If you have been following Jersey's Journey
here or on
Facebook, you've seen photos of Jersey in Kari's home, sleeping with humans, cuddled by humans, eating from the table...and gazing longingly out the window. Short of pitching a tent inside a monkey habitat or keeping him in a tiny cage in the clinic for months on end, that was the only way we could constantly monitor Jersey and stop him from picking at his wounds. It was a challenge!
It may look cute, but stuffed animals are no substitute for real monkey friends. Jersey's face says it all. |
Jersey demonstrated every day that monkeys are
not pets. Even with just one leg and on medication, he could destroy a room in a matter of minutes and attack with little provocation. Despite our efforts to keep him busy Jersey could become bored and frustrated. Our ultimate goal was to get him outside to meet monkey friends, and we are happy to report that we have now achieved that goal!
Jersey's Journey will continue as he learns new ways to climb and play, but it will continue in the most natural setting we can possibly provide, for the rest of his life.
Won't you
sponsor Jersey and be a part of his new monkey life?