Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ NYU Wagner
Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ NYU Wagner
April 2013
From Prof. Steven M. Cohen   


Dear Friends,

With the imminent arrival of Earth Day on Monday, April 22, 2013, we have collected a sampling of BJPA holdings that reflect and enrich the contemporary Jewish discourse on the environment. Earth Day, first celebrated in 1970, is now a 43 year-old tradition. But as our writers point out, Jewish concerns for, and sense of sacredness for, the earth is a 4,000 year-old tradition, as old as Judaism itself. Significantly, the first line of the Torah reads, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."
To be sure, the translation of the Hebrew of Genesis 1:1 is a matter of some dispute. But it is indisputable that as human beings we have a compelling interest in caring for the only earth we inhabit, and that as Jews we have contributed to compelling thinking about the environment, our responsibilities, and possibilities for action. A sampling of that thinking appears in this BJPA Reader's Guide to Environmental Issues, which we hope will promote this vital conversation.

Click here* to view the entire BJPA Reader's Guide to Environmental Issues.   


Best wishes,Steven M. Cohen



Prof. Steven M. Cohen

Director, Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ NYU Wagner 



*Having trouble with the link above? Copy and paste this into your browser window:

See past newsletters and Reader's Guides:
click here.
Now at 16,000+ publications, and growing

Some of our latest additions:


Sh'ma April 2013: Leaders by Choice

Toward Transparency: An Analysis of the 2012 Jewish Communal Professional Compensation Survey. Mordecai Walfish, Avi Herring, Justin Rosen Smolen, Tamar Snyder, Ruthie Warshenbrot, Naomi Korb Weiss, eJP, April 2013

Survey of Opinion Makers of Latin American Jewish Communities: 2012 Report. JDC Int'l Ctr, March 2013

Jewish Energy Guide. GZA, COEJL, 2013

World Jewish Population, 2012. Sergio DellaPergola, ASSJ, JFNA, DataBank, March 2013

Jewish Population in the United States, 2012. Ira Sheskin, Arnold Dashefsky, ASSJ, JFNA, DataBank, March 2013

Effective Strategies for Educating and Engaging Jewish Teens: What Jewish Communities Can Learn from Programs That Work. BTW, JJF, Rosov Consulting, March 2013

Big Tent Judaism Professional Affiliates Evaluation of the Pilot Cohort. JOI, March 2013

You Can't Wrap Herring in an iPad: Digitization of Sacred Jewish Books, the Stripping of Embodied Ritual, and Implications for Jewish Education. Owen Gottlieb. CCAR Journal, Spring 2013

Click here to browse our latest additions. 

Free: Take Home Physical Documents from the AJC Library

BJPA is seeking homes for hundreds of publications from the now-downsized AJC library (see this article for explanation). This material has been scanned for inclusion on BJPA, but paper originals must find homes or they will be recycled. They are available at no cost, first-come, first-serve; some are still available. APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY. Fill out this form to request a list of materials and/or request an appointment to browse and take materials. 
JDBNew at North American Jewish Databank

World Jewish Population, 2012

US Jewish Population, 2012

A Tale of Four Cities 2012

Pocket Demographics 2012

Jewish Map of the United States

The Jewish Vote 2012

Compendium of Comparisons

The Influence of Community Context and Individual Characteristics on Jewish Identity: A 21-Community Study


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BJPA is funded by the Mandell L. and Madeleine H. Berman Foundation and the Charles H. Revson Foundation.