The Thinking Woman's Almanac
From Annie Shaver-Crandell's Studio
Another look at how to rescue unsatisfactory work: monotype
I've been a firm believer in disposing creatively of unsatisfactory work ever since viewing a documentary in which Claes Oldenburg casually tore up a drawing and observed that it was no longer a problem.
In my case, disposal of poor writing has been simplified by delete keys on computers and phones, and disposal of poor paintings by a number of different strategies.
Oil painters are well acquainted with the solvent-soaked paint rag to obliterate their mistakes. Acrylic painters can simply paint over what they don't want to see again. My students of Fearless Watercolor know that, although I advocate for attempting to lift out unwanted pigment if possible, if it's not possible, we try painting over what can't be otherwise corrected, turning paper over and using its other side, or, if all else fails, making gift cards, book marks or collages out of failed watercolors.
But what to do about an inferior monotype, a medium in which the artist gets one, or perhaps two, shots at making a good image? Inspired by Edgar Degas, whose work is currently on glorious view at Manhattan's Museum of Modern Art through July 24 in the exhibition Degas: A Strange New Beauty, I have begun experimenting with coloring second impressions of monotypes. Because these are generally fairly pale, relative to first impressions, printmakers call them ghosts. Here is my most recent effort:
This was the first impression -- just printing ink.
Chicken, monotype, 1/2, 7 7/8" x 7 7 7/8," 2016
And here's the second:
Ghost Chicken, monotype, 2/2 watercolor and ink 7 7/8" x 7 7/8," 2016
In Googling chicken breeds, I determined that my model, a resident of the Hancock Shaker Village in Massachusetts, was a Plymouth Rock hen -- hence her black and white plumage. Not exactly biological illustration caliber here, but she was fun to embellish. Degas used a good deal of pastel in working over his monotypes, and I plan to experiment next with that medium and gouache.
Planting fields plein air May 14 |
Mister Turner Visits New York Harbor, w/c and w/c pencil, 10 1/2"x 29"
Red Sails, August Evening, w/c and w/c pencil, 8 3/4"x 12 1/4"
Lilacs in the Southworth Vase I, oil, 17 3/4" x 17 3/4", 2016

Lilacs in the Southworth Vase II, oil, 10" x 10", 2016
I have work in two simultaneous exhibitions -- Noble Nocturnes and Urban Romance -- at the Salmagundi Club, 47 Fifth Avenue @ 12th St, New York, NY 10003, May 24-June 16; reception for both shows is May 25, 7-9:00 pm.
Churchyard and Tree by Night,
monotype, 1/2, 9"x 7 1/2," 2016
Nocturne in Blue: September 11, 2015,
Lavender Fields,
watercolor, 16" x 20," 2014
Lavender Fields, has been accepted to My Long Island Landmarks show, curated by Franklin Perrell of the Artful Circle, which will be exhibited at The Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities (SPLIA).
This exhibition will be open to the public from June 9th to November 20th, 2016 from 12:00 - 4:00PM.
The opening reception is Sunday, June 5, 2016, from 5:00 - 7:00 PM.
Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities 161 Main Street Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724
If you are interesting in joining me and other Salmagundi Club monotype artists in an experimental evening of working over our ghost monotypes, we have scheduled:
Tuesday, June 7, 6:30-9:30 pm. Salmagundi Club, 47 Fifth Avenue @ 12th St, New York, NY 10003.
Bring in your failed monotypes, your drawing and painting supplies (we won't be printing), and prepare to have fun.
$10 for members; $15 non-members 212-255-7740 or to reserve.
The club's bar is open at 5:00; the dining room is open 5:30-9:00.
And if you want to try out the monotype medium on a night we WILL be printing, the next Monotype Party is June 21, 6:00-9:00. $20 for Salmagundi members, $30 for non-members
Space is currently available in my group painting classes, offered in my Bond Street studio. Class is in session three times a week, on a drop-in basis. All experience levels welcome. Email me for details about these and private lessons.
Current schedule:
Monday 2:30pm - 5:30pm
Wednesday 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Thursday 10:00am - 1:00pm
A typical workstation
Annie Shaver-Crandell: A Collection of Views Landscapes, Cityscapes and Interiors
36 page book, 8 3/8" x 10 7/8"
 | Carousel Mug |
Please visit the online store to purchase my recently released book and collectible mug.
Please visit my studio for a private viewing. Call me at 212-464-7519 to schedule. I am also available to discuss commissions.
Carpe peonies: seizing creative opportunities by seasonal changewill appear in the next newsletter
I love hearing from all of you with all your questions and comments. Please feel free to write me at and I promise to reply. Your comments help me build my studio.