The Thinking Woman's Almanac
From Annie Shaver-Crandell's Studio
First impression, at the monotype press, under the indispensable guidance of Charlie Yoder
At work on a monotype plate at the Salmagundi Club
Photos: Anthony Almeida
Hunters Pausing, 1/2,
monotype, 6" x 7 3/4," 2015
Hunters Pausing, 2/2,
monotype, 6" x 7 3/4", 2015
First and second impressions from a plate: Hunters Pausing, 1/2, 6" x 7 3/4," 2015 and Hunters Pausing, 2/2, 6" x 7 3/4," 2015
| Hunters Pausing, watercolor, 10 3/4" x 14," 2015 |
| Pulling artist's tape off the edge of a watercolor
| Over the Jump, watercolor, 13 1/4" x 13 1/4," 2015
As you may deduce from the watercolor of Hunters Pausing and these other two horse-based watercolors, I've been experimenting with painting over unsatisfactory work that happens to be on good paper, while trying out fantasy horse colors. Blue Rumps, based on a photo of Chincoteague ponies, and Over the Jump, taken from the activities of the Smithtown Hunt on Long Island, have made successful use of watercolor substrates of still life paintings that didn't make the grade. I wash down the unsatisfactory pieces in the bathtub, dry them flat, and paint anew.
Blue Rumps is currently on view in the group exhibition Equus and Such at the Mehu Gallery, 21 West 100 Street, New York, NY 10023, through July 12, 2015 (gallery hours; Tuesday-Friday 1-6:00pm, Saturday and Sunday 1-6:00pm. Closing reception Sunday, July 12, 3-6:00 pm. Closed Fourth of July weekend. Phone: 212-222-3334.
| Annie at Mehu Gallery Opening.
photo: Wanda Noonan |
| Blue Rumps, watercolor, 11" x 11," 2015
As followers of my previous work will know, there are seasonal shifts in my attention to different kinds of subject matter. As I write, the lilacs are just finished, and peonies are full blast here in the New York area, and also my plein air season has begun. Here are some very recent watercolors:
| Lawn and Benches, watercolor and watercolor pencil, 10 7/8" x 10 7/8," 2015
| Peonies in the Southworth Vase (two views), watercolor, 2015 |
| Lilacs in the Southworth Vase, watercolor, 2015 | Five Roses in a Vase placed in front of another painting of mine, Gravel Path and Allee of Roses; the overview with paints and tools, and the finished painting, Five Roses, Blue Vase.
| Bouquet of Roses in A Blue Vase
| Five Roses in a Blue Vase |
| Richard's Field, pastel on gessoed Masonite. |
Chelsea: A Place for Artists, 8 West Carver Street, Huntington, NY 11743. Phone: 516-297-6527; Marsh, Sunken Meadow, oil, 12"x 24" and three of my other Long Island landscape paintings are in a group show through the end of June.
| Salt Marsh, Sunken Meadow, oil, 12" x 24" |
Friday, June 12
6:00 - 9:45 pm
Hosted by Annie Shaver-Crandell & Dan Dillon. DJ : Lorenzo Miercoles Open dancing to recorded Argentine tango music. Thoroughly enjoy the newly renovated main gallery by dancing through it. Salmagundi artists are welcome to come draw the scene. The club's bar open at 5:00pm Dining room open 5:30- 9:00 pm Lesson 6-7pm by Jean Fung Admission is $10.
Always free for active military service personnel, veterans and members of NYPD and FDNY. Salmagundi Club of New York 47 Fifth Ave @ 12th St New York, NY 10003
Space is currently available in small group painting classes offered at the Bond Street studio. Monday 2:30-5:30, Wednesday 3:00-6:00, Thursday 10 am-1:00 pm. Call or email me for details about these and private lessons.
Annie Shaver-Crandell: A Collection of Views Landscapes, Cityscapes and Interiors
 | Carousel Mug |
Please visit the online store to purchase my recently released book and collectible mug.
Please visit my studio for a private viewing. Call me at 212-464-7519 to schedule. I am also available to discuss commissions.
I love hearing from all of you with all your questions and comments. Please feel free to write me at and I promise to reply. Your comments help me build my studio.