LivingAfterWLS Rainbow

Grit Determination List   

Celebrate Your Journey  

Gerber Daisy

Since we are focused on getting back on track, rediscovering our pouch and empowering ourselves with success now is a great time to make a Grit Determination List.

grit: indomitable spirit: pluck

A Grit Determination List?

Absolutely! This is a list of your Grit Priorities - the things in life about which we are unyielding; the things you will accomplish without regard or acknowledgment of life's barriers. Your list can include weight loss surgery rules and/or goals, healthy living concepts or just stuff you need to fix so you can thrive. Life has few absolutes - the GDL (Grit Determination List) is one of them. It can be a list of one or a list of one hundred. Just write it down. Hold your GDL close to your heart or share if you must. Either way, get hell-bent and uncompromising with your list.

Own it.
Live it.
Love it.


--LivingAfterWLS Library  






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In This Digest
Grit Determination List
Food Handling Tips
Social Connections
Grapes, Glycemic Index & WLS
Make it a Summer to Remember
The Neighborhood
Recipe: Chicken Feta Salad



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You Have Arrived

Whatever else you have on your mind,  
Wherever else you think you're going, Stop for a moment and
 look where you are:

You Have Arrived!

I believe in you.
You deserve to be healthy.
 You deserve to be kind to yourself.
You deserve to achieve your greatest level of success with weight loss surgery when you harness your inner resources.
--Kaye Bailey
5 Day Pouch Test Owner's Manual

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May 5-31

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Food Handling Tips to Prevent Food Borne Illness From Crashing Your Party
Melon & Fruit Salad

At the height of summer we are compelled to capture as much good weather and warm sunshine as possible by taking our meals outside. From mountain camping or sunset beach soirees, casual picnics in the park to barbeque extravaganzas with family and friends, there is something appealing and liberating about eating outdoors. Without the convenience of modern appliances, however, we could be at risk for food borne illness if food is not handled properly. Take a look at these hints for safe food handling and enjoy your outdoor dining without worrying that a food borne illness will crash your party.

Keep it Clean. Sand between the toes may be the epitome of summer, but when it comes to outdoor dining the number one rule is keep food and tools clean. Start by washing your hands in hot, soapy water before handling any food. Make certain all work surfaces, cutting boards, knives and any other utensils have been cleaned in hot, soapy water. After handling raw food, clean hands and utensils in hot, soapy water. Take to the outdoor eating event a supply of trash bags, paper towels, moist towelettes, antibacterial soap that does not require water, and two spray bottles, one with soapy water and one with plain water.

Prevent Cross-Contamination. Mixing raw meat or poultry with food that will be eaten uncooked is a leading cause of food borne illness. To prevent this cross-contamination of foods do not allow the juices of raw meats, poultry and fish to come in contact with other foods. Reusing a cutting board, bowl, tray, plate, knife or other utensil that came in contact with raw meat without first thoroughly washing it in hot, soapy water will most certainly cross-contaminate food. Never reuse the package material, such as foam meat trays or plastic wrap, from meat, poultry or fish. Take to the cookout two sets each of cutting boards, grilling utensils and platters: one for uncooked foods and one for serving cooked food.

Hot Foods Hot: Cold Foods Cold. This seems simple enough, but many food borne illness are the result of storing hot foods with cold foods in a cooler or picnic basket. Avoid this by having two coolers: one for hot or warm food, one for cold chilled food. Pre-chill the cold cooler with blocks of ice and make sure raw food stored in the cold cooler is placed in airtight plastic containers or resealable plastic bags to avoid leaks and spills from raw meat juices. If possible keep beverages in a separate cooler from all other food items. At the party keep both coolers in the shade out of direct sunlight and avoid constantly opening them to preserve the ice and keep food chilled. If possible replenish the ice in the cooler as it melts.




Party Recipes:  


Tropical Fruit Salad


Blueberry Crisp
Light All-American Turkey Burgers
Grilled Garlic Shrimp


Coconut Almond Macaroons


LivingAfterWLS Recipes 




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Check Out our New Herbal Teas to Support Your Digestive Health

Herbal Tea
~ Dieter's Green Herbal Tea
~ Super Slimming Herbal Tea
~ Herbal Laxative Tea
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The Nurse Warned Me,
But I Gained Some Weight Back Anyway

"Dear Kaye,
Thank you for the Day 6 book. I guess I am one of "those people" - had the surgery and lost and then it came back, the weight. My WLS nurse warned me I could regain the weight and I didn't take her serious or maybe I thought I was more determined than everybody else or smarter or something. I wish I had asked her what would cause me to gain the weight back. I'm not sure that back in 2007 I ever heard of slider foods or liquid rules or anything like that. I just knew WLS was the answer for me. So now I'm up 48 pounds and want to stop it before it gets to 50 pounds and all of the sudden another 50 and I'll be back where I started. Thanks for explaining so many things in the Day 6 book. I wish I read this book before I even had the surgery, maybe I wouldn't be one of "those people" or at least not a 48-pound-regain one of those people.

This is the first time I have hope since the re-gain started.
Kelly Marca
Northern Ohio"

Printed with Permission.

Day 6: Beyond the 5 Day Pouch Test
Because we are all "One of those people" who have or could regain our weight.

Day 6 by Kaye Bailey

Free iPhone App:
Go Mobile in the Neighborhood
iPhone App for Neighbohood

If you have an Apple device then we have the app for you.

You can download the app to run any invision message board, including this Neighborhood. Heres what you do.


Login to your Apple iTunes account and go to this link:

IP Board Communities 


Download the app. Then select the Neighborhood from the directory and take it from there.


Health and Wellness >> LivingAfterWLS Neighborhood



Give it a try. The IPS guys are working with us so we will eventually have a branded app button that matches the neighborhood graphics. Its all a work in progress but this should get you started.


App Conversation in the Neighborhood 


Android App in Progress - Stay tuned for details!! 


2011 Refresher Course
Weekly Digest Archive:
The Four Rules


LivingAfterWLS Digest

Summer Living-Having a Post-WLS Blast!

Play Fair, Play Smart, Have Fun! 

May 24,  2011

LivingAfterWLS, LLC - All Rights Reserved 


Kaye Bailey

The "official" start of summer is just around the corner with Memorial Day on May 30. For many of us that marks a change in weather and a welcome change in daily routine. Summer brings more time out-of-doors and more gatherings with family and friends. For me summer brings the illusive pursuit of voluptuous overflowing gardens as my mind conjures magazine-worthy flower borders and vegetable beds while my high-elevation climate yields humbling mediocre results. But each year with grit determination I pursue the gardener's dream and make the most of our short season.


I have been gardening for about the same amount of time as I have been living with my weight loss surgery. As a morbidly obese person I read about gardening and admired the gardens of others but my overweight body kept me from actually gardening. I know you can relate because most of us go into surgery looking forward to doing things that our weight has made impossible to do. Since surgery in 1999 I've enjoyed many seasons of gardening and learning. The first year I didn't understand that being in the sunshine and being poorly hydrated would result in dumping syndrome -- the first symptom was dizziness. I didn't know that the sugar in barbecue sauce would make me sick and even cause dumping. And eating healthy all natural grapes one-after-another was a sure way to sugar overdose (see Grapes & Glycemic Index article below). Like a gardener working against the climate to cultivate plants that don't belong I was cultivating practices that didn't work with my WLS. This made my first summer or two after surgery frustrating and sometimes miserable. For me the learning curve - in the garden and with WLS - has been steep.


In today's Weekly Digest we share several articles full of information to improve your summer as you are LIVING after weight loss surgery. I hope your learning curve is shortened as you benefit from my mistakes! So please, take a look and refresh your skills so you can enjoy the summer and thrive!


And if anyone has advice for growing hydrangea or hibiscus at 7,000 feet elevation drop me a note!  


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Many in this country and around the world have been seriously impacted by natural disaster and weather related devastation in the recent weeks. At LivingAfterWLS we offer our thoughts and prayers for those affected that they may recover quickly and find a renewed sense of living and wellness in the wake of tragedy. We are supporting the efforts of the American Red Cross to help those affected. Please link below to go directly to the Red Cross website to learn about their relief efforts and how we can all do our part.  American Red Cross 


Severe Weather 


Refresher Reading:  

Emergency Preparedness For Weight Loss Surgery Patients 

Weight loss surgery patients should take some extra steps in preparing an emergency readiness kit for use in the event of a natural or national disaster. Here are some good suggestions for preparing a special needs kit for the bariatric patient.

Read article  


LivingAfterWLS General Store  

Celebrate Spring!
Free Deluxe Goody Bag ($13.65 Value)

with any $50 Purchase in May 

Our Gift of Fun & Encouragement to You!



Books - Soup Mixes - Seasoning Blends

5 Day Pouch Test Support


Grapes, Glycemic Index and the Weight Loss Surgery Diet
fresh fruitBy Kaye Bailey

Weight loss surgery patients are learning that including low glycemic fruits and vegetables in their high protein diet is an effective way to introduce nutrients and flavor to meals without the negative consequences associated with other high carbohydrate foods. Understanding the GI (Glycemic Index) is the first step to adding nutrients, variety and flavor from vegetables and fruit to the sometimes restrictive diet associated with bariatric surgery including gastric bypass, gastric lap-band, and gastric-sleeve.

One concern of weight loss patients is that a very small amount of high sugar (high glycemic) fruit or vegetable eaten without protein or fat can cause those with malabsorptive issues immediate glucose response sometimes called dumping syndrome or rapid gastric emptying. Grapes are a good example of a so called "healthy" fruit that may cause problems for patients of weight loss surgery. Grapes have a GI value of 53 ranking them a "LOW" GI Value. That means they have low impact on glucose levels. One cup is considered a serving size. At first glance this would make them a suitable fruit for patients of gastric surgery, but front line research tells us a different story: grapes are beautiful fruit of the Gods just waiting to slip down into our little pouches and morph from healthy fruit snack to spiteful little slider food and dumping disaster.

Here is what happens: We rightly believe grapes are good for us and low calorie, so we do not measure portion size. We enjoy each grape, one by one, which is mostly water and fructose, in unmeasured portion as a snack, so there is no buffer to slow the absorption of fructose through the esophagus or intestinal walls of the pouch. We can eat a copious amount of grapes because as fast as we are enjoying them they are sliding right through the stoma. Even with the surgical stomach pouch when eating grapes we never achieve fullness. Unaware of the dramatic glucose load this puts on our body we continue to enjoy our healthy snack when all at once the slam hits us and we are in glucose overload distress: dumping. This can happen with any gastric surgery patient who follows a lean protein diet and has developed a low tolerance for glucose surging.

So the short answer, though low glycemic, grapes are a fruit to enjoy with measured caution. As a snack I suggest controlled portions, no more than one cup in a single serving. Make your grape snack a mini-meal and include a one ounce serving of lean meat and one ounce serving of low fat cheese.

Consider grapes as "ingredient" food, not just a snack. Here is a classic Southern Style Chicken Salad that makes wonderful use of grapes in the main dish. The high protein count in the recipe will prevent a glucose overload from the grapes.

Classic Southern Chicken Salad

1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
3/4 cup Miracle Whip Light
1 teaspoon no-sodium seasoning blend
Salt & Pepper to Taste

2 1/2 cups cooked chicken, chopped and chilled
1 cup celery, chopped
1 cup green seedless grape, sliced
1/2 cup sliced almonds, lightly toasted
4 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped
Bibb Lettuce, leaves separated into six cups - one per serving

For Dressing: In a medium bowl using a whisk whip the whipping cream until fluff. Fold in Miracle Whip Light, seasoning blend and season with salt and pepper to taste. Set aside.

In a large bowl toss together cooked chopped chicken, chopped celery and sliced grapes. Add dressing and fold together gently until combined. Chill until serving, may be prepared to this stage one day ahead. When ready to serve divide chicken mixture evenly among lettuce cups, garnish with toasted sliced almonds and chopped fresh parsley. Serve chilled.

Serves 6. Per serving: 363 Calories; 27g Protein; 24g Fat (5g saturated);11g Carbohydrate; 2g Fiber; Rich in Vitamin B12 & Niacin.

Using the Glycemic Index to Fight Childhood Obesity


5 Day Pouch Test Bargain Bundle

The Works! Everything you need to get back on Track!


5 Day Pouch Test Bargain Bundle-5 Day Pouch Test Owner's Manual by Kaye Bailey

-Feed the Carb Monster Soup Mixes (16 Servings - 2 Mixes)

-Emergen-C Bundle pack (7 Servings)

-FREE Goody Bag ($1.95 Value)


$45.50 Value --- for $38.50


SAVE 15% when you purchase the Bundle!!!  


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Make Your Summer One to Remember ---
For all the right reasons!

Pickle & Cheese Picnic
Link to some informative and timely articles that will improve your summer and support your LivingAfterWLS lifestyle:

Danger! Warm Summer Weather May Lead to Dehydration For WLS Patients
Following bariatric surgery for weight loss patients are instructed in the Four Rules of weight loss surgery; the second of which is drink lots of water. This rule is of particular importance during the warm summer months when perspiration and elimination cause greater water losses and the potential for dehydration increases. To avoid dehydration and illness caused by insufficient water balance weight loss surgery patients can take several measures to insure adequate water intake.

Do Not Let Dumping Syndrome Ruin Your Summer Celebration
Summer is a time to celebrate warm weather, sunshine, good friends and good times - often with food and drink. But for people with weight loss surgery celebrations bring the potential for a dietary crisis called dumping syndrome that has the potential to ruin a day of good old fashioned summer time fun.

Emergency First Aid For
Gastric Bypass Dumping Syndrome
For patients of gastric bypass surgery an episode of dumping syndrome or rapid gastric emptying is physically dramatic and lifestyle disruptive. Prior to surgery patients are instructed to avoid sweet processed carbohydrates, greasy fried food and all simple carbs in order to avoid dumping syndrome. Inevitably, patients will at some point experience the symptoms of dumping after eating food that is too quickly absorbed in the small intestine. Learn what to do in the event of a gastric dumping episode.

Budget Tips For Eating Healthy After WLS
After gastric bypass, gastric banding or gastric sleeve weight loss surgery we know we must follow a healthy high protein diet in order to lose weight and maintain weight loss. In these economic times it is natural to be concerned about the cost of a specialized diet. Follow these helpful tips to sustain your weight loss surgery diet without breaking the bank.

Better Health through Walking
Walking is the best form of exercise you can have to obtain better health and a fitter you and it will cost you nothing. It is a form of exercise which can be taken up by anyone regardless of age or physical condition providing you start off sensibly, as with all forms of exercise you are not used to doing.


Bariatric Nurse Recommends

Kaye Bailey's Books to All Patients

   "As a support group leader and bariatric nurse, and myself a 7-year veteran of gastric bypass, I recommend Kaye Bailey's books and products to my patients. For someone new to weight loss surgery as well as the veteran patient Ms. Bailey presents a compassionate look at the ups and downs of weight loss surgery. She kindly teaches and encourages with calm sensibility and proven techniques to make the most of WLS. I have taught new patients the 5 Day Pouch Test, not so they can do it to accelerate weight loss, but so they can truly learn to stay on track by understanding the behaviors that get us off track in the first place. When I am down I find myself thumbing through "Day 6" for that nugget of information that always seems to be there when I need it. Thanks Kaye for your terrific insight and kind manner of encouragement and understanding."

~Nancy Ellen Barnett, RN, RD


Kaye's BooksPut the Power of the Pouch in your hands with Kaye Bailey's two best selling books: The 5 Day Pouch Test Owner's Manual (2008; Third Printing 2011) and Day 6: Beyond the 5 Day Pouch Test (2009). Over 300 pages of inspiration, motivation, empowerment and know-how to get you on track with weight loss surgery and keep you there! Great recipes, inspiring hints and divine secrets! Spoken in Kaye's compelling voice of compassion and "You Can Do This" spirit.


Purchase the gift set and save $8.00 off the list price!

Suggested List Price: $54.90

Discounted Gift set Price: $46.90




The Neighborhood

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9,943 Neighbors - 162,828 Posts  

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The LivingAfterWLS Neighborhood: an online compassion driven social space evoking feelings of comfort, understanding, knowledge, warmth, acceptance, trust and happiness for those who have undergone gastric bypass, lap-band or any type of weight loss surgery or those struggling with weight control.


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Want to join the Neighborhood, but not sure where to start? Tell us in this Volume 4: What brought YOU to the Neighborhood? Everyone is welcome - Can't wait to meet you!

Start Here 


Attention Gastric SLEEVERS:

Heart on Your Sleeve 

A special forum dedicated to those who undergo gastric sleeve procedures. Named "Heart on Your Sleeve" because so many of us invest our hope and our hearts in a procedure to take back our life. Please share you knowledge and experience and connect HERE  


Weight Loss Surgery Chat 

All things weight loss surgery. Find your procedure peer in our gastric banding, gastric sleeve forums. Or talk to veterans of weight loss surgery. Learn about diet, nutrition, exercise and more after weight loss surgery.


Rainbow ButtonSpring Sunshine Accountability Challenge 

Spring sunshine... is there anything better? Granted, the old saying goes "April showers bring May flowers". What to we most look forward to though? Sunshine. Warmer temperatures. Flowers and fresh vegetables growing in our gardens. The thought of it makes me smile. If we emulate the spring, the season of rebirth and growth, then we will indeed glow like the sun. Let's all eat, breathe, and live like the spring sunshine; let the warmth and happiness that we have shine through. Let's cast off the cares of winter, those dark, cold and gloomy days that weighed us down and embrace the light. Join Us for this Challenge! You set your goals and participate at your pace in your way - empowered by the Neighborhood.  Led by our Ambassador of Accountability Kendalvon! 


5 Day Pouch Test Forum 

Always a popular destination the 5 Day Pouch Test Forum is your place to connect with others who are using this popular plan to get back on track with their weight loss surgery tool.


Day 6: Beyond the 5 Day Pouch Test 

Harness the momentum of your 5 Day Pouch Test and continue forward with a positive effort at Day 6 Living. Great support from others, like you, who are trying their best to live healthy happy lives with weight loss surgery.


The You Have Arrived Alumni Club 

Connect with others who had weight loss surgery the same year you did and share the journey! From the Pioneers of the 1980s to our newbies of 2010, everyone has a place in the Alumni Club to call home.


The Picket Fence 

A place to stop and share the things in our daily lives beyond weight loss surgery. A neighborly place of support and friendship.


Need more fun in your week?
Join us for
Fun Friday!  Learn about our fun Neighborhood game and the chance to win fabulous prizes! Open to all registered Neighbors.Meet our Fun Friday Hostess!

Fun Friday
Community Kitchen
Neighborhood Cookbook
Feta Chicken Salad

Refreshing Summer Fare For Healthy Diets

Cooked chicken tossed with fresh vegetables and dressing topped with pungent feta cheese and served over mixed salad greens is an excellent way to enjoy a healthy high protein meal full of flavor and nutrients. Use left-over roast chicken from a previous meal or take advantage of deli rotisserie chicken being careful to remove all skin and bones.


Look for fresh feta cheese in the chilled deli section of most supermarkets. Originating from Greece feta was made by peasants on the lower Balkan peninsula from sheep or goats milk. Feta is salted and cured in a brine solution for several months. It is a crumbly cheese and has a slightly grainy texture. Once removed from the brine it dries out rapidly. For many feta is an acquired taste and the aroma of it has been likened to the smell of bad feet.


It has only been since about 2002 that feta cheese became commonly available in the United States. It is used as a table cheese, as well as in salads, pastries and baking. The classic Greek dish, spanakopita, is a phyllo-crusted spinach pie that features feta cheese combined with olive oil and vegetables and baked. The rich flavor and saltiness of feta helps make a little bit of cheese go a long way.


Nutritionally, feta is a good source of protein, riboflavin, vitamin B12, calcium and phosphorus. A wedge-size serving (1.3 ounces) provides 100 calories, 5 grams protein, 8 grams fat and 424mg of sodium. Feta is high in cholesterol and sodium and very high in saturated fat. It may be included as part of a healthy diet when used in moderation.


Feta Chicken Salad

Traditional chicken salad pumped-up with the flavor of feta cheese. This is satisfyingly delicious made with freshly cooked chicken, store-bought rotisserie chicken or canned chicken. Enjoy on a bed of lettuce.


3 cups diced cooked chicken

2 large stalks celery, diced

1 red bell pepper, seeded and diced

1/2 red onion, diced

6 tablespoons mayonnaise

6 tablespoons sour cream

1 (4 ounce) package feta cheese, crumbled

2 teaspoons dried dill weed

1 pinch salt and pepper to taste

6 cups mixed salad greens


In a serving bowl, mix together the chicken, celery, and red onion. In a separate bowl, stir together the mayonnaise, sour cream, feta cheese, and dill. Pour over the chicken mixture, and stir to blend. Taste, and season with salt and pepper as needed. Serve immediately, or refrigerate until serving. Serve over crispy chilled mixed salad greens.


More Salad Recipes 


Thank you for being a loyal Neighbor of LivingAfterWLS. We are proud to serve you in your weight loss surgery journey.



Kaye Bailey

LivingAfterWLS, LLC

The health content in the LivingAfterWLS website is intended to inform, not prescribe, and is not meant to be a substitute for the advice and care of a qualified health-care professional.