LivingAfterWLS Rainbow
In This Digest
The Nurse Warned me That I Would Gain Weight Back
Flavor Your High Protein Diet with Condiments
Do-It-Yourself Vegetarian Burgers
High Protein Diet Promotes Fat Loss
Protein First Recipes
The Neighborhood
Social Connections
You Have Arrived
Snow Crystals by Kaye Bailey

Whatever else you have on your mind,
Wherever else you think you're going,
Stop for a moment and look where you are:
You Have Arrived!

I believe in you.
You deserve to be healthy.
 You deserve to be kind to yourself.
You deserve to achieve your greatest level of success with weight loss surgery when you harness your inner resources.
--Kaye Bailey
5 Day Pouch Test Owner's Manual

The Nurse Warned Me,
But I Gained Some Weight Back Anyway

"Dear Kaye,
Thank you for the Day 6 book. I guess I am one of "those people" - had the surgery and lost and then it came back, the weight. My WLS nurse warned me I could regain the weight and I didn't take her serious or maybe I thought I was more determined than everybody else or smarter or something. I wish I had asked her what would cause me to gain the weight back. I'm not sure that back in 2007 I ever heard of slider foods or liquid rules or anything like that. I just knew WLS was the answer for me. So now I'm up 48 pounds and want to stop it before it gets to 50 pounds and all of the sudden another 50 and I'll be back where I started. Thanks for explaining so many things in the Day 6 book. I wish I read this book before I even had the surgery, maybe I wouldn't be one of "those people" or at least not a 48-pound-regain one of those people.

This is the first time I have hope since the re-gain started.
Kelly Marca
Northern Ohio"

Printed with Permission.

Day 6: Beyond the 5 Day Pouch Test
Because we are all "One of those people" who have or could regain our weight.

Day 6 by Kaye Bailey

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LivingAfterWLS General Store

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Flavor Your High Protein Diet With Condiments

Are you one of those people asking "what can I do to add variety to my same 'ole same 'ole chicken and fish?" If so you are not alone! Patients of weight loss surgery following a high protein diet quickly become bored with routine protein dishes but fear taking too many culinary liberties will take them off track from weight loss and weight maintenance. As a general rule people who undergo gastric bypass, gastric lap-band, and gastric sleeve procedures are told the first rule of weight loss surgery is to eat "Protein First". But nothing in the rule says it has to be boring.

I remember spending my first three years following gastric bypass eating chicken breast, canned tuna, shrimp and hard-cooked eggs day in and day out. Blah! A good friend put me on to her secret weapon that kept her palate pleased and honored her nutritional needs. Her weapon? Condiments! And I'm not talking your everyday ketchup, mustard, mayo. I'm talking salsa and balsamic vinegar and relish and fruit compote. Its all good. Great ready-made condiments are easy to find these day and they are a winner in the budget lottery, too. At first it may seem expensive to pay $5 for a jar of Bruschetta sauce, but considering that jar stretches to 20 servings you have quite a bang for your buck at just about one quarter per serving.

Here are a few of the best hints for putting some pop in your protein:

Use salsa on eggs, cooked chicken, fish and beans. Stir into soups and stews for added flavor without the cost of expensive out-of-season tomatoes and peppers. Mix with plain yogurt for a delicious vegetable dip (not chips).

Balsamic Vinegar:
Sprinkle on pan-seared chicken or fish as it cooks to add a deep acidity to the protein. Remove protein from pan, add a bit more balsamic vinegar to drippings, scrape and serve atop chicken for an easy and elegant sauce. Lightly douse fresh strawberries with balsamic vinegar and let macerate 30 minutes. Serve at room temperature for a delicious treat. Whisk together balsamic vinegar and olive oil for a quick and healthy salad or vegetable dressing.

Don't save this just for hot dogs. Use regular or sweet pickle relish to flavor tuna salad, chicken salad or egg salad. Stir a tablespoon of relish with yogurt or light mayonnaise for a quick and inexpensive tarter sauce for fish.

Fruit Compote:
Fruit compotes are generally a blend of sweet and sour ingredients that enhance the flavor of protein while adding moisture to the dish. They are sometimes called fruit salsa. Look for specialty blends at the farmers market or whole food stores. Serve compote with grilled or broiled protein simply by spooning a small amount when serving. Or glaze meat with the compote in the final five minutes of grilling.

Kaye Bailey 2011 - All Rights Reserved


LivingAfterWLS NeighborhoodCommunity Kitchen


Do-it-Yourself Vegetarian Burgers For High Protein Diets

Vegetarian burgers are a healthy and affordable menu choice for those following a high protein diet for weight loss. Making the burgers at home is as simple as smashing canned beans and adding some of your favorite traditional seasonings and condiments. Try these healthy veggie burgers in place of traditional meat burgers and enjoy a healthy meal this summer.

Vegetarian Burgers

Serves 4.

2 cloves garlic, peeled
2 (16-ounce) cans pinto beans, rinsed and drained
2 tablespoons light mayonnaise
1 tablespoon chili sauce
2 teaspoons fresh lime juice
2 tablespoons dry bread crumbs
 2 medium green onions, thinly sliced
 salt and pepper to taste
 2 tablespoons flour
 2 tablespoons canola oil
 4 whole grain hamburger buns, toasted
 lettuce, tomato slices, onion, pickles, cheese slices (optional)


To prepare burgers place the beans, garlic, mayonnaise, chili sauce, and lime juice in the bowl of a food process. Pulse to process until well blended, but still lumpy. Stir in the bread crumbs, green onions, salt and pepper. Divide into four equal portions and shape into patties, place on a plastic lined plate. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until firm, at least one hour or over night.


Just before cooking dredge the veggie patties in flour, shaking off the excess. In a large non-stick skillet, heat the oil over moderate heat. Pan fry the patties for 3 minutes per side or until browned and crisp on the outside and heated through.


Place the cooked veggie burgers on the toasted hamburger buns and serve with the lettuce, tomato slices, onions, pickles, and cheese.


Each veggie burger provides about 16 grams of protein per serving. Beans are an outstanding source of low-fat high-fiber protein as well as many minerals and nutrients. A one-cup serving of pinto beans provides 74 percent daily value of folate, 48 percent daily value manganese, 27 percent daily value of potassium. Vegetarians, and meat eaters alike, who build a diet around plant foods such as whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables benefit from Mother Nature's disease fighting antioxidants and phytochemicals that promote wellness and longevity. Plant foods are found to be, in many cases, lower in cost than animal and dairy protein.


Beans are an excellent protein choice in a high protein diet because they are a low-Glycemic Index carbohydrate which means they will not significantly impact blood insulin levels. Low-GI carbohydrates are believed to reduce insulin levels, lower cholesterol levels, help control appetite, decrease the risk of heart disease and diabetes and improve overall health. Vegetarians who are following a high protein diet after weight loss surgery can enjoy these veggie burgers as part of their healthy diet.

For more terrific weight loss surgery friendly recipes link to LivingAfterWLS Kitchen

Join the LivingAfterWLS Neighborhood: Your safe haven circle of friends making the most of their weight loss surgery experience. LivingAfterWLS Neighborhood

Article Source: Do-it-Yourself Vegetarian Burgers For High Protein Diets.

LivingAfterWLS Weekly Digest

The Four Rules: #1 is Protein First

Why it works and How to get Enough

January 20, 2011


In the spirit of the New Year today, and for the next three issues of "Weekly Digest" we are taking a closer look at the Four Rules - starting with Rule #1 Protein First. In short - Protein First means it should be the first nutrient we eat at any meal and it should account for the highest percentage of nutrients eaten over fat, carbohydrates and alcohol. (More detail on this in the articles below)


Before surgery most of us were taught the Four Rules we must follow in order to achieve the best results with weight loss surgery - any procedure. Those rules (with minor variations from one bariatric surgeon to the next) are:

  • Protein First
  • Lots of Water
  • No Snacking
  • Daily Exercise

What I didn't fully understand at the time of surgery was the duration of these rules.


The Four Rules are for life. 


In order to maintain weight loss and keep the obesity from which we suffer in remission we must follow these rules for life. When we meet patients who have maintained a healthy body weight for several years with weight loss surgery we learn that in most cases they live by the Four Rules. 


If it has been a while since you have given consideration to the Four Rules I invite you today to spend a little time refreshing your knowledge and enthusiasm about Protein First. Actually, this is my favorite rule because it means good food without the guilt! Link to the articles of interest and take a look at some of our great WLS recipes. There is something for everyone as we get excited again about the Four Rules! 

Happy 2011 - We are all in this together! 


[email protected]


Every now and again it serves us well to step back into our pre-op mindset when we were hell-bent on making surgery work to achieve weight loss and improve our health and quality of living. Take a look at this article with your pre-surgery eyes. I think it will help renew your enthusiasm for working "the tool" and living well today:


Understand the Four Rules of WLS

Before Going Under the Knife

Weight loss surgery is frequently perceived as an easy means to weight loss that requires little or no effort by the patient. However, patients who undergo bariatric surgery are prescribed Four Rules of dietary and lifestyle management that they will follow for the rest of their life if they wish to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. Here is what you need to know about the Four Rules of weight loss surgery before going under the knife.

Link to Article

Keep them Close:

The Four Rules of WLS


Free refrigerator magnet (shown at left) with every purchase from the LivingAfterWLS General Store today through Monday, January 24. Shop Here. No coupon needed.


High Protein Diet Promotes Fat Loss For Weight Loss Surgery Patients
Parmesan Tuna Patties
Parmesan Tuna Patties


Kaye Bailey


Regardless of the procedure, patients of stomach reduction surgery for the treatment of morbid obesity are instructed to follow a high protein diet to stimulate healing and promote weight loss. Bariatric centers espouse what is commonly known among weight loss surgery patients as the "Four Rules" the most important of which is "Protein First." That means of all nutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fat and alcohol) the patient is to eat protein first. This is true for all stomach reduction and restriction procedures including gastric bypass, gastric banding (lap-band), and gastric sleeve.


Protein is an essential building block for muscle, blood, skin, hair, and nails. We need it for muscle repair, for building natural immunities, and for proper growth and development. Every cell in the human body depends on it, which is why it is important to get the recommended allowance every day. A high protein diet that is low in carbohydrates and low in fat is believed to promote weight loss due to the metabolic impact of protein. It has the highest thermic effect at 20-30% of all food elements. That means the energy expended during digestion and absorption of protein is 20-30% more than the energy (caloric) content of the food. It takes more energy (calories) to digest and absorb protein than the energy (calories) it contains. In other words, the body must tap into stored energy resources, body fat, to get the job of digestion done. That is why a high protein diet triggers fat loss.


Based on a 1,200 calorie a day diet weight loss surgery patients are counseled by their bariatric nutritionists to eat from 60 to 105 grams of protein a day. This recommendation varies by patient and by nutritionist. For adults without gastric surgery the standard protein intake calculations go like this:


Average protein recommendation:

.36(g) x body weight (lbs) = grams protein per day


Higher protein recommendation:

0.68 (g) x body weight (lbs) = grams protein per day


Animal products are the most nutrient rich source of protein and include fish, shellfish, poultry and meat. Dairy protein, including eggs, is another excellent source of protein. In fact, the quality of egg protein is so great that scientists typically use eggs as the standard to measure protein quality in other foods. On overage, one ounce of animal or dairy protein contains 6-7 grams of protein as well as many other minerals and vitamins. Nuts and legumes are a fair source of protein but are significantly higher in fat than carefully selected lean animal protein. Also, due to their high fiber content, they may be more difficult for some gastric surgery patients to digest.


For weight loss surgery patients who feel restriction after eating a very small amount of food, protein is not always the most comfortable food choice, particularly lean animal protein. It is essential that gastric weight reduction patients chew their food thoroughly to avoid discomfort when eating. The high protein diet must be sustained even after healthy body weight has been achieved in order to maintain a healthy weight and avoid weight regain. A diet high in protein works to reduce snacking or grazing because protein foods help you feel more full compared to eating the same amount of starch, sugar, or fat. That satisfied feeling can make it easier to eat fewer calories while you lose weight.

Link to more informative and helpful articles about Rule #1: Protein First.

Ketosis and the WLS High Protein Diet

Often when we hear about a diet that puts the body in a state of ketosis we are fearful having heard that ketosis is a potentially dangerous imbalance of blood glucose, the result of a low carbohydrate, high fat high protein diet. Ketosis results when the body switches from burning glucose for energy to burning ketones for energy. Glucose comes from carbohydrates which are the body's first choice to metabolize for energy. Ketones are used for energy when there is not enough glucose (from carbohydrates) present in the bloodstream to use for energy.



Five High Protein Portable Meals For WLS Patients
Weight loss surgery patients are instructed to eat a high protein diet in order to lose weight and maintain weight loss following surgical intervention for the treatment and prevention of morbid obesity. That means after any surgical procedure to control our weight we are supposed to get most of our calories from protein.



Budget Tips For Eating Healthy After WLS
After gastric bypass, gastric banding or gastric sleeve weight loss surgery we know we must follow a healthy high protein diet in order to lose weight and maintain weight loss. In these economic times it is natural to be concerned about the cost of a specialized diet. Follow these helpful tips to sustain your weight loss surgery diet without breaking the bank.

Three Keys to Lasting Weight Management
Nearly a quarter-million people in the United States will undergo weight loss surgery this year to arrest their morbid obesity and lose weight. In spite of the drastic nature of gastric surgeries not all patients will reach a healthy weight and some may eventually regain weight they lost initially with surgery. Read full article.

Delicious Protein First Recipes
Grilled Shrimp

Sometimes all it takes is a new recipe to get our enthusiasm going for the Protein First eating of weight loss surgery. Linked below are just a sampling of the many great recipes offered in the LivingAfterWLS Kitchen website and on the 5 Day Pouch Test website. You are sure to find something inspiring to enjoy tonight! Take a look!


Parmesan Crusted Chicken

Turkey Burgers

Basic Baked Salmon

Healthy Deviled Eggs

Protein and Iron Rich Beef - Louisiana Beef Stew

Grilled Garlic Shrimp

5 Day Pouch Test Recipes:

Good for Any Day!


High Protein Pudding

(Days 1&2 - Liquids)


Turkey Egg Salad

(Day 3 - Soft Protein)


Salisbury Steak

(Day 4 - Firm Protein)


Keys-Style Citrus Chicken

(Day 5 - Solid Protein)

5 Day Pouch Test Bargain Bundle

5 Day Pouch Test Bargain BundleThe Works! Everything you need to do your very best with the 5 Day Pouch Test!

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The LivingAfterWLS Neighborhood: an online compassion driven social space evoking feelings of comfort, understanding, knowledge, warmth, acceptance, trust and happiness for those who have undergone gastric bypass, lap-band or any type of weight loss surgery or those struggling with weight control.

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Weight Loss Surgery Chat
All things weight loss surgery. Find your procedure peer in our gastric banding, gastric sleeve forums. Or talk to veterans of weight loss surgery. Learn about diet, nutrition, exercise and more after weight loss surgery.

5 Day Pouch Test Forum
Always a popular destination the 5 Day Pouch Test Forum is your place to connect with others who are using this popular plan to get back on track with their weight loss surgery tool.

See how Sareena & Debbie Jean did last week:
Take a Look!

Day 6: Beyond the 5 Day Pouch Test
Harness the momentum of your 5 Day Pouch Test and continue forward with a positive effort at Day 6 Living. Great support from others, like you, who are trying their best to live healthy happy lives with weight loss surgery.

The You Have Arrived Alumni Club
Connect with others who had weight loss surgery the same year you did and share the journey! From the Pioneers of the 1980s to our newbies of 2010, everyone has a place in the Alumni Club to call home.

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You Tube: Kaye Bailey's Channel
Danger! Weight Gain Ahead
September 24, 2010

In Kaye's usual comforting style she shares three red flag warnings that may signal weight gain after weight loss surgery. Avoid weight gain by being aware of the warnings and how to change direction. Empowering your weight loss surgery success!

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Thank you for being a loyal Neighbor of LivingAfterWLS. We are proud to serve you in your weight loss surgery journey.

Kaye Bailey
LivingAfterWLS, LLC
The health content in the LivingAfterWLS website is intended to inform, not prescribe, and is not meant to be a substitute for the advice and care of a qualified health-care professional.