NOR'WESTER NEWSLETTER ISSUE #488                                                                             

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November 19, 2013

In This Issue:
Rep. Simpson named Energy and Water Chairman for House Appropriations Committee
Northwest delegation, PNWA and partners send letters in support of Section 214 permanence

Rep. Simpson named Energy and Water Chairman for House Appropriations Committee


PNWA congratulates Representative Mike Simpson (R, ID-2) on his appointment as Chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development.  The Subcommittee, on which he has served for several years, has jurisdiction over the Department of Energy (including the Bonneville Power Administration), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Bureau of Reclamation. As chairman, Rep. Simpson will be in a key position to highlight the benefits of our Northwest waterways. We look forward to working with him in his new role.


To view the full press release, click here.

Northwest delegation, PNWA and partners send letters in support of Section 214 permanence


As previously reported, 28 House Members and 8 Senators have been selected to serve on a Conference Committee tasked with resolving the differences between the House Water Resources Reform and Development Act (H.R.3080) and the Senate Water Resources Development Act (S.601). Today, Members of the Northwest House delegation sent a letter to the Conference Committee urging inclusion of Section 214 permanence language in the final WRDA bill. Rep. Rick Larson (D, WA-2) and Rep. Dave Reichert (R, WA-8) led the effort to send the letter, which was signed by 14 Members from the Northwest. PNWA greatly appreciates the work of our delegation to protect this important tool for addressing regulatory backlogs in the region and throughout the U.S.


Additionally, PNWA has partnered with the American Association of Port Authorities and the National Waterways Conference to send a letter to the WRDA Conferees in support of Section 214. PNWA will continue to work with our partners and the Northwest Delegation to support permanence for this authority in the final WRDA bill.