JULY 2008
Marianist Lay Network of North America
Marianist Lay Network of North America

Daily Gospel Meditation
National US Conference of Catholic Bishops

In the beginning
there was the Word;
the Word was in God's presence,
and the Word was God.
The Word was present to God from the beginning.
Through the Word
all things came into being, and apart from the Word
nothing came into being
that has come into being.
In the Word was life,
and the life was humanity's light --
a Light that shines in the darkness,
a Light that the darkness has never overtaken.
John 1:1-5

Replace your browser (Google or other) with


See their website for details on how to configure your computer.
The MLNNA organization makes 1 cent per search.  It doesn't cost anything to support us in this way.  We gained $3.49 due to June searches and have earned $1.56 for the first weeks of July.  Thanks.

Remember you can also help our cause by using  GoodShop.com (up to 37 percent of each purchase is donated to MLNNA)
Do you want to share a big event in your life?  New job, new baby, or recovery from an illness.  You can submit any information for the E-news Click here

Submit a request for community prayers to the E-news here.

For June/July donations to MLNNA mission from:
  • Chris Nieport
  • Family of Mary Group in Winnipeg
  • Michael Gillespie
  • John Eise

International Center for Marianist Formation

A new website has been launched with resources for Marianist worldwide who are searching for assistance in formation. 

It is available in 3 languages; French, English and Spanish.
The website will provide access to information and materials for individual and communities to assist in living and growing in our missionary vocation as Marianists.

Check it out ICMF

Family On Line

Many of you may already be receiving the biweekly e-mail newsletter for the Society of Mary.   However, if you are not and you are interested in reading this well written newsletter which is always full of pictures and news about the priest and brothers activities, link to

 Family On Line FOL archives

President's Message
I am a fan of Susan and Jim Vogt. Susan is the Secretary of the MLNNA Leadership Team while Jim is director of the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative. The two have been dedicated Lay Marianists for all their adult lives which is reflected in their commitment to Mary's mission of bringing Christ into the world.

I first met the Vogts approximately twenty-five years ago when they shared a job as Co-Directors of Family Life with the Diocese of Covington, Kentucky. Susan was the first lay person I ever heard say, "I am a Lay Marianist."

Jim Susan Vogt

Both Susan and Jim have real jobs, Jim with the MSJC and Susan as a writer and speaker. (Check out Susan's web site at www.susanvogt.net and consider subscribing to her weekly Marriage Moment, or her weekly Parenting Pointer).  They are a busy couple, yet they leave room to volunteer for the Family of Mary, for the Church and for their community. Awesome.

There is much that MLNNA wants to accomplish in our service to God. But nothing happens without volunteers like Susan and Jim. Perhaps there is something you would be willing to volunteer for - something we are currently doing, something we hope to do or something we haven't thought of yet. (A list of our priorities was in June's E-News.)

Pray about your role as a Lay Marianist and if something moves you contact me at aj@marianistfamily.org. I would love to hear from you.

peace and love,


Marianist Lay Formation Initiative  Mary Wanda
This one-year program supports laity who are passionate about the Marianist charism and desire to spread the Marianist spirit in their area.

Funded by the Marianist Family Council, the MLFI program is designed to assist individuals in developing an increased understanding of Marianist mission, tradition, and history.

Follow the link MLFI

Virtual Learning Center

VLC logo
E-learning Courses.

There are presently six courses online covering topics such as the lives of the founders, community in the Marianist tradition, an understanding of the Marianist charism and prayer, the Marianist approach to social transformation and leadership in the Marianist Tradition. 

The North American Center for Marianist Studies and the University of Dayton are the primary producers of these courses.

Click here to access this site.
There are a couple classes that just started but check the schedule for others if you are interested in another option for growing in faith and building community-

3 o'clock prayerThe ordination and reception for
Bros. Patrick McDaid and Richard Villa on
Saturday, Aug. 23, at Our Lady of the Pillar parish in St. Louis.
Both Patrick McDaid and Richard Villa will celebrate their first Mass on Sunday, Aug. 24.
Patrick will celebrate his first Mass at 3 p.m. at the University of Dayton .

Richard will celebrate his first Mass at 10:30 a.m. at Our Lady of the Pillar in St. Louis .
You are welcome to attend either Mass.

On Friday, Aug. 22, you are invited to attend the opening reception of an art display at the Marianist Galleries located at
1256 Maryhurst Drive in Kirkwood, Missouri
on the campus of St. John Vianney High School

Entitled "Bro. Mel Meyer Retrospective," the display celebrates Bro. Mel's 80th birthday, 60th jubilee of religious profession and 40th year at the Marianist Galleries.   No RSVP is needed.

East Coast Regional Gathering of the Marianist Family
Rainbow flower

Lay & Religious, Come one, come all

Whether you live nearby, used to live near by, or wish you lived nearby!

Where: St. Josephs Parish Community, Sykesville, MD

When:   October 3-4, 2008

Keynote Speaker: Tony Garascia

For more information call The Marianist Center at 215-634-4116

Marianist Social Justice Collaborative

3 o'clock prayer
Vote for the Common Good on Nov. 4

NETWORK, a national Catholic social justice advocacy group, and Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good convened a gathering of over 800 people last weekend in Washington DC to approve a Platform for the Common Good. 

The platform articulates a vision and shared convictions for the upcoming election that will hopefully get us beyond narrow partisan agendas and polarizing rhetoric to find solutions to the most urgent issues.

To read and sign the platform and see how you or your community can be involved, visit their website at www.votethecommongood.com.

Jim Vogt, Director
Marianist Social Justice Collaborative
523 East Southern Ave
Covington KY  41015
859-291-6197;  fax - 859-291-4742
jimvogt2@yahoo.com;  www.msjc.net
Environmental Tips from MEECEarth
Marianist Environmental Education Center
1) Use seasonal settings on ceiling fans to help push warm air down in the winter and pull it up in the summer.

2) Institute a TV-free night, and plan less energy-intensive activities with friends and f
Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Lay Marianist
AJ_May_08 Janet M. (Oleksik) Krumm, age 57 of Dover, passed away peacefully at home, supported by her family on Wednesday June 18th.

Always a champion for the rights of people with disabilities, Janet was the founder and editor of The New Hampshire Challenge (A not for profit quarterly newspaper for families who have members with disabilities in New Hampshire).  The current publication distributes to over 10,000 families locally and internationally.

Janet was a woman who loved to garden.  She continued to cultivate her love of theology throughout her life.  Janet was very involved in family ministry.  In partnership with "The society of Mary" (The Marianists of Cape May, NJ) she was involved with family retreats at the Notre Dame Spiritual Center in Alfred, ME indeed; Janet became a lay member of The "Society of Mary".  She was an avid amateur photographer who loved nature landscape photography.

Donations in Janet's memory are requested to:
The New Hampshire Challenge  P.O. Box 579   Dover, NH 03821-0579.
Editor's Note

It is the goal of this E-news to provide you with many links and resources to help you grow in the Marianist Charism.  It is our hope that you will take time to investigate thse resources and then with your community, or maybe just with one other person, set up time to talk about a topic.   It is through interactions with each other that we are challenged to grow in our faith and understanding of the rich tradition left to us by the founders. 

If you have an event that you would like to share with your fellow Lay Marianists -
    Send article and pictures to MLNNA editor

keep copy short and describe who, what, why, when and how
select 1 or 2 of your best digital images in JPEG format (100 - 900K) and attach to e-mail

Please keep us informed if your e-mail address changes.  I have family members who have not changed service providers but through mergers or other events the extension on their e-mail address has changed.   The official list of MLNNA member names and addresses is kept by Philadelphia office so please send changes to Marie at the main office and also me, MLNNA editor, so that you can continue to receive your MLNNA E-news.

Peace to all,
Jacqui Griswold