Guided tours of IPRAC and the surrounding Paseo Boricua community will be available at IPRAC with Eduardo Arocho serving as a docent. If you're interested in arranging a tour for your organization, school or church, please contact IPRAC at 773-486-8345.
Puerto Rican Cultural Center 2739-41 W. Division St Chicago, Illinois 60622
We are proud recipients of United Way contributions
Monarch Community Garden Giveaway Day!
The Monarch Community Garden Give Away Committee met this week and is planning the first give away of Monarch Garden's surplus produce. Living in a produce desert (more info here), this is what we want to do.
* FIRST GIVE AWAY: Sunday, June 23, 2013, from 11am-1pm * Place your surplus or what you want to give away on the picnic tables by Saturday, June 22 * We will organize and publicize the giveaway through by reaching out through our website, Facebook page, twitter and some leaflets * No reserving food bags; first come first serve basis * limit one bag per family
thanks, looking forward to the first giveaway!
For more information:
Puerto Rican Cultural Center
Homeless Prevention and
Rental Assistance Program
Do you qualify for rental assistance?
About to be homeless?
Falling behind in rent?
Need a security deposit and first month's rent?
Eligibility for Assistance:
Resident of Humboldt Park or Logan Square
Seeking housing in the Humboldt Park and Logan Square community
Behind on rent
For more information, please contact Melissa Rodríguez at 773.227.7794.
¡Humboldt Park
Apartment Listings
1530 N. Kedzie - Studios
$675 and up
Heat included, $0 Deposit
2734 W. Division
$730 1 bed
1850 N. Kedzie - Studios
$750 and up, $0 Deposit
Potomac and Kedzie
$775 2 bed
1742 N. Humboldt - Studios
$795 and up
Heat included, $0 Deposit
Washtenaw & Walton
$850 - 1 bed
954 N. Rockwell
$850 2 bed
Avail 8/1, $850 Deposit
1530 N. Kedzie - 2 bed
$895, $0 Deposit
Heat included
1542 N. Kedzie - 2 bed
$895, $550 move-in fee
Division & Rockwell
$900 2 bed
Reference ID #2478
Maplewood and Lemoyne
$925 2 bed
Gas Heat, Laundry, Avail. 8/1
1143 N. Rockwell
$925 - 2 bed
911 N. Francisco
$950 2 bed
2441 W. Cortez - Garden
$950 1 bed
1330 N. Ridgeway
$975 3 bed
Coin laundry, parking included
852 N Fairfield Garden
$1000 2 bed
1742 N. Humboldt
$1025 - 1 bed
Heat included, $0 Deposit
1832 N. Humboldt - 1 bed
Heat included, $0 Deposit
1521 N California
$1150 - 3 bed
Thomas & Washtenaw
$1150 2 bed
2717 W. Evergreen
$1300 - 2 bed
Boricua, Return
to El Barrio
Community Calendar of Events
Puerto Rican People's Parade Dignitaries Event honoring San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz Soto
Friday, June 14th 4:30pm, IPRAC, 3015 W. Division. For more info: Shirley Payton:
773-227-7794 or Javier Anaya at 773-716-8427
Puerto Rican People's Parade
Saturday, June 15th
Divisino and Artesian, noon step-off
Cultura Profetica Sings "Bieke"
Cultura Profetica - Bieke
Cyber-Art Auction to Benefit Radio Vieques
Radio Vieques is now at a critical juncture. With only one and a half months till the FCC imposed deadline of June 30 to begin transmission, we still need around 30 thousand dollars to install our antenna and transmitter and prepare the studio. Over the past six months we've worked tirelessly with an excellent team in Vieques, in Puerto Rico and the US and we raised the first 30 thousand dollars. We've bought antenna, transmitter and related equipment to be installed in Culebra and Vieques in June.
We are currently running a Cyber Art Auction with works donated by over thiry Puerto Rican artists; the virtual album, ARTISTS FOR VIEQUES, whose first song was donated by Calle 13; our Indiegogo page; Facebook page; website; t-shirts designed by PR artista, Rafi Trelles, among other efforts. The Puerto Rico Conservation Trust donated 10 thousand dollars in April. We have also asked individuals and organizations to send cheques to Radio Vieques PO Box 1424 Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765. The Puerto Rico Conservation Trust donated 10 thousand dollars in April. We work closely with the National (US) Federation of Community Broadcasters and the Latino Public Radio Consortium.
Fundraising activities for RV have taken place at the San Sebastian Street Festivals in San Juan, the Claridad Festival (SJ), the Vieques Cultural Festival and recent activities for the 10th Anniversary of the Cessation of Bombing, among others. In coming weeks fundraising actions will occur in San Francisco, Orland, New York. On the 18th of this month there will be a night of music for Radio Vieques at the National Foundation for Popular Culture in Old San Juan.
Professionals with decades of radio experience in the US, Puerto Rico and Vieques will donate tens of thousands of dollars in hours of work during the first half of June.
However, despite this wide array of efforts in solidarity with RV, we find ourselves with the difficult reality of not having the funds to establish this tool for the continuing struggle on Vieques/Puerto Rico. Therefore, we appeal to the generosity of so many of you in solidarity with Vieques. If you've been thinking of helping, now is the time to act! It's now or never! Vieques - just as we sought your support to stop the bombing - needs your urgent help to create Radio Vieques. A space for dialogue about the problems and consequences of half century of military abuse; a place to discuss community solutions to the health crisis; a mechanism to inform and mobilize our people around the new challenges to justice and peace. Radio Vieques offers a voice for our youth, our older folks, women, our artists, artisans, students, athletes, religious, union and political leaders.
Radio Vieques is a regional Project that includes an important participation by communities affected by militarism: Ceiba, Culebra and Naguabo. Therefore, it is crucial that people and organizations of the Eastern Region of Puerto Rico increase efforts in support of Radio Vieques right now!
We need your urgent help or we'll lose forever this unique opportunity to have our community radio station. We're asking for donations, 60 day loans, use of credit cards for purchase of equipment/materials.
For Vieques, for the communities of Eastern Puerto Rico besieged for ½ century by the US Navy, for the future generations of our region: help Radio Vieques today!
UrbanTheater Company turns eight!
Announces 8th season to feature two Midwest Premiere's: Candido Tirado's First Class directed by Juan Castañeda and Desi Moreno-Penson's Devil Land directed by Ivan Vega
UrbanTheater Company (UTC), under the leadership of Executive Director Ivan Vega, announces its 8th anniversary and 2013/2014 season. The company turns eight on May 25th. Its 8th season will feature the Midwest Premieres of Candido Tirado's play, First Class directed, by Juan Castañeda, featuring Ivan Vega and Hank Hilbert. Second up, will be Desi Moreno-Penson's Devil Land, chosen from UTC's R.A.W. (Real. Aggressive. Writing.) Series, which will be directed by Executive Director Ivan Vega.
Executive Director Ivan Vega said, "I'm proud to bring two Midwest Premieres, by two Puerto Rican playwrights to the culturally vibrant community of Humboldt Park. Our productions will thrive once again at Batey Urbano's intimate storefront, where 'Brainpeople' by José Rivera was last produced.
We have entered into an ongoing partnership with Batey Urbano, which will continue to make our work easily accessible to the community where UTC originated. Our priority this season will be excellent story telling by placing an even greater emphasis on direction and acting.
"Candido Tirado is someone I have wanted to work with ever since seeing his musical, Celia,co-written by Carmen Rivera and his critically acclaimed Fish Men at the Goodman Theatre. First Class is an earlier work that introduced Tirado to the world, and we are thrilled to be reviving it here at UrbanTheater.
"Desi Moreno-Penson's dark and haunting play 'Devil Land' was a chosen after being performed in a staged reading in our 1st annual R.A.W. (Real. Aggressive. Writing.) Series. Our goal with this series is to become acquainted with exciting new playwrights from around the country and to choose a play that will be produced in our upcoming season."
Among those who have spent 15 minutes locked up symbolically is Carlos Delgado, an ex-baseball player who wrote "I can only imagine how much mental strength and courage you have" on the jail cell's wall. Former Puerto Rican Gov. Anibal Acevedo Vilá also spent 15 minutes in the cell and wrote: "Thank you for not giving up."
Puerto Rico Beauty Queen Declares Support for Oscar's freedom
Nadyalee Torres sustains that the time has come to do justice by Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera who has been imprisoned for 32 years. We are surrounded by much more serious and grave situations, and this person was fighting for an ideal, he has not not hurt anyone, and he raised his voiced for what he believed in.
After the 1898 Spanish-American War, the US took over the Philippines, Guam, Samoa, Hawaii, Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Canal Zone, assorted other territories, and Puerto Rico. On September 29, its Governor-General, Manuel Macias y Casado (a Spanish general), ceded control to Washington, its current status today as a colony.
In 1966, then University of Puerto Rico economics associate, Dr. Antonio J. Gonzales said:
"The Puerto Rican Independence Party bases its struggle in favor of the independence of Puerto Rico on the conviction that we continue to be a (US) colony, thus being denied (our) right to freedom and sovereignty."
After taking over in 1898, America "never granted Puerto Ricans the total control of their lives and destiny. Sovereign powers have never been transferred to us in order to be able to decide in all those areas that affect the collective life of our nation."
The National Boricua Human Rights Network will be opening an online store in time for the Peoples Parade in June. It will have "Oscar López Rivera: Between Torture and Resistance", the CD collection of songs authored by some of Puerto Rico's most well-known singer-songwriters is also available for sale. "La Vida Es Lucha Toda" tributoa Oscar López Rivera features Roy Brown and Zoraida Santiago, Tony Mapeyé, Lucecita Benítez and Haciendo Punto en Otro Son.
The book is available for $15.95 plus s/h and the CD for $12 plus s/h. The classic Oscar T-shirt (image left), are $10 each, plus shipping and handling, and is available in various sizes. The button (same image) is $1.
To get your copy, contact Each copy is $15.95 plus shipping & handling. The Oscar CD is also available and costs $12 plus s/h.
Una Poesia para Oscar
The poem below was written by Dr. Rafael Acevedo, a professor at the University of Puerto Rico after writing to Oscar. "Clari, I know that poetry does not change the world, but I wrote this sincerely as a way of bering able to say more about your fathers freedom. If I can do more, please let me know..."
Decir patria es decir escalofrío
si un hombre tiene una cadena en la que se enlazan los elementos.
Nadie conoce los pasos de ser libre
si hay una orilla del mar que no besa aquellos pies.
Me refiero a los pies congelados por la nieve del carcelero.
El carcelero se llama piel venenosa de país de metal
y el libre preso es un hermano con tres décadas de ausencia.
Nadie conoce los pasos de ser libre
si el camino no tiene las huellas frescas de Oscar.
Esa orilla de la libertad que falta se escucha en los azules del agua.
Clamor y calor son la misma palabra
como quien dice pueblo juntándose en un relámpago
saludando a todos los elementos
volviendo al calor a todos los metales
y al final solo una frase es importante
libertad para Oscar ahora.
Dr. Rafael Acevedo- Catedratico Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto de Rio Piedras
Social Workers from the continent support for clemency for Oscar López Rivera
Social workers from Latin America and the Caribbean supported, via a resolution to the President of the US, Barack Obama, clemency for Puerto Rican political prisoners Oscar López Rivera, 70 years old, who last week began his 32nd year of prison for seditious conspiracy.
Lopez Rivera belonged to the Armed Forces of National Liberation of Puerto Rico, or FALN (the group's Spanish acronym). The FALN set off several bombs in the United States in the 1970s.
But Lopez Rivera was never convicted of involvement in those acts. Instead, he was convicted of a thought crime: wanting to overthrow the U.S. government.
Ricky Martin, Calle 13 And Other Famous Puerto Ricans Protest Oscar López Rivera's Imprisonment In Fake Jail Cells
Fake jail cells were set up across Puerto Rico yesterday by activists who are urging the liberation of Oscar López Rivera, a Puerto Rican nationalist who has spent 32 years in prison for his leadership role with the Chicago wing of the Armed Forces of National Liberation (FALN), a pro-independence group linked to bombings carried out in the 1970s and 1980s throughout the United States.
NLG Joins Calls to Free Oscar Lopez Rivera on 32-Year Arrest Anniversary
Today marks 32 years that Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera has spent in U.S. prison for his involvement in the struggle for Puerto Rican independence.
In 1980, 11 men and women involved with the movement for Puerto Rican independence were arrested and subsequently charged with "Seditious conspiracy to oppose the legitimate authority of the United States government in Puerto Rico by force." At the time, Oscar was not arrested but was named as a co-defendant in the indictment. Oscar's co-defendants were tried in Illinois and sentenced to federal prison terms ranging from 55 to 90 years.
Singer Of Calle 13 René Pérez Imprisons Himself In Puerto Rico
René Pérez, lead singer of the band Calle 13, imprisoned himself in a jail in Puerto Rico, along with his parents and his wife---the Argentinean actress Soledad Fandino. The strange decision is part of a protest over the release of Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera who has been kept in a U.S. prison for more than three decades.
"Prisoner with my family," wrote the artist on his Twitter account. Pérez also shared photos where he can be seen with his family in a prison cell. The action of Calle 13's frontman lasted fifteen minutes after which he added, "This fight should last until Oscar's release, because this is everybody's fight".
Delegation from Chicago heads to Festival Jíbaro Comerieño
A multi-generational delegation of 23 people from Chicago heads to Comerio, Puerto Rico on Thursday, June 6th to take part in the Festival Jíbaro Comerieño. The ages of those in the delegation range from a 4 year old to people in their 70s. This year's festival has been dedicated to the 40th Anniversary of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center. The Festival is part of the groups activities in their own week Eco-Cultural Tour of Puerto Rico lead by the PRCC's Executive Director, Jose López.
At the same Festival the Comerieño Committee for the Freedom of Oscar López, along with the Committee to Free Political Prisoners, the Human Rights Committee of Puerto Rico and students and graduates of the Juana Colón High School, will be distributing information about Oscar and gathering signatures for Oscar's freedom. This is close to the mural for the freedom of Oscar which was recently unveiled, and we will be at a station at the entrance to the Convent Building, which will house thePhotography Exhibit of the Works of Oscar López, Sunday and Saturday, June 8 and 9.
100 Most Influential Puerto Ricans Campaign
This past Saturday's Puerto Rican Agenda meeting included a presentation from Dr. Alberto Hernandez on Hunter College's campaign to identify the 100 Most Influential Puerto Ricans. Hunter College is seeking to archive the lives of Puerto Rican pioneers in all facets of society, including the arts, politics, business, and health. The archives will be placed at of the Centro de Estudios Puertoriqueños at Hunter College. Over 30 people attended the meeting, representing a cross section of Chicago's Puerto Rican community including important local leaders such as Hilda Frontani, Mirta Ramirez, Roberto Medina and Ray Rubio.
If you would more information about the 100 Most Influential Puerto Ricans campaign or would like to nominate someone please contact Dr. Alberto Hernandez at or contact Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños at Hunter College at 212-650-3673 or
Paseo Boricua's Farmers Market closed for 2 weeks
Will continue to take orders for Canasta Basica
Paseo Boricua's Farmer's Market will be closed for the next 2 weeks. The Farmer's Market will reopen Friday, June 21st and resume its regular hours on Fridays from 2pm-7pm or Saturdays from 10am-3pm at 2628 W. Division.
We will continue to take orders for La Canasta Basica during the time the Farmer's Market is closed. Fourteen-pound fresh produce baskets can be purchased for $12.50. Baskets can be picked up after 3pm at different locations on Paseo Boricua. Please call 773-227-7794 to make an order or for more information.
College Pipeline Celebrates A Community of Excellence
On Friday May 31st at Batey Urbano, the College Pipeline program at Roberto Clemente Community Academy had their end of the year celebration. The event congratulated and celebrated the accomplishments of its 53 senior participants. The goal of the program is to provide assistance, by active college students, to complete a portfolio, and help guide the students along the admissions process to either Northeastern Illinois University, Columbia College Chicago, or University of Illinois at Chicago. The portfolio contains a letter of recommendation, resumé, personal statement, scholarship application, along with a 5 year plan.
The majority of students wrote an article for Que Ondee Sola, the Latino student publication at Northeastern Illinois University, stating that if not for the program they would not be attending their first choice college, or would not be graduating on time. The aim of the College Pipeline is to rethink recruitment and retention in colleges by having high school students working with college students. The Pipeline is proud to announce that all senior participants will be attending a college or university in the fall 2013 semester. The mentors of the program: Alyssa Villegas, Jessie Fuentes, and Matt McCanna all look forward to interacting with them on campus in the fall.
Diabetes Education Classes
The Greater Humboldt Park Diabetes Empowerment Center-Muévete, continues to offer free attainable Diabetes prevention and management education for community adults. Classes are held every Wednesday from 12:00noon to 1:00pm and for the entire family on Saturdays from 12:00noon to 1:30pm. The physical activities are held every day of the week and on Saturdays, at multiple times during the course of the day and different locations. For full details of classes please call (773)342-0855. Or visit us at 2753 W. Division St. Chicago IL 60622.
Bike Club at West Town BIkes Builds Eco-Planterns for an evan more Plant friendly Bike Shop Isaac Fosl-van Wyke (instructor) Showing the Kids From Bike Club How its done.
Additional 32 x Oscar Events
Democracy Now
Oscar López Rivera: After 32 Years in Prison, Calls Grow for Release of Puerto Rican Activist
Hundreds of Puerto Ricans rallied this week to call for the United States to release the Puerto Rican independence activist Oscar López Rivera. Wednesday marked his 32nd year in prison. In 1981, López was convicted on federal charges, including seditious conspiracy - conspiring to oppose U.S. authority over Puerto Rico by force.
The National Boricua Human Rights Network - Orlando Chapter held an emotional Vigil for Oscar Lopez Rivera in solidarity with other groups and organizations commemoratating the 32nd anniversary of the incarceration of Oscar last Wednesday, May 29, 2013. Prior to and during the Vigil we let our voices be heard throughout the community and local news media coverage of our desire for President Barack Obama to free Oscar and bring him back home.
AIbonito, PR: The Cell that will Help Free Oscar López Rivera
Puerto Rican Independentista Oscar López Rivera's 32 Years of Resistance to Torture
Wednesday, May 29 will mark 32 years since Puerto Rican activist Oscar López Rivera was arrested and later convicted of "seditious conspiracy," a questionable charge that Archbishop Desmond Tutu has interpreted to mean "conspiring to free his people from the shackles of imperial injustice."
Today, 70-year-old Oscar López Rivera, never accused of hurting anyone, remains in a cell at FCI Terre Haute, in Indiana. Supporters around the world continue to seek his release, most recently by asking US President Barack Obama for a commutation of his sentence. Similar pardons granted by President Truman in 1952, President Carter in 1979, and President Clinton in 1999, were the legal bases for the release of many other Puerto Rican political prisoners.
New York Coordinator to Free Oscar to Host Workshop at Left Forum this week
Pace University, One Pace Plaza, New York City
Room: W610,
DATE/Time: Saturday, 8th of June 5:30pm-7:10pm
(take #6, 5 or 4 train to Brooklyn Bridge and walk behind City Hall)
Speakers: Former Political Prisoners Ricardo Jimenez and Luis Rosa-- Comite de Derechos Humanos and Boricua Human Rights Network, Olga Sanabria, Esq. -- International law lawyer from the Puerto Rico Committee in the United Nations, Graciano Matos, Sr. -- National Boricua Human Rights Network,
Workshop Abstract: Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera, now 70 years old, has been incarcerated for 32 years in US prisons for struggling to free Puerto Rico from US 114 years of colonial domination. He was charged with "seditious conspiracy" and handed a 70 year prison sentence. Oscar has recently published his book entitled "Between Torture and Resistance". This panel will discuss the legal aspects of the case, the international work, and the broad campaign "New York Coordinator to Free Oscar", launched for his release at a local, national and international level. We will hear from international law lawyer, former political prisoners, videos of Nobel Peace Prize winners like of Archbishop Desmund Tutu's support for his release and campaign supporters. What we need from President Obama is to grant Oscar Lopez Rivera clemency
Left Forum is the largest annual conference of the broad Left in the United States. Each spring thousands of conference participants come together to discuss pressing local, national and global issues; to better understand commonalities and differences, and alternatives to current predicaments; or to share ideas to help build social movements to transform the world.
Puerto Ricans demonstrate in fake prison cells to urge release of 70-year-old nationalist
Hundreds of activists including pop star Ricky Martin called Wednesday for the release of a 70-year-old Puerto Rican nationalist who was a member of a militant group that sought independence for the U.S. territory decades ago.
Dozens of Puerto Ricans entered fake prison cells set up in several cities across the U.S. territory to raise awareness about Lopez's case and mark the 32 years he has spent in prison.
Philadelphia Latino Newspaper Joins Growing Chorus
Pontealdia, a Philaelphia newspaper, has joined the growing chorus of online and print media publihing favorable articles concerning the growing civil movment, in Puerto Rican and in Latino communites across the US, to free Oscar López Rivera. In this specific article, the headline speaks to the recent passing of a resolution by the Puerto Rican Senate for the freedom of Oscar Lopez Rivera.
Puerto Rico Veteran's Advocate General joins Chorus of Voices asking for Oscar López Rivera's Freedom
The Veterans Advocate General of Puerto Rico, Agustín Montañez, joined the crowing chorus of voices in Puerto Rico asking Pres Obama for the freedom of Oscar López Rivera.
Cuba alza su voz para exigir libertad de Oscar López Rivera
Por Alexei Padilla
Cuba unió su voz a las innumerables que desde Puerto Rico, los Estados Unidos, República Dominicana y Venezuela exigen la inmediata excarcelación del independentista boricua Oscar López Rivera, quien cumplió 32 años de injusto encierro y es considerado uno de los prisioneros de conciencia más antiguos del hemisferio occidental.
Al acto, efectuado este miércoles en la sede del Instituto Cubano de Amistad con los Pueblos (ICAP), asistió el héroe cubano René González, quien declaró que es evidente el odio que siente del Imperio hacia los presos políticos boricuas y cubanos, y es necesario combatirlo.
El fuerte aguacero que cayó sobre la ciudad capital no impidió que representantes de diversas organizaciones sociales, políticas y de masas, integrantes del cuerpo diplomático y familiares de Los Cinco, se reunieran para expresar su apoyo a la jornada por liberación de un hombre condenado por luchar por la autodeterminación de su patria.
En presencia de Kenia Serrano, titular del ICAP, Ricardo Alarcón, miembro del Buró Político del Partido Comunista de Cuba, dijo que Oscar deber ser puesto en libertad de forma inmediata y sin condicionamientos, agregando que esa es una decisión que puede tomar el presidente Obama ahora mismo y hay que exigírselo sin más dilación.
Alarcón recordó que no se trata de una decisión difícil pues esta ya fue tomada por Bill Clinton en 1999 pero Oscar se negó a salir de la cárcel si no eran liberados también otros independentistas que estaban en prisión y que ya han recuperado la libertad.
"Oscar sintetiza las mismas virtudes de nuestros cinco compañeros, encarcelados por defender a nuestro pueblo del terrorismo. Contra él, contra Gerardo, Ramón, Antonio, Fernando y René se levantó el odio, la frustración y el resentimiento de Washington ante la rebeldía de dos pueblos hermanos que jamás renunciarán a la independencia.", afirmó el dirigente cubano.
Sería fácil acceder a una petición que le han hecho todas las fuerzas políticas, las organizaciones sociales, la nación puertorriqueña entera cuando hace dos años el actual inquilino de la Casa Blanca hizo una fugaz visita la isla caribeña, acotó Alarcón.
Quien ha dedicado su vida entera a nobles ideales merece honor y libertad, cada día que Oscar pasa en prisión es un insulto a la humanidad, afirmó, y llamó a poner fin a esa injusticia que ofende a toda persona con decoro. Pidió que este día marque el inicio de una jornada permanente de solidaridad que se multiplique y fortalezca cada día.
Por su parte, Alberto Rodríguez, estudiante boricua de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina (ELAM), afirmó que la causa por la liberación de López Rivera ha unido a los puertorriqueños de las más disímiles tendencias políticas, e informó que en las ciudades de San Juan, Ponce, Arecibo y Caguas, miles de personas se han reunido para entrar a una celda que simboliza la aquellas en las que Oscar ha estado durante más de tres décadas.
"Oscar representa a un pueblo bravío, un pueblo latinoamericano y caribeño que está dispuesto a seguir luchando hasta conseguir su plena y definitiva independencia", concluyó Rodríguez.
Francisco Santiago Cintrón, estudiante de Ciencias Sociales, hizo público el agradecimiento que a través de su hija Clarisa, Oscar envío a Edwin González, delegado de la Misión de Puerto Rico, en el que expresa que tras 32 años de prisión cada día se maravilla, se sorprende y se conmueve al ver ese gran sentido de compasión, generosidad, de amor a la libertad y la justicia que existe en el pueblo cubano.
"Su solidaridad, tan grato y sublime gesto, con la que he sido obsequiado por todos estos años ha sido fuente de energía y sostén que me ha ayudado a enfrentar, sobrevivir y trascender duros y grandes retos que he tenido que enfrentar desde que estoy preso", plantea el mensaje, y concluye diciendo que pese a lo impredecible del futuro, seguirá esperanzado en su regreso a la patria para agradecerles a todos y todas las que han hecho por su libertad.
Desde Puerto Rico el combatiente independentista, Rafael Cancel Miranda, envío un mensaje de agradecimiento al ICAP por su constante solidaridad con las mejoras causas de su pueblo, y exaltó las similitudes entre sus compatriotas encarcelados por sus ideas y los Cinco Héroes cubanos.
Edwin González, transmitió el mensaje enviado por el licenciado Eduardo Villanueva del Comité Pro Derechos Humanos de Puerto Rico.
Igualmente se recibió el agradecimiento enviado al ICAP por Milagros Rivera, presidenta del Comité de Solidaridad con Cuba en Puerto Rico.
Oscar y Los Cinco
Rosa Aurora Freijanes, compañera de Fernando González, uno de los cuatro antiterroristas cubanos que aún permanecen encarcelados en los Estados Unidos, comentó que cuando su esposo comenzó a pintar fue precisamente Oscar, con quien compartía la celda, el que se brindó para enseñarle las primeras clases de dibujo.
Freijanes relató que Oscar les obsequió un cuadro -en el que aparecen ella y Fernando- que pintó cuando el cubano fue trasladado a otra penitenciaría y que al enterarse de tan sensible gesto, Fernando dijo que era increíble la capacidad de aquel hombre llevar a la pintura todos sus sueños e ilusiones.
Rosa Aurora expresó que el paso de Oscar por las más duras prisiones norteamericanas concitó el respeto de su esposo, y exhortó a no detenerse en la exigencia de la libertad de Los Nuestros: los tres presos políticos puertorriqueños y los cuatro cubanos.
Uno de los momentos más emotivos de la tarde fue la llegada al acto de René González -uno de Los Cinco- que en posterior diálogo con la prensa dijo sobre la similitud de los casos de Los Cinco y de Oscar, que son de dos naciones pequeñas pro con gran dignidad, "eso es lo que no entienden (el gobierno de EE.UU.) y los enceguece", apuntó.
Interrogado sobre su participación en las actividades de apoyo a la jornada por la liberación de Los Cinco en Washington, René anunció que el 5 de junio interactuará vía Skype con los activistas de todo el mundo que viajaron a la capital norteamericana.
El miércoles 29 de mayo de 2013, cuando Oscar López cumple 32 años en prisión, diversas figuras de la sociedad se encarcelarán simbólicamente en las plazas de San Juan, Caguas, Ponce, Mayagüez y Arecibo para promover su excarcelación YA. Un grupo amplio de puertorriqueños nos hemos unido (más allá de colores o ideologías políticas) para organizar una actividad que celebraremos simultáneamente en las plazas de San Juan, Caguas, Ponce, Mayagüez y Arecibo el miércoles 29 de mayo de 2013, desde las 12:01am hasta las 11:59pm.