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In This Issue
Industry News

Nevin McKeown, OCWA's Regional Manager of Peel featured in this month's issue of Influents 

When asked for a photo to accompany this profile, Nevin McKeown sent two photos; one of the G.E. Booth Wastewater Treatment Plant and another of the Clarkson Waste Water Treatment Plan. His reaction to the request is just a small indication of his deep passion for the industry. Read more

WRAIN Hires New Project Manager

The Water Research and Innovation Network (WRAIN) has hired Kirk Wong as its new project manager. Wong, an environmental business development professional, has experience overseeing project management for industrial and commercial operations, and has a background in advanced academic chemistry and environmental expertise. More information via Water Canada
OCWA's Jets were one of the two teams who won the right to represent the Water Environment Association of Ontario (WEAO) at the 2013 WEFTEC Chicago Operations Challenge on October 7-8. Read more 


Upcoming Events
The National First Nations Infrastructure Conference and Trade Show: Building for a Sustainable Future
February 3-5, 2014

Toronto, ON

Booth #: 212 Watertap/Ontario Clean Water Agency

More information

Making it Work: How to Properly Construct Low Impact Development (LID) Storm water Management

Go Beyond the Spreadsheet: A Lunch and Learn on Data & Analytics for the Water Tech Sector

February 18, 2014

Toronto, ON

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Ontario Good Roads Association/Rural Ontario Municipal Association Combined Conference

February 23-26

Toronto, ON

OCWA Booth #76

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Resilience: Smart Energy Communities in the Age of Extreme Weather
February 25, 2014

Toronto, ON

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Water Professional Path
February 25-26, 2014:

Toronto, ON

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International Conference on Stormwater and Urban Water Systems Modeling
February 26-27, 2014:

Where: Toronto, ON

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Waterline January 2014

Feature Articles

FiveOCWA in 2014

Every day, millions of Ontarians drink our tap water and trust us to make their wastewater safe for the environment.


Every year OCWA participates in a number of conferences across Ontario to share our story. This year, we will be involved in over 35 conferences, trade shows and workshops and we are looking forward to meeting you.


To kick things off, OCWA will be at the National First Nations Infrastructure Conference and Trade Show: Building for a Sustainable Future from February 3-5 in Toronto. Visit our booth (#212) and let's talk water.


Later in the month (February 23-26), OCWA will be at the Ontario Good Roads Association/Rural Ontario Municipal Association Combined Conference in Toronto. Come visit us at booth #76.


OCWA is also excited to be sponsoring the launch of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce's (OCC) comprehensive report on the Ring of Fire. The launch event will be held on February 20 at the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) in Toronto and OCWA will be part of the panel discussion during the event. In attendance will be 40-50 decision-makers from the provincial and federal governments, including Deputy Ministers, Assistant Deputy Ministers and Ministers' Chiefs of Staff, as well as representatives from the mining, financial services, construction/engineering sectors, and other relevant sectors.


Also on tap for 2014, OCWA will be hosting a series of free workshops in several of our client communities. Please visit ocwa.com for more details (exact dates and times will be posted shortly)

  • Distribution/Condition Assessment
  • Energy Initiative with Honeywell, Energy funding and incentives
  • Optimization - water audits/WW facility modeling

If your business is water, you need to know OCWA. Click here to get to know us a little better.


OCWA in the Community 


OCWA Invests in Communities.

OCWA staff and partners across the province were proud to have contributed their time and expertise to over 90 community and educational events throughout 2013. From water festivals, public tours and classroom visits, to charity runs, shoreline cleanups and assembling water filtration units to be shipped to areas in need around the world, it was quite a year! Click here to see what we have planned for 2014.



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OCWA is an agency of the Province of Ontario mandated to provide safe, reliable
and cost-effective clean water services to the people of Ontario.

Copyright �2014 Ontario Clean Water Agency. All Rights Reserved. 

Ontario Clean Water Agency
waterline@ocwa.com  | http://www.ocwa.com
1 Yonge Street, Suite 1700
Toronto, M5E 1E5