Greetings and blessings to all of our friends and supporters!
Things don't always go as planned. That's quite an understatement isn't it? Just existing in a fallen world often hands us unexpected challenges and I'm facing one now.
Originally I had planned to use this email update to feature Curtis Bower's new must-see film "Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit." Jan Markell and I featured him as our guest on radio for two consecutive weekends recently and I can tell you that "Agenda 2" needs to be seen by every Christian and every American who loves our freedom and cherishes the ability and liberty that God has bestowed upon us to freely promulgate the Gospel in our land. The Agenda 2 DVD cover is pictured below and we'll be happy to send one or more copies to you immediately. Just click the picture for more information and to order.
Now, about my surgery...
While on our latest ministry trip in Texas last week I managed to slip in a parking lot and slam the side of my head into the door frame of our rental car. Besides feeling foolish and dizzy for a moment I didn't expect to be facing eye surgery tomorrow but evidently the jolt caused my left retina to begin to detach. So, bright and early Wednesday I'll begin a long few hours in prep and then recovery. Thankfully, I am not experiencing any symptoms except an increase of "floaters" (which I've always had) and a small blurred spot in my left eye. Plus, the marvel of laser technology should make the actual procedure quick and pain free. Its the prep and recovery that will be laborious.
Another down side here is that we do not have insurance to cover such an operation and though there is never a good time to have something like this happen, we've stretched ourselves pretty thin using up our cash reserve to complete the purchase of most everything needed to begin regular, high quality in-house video production for the ministry. I have no other option but to simply lay out the need to our friends and then trust God for all that is needed - just as we have every day in the ministry these 32+ years.
So, if God expresses to you to help with this sudden expense it would be greatly appreciated. Due to the variables involved the doctors have not given me a solid dollar figure on the cost but it will be in the thousands of dollars. That I know for certain. This news comes on the heals of finding out that Melanie needs two root canals in the next few weeks to be able to continue on our scheduled appointments to complete all of the things she's so desperately needed concerning her teeth for so long. This unexpected and unplanned dental work will be a cash proposition as well.
Besides giving a special gift as you are able we would really appreciate your prayers for both me and the surgeons tomorrow and for Melanie and her ongoing dental needs.
I would love to wake up in the morning with the "floaters" and blurry spot gone and simply go to the doctor to get the confirmation that there is no retinal problem at all! Today as my pastor prayed for me that is what we both believed for. Whether by doctor or by His mighty hand, I'll give the glory to Jesus Christ for making my eye whole so as to continue what we have been called to do for Him. I've got a lot to say and write and there is a whole world of lost folks and way too many misguided and uninformed church people to reach for the Kingdom!
Thank you so much for standing with us and for your prayers and financial participation at this juncture. I'll update you as soon as I am back at my desk.
Psm 91:1-7,