In this update: Read about the ministry's tract distribution on "Black Friday;" its proclamation of the Gospel to those gathered to hear popular emergent author Rob Bell speak in Philadelphia; its outreach to thousands of homosexuals at OutFest, and more.
Repent America Shares Treasure with 'Black Friday' Crowds
 Many that flocked to The Gallery mall in Philadelphia on "Black Friday" were given a treasure far more valuable than the material goods that they were seeking.
While the focus and passion of the majority was to obtain temporal earthly possessions, RA was present to share with the crowds the everlasting, precious and priceless truth of the Gospel. The ministry distributed numerous tracts to the masses, which called upon men to receive eternal life through repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our society's emphasis upon materialism this time of year reflects the covetousness and greed in the hearts of mankind, as well as the fact that men are "lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God." (2 Timothy 3:4) Please pray that those who received Gospel literature will be changed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
"And He said unto them, 'Take heed, and beware of covetousness, for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth.'" - Luke 12:15
Rob Bell Supporters Hear the Gospel
 RA recently preached the word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ outside of Temple University's performing arts center during an event featuring popular emergent pastor, author and speaker Rob Bell.
On Sunday, November 13th, Bell brought his "Fit to Smash Ice Tour" to the university, which drew hundreds from the Philadelphia area to listen to the false teacher share stories about his life. Bell is most known for his denial of everlasting punishment (Matthew 25:46; Mark 9:44) as he recently stated in his book, "Love Wins: Heaven, Hell and the Fate of Every Person," that the concept of eternal Hell is "misguided and toxic," and that individuals may turn to Christ after death to be absolved of any penalty for sin. He recently left his pastoral role at Mars Hill Church to pursue touring full-time.
Katie Jo Claiborne, newlywed wife of emergent author Shane Claiborne, friend of Rob Bell and founder of The Simple Way monastic commune in inner city Philadelphia came with her husband to the event. She listened as RA director Michael Marcavage preached outside, and approached him after all had entered the building. Michael shared the Gospel with Katie Jo and gave her a tract to help her understand the message of salvation.
A while later, surprisingly, a police officer came up to Michael and gave him a cup of coffee rather than the usual handcuffs. Just over a decade ago, in 1999, Michael was taken into custody by police as a student at the university while organizing a counter-event to the school's blasphemous play, "Corpus Christi," which depicted Jesus as a homosexual. Read WorldNetDaily's coverage of the shocking incident.
At the end of the event, Michael continued to minister as people exited the building, and was approached by a student from Biblical Seminary that supported Bell, who boasted that some of the seminary faculty were also present. Days later, Michael spoke with Biblical Seminary president Dr. David G. Dunbar about the spiritual adultery of the seminary professors, but Dunbar did not share any concern over their attendance and affirmation of Bell.
Temple University has certainly fallen far from its biblical foundations. According to the university's website, the performing arts center, called Baptist Temple, was once a large church. It's renowned pastor, Russell H. Conwell, founded Temple College in 1884, which later became Temple University. Conwell also penned numerous hymns and established Samaritan Hospital in Philadelphia (now known as Temple University Hospital). He began teaching after noting the need for young men to be trained for Christian ministry.
Please pray that those that heard the Gospel proclaimed will search the Scriptures and come to know the true God of the Bible.
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears, and they shall turn their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." - 2 Timothy 4:3-4
Reaching Out at OutFest
RA returned to OutFest last month, one of several annual homosexual festivals in Philadelphia, to proclaim the truth that sets men free.
The large event, which is attended by thousands each year, was held on "National Coming Out Day," October 9th. The ministry preached the word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the crowds throughout the afternoon, many of whom unashamedly paraded their lewd behavior through the streets.
Seven years ago, RA director Michael Marcavage and ten other Christians were unlawfully arrested at Outfest, jailed for 21 hours and charged with three felonies and five misdemeanors. All eleven faced a maximum penalty of 47 years in prison each, as well as a $90,000 fine. Thankfully, after several months of the looming "criminal" charges, they were vindicated of all counts. Following this shocking incident, RA succeeded in a legal challenge against Pennsylvania's so-called "hate crimes" law, as both the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court struck down the law as being passed unconstitutionally.
Please pray that those who heard the Gospel preached will repent and put their trust in Jesus Christ.
"And of some have compassion, making a difference, and others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire." - Jude 1:22-23
Princeton Learns About the Prince of Peace
RA recently traveled to Princeton University in New Jersey to witness to students reveling at the historic eating clubs on Prospect Avenue.
On October 8th, the ministry joined other Christians to preach to students who were coming and going from the clubs, which attract over 100 students per facility. While some constructive discussions took place, the Christians were also harassed by the Princeton Borough Police Department who took issue with the concept of open-air preaching, even with only one's bare voice.
The supervising officer, Sergeant Carol Raymond, told the Christians that they could not elevate their voices because in doing so they were "pushing their opinion" on others and it was "scaring people." Raymond also stated that the Christians were "not in a church," and therefore, they should only talk to people as they walked by rather than preach. One of the men was even issued a citation for simply engaging in open-air preaching on the public sidewalk. His citation was later changed to the trumped-up charge of "engaging in fighting or threatening, or violent or tumultuous behavior" from New Jersey's Disorderly Conduct statute. The case is expected to head to trial next month.
Please pray for the students that heard that preaching, for a favorable outcome of the upcoming trial and that the Princeton Police Department will cease its interference with the public proclamation of the Gospel.
"Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course and be glorified, even as it is with you, and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men, for all men have not faith." - 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2