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TCR Marathon Team Looks Toward Finish Line
Marathon Monday is just around the corner!

In just four short days, the 15 runners of TCR's Miles & Memories Team will be running towards the finish line of the Boston Marathon. 
TCR Miles & Memories Marathon Team
2014 Miles & Memories Team
They have trained long and hard for this moment - a moment that some of them were prevented from reaching last year. 
They sent fundraising emails, hosted events, and raised awareness and much-needed support for the work TCR does with grieving children, teens, and families. They have shared so much through their stories, time, and efforts - and we couldn't be more proud.

If you haven't already, there is still time to show your support and contribute to the team's fundraising goals. Visit the team page to make your gift and read the inspirational stories of our 15 amazing runners.
Follow us on Twitter, @childrensroom, on Marathon Monday for updates and an inside look at our team's progress! 
The TCR community will be cheering on our runners from the sidelines at Mile 18. If you're interested in joining, contact Becca at for more information. 



2014 Marathon Team

 Thank you for supporting our 2014 Boston Marathon team 

as they prepare to run 26.2 miles for grieving children, teens, and families.

Community Tours 
at TCR
Shop with AmazonSmile
You can support TCR just by shopping on Amazon. A portion of your eligible purchases will be donated to TCR when you shop through
Fall Volunteer Training
The dates have been set for our Fall 2014 Volunteer Facilitator Training, which starts Friday, September 5th. 

Application is required to attend, and completion of training does not guarantee group placement.

All applicants with interest in volunteering in our family peer support groups must complete the mandatory training.

Training dates and additional info are available on our website.
Watch our New TCR VIDEO
Watch and share this powerful video about The Children's Room we just added to YouTube.
Listen to children, teens, and parents share their stories of finding connection and healing at TCR, and get an inside look at what happens during our family peer support groups.
We're grateful to the families who shared their stories as well as Anne Favaloro and Reflection Films, for their production and editing services.
Garden Volunteer Days
We're looking for people who are interested in volunteering seasonally in TCR's garden. All skill levels are welcome!

Summer 2014 Garden Days 

Friday, May 16

Wednesday, July 9

Friday, September 12

All garden days will be scheduled from 10am to 2pm, with a lunch break. For more information or to sign up, please email
First Teen Night Offered at TCR Last Month
TCR's first Teen Night was a big hit!
On Friday, March 21st a group of teens gathered at The Children's Room for an evening of fun, connection, and brainstorming future teen activities.
Some of the teens have attended peer support group either at TCR with their families or through their school, and some teens were new to The Children's Room.
Everyone had great ideas for how they wanted to stay connected with each other and TCR. Stay tuned for more information about future teen events!
Interested in learning more about our teen programming and teen events? Email Colleen at
Our Heartfelt Thanks
We are grateful to so many of you whose support enables all that we do here at The Children's Room. A word of thanks for some special donations of time, talent, and much-needed resources: 
  • All our gifted, reliable, caring volunteers (close to 100!), without whom we could not reach nearly as many children and families... thank you, one and all.

The Children's Room has partnered with Donate for Charity to make it fast and easy to donate your old vehicle to TCR. Your vehicle will be picked up - free of charge! - from anywhere and TCR will receive a donation in the amount of the vehicle's value.

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1210 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington, MA 02476


Phone: 781-641-4741   

Fax: 781-641-0012