Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School 
40th Anniversary Symposium and Gala this Weekend

Chicago Film Premier:

Vietnam, LBJ, and Third World

Panel on

Empire, Colonialism, and Torture with

Oliver Stone

Academy Award Winning Director and Author


Peter Kuznick

Professor of History, 

American University

José E. López

Executive Director, 

Puerto Rican Cultural Center, Juan Antonio Corretjer


Margaret Power, M.C.

Illinois Coalition Against Torture 


Admission $5 or more 

Sliding Scale 

No one turned away.

Books available for sale. 

Authors will sign copies 

from 6:30 to 7. 


February 1, 2013, at 7 p.m.

(Doors open at 6 p.m.)

Roberto Clemente HS

1147 N. Western 

@ Division St.


Sponsored by: Illinois Coalition Against Torture and

the Puerto Rican Cultural Center. For more information www.illinoiscat.wordpress.com or 773-278-6706.



The Puerto Rican 

Cultural Center


Cordially invites you

 to a Meet and Greet luncheon



Oliver Stone & 

Peter Kuznick


As part of its 

40th Anniversary 

Jornada Corretjer 


IPRAC, 3015 W. Division St.


$25.00 donation

RSVP by Jan 31st


Limited seating, contact


PRCC Program Updates

Humboldt Park
No Se Vende

Apartment Listings

2733 W. Division
1 BD $600
2627 W. Division
2 BD $780
3534 W. Chicago #G
3 BD $800
North & Kedzie
2 BD $860
Chicago & Kedzie
2 BD $900
1145 N. Springfield
3 BD $900
1422 N. Talman
2 BD $975
Rockwell & Cortez
3 BD $980
1424 N. Maplewood
2 BD $1000
2721 W. Division
3 BD $1100

Boricua, Return
to El Barrio

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View our Photos on Flickr!

Puerto Rican Cultural Center (Over 30,000 pictures!)

(Over 13,000 pics!)

Guided tours of IPRAC and the surrounding Paseo Boricua community will be available at IPRAC with Eduardo Arocho serving as a docent.  If you're interested in arranging a tour for your organization, school or church, please contact IPRAC at 773-486-8345. 

Puerto Rican Cultural Center
2739-41 W. Division St
Chicago, Illinois 60622
P 773-342-8023
F 773-342-6609

We are proud recipients of United Way contributions 
In commemoration of the 40th anniversary, PACHS will host an educational symposium and celebratory gala on January 26, 2013. The symposium will bring people together in an effort to create a wider community of concerned educators and scholars to reflect on critical pedagogical theory and practice, best practices, and new innovations. Invited presenters will be asked to share their expertise on what they have found to be best practices working in an educational setting. In addition, members of our current Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School team will offer a framework outlining key areas of work that we utilize in an effort to make our school a site to work toward liberation.

To register for the symposium, click here.

Videos by Founders and Supporters Highlighting Journey to 40th Anniversary


Carlos Alberto Torres, co-founder of Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School and former Puerto Rican political prisoner who was released from prison in 2010 after serving 30 years, speaks on the continued need for a school like PACHS;


Marcey Sorenson, Principal at Roberto Clemente Community Academy for the past 2 years and veteran administrator in the Chicago Public Schools, on why their partnership with PACHS is so important...


Message from PACHS co-founder Oscar López RIvera on the 40th Anniversary Celebration


The following is a message by Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera on the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School, a school he co-founded in 1972, this weekend.


Greetings with much love and respect.
The celebration of the 40th anniversary of PACHS is an occasion that should fill our hearts with pride, joy and hope.  The school was founded to provide a meaningful and relevant education to students who had been failed by the school system.  That mission continues because the system still fails many of its students. 


The Puerto Rican Independence Movement 
Current Political Developments in Puerto Rico; an Informal Discussion


Dr. Julio Muriente, co-chair of the Movimiento Nacional Hostosiano in Puerto Rico, will speak at a Charla on "Current Political Developments 
in Puerto Rico"
Monday, January 28, 2013
Place TBA

For more information: alejandrom@boricuahumanrights.org

Sponsored by the Puerto Rican Cultural Center and National Boricua Human Rights Network

Videos in Support of Oscar by Nobel Peace Prize Winners Now on Network Website



The videos premiered at the Human Rights Summit in Puerto Rico last December 7-11, that feature Nobel Laureates Desmond Tutu, from South Africa, Mairead Corrigan Maguire, Northern Ireland Peace People and Jose Ramos-Horta, former President of East Timor, and Nobel Peace Prize recipient. are now available on the Network website. 


All three spoke about the their struggles and how they related to freeing Oscar Lopez Rivera. Click here to view the videos on the NBHRN website.

Parranda.org Opens the Doors to a "Virtual Puerto Rico"

Parranda.org is a project devoted to the economic, civic, and cultural development of a "Greater Puerto Rico." By providing a virtual platform for mass collaboration, Parranda enables people on and off the island (the Puerto Rican diaspora) to work with one another on meaningful and measurable initiatives. We're launching just before Christmas this year. To sign up for early registration, or to explore ways to support the project, please visit us at www.parranda.org. You can also join the "parranda" on our social networks on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ParrandaPuertoRico and on Twitter @ParrandaPR.



Banner containing Photo of Oscar Undulates at Fiestas of San Sebastian


A large banner displaying the countenance of Oscar Lópe Rivera was displayed during the "Festival of San Sebastian" last weekend. The banner was seen by approximately 100,000 festival attendees.

Read the article in Spanish here.

Puerto Rican Agenda Study

"Taking charge of our future" 


In the spring and summer of 2011 selected members of The Puerto Rican Agenda drew up a research plan that would zero in on different aspects of community life: housing, economic development, education, health, youth and justice, culture, and the non-profit sector.  The research team secured funding from the Chicago Community Trust, LISC Chicago, and the Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy at the University of Illinois at Chicago. 
"Rebelion" newspaper online features story on Oscar López Rivera
(SPANISH) The onl;ine newspaper "Rebelión" (Rebellion) features an article on Oscar titled "The oldest political prisoner in the Western Hemisphere" and begins by detailing his birthday...  
"Promise of the Kings" Mass asks for Freedom for Oscar
(SPANISH) The "Promise of the Kings" Mass, which traditionally takes place on the eve of the Epiphany (Three Kings Day) this year headed the list of wishes made this year by the Order of the Community of Jesus the Mediator in Puerto Rico.