Dear Coalition Member,
We started our endless journey in 2012, building the Health Promotion Advisory Coalition (HPAC). It was a journey surrounded by complex chronic diseases and huge challenges. A journey that started in 2012 and far from over. A journey that showed community power in numbers and diversity. A journey, where we must work together to create a healthier Fulton. Last week, we celebrated our one year HPAC anniversary with a huge support from the community. (More details in the email links below )
The New Year 2013 is here and we are committing ourselves to this health movement working alongside the community, HPAC Cochair, Mr. Rodney Mullins, Coalition cochairs, Linda Ellis, Ken Lazarus, Richard Johnson, Darnella Abdul Barr, Cornelia King, Devin Rucker, Pat W.Smith, Vicki Karnes, Michael Elliston and our partners. HPAC is not just a campaign that has a beginning and an end but a continuous unceasing health movement envisioning us to be the healthiest county in Georgia. Heart disease, cancers, diabetes, chronic lung diseases, and mental health now have a huge burden in our community. HPAC is a huge opportunity that we must seize now towards a healthier Fulton community. HPAC could be a part of the solution that fixes the hole on the bridge as it focuses on policy, systems and environmental (PSE) changes to reduce the financial burden and the unnecessary suffering from chronic diseases.
Please click the following links for:
If you would like to be a part of any of our coalition, please feel free to do so by contacting us. You are also welcomed to attend our coalition meetings.If you identify anyone who should be a part of the sub coalitions, let us know.
1. Smoke Free Coalition meeting: 2nd Tuesday from 9:30 to 11:30 am
2. Healthy Heart Coalition meeting: 3rd Tuesday from 9:30 to 11:30 am
3. Diabetes Coalition meeting: 4th Tuesday from 10:00 am to noon
4. Asthma coalition - TBD
5. Interfaith Coalition - Jan 09, 2012
6. Safe Kids Coalition - March 24, 2012
7. Women's Health Coalition - TBD
Click the link below to view the
Happy New Year Card from Health Promotion Team
HPAC Action Steps
1. Click the link that defines specific action steps /commitment letter
2. Action steps that HPAC will be taking moving forward
As we enter the year 2013, we wish you a cheerful, delightful, enjoyable, happy, healthy, hearty, pleasant, relaxed, relieved, rested, safe, joyful, humorous, merry, jubilant, festive, athletic, fresh, preventive, lively Holiday Season and New Year ! I would like to thank once again our management, Dr. Patrice A. Harris and Dr. Matthew McKenna and of course my dedicated team members; Carolyn Wooten, Patricia Jackson, Lynnette Allen, Carla Williams, Elise Lockamy and interns for a successful 2012 and looking forward to working with you in 2013.
Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.
Thank you,
Nazeera Dawood MBBS, MPH, CCRC Health Promotion Program Manager Fulton County Dept of Health & Wellness 265 Boulevard NE, Suite 423 Atlanta, GA 30312 Office: 404-613-1685
Cell: 404-583-7138
Efax: 404-893-6360 Email:
Email follow up from HPAC one year celebration on Dec 11,2012
Dear HPAC member,
Thank you for participating in the Health Promotion Advisory Coalition (HPAC) one year anniversary celebration on December 11, 2012. We know that chronic disease in Fulton County is a huge problem surrounded by huge challenges. The diverse high-level expertise and the communities represented in the session itself was a statement about how deeply we need to be concerned and how broadly we need to engage.
Together we have laid the foundation for a dialogue and defined opportunities and roles to address the current health status in Fulton County by building the Health Promotion Advisory Coalition (HPAC). HPAC is about growing health together, HPAC is about the community, HPAC is about the paradigm shift from sickness to wellness, HPAC is about being the healthiest county, HPAC is about prevention, HPAC is about Policy, Systems & Environmental / Education change, HPAC is about giving a voice to the unspoken, HPAC is about reality and practicality, and ultimately HPAC is about doing the right thing!!! HPAC is about saving lives. Fulton County Health & Wellness is committed to carrying this effort forward. That said we want to hear from you further on some of your efforts underway to build the momentum generated in the session. Please consider ways you can assist us with people, resources and ideas to propel this health movement forward. As we move forward with HPAC, we will do so with commitment to working in partnership with you.
* Thank you message from Mr. Rodney Mullins , HPAC Cochair:
Hello Health Coalition members,
We had a phenomenal day on Tuesday, December 11!! The broad spectrum of people symbolized the concern for creating a 'Healthier Community'. There were dozens of community groups, corporations and government agencies that pledged their support for a unified front in the prevention of disease and unnecessary disabilities due to improper lifestyles and limited knowledge. I was honored to be surrounded by so many powerful, passionate and talented leaders. We can make our community an example of collaboration that crosses all boundaries to achieve our health objectives and metrics.
We appreciate you for the pivotal role that you will play in the upcoming days to change behaviors, interrupt threats to our children's health and influence others to move toward positive lifestyles. This upcoming year will feature the growth of our communication and activation of health ambassadors throughout the community. Young and old will be recruited to become health educators and leaders in this 'Health Movement'.We are looking for the leaders within the group to contact us to address some of our resource needs. If you have volunteers to serve as health educators, training space, innovative ideas or funding sources for training supplies, please contact us. Once again, we look forward to working with you and stay-tuned for some big announcements that we will be planning with each of you."
Rodney Mullins
HPAC, Co-Chairman
Bio: Mr. Rodney Mullins has a history of building the economic and health capacities of cities across America. He has created capacity building opportunities for hundreds of children and families in over 100 high potential communities. He loves this type of work which is why the current administration designated him as the National Consumer Representative to advocate for grassroots citizens. He has served as Vice-President of the National Childhood Cancer Foundation, Vice-President of the American Lung Association and the youngest CEO of the Children's Cancer Research Fund. But today he is more concerned about making our communities healthier, our children disease-free and environment full of healthy food and messages. He has learned a lot about teams at West Point, and feels that the HPAC team has the potential to win and achieve hundreds of victories in Fulton County.
* Acknowledgements:
� Dr. Michael Eriksen from GSU for sponsoring the hall
� Project Open Hand for sponsoring the healthy food
� Rite Aid for sponsoring gift bags
� Our photographer Gilford Watson
� Sam Becknel from Strategy Group
� Milano Harden from the Genius Group
� Curtis Smith from United Methodist Men
� Ms. Louis Dunsan & Doug Deen from Pittsburgh community
� Rear Admiral Clara H. Cobb, Assistant Surgeon General, HHS Regional Administrator
� Imam Bashir representing Islam, Concerned Black Clergy Rev. Brown, Dr. Raghu from Hindu Temple of Atlanta, Lee Lambert representing Bahai community, Michael Elliston representing Zen Buddhism
� Councilman Vince Williams from Union City
� Each one of you
* Feedback / Forward from you:
More than 95% of you who completed the evaluation forms felt that the Objectives were clearly defined at the beginning of the session, the event helped you better understand the role of HPAC and you plan on being an active member of HPAC or one of the coalitions in 2013.
More Feedback:
� "Today's event was remarkable for being able to accomplish at least three things:
1) It was entertaining
2) Extensive and important information about the activities and accomplishments of all the coalitions was productively shared.
3) The overall HCAP effort was energized and further defined as a promising initiative for influencing health efforts in Fulton County at the grass roots level."
Dr. Matthew McKenna - Fulton County Health Services Medical Director
� "Thank you so much for allowing me to attend the celebration on Tuesday. It was inspiring and exciting. I am teaching a course in health disparities this semester and would like to share some information about HPAC in my class."
Kim Renee Ramsey -White, GSU
� "Thank you so much for inviting the women's Health team to the meeting today. It was very nice and well organized."
Debra Dewitt - Women's Health
� "I was glad to attend and impressed with the enthusiasm and great turn out. I hope that Georgia State urban and public health can be part of future efforts in Fulton County. Our students and faculty are great resources and eager to be a part of the efforts to make Fulton the healthiest county!"
John Steward, GSU
� "We all are in tune about how much we appreciate the vision, dedication, and hard work you have devoted to building the coalitions' brought together Monday morning. You and your colleagues represent the best in civil society; thank you for all that you do and are doing."
Richard Kuegeman, Executive Director, The Eating Disorders Information Network
Feed Forward:
� "To become actually involved, to involve my students and student doctors"- Yasmin Tyler-Hill- Morehouse School of Medicine
� "Implement education throughout the Vine City Community." -Gwendolyn Thomas- Atlanta Public Schools
� "Discuss CHOA programs for health and wellness in schools." - Michele Wimbush- CHOA
� "Greater participation in spite of work demands." - Kendra Gamble - Morehouse College
� "Breastfeeding education; for each of the coalition should consider including breastfeeding (Lactation awareness." -Mary Nicholson Jackson, Grady Health System
� "Liked the interactive aspects of speakers and that there were lots of varied voices. Thanks for lunch and the healthy recipes." -Amye Walters, Old Fourth Ward Community Gardener
� "Glad to see that Fulton County is taking the forefront in leading a healthy lifestyle." -Carolyn Parks "This was wonderful!"
* Community Builders Award Certificates:
Richard Kuegeman
Richard Kuegeman is the Executive Director of the Eating Disorders Information Network and is the only organization in the state of Georgia that is specifically organized and dedicated to ending eating disorders of all kinds, through awareness, education, and outreach.
Lee Lo
Program Manager for the Center for Pan Asian Community Services, Inc (CPACS).
Brenda Lankford is CEO of Aria Consultants, Inc. Brenda is a registered nurse that strives to promote total body wellness in the community esp the Bankhead area.
Warren Head
Warren Head received his degree in marketing from Mercer University and currently serves as the secretary for United Methodist Men's College Park District and is a member of the Ariel Bowen United Methodist Church. Pittsburgh community.
Barbara Duffy
Barbara Duffy has been Executive Director of North Fulton Community Charities since 1990. She currently serves on the Housing Authority of Fulton County, and facilitates the North Fulton InterAgency Council.
Sister Betty Ali has been an RN for the past 23 years and is the founder of Compassionate Nursing. She identifies a lack of education as a main issue for the community in achieving optimal health and wellness.
Heidy Guzman, is the Executive Director for Hispanic Health Coalition and her everyday message is be inclusive. The Hispanic community feels left out of the system and we have to be wise to make them a part of our everyday decision making process.
Atul R. Laddu, MD, PhD, FACC
Community work : Giving guidance to students, helping community members with a variety of tasks. Is a retired physician, has held several positions in pharmaceutical industry.
Athon Barron , CEO Your Health America
Your Health American primary focus is to increase physical activity and nutritional education in the Fulton County School System. Walking/ Running Clinics, and annual running and biking events.
* Information on HPAC Coalitions (please click the links and also attachments for your reference.
1. Fulton Asthma Improvement & Reduction (FAIR) coalition
Cochairs: Richard Johnson & Danella Abdul Barr
Fact sheet & Flyer
2. Healthy Heart Coalition
Cochairs: Cornelia King & Devin Rucker
Fact Sheet
3. Smoke Free Coalition
Cochairs: Linda Ellis & Ken Lazarus
Fact Sheet
4. Interfaith Coalition
Cochairs: Pat W Smith & Michael Elliston
Fact Sheet
5. Diabetes Coalition
Cochair: Vicki Karnes
Fact Sheet
6. Safe Kids Coalition
Cochairs: Tamika Stinson & Linda Dubose)
Fact Sheet
7. Women's Health Network
Fact Sheet
* HPAC Milestone Report 2012
HPAC has launched a number of initiatives, participated in innovative partnerships, and is establishing a presence at the community. HPAC is about the big picture. We hope that these initiatives serve as resources that provide a platform for unified efforts and information that benefit the Fulton community at large. We are also continuing to nourish and cultivate seeds of collaboration, cohesiveness and connection. We thank Dr. Patrice A Harris, Dr. Matthew McKenna, our dedicated co-chairs, Health Promotion team, Patricia Jackson, Carolyn Atwater-Wooten, Carla Williams, Lynnette Allen and additionally our PHPS Fellow, Elise Lockamy and Interns, Jenna Lupi, Calister Imeda, Elizabeth Gillette, Deanna Pugh and Whitlie Irving, who continue to support HPAC to accomplish milestone achievements. We thank you as well for your continued support and interest in HPAC to advance health!
Do not hesitate to reach us with any questions.
Thank you,