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Issue 84 - May 2013 - Beckoning Beauty

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Beckoning Beauty
The title for this issue comes from poet Scott Cairns' paraphrase of Saint Denys the Areopagite (5th century) who spoke of God as "Beauty-Beyond-All." 
An excerpt from Cairn's poem reads:
It is in itself and of itself

the uniquely and eternally

beautiful, and the great


cause that beckons

all creation ...

to share in what is



Scott Cairns, Love's Immensity (Paraclete Press, 2007)


Past Issues


2-Creating Sacred Space

3-Leaving Footprints


5-Ordered Life


74-Pilgrims Surprise

75-Never Alone

76-Vanier Visit

77-Spiritual Fitness

78-Noble Path

79-Simon & Garfunkel

80-Present at the Scene

81-Desert Alive

82-100 Years Ago

83-Becoming Who You Are

Link to all past issues


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Come, Cleansing Wind

I write on May 26, Trinity Sunday in many liturgical calendars. I am convinced that the mysteries of the Trinity are best explored in prayer and poetry, in art and music, rather than hair-splitting (and sometimes head-splitting!) logic.

The picture below shows a mosaic found in the contemplation chapel at Desert House of Prayer, outside Tucson.  While contemplating this mosaic, I composed the prayer that follows.


Trinitarian Mosaic 

Come, Creator of all that lives,

Come, O Christ, who mercy gives,

Come, Sophia, gently sieve

All evil from my soul.


Come, "I Am," that I may be,

Come, O Christ, and set me free

Come, cleansing wind, and blow through me,

Refreshing deep within.


Come, Creator of all that is,

Come, O Christ, who risen is,

Come, fiery Spirit, enkindle this

Weary soul of mine.


To God, the Holy Trinity,

May praise and blessing ever be,

And may new life be born in me

Engendered by your love.




© 2013, William D. Howden


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Sincerely,  Bill Howden & Jan Davis
Soul Windows Ministries