Healing
- EBM FOCUS 34 (8/21/2013)
- In Patients with High-Risk Smoldering Myeloma, Early Treatment May Delay Disease Progression and Increase Survival
- EBM FOCUS 33 (8/14/2013)
- Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Appears to Reduce Risk of DVT After Acute Stroke
- EBM Focus 32 (8/7/2013)
- Antibiotic Prophylaxis Might Reduce Symptomatic UTI After Removal of Urinary Catheters in Some Post-Surgical Patients, But Evidence Insufficient to Support Routine Use
- EBM Focus 31 (7/31/2013)
- Gentle Wiping of Face, Nose and Mouth Appears as Effective as Suction for Clearance of Secretions at Birth of Term Neonates
- EBM Focus 30 (7/24/2013)
- Addition of Vasopressin Plus Steroids to Epinephrine Increases Survival to Discharge with Favorable Neurologic Outcomes After In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
- EBM Focus 29 (7/17/2013)
- Apixaban Is as Effective for Treatment of Acute Venous Thromboembolism as Conventional Therapy and Reduces Bleeding Risk
- EBM Focus 28 (7/10/2013)
- Addition of Co-trimoxazole to Cephalexin Does Not Increase Cure Rate of Uncomplicated Cellulitis
- EBM Focus 27 (7/3/2013)
- Intensive Blood Pressure Control Might Not Reduce Death or Major Disability, but May Improve Quality of Life After Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage
- EBM Focus 26 (6/26/2013)
- Universal MRSA Decolonization in Intensive Care Unit Reduces Overall Bloodstream Infections
- EBM Focus 25 (6/19/2013)
- Mandibular Advancement Device Appears At Least as Effective as CPAP for Improving Quality of Life and Reducing Sleepiness in Moderate-Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- EBM Focus 24 (6/12/2013)
- In Patients with Acute Exacerbation of COPD, 5-Day Course of Prednisone Is as Effective as 14-Day Course for Reducing Re-exacerbation
- EBM Focus 23 (6/5/2013)
- Delaying Tracheostomy May Reduce Unnecessary Procedures in Mechanically Ventilated Adults without Increasing Adverse Outcomes
- EBM Focus 22 (5/29/2013)
- Participation in Sports Appears Safe for Most Athletes with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators
- EBM Focus 21 (5/22/2013)
- Antibiotics After Incision and Drainage of Uncomplicated Skin Abscesses Do Not Appear to Increase Clinical Cure Rates
- EBM Focus 20 (5/15/2013)
- Severity Of Symptoms and Presence of Effusion May Predict Response to Intra-Articular Corticosteroid Injection for Knee Osteoarthritis
- EBM Focus 19 (5/8/2013)
- Low-Frequency Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of Supplementary Motor Area Improves Motor Function in Patients with Parkinson Disease
- EBM Focus 18 (5/1/2013)
- Behavioral Intervention May Promote Weight Loss in Overweight and Obese Adults with Serious Mental Illness
- EBM Focus 17 (4/24/2013)
- In Patients Taking Oral Anticoagulants prior to PCI, addition of Clopidogrel (alone) Appears as Effective as Clopidogrel plus Aspirin for Cardiovascular Outcomes and May Reduce Bleeding and Mortality post PCI
- EBM Focus 16 (4/17/2013)
- Statins Appear Well Tolerated in Most Patients who Restart Treatment After Discontinuation for Statin-Related Adverse Events
- EBM Focus 15 (4/10/2013)
- Preoperative Blood Transfusion May Reduce Perioperative Complications in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease
- EBM Focus 14 (4/3/2013)
- OnabotulinumtoxinA Appears to Improve Pain and Sleep in Patients with Chronic Postherpetic Neuralgia
- EBM Focus 13 (3/28/2013)
- Initial Treatment with Physical Therapy for Meniscal Tear Associated with Functional Improvement Similar to Surgery and May Lower Surgery Rates in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
- EBM Focus 12 (3/21/2013)
- Increasing Radiation Exposure of the Heart Associated with Increasing Cardiovascular Risk in Women with Breast Cancer Treated with Radiation Therapy
- EBM Focus 11 (3/14/2013)
- Extended Anticoagulation with Apixaban or Dabigatran Reduces Recurrent VTE and Mortality without Increasing Major Bleeding
- EBM Focus 10 (3/6/2013)
- Oral Misoprostol Reduces Postpartum Hemorrhage During Home-Birth in Low-Resource Settings
- EBM Focus 9 (2/27/2013)
- Antibiotics May Not Improve Outcomes in Uncomplicated Left-Sided Diverticulitis
- EBM Focus 8 (2/20/2013)
- Subthalamic Neurostimulation May Improve Quality of Life and Motor Function in Early Parkinson Disease
- EBM Focus 7 (2/13/2013)
- Ramipril Improves Walking Ability in Selected Patients with Stable PAD and Intermittent Claudication
- EBM Focus 6 (2/6/2013)
- Community-Based Screening Identifies Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Suitable for Anticoagulants for Stroke Prevention
- Weekly Update 5 (1/30/2013)
- Low Sodium Diets Increase Mortality and Readmission Rate in Patients with Systolic Heart Failure Taking Daily Diuretics
- Weekly Update 4 (1/23/2013)
- Donor Feces Infusion with Short Antibiotic Course May Cure Recurrent C. difficile Diarrhea
- Weekly Update 3 (1/16/2013)
- Use of Restrictive Transfusion Threshold May Reduce Mortality Compared to Liberal Threshold in Patients with Upper GI Bleeding
- Weekly Update 2 (1/9/2013)
- Adults Classified As Overweight May Have Lower Mortality Risk Than Normal Weight Adults
- Weekly Update 1 (1/2/2013)
- Self-Taken Vaginal Swab Tested by Nucleic Acid Amplification Detects More Chlamydia Infections Than Clinician-Obtained Endocervical Swab
To see DynaMed Weekly Update issues from Volumes 1-4 (2007-2009), click here. |
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