In this issue, we have:
- A trip to The Cloisters
- New Tangle OoF
- CZT Seminar Update
- Cool comments
Enjoy! Rick and Maria
The Cloisters
Recently we were in New York City to give a Zentangle workshop at GEL 2011 in the Times Center. On our way home, we stopped in upper Manhattan at The Cloisters which houses the Metropolitan Museum of Art's medieval art collection. If you ever have a chance to visit this concentration of treasures, please do. If you enjoy discovering patterns, you will be in heaven. You are free to wander and sketch and take pictures as we are doing here in one The Cloister's chapels. 
Look for more Cloister pictures and patterns in our blog in days ahead. |
New Tangle: OoF
While at The Cloisters, we admired the florz-like pattern in this window. 
We had fun puzzling over clever ways to create a tangle from this pattern without using florz' underlying grid. We then went into a dimly lit room with miniature books and tapestries. I (Rick) took my glasses off to see them better. When we came out, I again saw this brilliantly backlit window without my glasses and saw a new pattern in that same window. We call it OoF. 

Although we didn't rotate our tile in these instructions, it is much easier when you do. Find what's comfortable for you and then rotate your tile to accommodate yourself. If you stop half way, (see the sixth box above) that's a pretty neat tangle, too! Hint: When you draw your arcs, draw them all the way alongside the diamond edges, not just point to point. P.S. Read how Monet's eyesight impacted his work. [ Link] |
CZT Seminar Update - October 2011
Our October 2011 Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT) training seminar, to be held in Providence, Rhode Island, on October 11-14, 2011, is almost full. There are less than ten seats left. Although there are no more shared rooms available, there are private rooms and day student seats available.
Read more about this new location in our previous newsletter. You can read more about CZT training in links here.
We look forward to meeting you and working with you.
Great Feedback
Hi there Rick and Maria ... I have just finished teaching a few classes in Melbourne - Victoria - Australia. I have returned home and notice Michelle's blog posting about our Zentangle classes ... check it out, it is a wonderful thing - people loving Zentangle! LINK is here.
Hugs, Jane Monk
[Please take a moment to enjoy that link, it's a great read - a compliment to Jane in particular and to taking a class with a Certified Zentangle Teacher in general.]
I am loving Zentangle - have been a doodler all my life. Zentangles are a much more focused process, with endless possibilities. Sometimes these Zentangles take on a life of their own, so to speak. I am sharing two of my favorites - one that I think of as a dragon and the other as sort of a "funky chicken" - neither one started out with intent to become a life form. But when I see the direction that a piece is going, I sometimes help it along. These are rather large Zentangles/Zentangle inspired art - on paper that is 8 1/2 x 11 (the chicken) or 9 x 12 (the dragon).
Thank you for sharing Zentangle with the world!! Beverly
Hi Rick and Maria, I stumbled upon Zentangle about a month ago while looking for quilling supplies and I have been hooked since day one! Thank you so much for developing this technique. I, like so many people, have never thought I had any ability to draw. It wasn't until I found Zentangle that I realized I never wanted to actually draw people or landscapes, I just wanted to create art using basic materials that were portable. It's practically the definition of Zentangle! I am primarily a bead artist and beading instructor but as a 911 paramedic I also do many art related activities with the medical community and have given the opportunity to teach at the childrens hospital. I would love to be certified and be able to pass along this amazing technique to others. I have a few questions (some related to certification, some not) and was wondering if you could answer them for me. [ . . . ] Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions and once again, thank you so much for developing this technique. I have dabbled in just about every craft and with the exception of beading I have never been so enamored with another technique. I see a Zentangle pattern everywhere I go now. I knew I was converted when I noted a cool triangle pattern in a hospital gown that one of my patients was wearing last night! Thanks again, E.
We are grateful to share this wonderful adventure with you!
Thank you.
Rick and Maria