Jungle News
Monkey Movies
Jersey makes the news!
The New Girls Are Here!
Madison is already loving life outside with other monkeys! This sweet, gentle girl is 19 & a former pet, so we are surprised at her quick adjustment.
Curious Ellie Mae
Three-year-old Ellie Mae (above) might just be the girl for Dylan (below, with Monkers). He tried to act all macho when he saw Ellie Mae ... then he went to Monkers for a hug.
Valuable Volunteers
April Truitt, founder of Primate Rescue Center, her granddaughter Sydney and friend Sophia helped out at the sanctuary for about a week! Watch the video of Jersey seeing the nursery they designed for the first time!
Mary Anne, long-time volunteer and special needs coordinator takes Elizabeth for a joy ride in the golf cart!
Kathryn painting clinic
Kathryn Quass with Animal Warriors stayed on site for a week working on our new Bob Barker Medical Clinic!
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Another milestone on Jersey's journey
June 27, 2013

Dear Friend of Jungle Friends,   
Jersey is getting better and better each and every day!

Wow! Thank you to everyone for your support for Jersey, one of our newest and most special monkey residents. Every day since his leg amputation Jersey has gotten stronger. Last week he had the final surgery to reconstruct his left foot and yesterday he got his stitches out. Now he is almost free of the huge bandage and is on the road to recovery and rehabilitation. We will continue to supervise Jersey around the clock thanks to all the loyal supporters who continue to come out to help.

We're looking forward to seeing more Animal Warriors volunteers next week too. And Board Members Karol Lucan and Susan Schneider are also planning to come from Las Vegas to help out, as well as Jack and Lauren Pitts - we know all the best people!
Dr Schirmer with Jersey

We are so grateful for all of your donations and moral support. Right now, as we build the new Bob Barker Medical Clinic, we are realizing again how limited we are with our tiny one-room clinic.

Our other two patients, Elizabeth and Murphy, need quiet, soft music, and lots of rest, so it has been difficult having three monkeys in the clinic at the same time.

Please make a donation to the Memorial Medical Fund and help make our new clinic the best it can be for the monkeys.

Kari Bagnall Lots of monkey love from Kari




P.S. Watch Jersey's progress on his video page, and please don't forget that he needs sponsors!
Update on Murphy and Elizabeth
Elizabeth thumbs up
Elizabeth gave a thumbs up before bedtime.
Learn more about Elizabeth.

Elizabeth and Murphy are two brown capuchins with two very different -- and very puzzling -- illnesses.

Elizabeth has been in the clinic for more than two weeks, with anemia, and is suffering from liver issues. We have performed a battery of tests and still do not have a diagnosis.
Murphy in clinic
Please make a donation to our Medical Fund for Murphy and the other special needs monkeys at Jungle Friends!

Murphy has been in and out of the clinic for more than a month. She has diabetes, which is common among monkeys raised as 'pets'.

For years we had Murphy off of insulin and were controlling her glucose with diet, but she is back on insulin and has been in ketoacidosis and on fluids on and off. She has us baffled. Murphy will see Dr. Schirmer on Monday for an ultra sound, radiographs and more blood tests to see if there is an underlying cause to her condition, other than the diabetes. She is really getting bored in the clinic and anxious to get back outside with her friends.

Please make a donation to the Medical Fund today to help out with Murphy and Elizabeth's vet expenses.

Every day is filled with ups and downs for both monkeys, but we won't give up. I have seen too many monkey miracles to think for even a minute that these girls can't recover.
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