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In this update: Read about the ministry's recent visit to the historic Eastern State Penitentiary to warn about the terror of the Lord; its proclamation of the Word of God to Wall Street occupiers; its evangelistic outreach on Capitol Hill; its travels to a number of college campuses to preach to students, and its work to save the lives of preborn babies through the Campaign to Stop Stericycle.   


Repent America Warns of the Terror of the Lord


Eastern State Penitentiary RA visited Eastern State Penitentiary, a historic landmark in Philadelphia, on September 25th to warn about the terror of the Lord and to preach the good news of the Gospel.


The penitentiary was built in the late 1700's as a prison that would exhort criminals to repent of their sins. The only light inside of the cold, damp and iron-clad facility was a small hole in the ceiling so that inmates could look up to God, and the sole literature that was provided was a Bible for reproof and instruction in righteousness. It is also said that a preacher would often walk the halls of the penitentiary and his voice would echo and boom as he delivered his sermon.  


Michael Marcavage preaching at Eastern State Penitentiary Since Eastern State Penitentiary closed in 1971, it has sadly degraded into a so-called "haunted" tourist site where individuals roam the halls in the darkness, seeking horror and sightings of the dead. During the ministry's recent visit, those waiting in line to thrill themselves with the terrors of man were presented with the message of the Gospel, and were given the opportunity to hear Christ's warning to fear the One who can cast both body and soul into Hell. 


Click here to view raw video footage of RA's outreach at the penitentiary as demonic spirits manifest while the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached.


Please pray that those that heard the message proclaimed, as well as those who view the video of the outreach, will repent and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.  


"For we all must appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that everyone may receive what is due for the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men." - 2 Corinthians 5:10-11 



Word of God Proclaimed to Wall Street Occupiers 


Occupy Wall Street demonstrators in New York CityWhile the "Occupy Wall Street" movement has been erupting in various cities across the country, RA has utilized the gatherings as opportunities to proclaim the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.    


One of the last commissions of Christ was to "[g]o ye therefore and teach all nations... teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." (Matthew 28:19-20) During the Occupy protests, the ministry preached and addressed a number of topics raised by the occupiers from a Biblical standard. 


RA recently preached to crowds outside of City Hall in Philadelphia and in Liberty Square in New York City as hundreds gathered to express their outrage against corporate greed, many of whom blatantly espoused socialist and communist views. The ministry exhorted the occupiers to realize the sin in their own hearts, for they must change and be born again just as much as those that they are protesting against. The ministry also explained that there must be a foundation for absolute truth to determine right from wrong, and that God's law is the standard. His law must govern our lives both individually and as a nation.  


Please pray that the Lord will use these and future outreach efforts to encourage many to put their trust in Jesus Christ.  


"But God said unto him, 'Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee; then whose shall those things be which thou hast provided?' So is he that layeth up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God." - Luke 12:20-21



Christ Proclaimed at Nation's Capitol


Capitol Hill RA recently traveled to Washington, D.C. to preach Christ on Capitol Hill.


Late last month, on September 22nd, the ministry preached to lawmakers and called upon the nation to repent of its multitude of sins, including the shedding of innocent blood through abortion. While congressmen, senators and others passed by the area, one congressman showed his approval of the message being preached with a thumbs up.    


Scripture states that "[r]ighteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people," and "[t]he wicked shall be turned into Hell, and all the nations that forget God." During the ministry's travels and in the daily news, it has been grievous to observe our nation's open rebellion against God and its disregard for His holy law. However, America has become full of darkness because the light has wrongfully hid under a bushel and the salt has lost its savor.  


"At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it, if that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them. And at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it, if it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them." - Jeremiah 18:7-10 



Students Receive Education in Salvation 


Michael preaching at East Stroudsburg University RA visited a number of universities last month to reach out to students with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 


On September 12th, the ministry preached to a very hostile crowd of students at Delaware County Community College. While the police had to be called due to the violent nature of some of the youth present, constructive discussions took place on campus as well with those who were genuinely interested in listening to the Word of God. 


The following day, the ministry visited the College of New Jersey, and then on September 15th, RA preached to crowds at East Stroudsburg University in Pennsylvania. The ministry also proclaimed the Gospel at Rutgers University in New Jersey, as well as at Temple University in Philadelphia, where students were reveling in sin at a large campus event. 


Colleges in America are in desperate need of the Gospel, and because of the lack of Biblical direction from parents and educators, students have little to no understanding of the Scriptures. Therefore, when the Word of God is preached on campus by evangelists, many students express their opposition to the message of repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray that those who heard the Gospel proclaimed will surrender all to Christ.   


"For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God." - 1 Corinthians 3:19



Campaign to Stop Stericycle Launches Idealease Postal Project 


Stop Stericycle Campaign to Stop Stericycle (CSS), a project of Repent America, recently launched a nationwide postal project to inform Idealease affiliates about Stericycle's collection, transportation and incineration of aborted children and the tools used to kill them.  


Through this project, CSS is mailing an eye-opening letter to Idealease affiliate offices across the nation to urge them not to lease their vehicles to Stericycle for the purpose of servicing abortionists. The letter includes a copy of the CSS brochure, "Where Have All the Children Gone?"

Due to the efforts of the campaign, Penske Truck Leasing and Ryder System, Inc. have both prohibited Stericycle from using their trucks to service the abortion industry nationwide. CSS is now urging Idealease, Inc., Stericycle's current top supplier of leased trucks, to follow their example and stop providing the means for Stericycle to service the abortion industry.

Please pray for success with this project and that Idealease will promptly end its facilitation of the abortion holocaust. Individuals are also encouraged to contact CSS if they would like to help make phone calls to the various Idealease affiliate offices across the country.


"Open thy mouth for the [voiceless] in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction." - Proverbs 31:8
About Repent America

Repent America (RA) is an evangelistic organization based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which zealously labors to further the Kingdom of God through Biblical evangelism. RA is a small operation with a BIG mission as it reaches out to tens of thousands of people each month with the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Whether it be the public proclamation of the Gospel message (Romans 10:14-15), opening thy mouth for the voiceless (Proverbs 31:8-9), preaching to the poor and comforting the brokenhearted (Luke 4:18), warning the wicked of their way (Ezekiel 33:8-9), or working to preserve our liberties to do so, Repent America continues to "fight the good fight of faith." (1 Timothy 6:12) Please join in the fight with us by making a donation to keep us on the streets as we continue to impact America with the truth of God's Word!


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