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Issue 47
November 2012
M E S S A G E - 
  Letter from the President

Loss of a boardwalk The Thanksgiving holiday takes on a new meaning this year.  In the past month, the New York metropolitan area was transformed by damages associated with Hurricane Sandy and the "nor'easter" that followed shortly thereafter.  With record tide surges and wide-spread damages, the economic cost could exceed $50B while the impact on the lives of thousands of New Yorkers is incalculable.  Fortunately, most in our College community only experienced extended power outages; but several remain dislocated as a result of flooding.  During and after the storm, the campus served as a resource and refuge to several members of our community.

While our campus was closed for several days by order of the Governor, the facility fared well, but our communication system was out for nearly two weeks compromising our ability to serve our patients.  The University Eye Center has since reached out to our patients, offering support and assistance in ensuring their eye care needs are met.  Many of our students and our faculty have since volunteered their time working with the ophthalmic industry using mobile vans to provide eye care to those in areas affected by the storm.

I am proud of our community as everyone came together during this challenging time to lend support to one another and to those impacted by Sandy.  While the devastation has been great, we should give thanks that all members of our college family are safe and secure.

David A. Heath, OD, EdM
 - M A I N   F E A T U R E -

SUNY Optometry's Class of 2016 Does 'Dialog in the Dark"      


Class of 2016 Participate in DID 2012 In October, the Class of 2016 attended "Dialog in the Dark" as part of their first year Integrative Seminar Class.  The exhibit is co-sponsored by the Lighthouse International at the South Street Seaport.  The event provides first hand experience of navigating blindly through New York.  As their web page states, it is "An unforgettable experience, the Dialog in the Dark exhibition bring you face-to-face with New York City landmarks -- in complete darkness...you'll discover a new way to "see" New York by its unique sounds and smells, textures and temperatures.  And here's the twist - your guide is visually impaired."     


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- D I D   Y O U   K N O W ?  - 


  • It is estimated that over 110 lives were lost due to the storm, with 48 deaths in NY and 24 in NJ.

  • The storm surge set new records along the coast, with the surge bringing tide levels in the Battery 13.88 feet above average.  This crushed the previous record of 11 ft. set by Hurricane Donna in 1960.

  • Moody's Analytics puts the storm damage at $49.9B, the third most costly natural disaster in US history.

    NJ Rollercoaster Destroyed by Hurricane Sandy

- C A M P A I G N   U P D A T E S - 
Vision and the Promise Campaign
The Vision and the Promise Campaign Needs Your Support!

If you have not already done so, please consider making a year-end gift to support The Vision and the Promise Campaign.  You can direct how your donation will be used.  Funds can be unrestricted, which means they are used where there is the greatest need, or you can restrict your donation to a particular program area.  Please feel free to contact Ann Warwick's office at 212-938-5600 with any questions.

- H I G H L I G H T S -


College Librarian Receives Membership in Academy of Health Information Professionals at Distinguished Level

Ms. Elaine Wells Ms. Elaine Wells, Librarian for the College's Harold Kohn Library, has been approved for membership in the Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP) at the Distinguished Level.  AHIP is the Medical Library Association's peer-reviewed professional development and career recognition credentialing program that promotes lifelong learning and exemplary professional performance through the recognition of achievements in continuing education, teaching, publishing, research and other contributions to the profession.   




SUNY Optometry Administration Attend 100th Anniversary of China Affiliate

November 17, 2012 marked the 100th Anniversary of the founding of Wenzhou Medical College in Wenzhou, China.  President Heath and Dr. Heiberger, Director of International Programs, represented SUNY Optometry at the event, entitled "2012 International Cooperation Forum".

The Wenzhou Medical College takes great pride on its affiliations with institutions outside of China.  The event also celebrated 20 years of affiliation with the New England College of Optometry and the fifth year of its affiliation with the SUNY College of Optometry.

2012 Annual Envision New York Held

The 11th Annual Envision New York program, which returned to Envision 2012 the College as its venue, was held October 20 - 22, 2012.  Sponsored by the Office of Continuing Professional Education, the program offered a broad array of courses that included more than 40 CE hours.



Rear- U N I V E R S I T Y   E Y E   C E N T E R -

SUNY Faculty and Son Does Mission in Peru     


Dr. Paul Galstian examines patient Dr. Paul Galstian, an Assistant Clinical Professor at the College and an Associate Doctor at Ophthalmic Consultants of Long Island, and his teenage son, Andrew, recently returned from a Medical Mission in Peru.  The mission was organized and run by Stony Brook Medical School.  Dr. Galstian and Andrew were joined by 18 medical students, a pediatrician and an internist.


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- R E S E A R C H -
Scholarly Achievements


This year the College had a broad number of faculty, residents and students participate in the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Optometry.  Last month's issue highlighted students and the title of their presentations who received travel fellowships to attend the Academy.  Below is a listing of our faculty who participated through papers, presentations and/or posters:


Wagner, H. and Richdale, K.  "Age-Related Differences in Behavior, Environmental Factors and General Health Status of Contact Lens Wearers". 


Richdale, K.  "Development of a Contact Lens Risk Assessment Survey."


Bass, S.J., Wong, A. and Sherman, J.  "The Dissociation Between the Ganglion Cell Complex/Analysis and Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness in Hereditary Retinal Disease". 


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Papers and/or Presentations  


Dr. Mort Soroka presented a paper authored by himself and Dr. David Heath entitled "Planning for the Supply of Eye Care Providers" at the 140th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association in San Francisco on October 30, 2012.  




- P E R S O N N E L -

New Director of Communications  

Mr. Gregory Houle has joined the staff of the President's Mr. Gregory Houle Office as the new Director of Communications.   He will be responsible for public and media relations along with the College's printed and electronic publications.  Mr. Houle was the Advancement Communications Manager at Lebanese American University in New York City where he was involved in worldwide communications and media relations; the university's global fundraising campaign and its print and online communication materials.  Greg holds a B.A. and a M.A. in History from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.  Please join us as we welcome him to the college community.  



*The College would like to remind everyone that all job openings are posted on the College website --