GTG Downtime-Extra!
WDT Amsterdam-Bruges-Brussels
Triathlon 2011
A Special Daily Supplement from
The Grey Town Gazette
Seven Days : Seven Beers : Seven Reasons to Live
Wed 24th Aug 2011
T minus 5
and counting...
Horse Drawn Pints
Europe is in crisis: bond markets are collapsing; the proles are rioting; and governments everywhere are running out of other people's money to spend
But, fear not! For those who are bold enough to go forth and seek it, there is liquidity aplenty. And it tastes good
To help boost Eurozone confidence the internationally renowned NGO WorldDrinkingTour.com has organized a special moral-boosting Triathlon starting on the 29th August in Amsterdam then taking in Bruges and Brussels. At each stage the participants - unpaid volunteers all - will selflessly be doing their bit to lift spirits
And (never ones to shirk from our journalistic duties) the GTG's staff will be there in the thick of it reporting events as they unfold
Countdown Reviews
To help the participants get in the mood and as a general celebration of the event, we're publishing a special series of 7 daily bulletins featuring reviews of our favourite beverages and bars
Today we're featuring not a beer but a range of brews available from the amazing Brouwerij't IJ in Amsterdam
The WDT tour culminates at the Brussels Beer Weekend in Grand Place Friday 2nd to Sunday 4th September
We can't possibly cover all of the worthy beverages in seven bulletins, but we hope these little tasters help wet the appetite and get the heart pounding.
Beer of the Day
Brouwerij't IJ
Dutch Masters
A palette Van Gogh would give his right ear for
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Vital Statistics
Brewer: Brouwerij 't IJ, Amsterdam
Style: Extensive range of organic top-fermented beers
AI Value:* Field trials pending****
Killer App: Inspires the Artist in you Medicinal Qualities: Cures colour blindness
Tasting notes: A bevy of hoppy blonds, lusty redheads and hearty brunettes eager to tickle your fancy
Grey Scale Rating: ** Platinum Wt Relativity Index:*** Peer review pending****
* AI, or Alcoholic Index is a key parameter in the temporal equation defining (perceived) Drink Time. Ref. Alcohol Induced Time Dilation Effect, 'Quantum Qorner' section GTG Dec 2009 ** The official GTG product review rating scale: |
Brouwerij 't IJ was founded in 1983 in a squatted building by the river IJ. In 1985 it moved to 'Funen' an empty former public bathhouse, where it's still located today
What's so special?
Choice and freshness
All Brouwerij't IJ beer is organic and brewed and bottled at Funenkade 7. The range of types and flavours is wide, but the quality consistent. The strong amber 'Columbus' is particularly enticing
Much of the beer never makes it off the premises because it is consumed at the adjacent bar! This isn't surprising: part of the appeal is undoubtedly being able to drink fresh product in the sunshine (if you're lucky). More in our 'Watering Hole' review below...
More info: Brouwerij't IJ
Watering Hole
The only place to really enjoy today's featured beverages
Beer Mill
| Brouwerij't IJ, Amsterdam
Fresh Air, Fresh Beer
The site which features an integral windmill, visible for miles, is located beside a canal. The outside seating area is particularly suited for large groups, with long tables, but soon gets busy!
When first entering the 'Tasting Room' you are hit by a heady smell of brewing beer and the enticing sight of beer pumps and bottles too numerous to list. The only way to start is with a tasting selection (main picture) allowing you to choose 6 beers from the 10 or so varieties on offer. Various tasty meats and cheeses are also available
On a lazy afternoon there's nothing better than working through a few beers and arguing with like minded people over something about which you know nothing, but feel like an expert
If you're really lucky, you might even be treated to the spectacle of an impromptu shirt ripping 'domestic' between a well endowed local lass and her bewildered bloke. But that can't be guaranteed
Brouwerij't IJ, Funenkade 7, 1018 AL Amsterdam (note: the bar is open from 3pm to 8pm daily)
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Small print:
Copyright 2011 The Ministry of Light.
All Rights Reserved etc.
The Grey Town Gazette is published by The Ministry of Light, a division of Borg International Ltd, London.
The Grey Town Gazette is published in good faith. The accuracy of the stories is questionable by design and is certainly not guaranteed. If you think any are true we respectfully suggest you consider therapy. Any reference to persons living or dead is unintentional and purely coincidental.
Product and venue reviews are purely subjective and reflect the views of the reviewer(s). Product and supplier details are based on published sources and not guaranteed to be correct.
The Ministry of Light - Croydon's Leading Think Tank
The Grey Town Gazette - spreading the truth through enlightened disinformation