
Interfaith Coalition of Fulton County
                            Faith Communities United for Health:
                                            Your Body is a Temple

Dear Fulton County Interfaith Coalition (FCIC) Members,


Please see message below from the FCIC co chairs, Pat W Smith & Michael Elliston




Dear FCIC members,


We would like to thank you all for being a part of this coalition. For us, 2012 has been a year of birth, lots of planning and organizing. We want to wish each one of you the best of the best 2013.   


new year  
Here are our updates from 2012:


1. FCIC has a Facebook page. Like us and befriend us for updates and post messages, here is the link to our Facebook page  



2. FCIC was well represented at the Health Promotion Advisory Coalition (HPAC) meeting on Dec 11, 2012. For details, click the link below.


HPAC meeting    


HPAC milestone report 2012


 Pictures from HPAC Dec 11, 2012


3. We have successfully conducted two Lunch, Listen & Learn Sessions with the Zen Buddhist Community and the Bahai Community. The focus group interviews are being transcribed for further analysis.  


4.  Bethel United Methodist Church hosted the Healthy Heart session and the attendees learned about reading food labels and how to make and fix a quick healthy salad / salad dressing. As a follow up, the wellness committee is working on a healthy kitchen policy draft.  


5.  Needs assessment were conducted at the Hindu Temple of Atlanta and The Muslim community.  


6. Our Meeting minutes from    


October 2012 at the Bethel Methodist Church 


November 2012 Agenda & Meeting Minutes at the Bahai community 


(For meeting minutes from April 2012, please scroll way down in the email) 


Feed Forward 2013 


We are looking forward to 2013 and encourage your active participation. Let us unite together as faith communities to focus on prevention and improve the health of our communities.     


January Meeting hosted by Concerned Black Clergy   


Date : January 9, 2013  

Time: 12:00noon - 2:00pm 

Location: The Vicars Community Center, 838 Cascade Rd, SW, Atlanta, GA 30311


Our agenda will include a presentation by Charlotte Hayes on the Chronic Disease Self Management Program (CDSMP) lay leader training logistics. The finalized agenda will be sent out prior to the meeting.   


Do not hesitate to reach us with any questions. We wish you a happy prosperous New Year 2013. 


FCIC Co Chairs,


Pat W. Smith     

Michael Ellistion 



PS: Archived Emails below    





Dear Fulton Interfaith Coalition Team Member,


We thank you for your participation at the September meeting in Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta. (Special thanks to Deanne Jacobson for hosting us). Please see below the minutes from the meeting.


September Meeting Minutes (Thank you, Sam Becknel)


The cochairs, Michael Elliston and Pat Smith are diligently working to get the Lunch Listen & Learn sessions on the move. Please save the dates for Oct 10the monthly meeting at the Bethel Methodist Church and Oct 14 for our first Lunch, Listen and Learn (LL&L)  session at the Atlants Soto Zen Center. Please click the link below for the updated invite for the


Lunch, Listen & Learn Session. (thanks Michael for all the hard work and bringing this important project. LL&L will set a strong foundation for the interfaith coalition moving forward. The deadline for RSVP is Oct 5, 2012.


Here is the updated contact members list from our Fulton County Interfaith coalition.


Team members (Thanks Michael & Pat Smith)




Here are some requirements from NICHQ to either attend webinars or complete the surveys. This is of importance as we signed on to the NICHQ Collaborate for Healthy Weight as a team.


NICHQ Reminders


 I. Reminder to register for Virtual Learning Series 2 (VLS2): Each team member should register individually for the Virtual Learning Series, regardless of whether you will be attending any or all of the sessions with other team members. If you are interested in obtaining Continuing Education credit for the Virtual Learning Series, you will need to register and complete the VLS2 Evaluation that will be sent out following the final VLS2 session.


Please click here to register. 



II. Please click the link below to complete the Wilder Survey. Each team member has to take the survey. Please take the survey as soon as possible.





Motivational Interviewing (MI) is "a collaborative conversation to strengthen a person's own motivation for and commitment to change." Many have found MI skills helpful as they try to engage individuals and families in behaviors that promote healthy weight. A video recording of Kathy Reims' plenary session on Motivational Interviewing filmed at HWC Phase 1 Learning Session 3 earlier this year provides an overview of MI and can serve as a brief introduction to key concepts. The video runs approximately 58 minutes and a link to the video can be found here:  



Healthy Weight Collaborative Phase 1 - Learning Session 3 -  
Healthy Weight Collaborative Phase 1 - Learning Session 3 - "Motivational Interviewing" (Kathy Reims, MD)



II. New ILab Support Website: In an effort to better support teams with the ILab, NICHQ has recently unveiled a new support website, which contains information on ILab updates, general ILab FAQs and contact information for specific questions. Check out the new site at .


Feel free to contact your NICHQ coaching group leads (Jenna Williams:, Julius Anastasio:, Adam Richman: ) with any comments or questions in this weekly digest update. Thank you!


If you need any assistance with the ILab, please email and our Online Community Coordinator, Julie Eisen, can assist you.


III.  Pre-Work Reminder for VLS2



 As a reminder, the deadlines for VLS2 pre-work are fast approaching, with the first assignment (team strategy map photograph) due this Wednesday,

September 12th. All pre-work materials and links can be found on

 ILab through the following path: Project Resources à 

Virtual Learning Community à Virtual Learning Series 2 - Sept 2012

à Pre-Work. Please refer to the Pre-Work package for a full

list of deadlines. Please contact your NICHQ Coaching Group

Lead for any pre-work questions.


  • Virtual Learning Series 2:
    • Day 1: Friday, September 21st from 12:00-3:00pm ET
    • Day 2: Monday, September 24th from 12:00-12:50

          and/or 1:10-2:00pm

    • Day 3: Friday, September 28th from 3:00-4:00pm ET



Do not hesitate to reach us with any questions.


Thank You,





Archived emails below:


Dear Fulton Interfaith Coalition Team Member,


A friendly reminder about our meeting on


Date : Wednesday, Sep 12, 2012

Time:  3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Location :

Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta (MJCCA)

5342 Tilly Mill Rd.

Dunwoody, GA 30338


Access to Executive Conference Room requires an MJCCA staff card. Deanne Jacobson will be waiting for everyone at the Front Desk until 2:55 pm,* then she will escort everyone upstairs.

*If anyone shows up late, please direct to Front Desk Customer Service Staff and ask them to call our Executive Assistant Ann Sargent. She will let additional people in the access door and show them to the Executive Conference Room.


 Please click the link below to view the agenda (Thanks Michael)




Do not hesitate to reach us with any questions.


Thank you,



Nazeera Dawood MBBS, MPH, CCRC
Health Promotion Program Manager

Fulton County Dept of Health & Wellness
265 Boulevard NE, Suite 423
Atlanta, GA 30312
Office:   404-613-1685

Cell:       404-583-7138

Efax:      404-893-6360  



August meeting email below:


 Dear Fulton Interfaith team member,


Our meeting last week at The Hindu Temple of Atlanta was a wonderful place to step away from the city, spent some time in this gorgeous place and the darshan with the priests and we enjoyed the beauty of a Hindu temple. We enjoyed perfection from arrival to departure and we thank Dr. Tulasi Vanapalli, Dr. Sujatha Reddy and Dr.Jayasree Moparthy for their warm welcome and hospitality.


We thank the cochairs, Pat W Smith and Michael Elliston for facilitating the meeting. Please click the meeting minutes for your review.

August meeting minutes


Please note that the cochairs will be in touch with you soon on coalition updates and learning sessions / assignment for the team.


Our September meeting details are below:



Date: September 12, 2012

Time: 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Location: Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta
5342 Tilly Mill Road
Dunwoody, GA



Do not hesitate to reach us with any questions.  



Thank You,



Fulton County Health Promotion Program Manager






August  2012:



Date & Time: Wednesday, August 8th from 11:45 pm to 2:00 pm. 10 minute tour of the temple if you arrive early.



5851 State Route 85 Riverdale, GA 30274


Directions to The Temple:

 From Atlanta: Take I-75 South to Riverdale Exit # 237A (GA HWY 85). Go Straight. Temple is located approximately 2.2 miles from the exit on the right side before Shell Gas Station. Temple gate is at the yellow blinking light)



  • Arrival/ Sign-In/ Lunch  
  • Tour of the temple
  • Member Updates / Member Charter
  • Action Plan :Please view draft Action Plan 
  • Healthy Weight Message/Messaging Plan
  • Data Entry
  • Learning Session
  • Sustainability / Work groups
  • Website
  • Other faith members to be invited
  • Grants NICHQ message:

 A a reminder, the slides and recording of the NICHQ Action Calls are now available on the Action Calls page of the Collaborate for Healthy Weight website. Pease view the email below for July meeting minutes.


Thank You,




Nazeera Dawood MBBS, MPH, CCRC
Health Promotion Program Manager

Fulton County Dept of Health & Wellness
265 Boulevard NE, Suite 423
Atlanta, GA 30312
Office:   404-613-1685

Cell:       404-583-7138

Efax:      404-893-6360  




July 2012:


 Our monthly meeting on July 18 was thought provoking, magnified our understanding, ignited our passion and compelled us to action. We thank each of you for attending the meeting and providing input on our aims statement. Please see below the meeting minutes (Thanks Ebony) and notes and themes compiled by Michael after our input.


July Meeting Minutes

Fulton Interfaith Community Notes / Themes 



We thank Michael for a great meditation session. We are constantly being assaulted by stresses and worries and the medication session helped us reduce stress as it lasted even once the session was done.


The cochairs, Pat W Smith and Michael Elliston are hard at work getting the learning sessions (focus groups) started from each congregation and will have a final report for us. We all agreed that this is a part of our needs assessment. Cochairs are also working on the team charter for efficiency. Also the task force will have a standing conference call to streamline the next steps.


Don Rubin is trying to schedule a meeting with Mimi Kiser who can provide us technical assistance etc. I will be in touch with each team member this week and if you are unable to participate as a team member, please let us know. We would like to bring in agencies that will support these efforts.


Our August meeting details will be sent out soon. Do not hesitate to reach us with any questions.


Thank You,




PS: Meeting notes from our June Meeting.


I. ILab:


Hopefully all of you have signed on to the ILab. If not, please let me know.

a.      ILab Toll Free  Technical Assistance: 1855/642-4710

b.      Bold Chat: You can chat live with a technical assistant to answer any of your iLab questions. Tab located on the side of the screen

c.       Discussion Board: You can now post discussion questions for all of the 50 NICHQ team to be able to view and provide feedback.


II.. Please click the document links below for useful information:



A. Team Meeting Minutes  



a. April 2012 

b. May 2012  

c. June 2012  (Thank You Jenelle Holder Williams from State)

d. Recap of minutes (Don, Nazeera & Michael meeting (Thanks Sensei)


B. Interfaith Team Contacts 


C. Fulton Team Wilder Survey Report ( We have scored pretty well)


D. Fulton Interfaith Coalition Overview (Thanks Ebony)


E. Fulton Interfaith Coalition Pictures (Thanks Brian)


F. Aim Statement Guidance 


V. Video from the NICHQ Team:


NICHQ Collaborate for Healthy Weight Overview



Stronger Partnerships, Healthier Futures
Stronger Partnerships, Healthier Futures



Do not hesitate to reach us with any questions,


Thank You.


Contact Information

Nazeera Dawood MBBS, MPH, CCRC
Health Promotion Program Manager
Fulton County Dept of Health & Wellness
265 Boulevard NE, Suite 423
Atlanta, GA 30312
Office: 404-613-1685

Cell: 404-583-7138

Efax: 404-893-6360

Interfaith Coalition Members  Quick Links