GTG Downtime-Extra!


WDT Amsterdam-Bruges-Brussels

Triathlon 2011


A Special Daily Supplement from

The Grey Town Gazette

Seven Days : Seven Beers : Seven Reasons to Live

Thurs 25th Aug 2011


T minus 4    
and counting...



Blame the Beer

They come from far and wide


Europe is in crisis: bond markets are collapsing; the proles are rioting; and governments everywhere are running out of other people's money to spend

But, fear not! For those who are bold enough to go forth and seek it, there is liquidity aplenty. And it tastes good


To help boost Eurozone confidence the internationally renowned NGO 
has organized a special moral-boosting Triathlon starting on the 29th August in Amsterdam then taking in Bruges and Brussels. At each stage the participants - unpaid volunteers all - will selflessly be doing their bit to lift spirits

And (never ones to shirk from our journalistic duties) the GTG's staff will be there in the thick of it reporting events as they unfold


Countdown Reviews


To help the participants get in the mood and as a general celebration of the event, we're publishing a special series of  7 daily bulletins featuring reviews of our favourite beverages and bars

We all like a refreshing drink so today we're featuring another old favourite: the Floris Garden Mojito. But my how it's grown!


The WDT tour culminates at the Brussels Beer Weekend in Grand Place Friday 2nd to Sunday 4th September


We can't possibly cover all of the worthy beverages in seven bulletins, but we hope these little tasters help wet the appetite and get the heart pounding.




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Beverage of the Day

Floris Garden Mojito




 The BIG One

Magnum Force

Bigger than the Deficit 

Vital Statistics


Creator:                           Floris Garden
Style:                               Galaxy-Class Mojito

Strength:                          Warp Factor 10


AI Value:*                       60+


Killer App:                      Powers Star Ships      


Medicinal Qualities:        Group Therapy


Tasting notes:                  Wham!
Grey Scale Rating:**       Platinum

Wt Relativity Index:***   10



* AI, or Alcoholic Index is a key parameter in the temporal equation defining  (perceived) Drink Time. Ref. Alcohol Induced Time Dilation Effect, 'Quantum Qorner' section GTG Dec 2009  

** The official GTG product review rating scale:
In This Issue
Beer of the Day
Vital Statistics
Brew Basics
Watering Hole: Recommended Bar



The Floris Garden was established a few years ago as a logical development from the adjacent Floris Bar, which itself stemmed from the Delirium Cafe on the opposite side of the alley. All three, and the more recent Taphouse, Tequila Bar and newly opened Monasterium specialise in different styles of beverages but they have something in common: they don't do things by halves 



My how you've grown!


This beverage was preceded by the once impressive but now feeble looking Mojito in a pint glass, but like everything in the modern world - deficits, waistlines, fuel bills, Donald Trump's hair - it just keeps getting bigger!     



What's so special? 


Just look at it!


Health and Safety Warning:

This drink is very heavy and should only be lifted by people who have had proper training in handling hazardous loads


More info: Floris Garden 


Watering Hole  
The only place to enjoy today's featured beverage  


Delirium Pirate

Hello Sailor! 

Floris Garden, Brussels 


Treasure Island        


Well, it's not rocket science but if you want a Floris Garden Mojito you have to go to the Floris Garden. Having said that, you do have a choice of front doors and you could enter through the similarly named adjoining Floris Bar (but be careful not to be tempted too early by the vast array of absinthe and other spirits....) 


The interior is warm and inviting with what can be best described as a 'wood theme' but can become a little busy on Friday and Saturday nights when it gets packed-out by hordes of (no doubt) cool-looking, but also decidedly spaced-out (though usually good natured) teenagers


If that's too much and the weather is fair, and you can cope with assorted bus loads of Japanese tourists arriving to photograph the totally uninspiring 'Jeanneken Pis' statue, you can sit outside. From here you can marvel at the awesome array of beverages available from the various surrounding hostelries that make up the extended family of the Delirium Cafe, the latter being famous for stocking more than 2,000 different beers! 


Plenty, in fact, to keep you busy on a long weekend

Floris Garden, 5 Impasse de la fidélité - 1000 Bruxelles



Review first published GTG Extra! Aug 26th 2010

Fed-up with Rubbish News?
Been on a Desert Island?
Got a Bad Memory?
Or Simply Been out on the Razzle? 
If you need to check what has really been happening in the world, or would just like to check out the threads on some of Grey Town's top news stories, this is where to look! 

Things we like


Let's get on with it!

The Gloaming 

Like us, but talented!
Not sure they still exist...

The Beau Thai &

The Triangle Tavern
Both worth the trip to the edge of
the World

Lowlander Grand Cafe 

Beer, beer, beer!


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Its not as bad as you think!
Small print:
Copyright 2011 The Ministry of Light.
All Rights Reserved etc.


The Grey Town Gazette is published by The Ministry of Light, a division of Borg International Ltd, London.


The Grey Town Gazette is published in good faith. The accuracy of the stories is questionable by design and is certainly not guaranteed. If you think any are true we respectfully suggest you consider therapy. Any reference to persons living or dead is unintentional and purely coincidental.


Product and venue reviews are purely subjective and reflect the views of the reviewer(s). Product and supplier details are based on published sources and not guaranteed to be correct. 


The Ministry of Light - Croydon's Leading Think Tank

The Grey Town Gazette - spreading the truth through enlightened disinformation