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Sanctuary Preservation and Readiness Project Special Edition
March 1, 2015
Welcome to the first of several special editions of The Bell Tower newsletter designed to help explain and update you on efforts to address the seismic, accessibility and other needs of our 115-year-old Sanctuary.  

The overview below will be followed every few to several weeks with an edition that will delve into the various project elements. The best way to learn in depth about what is envisioned is to take a "behind the scenes" tour -- keep an eye out for the schedule in the regular weekly The Bell Tower newsletter or the Sunday Read All About It newsletter. Or just send an email ( to ask about the tour schedule.
Denny and Bitsy Bacon conducting Sanctuary tour
Bitsy and Denny Bacon conduct a Sanctuary tour after a recent 8 a.m. service.

You can also go to the All Saints Sanctuary webpage to read a variety of materials, including a question-and-answer document with the latest project information. Thank you for your interest in this exciting project!

May God bless,

Sanctuary Preservation and Readiness Project Team
Sanctuary Preservation and Readiness Project: Preparing for the Next 115 Years

In The Beginning . . .

The All Saints Sanctuary Preservation and Readiness Project formally began in 2014 after several years of study and "visioning" as to how to preserve the magnificent look and feel of the historic Sanctuary, address safety and accessibility issues, and provide other important benefits. We are now at the exciting stage where vision begins to turn into reality. Bell Tower


The various elements of this project have their genesis at different moments over the past decade. They all came together in 2010 when parish leaders recognized the need to address the interior needs of the Sanctuary in a holistic manner rather than separately. The Vestry conducted an "every member survey" in 2011 to gather input regarding the Sanctuary, including how to best serve our older parishioners and those with disabilities; the addition of a memorial chapel; replacement of the organ; and other issues.  An ad hoc committee met in 2011 and 2012 to research how best to move forward. The Vestry also conducted a Town Hall meeting in 2012 to provide an update on various plans as well as gather parishioner input. In 2014, an additional Town Hall meeting was conducted and the organization of the capital campaign was launched.


Engineering and Architectural Planning Sanctuary foundation

Architectural and engineering work has been taking place from 2012 through to the present. In the summer of 2014 the Vestry retained Bob Easton, AIA as the Project Architect, and Robert Thorne, AIA, a local architect, as the Church's project manager. Mr. Easton is preparing project plans and is working with the Project Facilities Committee and Rev. Aimee to refine plans and prepare the project for its unveiling to the parish in the spring for discussion and feedback. Our architect is coordinating the work of several building professionals, including the structural engineer and cost estimators.


Financing: All Saints' First Capital Campaign in More than a Decade

In early 2014 Jeff Conway, our capital campaign advisor was retained to conduct a feasibility study to determine the fundraising potential of the parish and develop a fundraising plan of action. The results have been gratifying, and early commitments to the project have already been made by parish staff, leadership and other friends of the parish. A campaign theme has been selected and is apt for the effort: How Firm Our Foundation. While the fundraising goal has initially been set at $8.5 million -- $7 million for construction and $1.5 million for an endowment to help pay for ongoing costs -- a final goal will be determined once all plans and blueprints are set and a comprehensive cost analysis is conducted in March 2015. While we will continue to seek commitments from campaign leaders and others over the coming months, we plan to reach out to the broader parish for support beginning in early 2016.


Keeping You Informed, Inviting Your Feedback

In the coming weeks and months, you will be receiving updates on each element of the project: Bell Tower and foundation seismic strengthening, memorial chapel and with columbarium, conversion of vesting room to "Seaside Chapel," accessibility improvements, pipe organ, landscaping and other campus improvements, and an endowment/invested reserves. 

Organ pipes
The "behind the scenes" tour includes a view of the organ pipes behind the altar.


In addition to the Sanctuary tours and a read-through of the church website, look for another Town Hall meeting later this spring or summer to share and discuss renderings and hear an update of the progress made since our last gathering. In the meantime, if you have a comment or question now, just click on this link and you'll be directed to a special question/comment form.  

A Message from Rev. Aim�e Regarding the Sanctuary Project


Dear Friends in Christ: 


One of the many blessings of being called to 

All Saints is the Sanctuary Readiness and Preservation Project. As a congregation you have persevered in this effort over many years: years of challenges and transition. I am honored to join you in this important work.    


I have had an opportunity to meet with the lay leaders and consultants involved in this effort and have toured and considered the exciting aspects of this project. I am grateful and pleased to have an opportunity to not just learn about what has been accomplished thus far, but to weigh in on all key You have created space for me to work alongside you and for this I am excited and grateful.


I wholeheartedly believe in and support the project's goal to remove barriers to receiving and being the body of Christ. These include barriers of safety, access and hospitality. Only in this way can we serve all of God's people, whatever their age, ability, or progress on the spiritual journey. I oversaw a similar project at my last parish, in which 100% of parish membership participated and which resulted in a renewed sense of community and purpose. I pray for the same for All Saints.


During the call process I heard over and over that this parish wants to attract families in all their forms, from parents with younger children to adult extended families and single seniors. A project such as this is not about a building. It is about ensuring that we have the sacred spaces that allow us to meet and serve Christ in myriad ways and places and locales. For example, when I toured the area designated as the "Seaside Chapel," I can see tremendous opportunities-from bringing together our youngest parishioners for meaningful moments to learn about God, to providing truly sacred space in which to host our ever-deepening spiritual formation ministries.  


I look forward to each of us walking this path together to not just ready and preserve, but to use the process and the Sanctuary as the means by which we grow in our relationship to God and with one another as we serve the world in Christ's name. 


The Rev. Aim�e Eyer-Delevett