Archives Homepage for the VOICE newsletter |
Welcome to our archives. You can access past issues of the VOICE here. For more information on the DisAbility Ministries Committee of The United Methodist Church visit our Web Site. |
- March 2016
- Annual Conference Accessibility; Ableism in conference planning; Using captioning; Role of event accessibility coordinator; Resource tool kit for planning accessible meetings and events
- Winter 2014/ 2015
- Strategies to make your church safe for people with invisible disabilities including severe food allergies, chemical sensitivity, and asthma
- Fall 2014
- Ministries inclusive of children with disabilities, hints for sensory overload and sensory processing needs
- Summer 2014
- The Mission u disability study and resources, updates from the DisAbility Ministries Committee
- Winter 2013/ 2014
- How the church can prepare for and respond to disasters and emergencies in ways that include and anticipate people with disabilities
- Fall 2013
- International Methodist disability ministries, EDAN women and violence conference, Kenya Deaf mission trip
- Summer 2013
- Updates from the joint meetings of the UM Committee on DisAbility Ministries and the UM Association of Ministers with Disabilties
- May 2013
- Camping ministries: accessible challenge courses, autism workshop, ADA pool regulations, job creation
- March 2013
- National and regional interfaith disability coalitions address mental health, offer education and support
- January 2013
- Building a comprehensive dementia ministry; Important Committee social media updates
- November 2012
- Spiritual supports & programs for people with intellectual disabilities; Jo D'Archangelis
- September 2012
- Intentional hospitality; Kenya mission trip; 2012 Task Force meeting highlights
- Summer 2012
- Certification program; Institute on Theology and Disability; Disability Open Mic; NAMI; Deaf camps
- April 2012
- Updates on General Conference legislation, website, and conference disability committees
- March 2012
- Pastors who are hard of hearing called to Deaf Ministry; UM Committee on Deaf and Hard of Hearing meeting; Technology for communication access
- February 2012
- Medical equipment loan programs; Occupational therapists' and Parish nurses' roles in disability ministry
- January 2012
- Church accessibility; Working with trustees; Platform lifts
- December 2011
- Adapted Inclusive Worship
- November 2011
- Ministers who are blind; Web accessibility
- September 2011
- Ministry with Homeless Persons
- July / August 2011
- Ramp-building Ministries
- June 2011
- Members and Work of the Task Force
- May 2011
- Inclusive and Accessible Camping Ministries
- April 2011
- Reaching out to Young Adults with Disabilities
- March 2011
- Disability Awareness Sunday
DisAbility Ministries Committee of The United Methodist Church GBGM, 475 Riverside Drive, 14th Floor
New York, NY 10115 |