Reserve Easter Music & Flower Dedications Now!
Ea  ster dedications help make it possible to enhance our worship together through floral displays and special music. Envelopes will be available in the pews this Sunday. Please indicate your desired dedication (in thanksgiving, in memory, in honor, or in celebration of someone or a special occasion) on the front of the envelope and place your donation inside. You can then place the envelope in the collection plate or bring it to Kathleen in the Church Office.
Tom Mack: I bring really good news!
I'm Tom Mack, your new Senior Warden (well, sort of new Senior Warden), and my friends I bring really good news!
At our annual meeting five weeks ago, Chip Nichols talked about All Saints' chronic budget deficits, and he mentioned that, if each family on our rolls pledged $750 per year more, we could cover all of our current expenses without drawing anything from our investments. Then we had Aimee and Alyson's wonderful act of generosity, raising their pledge on the spot. And a number of others have followed, including our leadership.
And so the really good news: since the annual meeting, we have received increases in 2015 pledges in the amount of $169,000!! That is right, no slipped decimal; the wonderful combined generosity of folks with a very wide range of financial means has put us a little more than half way toward the challenge Chip put before us.
So, if you have been a part of this so far, thank you so, so much. If not, let me ask you to see if you can find a little time, as we continue our walk through Lent toward Easter together, to think about All Saints and whether you might also be a part of strengthening our financial foundation. If you find you can, you just need to email bookkeeping@allsaintsbythesea.org and tell us what you would like to do. Your help in any amount will be gratefully received and greatly appreciated!
St. Patrick's Celebrations Full of Merriment!
St. Patrick's Day celebrations started early at All Saints with a festive party for the Sunday School. Children, parents and teachers gathered for pizza and games, including "hot potato", last Sunday. A fun time was had by all! Special thanks to Anne Hopkinson for coordinating such yummy pizza and Leah Watson for organizing such fun games!
The annual St. Patrick's Day potluck was a huge success! More than 50 parishioners and friends spent the evening in fellowship, enjoying a delicious meal of Irish stew (thank you, Connie!) and other wonderful sides (including amazingly yummy green deviled eggs - so good, so cleaver) & desserts.
 The Claddagh Dance Company wowed us with their talent and even taught us some dance moves! And the talented duo, Robert Brown and Pat Hackney, delighted us with Irish song. Check out more photos from this very special evening on the All Saints Facebook page. |
 Holy Week begins on Sunday, March 29 with Palm Sunday. All are lovingly invited to celebrate and participate in Holy Week at All Saints. Please be sure to mark your calendars with the following dates:
Palm Sunday - March 29 We will begin our worship at 8 a.m. in the sanctuary, and 10 a.m. on the lawn in front of the Church Office (across the street from the church). Maundy Thursday - April 2 The evening will commemorate the Lord's Last Supper. We will gather in the Parish Hall for a potluck meal at 5:30 p.m. and worship together at 7 p.m. Good Friday - April 3 We will worship together at Noon and 7 p.m. During this service, we establish our connection with the betrayal, abandonment, and agony of the events of Good Friday. The Great Vigil of Easter - April 4 The sun will set at 7:45 on this day, and we will gather outside to light the paschal fire and prepare ourselves for Jesus' resurrection.
Easter Day - April 5 We will gather for a chorale Eucharist at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m., with baptism at the 8 a.m. service.
Maundy Thursday
Potluck Supper & Overnight Vigil
Potluck: Gather in beloved community to break bread and share Christ's servant ministry. Here we gather, as Jesus did with his disciples on the night of the last supper, to carry out the commandment Jesus gave his disciples then: "love one another as I have loved you." We do this by washing one another's feet as servants to one another and by sharing a simple yet sacred meal of bread and wine as friends. Water. Grain. Grapes. Love. This is the stuff of salvation.
Please sign up at the Information Table with a description of your meal offering or email the office: info@asbts.org.
Vigil: Spend an hour in prayerful meditation with Jesus Christ, as we remember his last night before the cross. A vigil will be held overnight, beginning immediately following the Maundy Thursday service and conclude at the Noon Good Friday service. Coffee and tea will be provided. This is truly a humbling and powerful Christian experience. Come keep watch with Jesus.
Sign up on at the Information Table for your choice of hour.
All Saints By-the-Sea Parish School Goes Bollywood for Spring Gala
| Photo by Noozhawk's Melissa Walker |
"I think that for children to know - for all of us to know - that there's something beyond ourselves, some power beyond ourselves that's guiding our lives, that's helping us work toward redemption for ourselves and the world around us," Eyer-Delevett said. "That's giving us guidance about how we live our lives, the choices that we make and that we don't just live for ourselves - that we live for one another as well to care for one another and community." Click here to read the full article on Noozhawk.
Photo of the Week
Rev. Aimée showing her Irish spirit at the St. Patrick's Day potluck (Photo by Kathleen Winters)
Are You a Cleveland Elementary School Volunteer?
Are you a volunteer at Cleveland Elementary School? If so, please send an email to susanfevans@icloud.com with your name and volunteer capacity. The Outreach Committee is always in need of extra helping hands at Cleveland Elementary School, this year's focus project. From classroom or administration aids to lunch buddies to gardeners, there is an opportunity for everyone! If your heart is called to volunteer at Cleveland - or to know more about the many opportunities - please contact susanfevans@icloud.com.
Easter Brunch!
 Gather together in fellowship and celebration at an Easter potluck brunch in the Parish Hall after the 10 a.m. service. Connie Lindberg will prepare a delicious entree. Sign up on the patio with your side dish or beverage offering.
Don't forget your Easter flowers for the cross!
Don't forget to bring flowers with you on Easter Sunday to put in our cross! Each Easter, parishioners and friends have the opportunity to bring a flower offering to place in the wooden cross displayed on the lawn in front of the church. Please contact the church office if you have questions: (805) 969-4771.
All Saints Google Virtual Tour
Courtesy of Brittany Myles
Photographer Brittany Myles stopped by All Saints last month to shoot a virtual tour of our sanctuary and campus. Brittany works with Google to upload these to Google Maps and offers this service free of charge to one church a month. All Saints is honored to have been chosen by Brittany, thank you! Check out the tour for yourself by clicking here.You can also scroll through the other fabulous shots she took of the Parish Hall and our Sunday School rooms in the Parish House and nursery (Bubble Bee room). 
Please take a moment to learn more about Brittany, including other business views, by visiting her website.
Sign Up for a Behind-the-Scenes Sanctuary Tour!
Behind-the-scenes sanctuary tours have been a great success. You can ask anyone who has participated, or you can see for yourself! The next tours are scheduled for the following dates and times:
- Sunday, March 22 at 9:10 a.m. or 11:15 a.m.
- Sunday, April 12 at 9:10 a.m. or 11:15 a.m.
- Wednesday, April 22 at 4:45 p.m.
- Sunday, April 26 at 9:10 a.m. or 11:15 a.m.
Everyone is invited, but RSVPs are required due to limited group size. Sign up for your preferred date and time at the Information Table or click here to RSVP by email (tours@asbts.org). Once you sign up, you will receive an email confirmation.
"Music at Trinity"
J.S. Bach Birthday Celebration
An Afternoon Concert, Sunday, March 22
Carpinteria Food Distribution, Wednesday, March 25 - Hands Are Needed
As Christians we are called to be the heart and hands of Jesus Christ in the world. At All Saints, we are blessed to be able to do this in a variety of ways, including our feeding ministries. On Wednesday, March 25, everyone is invited to help put free, healthy food in the hands of appreciative low income families. From 1-2 p.m. we will package and distribute on-site donations of fruits and vegetables at the Carpinteria Children's Project on Main, located at 5201 8th Street in Carp.
Thirty-five families throughout our community count on these donations. People of all ages and backgrounds are encouraged to participate. If you are unable to serve this coming Wednesday, help is needed every fourth Wednesday of the month. Please sign up at the Information Table on the patio after service or contact David Boyd at davidboydinc@aol.com. |
Help Make Palm Crosses
Saturday, March 28 in Parish Hall
Volunteers are needed Saturday, March 28 from 9:30 a.m. until Noon to make palm crosses for Palm Sunday. Many hands make light work, so please help if you can! We will meet in the Parish Hall.
Easter Egg Hunt Following 10am Easter Service
 Following the 10 a.m. Easter service, All Saints Sunday School will host an Easter egg hunt for children. There will be two hunts - one for the itty bitties and one for older elementary aged children. Please plan to stay for this fun-filled tradition.
Dear Friends, Greetings from Rwanda!
 Dear friends at ASBTS, Greetings from Rwanda. Here is a photo of a tent donated by the Outreach Committee to Network for Africa's Aspire project for women & children back in 2009. Yesterday I travelled for hours into an obscure and deprived part of Rwanda, and sure enough the tent (and chairs) are still in daily use. The tent is used as a classroom for a total of 450 women and 400 toddlers when they attend our daily training sessions. The photo (apologies it isn't very good) shows a class of very young children learning their numbers and letters. In a nearby village we have yet to reach, only 4 in 80 people are literate, so we have our work cut out for us. Please take some pleasure in knowing your generosity still has a daily impact in a far away corner of the world Best wishes, Becky Tinsley
Looking Ahead...
- March 22 - Sanctuary tour (Please RSVP)
- March 29 - Palm Sunday- Services at 8 & 10 a.m.
- April 2 - Maundy Thursday - Potluck at 5:30 p.m.
- April 2 - Maundy Thursday - Service at 7:00 p.m.
- April 2 - April 3: Maundy Thursday Vigil
- April 3 - Good Friday - Services at Noon and 7:00 p.m.
- April 4 - The Great Easter Vigil at Sunset
- April 5 - Easter Sunday, Services at 8 & 10 a.m.
- April 5 - Easter Egg Hunt - Following 10 a.m. Service
- April 5 - Easter Brunch Potluck at Noon
Because we all deserve a chuckle now and then...
There are many more items for your attention than we can comfortably fit in the email each week. Please click on the headlines below to view some of the stories from the All Saints website and from around the country and the world!
Panorama: Blogs of the Episcopal Church - Various opinions and viewpoints of Episcopalians, as well as discussions of personal faith journeys, and conversations about the mission and ministry of the Episcopal Church.