There are many great books from gifted, credible teachers concerning Bible prophecy - but getting our friends and loved ones to read a 300-400 page book is a nearly impossible task.

This is especially true in an era when Bible Prophecy is being ignored and shunned by so many who stand in the pulpit each week. They think, "My pastor doesn't mention it. Why should I be concerned?" The task is even harder when trying to convince the unchurched to delve into a book project that seems insurmountable.

Finally, here's a book I can give to my unsaved or uniformed friends and loved ones about Current Events and Bible Prophecy that they will actually read!

I hope you will get a copy - or several. This is a resource worth having. (order here)

Now, here is more info about Pastor Tom's new book. 

Pastor Tom Hughes is a trusted teacher and researcher concerning Bible Prophecy here in the biblical last days. Having had the opportunity to minister at 412 Church in Southern California on several occasions, I have personally witnessed Pastor Tom's passion and knowledge in this area. In a concise and easy-to-read fashion his book, America in the New World Order, spotlights recent world events through the prism of prophecy building the case for Jesus' soon return throughout.

America in the New World Order fits the description of "must reading" for students of prophecy. But I believe it represents even more. If you have ever purchase a book with hopes of enlightening a friend or family member only to find that it has become an untouched dust catcher, you are going to welcome this 104 page jewel. It is my hope and belief that many sleeping evangelicals will awaken because of Tom's work and that many outside the Church will comprehend the unmistakable biblical nature of events all around us.

Inside "America in the New Word Order"
- Global Conspiracies
- The Illuminati
- The Role of a "Shadow Government"
- Climate Change Hysteria
- America's Political Sovereignty
- Global Elites Capitalizing on Crisis
- False Religion and the NWO

"Tom is gifted in helping others connect the dots in end-times events and he believes God's prophetic Word is one of our greatest tools to bring people to a faith in Christ."
- Don Stewart, Christian apologist

Special Needs in a Perilous Time 

The summer months usually present unique financial challenges for ministries and this year is certainly no different. However, it is summer just before a national election - perhaps the most unpredictable time for those of us who depend of free-will giving to sustain our work.

This year, however, is a very unusual election cycle unlike any other I have ever seen and we are feeling the affects. We are also seeing an increase of "perilous times" all around and the shortage we are experiencing is perhaps partially due to the events happening at the moment in our country and around the world.

The opposition to those of us unwilling to budge on the absolute authority of the Bible is increasing. The "birth pangs" Jesus warned of are speeding up and those of us who monitor such can barely keep up with the events.

At every turn and with each passing day I am reminded of just how imperative the work of Take A Stand! Ministries is in these closing days of the Church Age. The harvest fields are white - yet the world and many in the Church continue just as "in the days of Noah."

So, when there is a need as there is now, we turn to God and trust Him for the provision to meet every need - through the participation of His people

I have been on the road in ministry for a week and will be for one more visiting Dr. David Reagan's yearly Bible Conference and our friends at City Chapel church in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area this weekend. There is no time to slow down and I'm grateful to the Lord that the lingering effects of both my van accident in April (scroll down below the article on Prince for pictures) and retina surgery in March are minimal. (We have not been able to replace our van but for now we've shuffled things a bit and I'll just be driving our nearly-retired 1998 Plymouth Grand Voyager.)

Take A Stand TV is finally going to launch in the coming weeks. But getting this project up and running has taken longer than we anticipated and our reserve has been used up along the way.

In short, we could really use your prayers and special gifts right about now.

Would you stop and pray for us and also consider making a special gift to Take A Stand right now? It will be received as from the Lord and used to see the ministry through this slow summer season.

Your gifts are completely tax deductible and can be made securely here online or by sending your check to the address below.

God bless you and thanks very much!

Eric & Melanie

Take A Stand! Ministries | PO Box 279 - Spanaway, WA 98387 |