GTG Extra! : Brussels Countdown 

A Special Daily Supplement from

 The Grey Town Gazette 
Seven Days : Seven Beers : Seven Reasons to Live
Tues 24th Aug 2010
T minus 7
and counting...

Wish you were there?
Heaven's Door

Its that time of year again: the time when the devout don their drinking boots, pack their beer resistant clothing, dig out  last year's surplus bottle tops*, pick up some bulk packs of aspirin and head off on the annual pilgrimage to the Brussels Beer Weekend.
Organized by the internationally renowned  the trip -  like any worthwhile challenge - is sometimes arduous, often hazy, but always a fulfilling experience allowing true aficionados to connect with their beer induced spiritual side.
The GTG is keen to support cultural events and our reporters will be there on the ground, reporting from the frontline.
Countdown Reviews
To help those of you who are making the trip get in the mood and as a general celebration of the event, we're publishing a special series of  7 daily bulletins featuring reviews of our favourite beverages and bars. Who knows, perhaps we might also entice those who aren't joining us this time to make the effort next year!
But its not just about Belgium. All serious athletes know its essential to follow a disciplined and balanced training regime ahead of major events and so this year's programme includes expert designed warm up excursions to Amsterdam and Antwerp.
The Beer Weekend itself starts Friday 3rd September.
We can't possibly cover all of the worthy beverages in seven bulletins, but we hope these little tasters help wet the appetite and get the heart pounding.
* those in the know, know... those who don't, need to find out!
Beer of the Day 
 Crisp, Clean, Effective
Your Starter for Ten 
What better way to get things rolling?
Vital Statistics
Brewer:                         Duvel Moortgat 
Style:                            Belgian Strong Golden Ale
Strength:                      8.5% ABV
AI Value:*                   9
Killer App:                   Perfect warm-up beer and palate cleanser
Medicinal Qualities:   Too numerous to list
Tasting notes:             Crisp, clean, effective!
Grey Scale Rating:**  Platinum  
* Alcoholic Index is a key parameter in the temporal equation defining  (perceived) Drink Time. Ref. Alcohol Induced Time Dilation Effect, 'Quantum Qorner' GTG Dec 2009 
** The official GTG product review rating scale:
Coal (pants)  Charcoal (bearable)  Gravel (average)  Ash (good)  Platinum (ace)
In This Issue
Beer of the Day: Duvel
Vital Statistics
Brew Basics
Watering Hole: Recommended Bar
Brew Basics 

OK, we know Duvel is available just about everywhere, possibly even in North Korea, but that doesn't detract from its quality, nor reduce its special appeal when drunk on its home turf. In fact it really does taste better when poured by someone who knows what they are doing.


Origin - Blighty to the rescue!


This fine beer had its origin in the First World War.  Interestingly it was inspired by English ales that Albert Moortgat - son of the brewery's founder Jan-Leonard Moortgat - experienced during the hostilities. Albert was so impressed by these ales that he decided to create a beer based on the 'English model' using the finest ingredients. Post-war he visited Scotland to obtain a specific yeast, and the yeast used today continues to be cultured from that same strain.


What's in a name?

Originally the beer was to be called 'Victory Ale' (yawn) but an early taster of the brew is said to have exclaimed "nen echten duvel" (this is a real devil) and fortunately that's the name that stuck! 
More info: Duvel Moortgat 
Watering Hole  
A great place to enjoy today's featured beverage 
Heaven on a rainy afternoon
Ibis Bar off Grand Place
It has to be the Lobby Bar at the Hotel Ibis off Grand Place Brussels, a traditional starting point.
Why start here? Well, its double aspect position and coloured glass windows make this a very compelling place to drink during daylight hours, whether its sunny, raining or something in between. You can sit in comfort enjoying a drink or ten whilst watching the world go by.
The barman seems to have a permanent smile but not in an intimidating Hollywood style, and seems a genuinely decent chap.
It's also jolly handy in being open 24 hours a day 7 days a week, providing a comfortable pit stop where drinkers pacing themselves for the long haul can take a welcome break from the more intense venues and relax with a light ale or two (eg. Duvel) before returning
to the fray.
And should you need it (and let's face it we all do from time to time) they serve excellent strong coffee with helpful energy-boosting chocolates on the side.
Fed-up with Rubbish News?
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Got a Bad Memory?
Or Simply Been out on the Razzle? 
If you need to check what has really been happening in the world, or would just like to check out the threads on some of Grey Town's top news stories, this is where to look! 

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Small print:
Copyright August 2010 The Ministry of Light.
All Rights Reserved etc.
The Grey Town Gazette is published by The Ministry of Light, a division of Borg International Ltd, London.
The Grey Town Gazette is published in good faith. The accuracy of the stories is questionable and is certainly not guaranteed. If you think any are true we respectfully suggest you consider therapy. Any reference to persons living or dead is unintentional and purely coincidental.
Product and venue reviews are purely subjective and reflect the views of the reviewer(s). Product and supplier details are based on published sources and not guaranteed to be correct. 
The Ministry of Light - Croydon's Leading Think Tank