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April 10, 2014

April is Organ Donation month and I am sure you have been seeing many messages reminding of the importance of being an organ donor. I love seeing all the messages of gratitude that are shared through social media.  The "Gift of Life" is precious to many of us.
Have You Heard the Latest on KidneyTalk?
Life Without Limits
Nathan Gutierrez was raised to be independent. Born with Spina Bifida and needing to use a wheelchair his entire life, Nathan shares his inspiring story of how his parents and friends encouraged him to live a "normal" life. When his kidneys failed, he knew he would have another challenge but he didn't let that stop him. Listen to his incredible journey of how he has overcome life's obstacles and continues to pursue his goals for the future. Listen Now
Shine A Light on Kidney Disease
Jack Black Shines a Light
As part of RSN's "Shine a Light on Kidney Disease" Campaign, famous actor Jack Black has donated a lamp which he himself decorated and autographed. This is an awesome lamp, a collector's item for sure, with Jack's own personal drawings.

You can bid for it now on eBay and it can be yours! 

See More Photos


Spread Organ Donation Awareness
Organ Donation and Transplantation: How Does It Work?
This is a excellent video by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services explaining how deceased organ donation works. 122,151 people are waiting for an organ in the U.S. Please share with your friends and family.
Donation and Transplantation: How does it work?
Make your wishes be known by signing up to be an organ and tissue donor. Find your state registry.
Support Our Cause While Shopping
Amazon Smile
If you're an Amazon shopper, you can help support RSN with each purchase. Click on the image on the right and type in Renal Support Network as the charity of your choice. 0.5% of your Amazon purchase will go to RSN.


Everyone can do their part to help spread the message of organ donation. Last weekend while I was in the checkout line at the grocery store, I shared my own personal story with the store clerk. He agreed to sign up to be an organ donor! One person at a time is how we bring awareness so please share your story too. 



Lori Hartwell
President and Founder
Renal Support Network 
An illness is too demanding if you don't have hope!