December 31, 2014

Letter from the Director


I hope you are enjoying time out with family and friends over the holidays.


At the end of the year we all look back - to what went well, what could be changed, and what resolutions you might make for 2015. I hope you have some health goals in mind and with those goals - some vitamin D related aspirations. We would like to hear your goals and thus are launching the contest described below. We will be reading each entry, so please enter!


I want to share with you some vitamin D results from our seminar. During the seminar we offered a free vitamin D blood test to attendees. Twenty-six people took us up on it, and so far we have received results for 21 of them.


Almost everyone who attends our seminars are people who already understand the importance of vitamin D and the sun. Most of these people already follow a supplement or sun regimen.


And guess what - only 4 out of 21 (19%) had vitamin D blood levels within the recommended range of 40-60 ng/ml. Five people were in the 60-80 ng/ml range, so 43% were above 40 ng/ml. But even among vitamin D-aware individuals, two were below 20 ng/ml.  



What does this tell us? That measurement and feedback are important for change. Even if we know that vitamin D is important for health, it is only after we complete a few cycles of measurement and change that we can really achieve the outcome we want.


And the good news? When you do this measurement with D*action, we use this data to help educate the world about vitamin D and move research into practice!


Here's to 2015!


Carole Baggerly 

Director, GrassrootsHealth

A Public Health Promotion & Research Organization

Moving Research into Practice NOW!

Vitamin D Resolution Contest 


As you prepare for 2015, GrassrootsHealth would like to hear from you - what will you do differently in 2015? What are some of your vitamin D resolutions? Do you know your current vitamin D blood level? Is it where you want it to be? Do you have people you would like to influence? Would you like to make a change to your practice?


To submit your ideas, please email using the format described below. We will choose a most impactful winner and they will receive a year's subscription to the D*action project. Runner up will receive a one-time blood test with D*action. All submissions are due by January 12th, and will be announced in the January 14th newsletter.


Goals: How can we be impactful in 2015?


What are your goals with respect to vitamin D personally, within your family, and within a bigger population group? Maybe last year you worked on your own vitamin D levels, and now it is time to move to your family, or to your friends.


Take a minute and write down these goals. Be as specific as possible, because the next step is to plan how to achieve this goal and then how to measure success.


Plan: Tools from GrassrootsHealth


Think about how you plan to attack your goals. On the personal side, if you want to make sure you know your vitamin D level, then your goal might be to complete two D*action blood tests in 2015 (we recommend testing once every 6 months).


If you have a goal to spread the word about vitamin D, what are some  ways that you can do that? Through word of mouth, social media, handouts, meetings? GrassrootsHealth has a lot of information that you can share with others - from very simple handouts or videos to medical research papers.


In the beginner's corner and the references section of this newsletter we have put some very popular links that are great to share. Feel free to make copies of this information, have handouts at your practice, have people over for popcorn and show a video on your big screen. You may use any of these materials for your friends and family.


Success: Measurement and D*action


D*action is the ultimate tool for measurement. Most people won't believe they are deficient until they see the data firsthand. Everyone understands numbers. When you ask someone to test their blood level and partner it with the Disease Incidence Prevention Chart, then people understand where they are and can also ascertain where they want to be.


Every new person that joins D*action helps strengthen our data set, our analysis, and our voice for change.


Last week we reported on a change in the Missoula Public Health administration and one of the key parts of success was due to testing. Many doctors and administrators knew their own vitamin D levels before they were asked to get vitamin D blood levels for their patients. It was reported that after testing, the doctors and administrators were much more supportive of the program, and continued to be as they saw the results from their patient base.




As you send in your resolution please include a goal, a plan, and a measurement portion. For example:


Goal - My goal is to educate my co-workers (I work in an office) about the benefits of vitamin D.


Plan - To put the "Scientists Call to Action" and the "Disease Incidence Prevention Chart" in the break room. To hold a monthly meeting where I show a video and answer questions. To have a walking group at lunch in the summer to enjoy the benefits of the sun.


Measurement - I will consider it a success if five of my co-workers join D*action. I will be overjoyed if three of my co-workers get their blood level to recommended ranges by the end of 2015. (I have 10 co-workers).

Editor's Note


My personal goal is to get more benefits from the sun. I plan to do this by going out at least 4 times a week at high noon with minimal clothing to either layout or exercise. I will consider it a success if my blood level remains within 40-60 ng/ml.


My goal for my family is to get up to date on our D*action tests. I will consider it a success if they are all within 40-60 ng/ml.


My goal for the broader world is to continue to work with GrassrootsHealth to reach out to more communities (i.e. tanning, insurance, workplaces) so that they can see the benefit of vitamin D. I would consider it a success if this year we had some major companies start a vitamin D project within their employee or customer base.


I can't wait to read your submissions for the contest- send them in!


Susan Siljander       


Marketing Director, GrassrootsHealth

A Public Health Promotion & 

Research Organization  

Moving Research into Practice NOW!


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Order Your Home Vitamin D Test TODAY!
Your participation in this project funds all the GrassrootsHealth research and promotion.
As you are doing your holiday shopping, if you order online consider Amazon Smile. You can set up GrassrootsHealth as your recipient - and 0.5 % of all your sales will be donated to us.

Disease Incidence Prevention Chart
Find out how vitamin D can prevent common diseases
January 2011
View PDF

Scientist's Call to Action

GrassrootsHealth Panel of Scientists

Published January 2011

View Here 

Below are some answers to questions typically asked when first learning about vitamin D


Push back on taking more than 1000 IU/day

Does too much vitamin D cause kidney stones? (not so)

The importance of daily dosing

Vitamin D and Cancer Prevention

Vitamin D and Pregnancy

Dr. Lisa Bodnar, PhD, MPH, RD

December 2013

View Here 

A 45-min video to introduce a group to benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D and Prevention of Chronic Diseases

Michael F. Holick, PhD, MD

March 2009

View Here 

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You can prevent disease if just one more person finds out about the preventative properties of vitamin D and starts moving their blood serum levels to 40-60 ng/ml. 


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