Browse past email newsletters below. The topics are arranged by themes relating to historic embroidery. If you want to be on our mailing list for future newsletters - join our mailing list.The goal of Thistle Threads is to bring back techniques from the past in a manner that appeals to the embroiderer of today. We strive to provide you with a quality experience and search the world for fabulous materials to enhance the time you spend on your creation. Our mission is to: - Highlight techniques from the past in a manner that educates the embroiderer about styles, materials, and historical context
- Feature quality embroidery and finishing materials in our projects, highlighting those that are from craftsmen or ancient family businesses to ensure that our heritage is not lost
- Study, design and facilitate the reintroduction of historical materials that we have lost
- Collaborate with artists and craftsmen in complementary decorative arts that relate to embroidery historically or aesthetically
- Use new technologies to present embroidery instruction in a manner that empowers the student
Explore our websiteRead our blog about the reproduction of a 1620's embroidered jacket