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Jungle News
Help us cut the ribbon!
Kari with clinic sign
The Bob Barker Medical Clinic has come a long way since we took this picture. Help us cut the ribbon on the finished building at
Monkey Miracle Day!
Jungle Friends is
Almost Wild!

Video Almost Wild
Watch our 7-minute Almost Wild mini-documentary to find out more about Jungle Friends.
About Heart Phoenix
River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding logo
Heart Phoenix, Chair of our Monkey Miracle Day Host Committee, founded the
River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding in Gainesville, Florida as a tribute to her son River Phoenix.  
 Read about it here.
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August 19, 2014

Dear Friend of Jungle Friends,   

Wow! The response to our Monkey Miracle Day invitation is incredible! I am overwhelmed by all of the support, and I can't wait to meet so many new friends on October 25 -- and I can't wait to introduce everyone to the monkeys who call Jungle Friends home.

The biggest news is that Heart Phoenix will chair our Monkey Miracle Day Host Committee! Heart is the founder of the
River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding (RPCP)
The monkeys "heart" you!
here in Gainesville. Heart has been a huge supporter of Jungle Friends since we arrived In Gainesville over 15 years ago! The RPCP promotes the principles of peacebuilding and global sustainability, and that mission is in direct alignment with our principle of dynamic harmlessness and promoting compassion.

Hosting along with Heart Phoenix are Alachua County Commissioner Robert "Hutch" Hutchinson and Lawrence Hopkins, President/CEO of Regenerative Biologics. The monkeys are so fortunate to have so many people who truly care about them and we are lucky to count them as our friends!

Our amazing Monkey Miracle Day Host Committee

Hutch Hutchinson
Lawrence Hopkins
Heart Phoenix
 Hutch Hutchinson
Lawrence Hopkins

If you haven't already, please accept our invitation to Monkey Miracle Day. You won't want to miss this chance to visit the sanctuary -- and we don't want to miss this chance to meet YOU!

Kari Bagnall Lots of monkey love from Kari




P.S. RSVP here for Monkey Miracle Day. For more information, call 386-452-7779.

P.P.S. to your friends you feel may be interested in our mission or attending Monkey Miracle Day.