Region Matters


   February 1st, 2013  Vol. 3. Issue 16                            

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We hope many of you have been enjoying the wonderful spring-like weather we have been having as of late. As a reminder, please do share with us any exciting events you have coming up over the next few months. 

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In This Issue
CRC Research Innovations
CRC Impact
CRC in the News
Regional Change in the News
Upcoming Events
Grant Opportunities
CRC Research Innovations

trb On January 13, postdoctoral researcher Alex Karner presented results from CRC's recent work on transportation and regional equity during a workshop at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board in Washington, DC. The workshop was an opportunity for HUD grantees to share best practices and innovative approaches regarding the incorporation of public health, equity, and public involvement in transportation planning.

CRC Impact
mr An Op-Ed written by Mindy Romero, project director of the CRC's California Civic Engagement Project (CCEP), was published in last weekend's Sacramento Bee. The article titled, "California needs to aggressively engage youth in electoral process" discusses solutions for closing the gap in electoral representation between college-attending youth and non-college going youth. Click here to read the article. 
Mindy Romero was also extensively cited by Debra Saunder's column is the SF Chronicle.  Read the article here
CRC in the News

Newly released research of the CRC's California Civic Engagement Project (CCEP) was featured on KCRA news last week and in this week's Capital Weekly.  Coverage focused on variaton and disparities in the youth vote versus the general electorate. 


Over the past several months, the CCEP has released several policy briefs highlighting disparities in electoral participation for many underrepresented groups. Each brief has received major press from TV, radio and print. We look forward to future work that will help inform the dialogue around how to achieve a representative electorate in California, as well as work in important non-electoral forms of civic engagement. For more on the CCEP's media coverage, click here

Regional Change in the News

The California Air Resources Board (ARB) met last week to discuss progress of SB 375 implementation in the San Joaquin Valley, and while there was no action being taken, nearly twenty speakers addressed the Board. Click here to learn more. 


A recent issue of Community Investments highlights excerpts from a new book published by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and the Low Income Investment Fund titled Investing in What Works for America's Communities: Essays on People, Place & Purpose, with a particular focus on the topic of "integration," a prominent theme that emerges from the book. The most promising models of community development going forward all include elements of integration, such as layered financing, joint development, shared accountability, or coordinated services. The authors argue that the dichotomy of "people versus place" and the rigid siloes separating housing, education, health, and other sectors must become a thing of the past in order to effectively address poverty in the future. Click here to read this issue of Community Investments.

Upcoming Events

UC ANR Sustainable Food Systems Initiative, UC ANR Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (SAREP), and Agriculture Sustainability Institute at UC Davis (ASI) Presents Is there a "Sustainability Science"? Speaker: Tom Tomich - Friday, February 15th10 a.m. to Noon a.m.


 The State of the Regional Food System: Local Innovations meeting will be happening February 15, 2013 from 9am-noon at Sierra Health Foundation, 1321 Garden Highway, Sacramento. The California Secretary of Food & Agriculture Karen Ross will provide opening comments and Assemblymember Roger Dickinson will be joining for a presentation.  

To RSVP for the State of the Regional Food System Summit, click here. Space is limited. Please RSVP today to reserve your seat.

Grant Opportunities 

In the latest edition of the UC Humanities Update, Chris Newfield, professor of English at UCSB, discusses the impact of online higher education on "Minority-Majority California" in a post to the UC Humanities Forum. Under Funding Opportunities, please note the upcoming deadlines for Multicampus Research Groups (due March 13, 2013) and the Andrew & Florence White Graduate Scholarships (dueFebruary 13, 2013). To subscribe to the Update, e-mail