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In this update: Read about the ministry's recent outreach efforts in Virginia; its investigation in Mississippi as it works to end the abortion holocaust in the state, and take a stroll down memory lane as we reflect on the events of the past year.


Repent America Proclaims Truth in Virginia


Hampton Repent America (RA) recently preached the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ in cities throughout Southern Virginia. 


On December 8th, RA worked with local Christians in witnessing outside of an abortion facility in Newport News and pled with expecting mothers to allow their son or daughter to live. The ministry confronted one man who said that he brought his friend for an abortion, aggressively attempting to justify his actions by claiming that he was helping someone in need. Despite the ministry's efforts to convince him otherwise, the baby was murdered. RA has been working to close this abortion facility through its Campaign to Stop Stericycle.

The following day, the ministry visited Colonial Williamsburg and proclaimed the Word of God on historic Duke of Gloucester Street, which was once trod by George Washington, Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson. Then, RA joined in speaking truth to Occupy Richmond demonstrators, explaining that they needed repentance just as much as those that they were protesting against. The ministry also spent the evening sharing the Gospel at the Hampton "Holly Days" parade, where it was obvious that Jesus was not "the reason for the season." RA implores all Christians to put aside the traditions of men and worship God in spirit and in truth.


Please pray for those who heard the Gospel proclaimed, and that God will continue to guide the ministry according to His will as it travels nationwide to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ. 


"And [pray] for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the Gospel." - Ephesians 6:19    


Abortion Collaboration Investigated in Mississippi


Stericycle servicing Jackson Women's Health Organization in Mississippi The Campaign to Stop Stericycle (CSS), a project of Repent America, traveled to Mississippi earlier this month to hurl a stone at the Goliath of the abortion holocaust.


In conjunction with States of Refuge, which is working to establish the first abortion-free states in America, the ministry visited Jackson, Mississippi to gather information regarding the last abortion facility in the state. Jackson Women's Health Organization is being serviced by Stericycle, the nation's leading medical waste company, which assists with the disposal of their abortion "waste." Click here to view photographic evidence gathered during the investigation, and here to view a video of Stericycle's collection stop.


Because of the ministry's efforts, one of the companies that has been maintaining the truck being used by Stericycle has stated that it will no longer do so, and a second company, which has been leasing the vehicle to the medical waste giant, is now considering prohibiting them from using it to service the abortion facility. Additionally, after uncovering potential permit violations, the ministry contacted the Mississippi Department of Environmental Conservation, which has agreed to investigate the matter. Please pray that the work of CSS will continue to be successful and that abortion will come to a swift end in the state.


"Open thy mouth for the [voiceless] in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction." - Proverbs 31:8    


Year In Review 
Michael preaching to crowds in Times Square
Repent America would like to thank those who have helped them take the Word of God across the nation throughout the year. Your prayers and financial support have truly held up the arms of the ministry like Aaron and Hur held up the arms of Moses in battle. It has been a year of both triumphs and tragedies, and much seed has been planted as the Word of God has been proclaimed to tens of thousands of lost souls from Maine to Mississippi. 


In January of this year, the ministry officially launched the Campaign to Stop Stericycle in a nationally-concerted effort to end the abortion holocaust in America. As a result, Ryder System, Inc. stopped Stericycle from using their trucks to collect abortion "waste" nationwide, following in the footsteps of Penske Truck Leasing Inc., which also prohibited the medical waste giant from using its trucks to assist abortionists. Other leasing companies are beginning to prohibit Stericycle from using their trucks to service the abortion industry as well. The goal of the campaign is to stop medical waste companies from collaborating with abortionists, resulting in the inability of abortion facilities to operate legally. Last month, a rival medical waste company in Florida distanced itself from the abortion industry due in part to the campaign's efforts.


Repent America Preaches the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ at Southern Maine University

Throughout the year, RA traveled to numerous locations to preach the Gospel, including Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Washington, D.C. and Virginia. During a campus tour in New England this past summer, the ministry witnessed to hundreds of students in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. Much preaching went forth in Philadelphia as well, including near Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell at Independence National Historical Park, Rittenhouse Square, Eastern State Penitentiary and at the city's annual fall homosexual festival called "OutFest," where eleven Christians with the ministry had been arrested for peacefully sharing the Gospel in 2004. The ministry also witnessed at Occupy Wall Street events in Philadelphia, New York City and Richmond, Virginia. 


RA has also had some interesting encounters and experiences this year. After preaching near the Liberty Bell in front of a coffin this past Fourth of July, the ministry received an email from a Muslim man named Brahim, who was from Africa. Brahim explained that the coffin caught his eye, and so he stopped to listen to the preaching. Shortly afterward, Brahim received a phone call from his wife, notifying him that his father had passed away. He then exclaimed in his email, "What [a] relationship between the coffin and preach[ing], [and] the death of my father, who was suffering from nothing (he was not sick)!" The ministry pointed Brahim to Scripture and provided a link where he could read the Bible for free in his native language.


Last month, the ministry was able to witness to the wife of emergent author and speaker Shane Claiborne outside of an event in Philadelphia that featured false teacher Rob Bell. Michael was later approached by a police officer, who surprisingly gave him a cup of coffee.

Kindness from the police is certainly refreshing as there are continual struggles to freely preach the Word of God in public without interference from law enforcement. When the ministry is not working with police departments and the courts, it is helping other evangelists in their time of need. Much effort takes place behind the scenes throughout the year to help our brothers in Christ fight for the freedom to declare the Good News.

Attorney C. Scott ShieldsTherefore, legal intervention is a very important aspect to the ministry.
RA is thankful to have celebrated a victory in its legal challenge against the City of Winchester, Virginia this year as the city agreed to change its unconstitutional noise ordinance. Winchester's statute pertaining to noise that disturbs the "comfort" of another individual had been used to shut down the public proclamation of the Gospel the year prior.


However, in April, the ministry was shocked and saddened to learn that longtime attorney Scott Shields, who offered his services pro bono to the ministry as a support to its evangelistic work, was tragically killed in a skydiving accident. Scott had been instrumental in the Philadelphia 11 case in 2004, as well as in overturning the convictions of Michael Marcavage pertaining to his arrest near the Liberty Bell in 2007. Scott has been greatly missed and will not be forgotten. 


May the Lord be glorified in all of the joy and sorrow of the past year; may He continue to guide the ministry according to His will, and may many repent and believe the Gospel in 2012. Please prayerfully consider supporting and standing with Repent America in the coming year.  


"My times are in Thy hand." - Psalm 31:15



About Repent America

Repent America (RA) is an evangelistic organization based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which zealously labors to further the Kingdom of God through Biblical evangelism. RA is a small operation with a BIG mission as it reaches out to tens of thousands of people each month with the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Whether it be the public proclamation of the Gospel message (Romans 10:14-15), opening thy mouth for the voiceless (Proverbs 31:8-9), preaching to the poor and comforting the brokenhearted (Luke 4:18), warning the wicked of their way (Ezekiel 33:8-9), or working to preserve our liberties to do so, Repent America continues to "fight the good fight of faith." (1 Timothy 6:12) Please join in the fight with us by making a donation to keep us on the streets as we continue to impact America with the truth of God's Word!

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