Eric Barger and Take A Stand! Ministries

Ministry Update

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new mailing address:

Take A Stand! Ministries

PO Box 279

Spanaway, WA 98387


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Financial Update

With barely 36 hours left in 2013 we are some $15,000 from meeting our year-end goal.


Thanks for making Take A Stand! Ministries your "home missionaries" as we defend the faith. Together we are making a difference! 

God bless you!


You can also mail your contribution to: 
Take A Stand! Ministries 
PO Box 279 
Spanaway, WA 98387

* All gifts to Take A Stand! Ministries are tax deductible according to the laws of the United States


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On the Road

Smokey Point, WA
January 5 
Eric is speaking at both morning services at
8:30 & 11, plus 10 am Sunday School. He'll be addressing two different topics including "The New, Truly Confused, Evangelicals" and "Ten Reasons Why Jesus is Returning Soon." Come join us for our yearly visit to Atonement Free Lutheran Church. Click here for more.

Abbotsford, BC
February 9
Eric returns to Olivet Church in Abbotsford for one service (10 am). Click here for details

*Open Date Available 
February 16
Eric is available for meetings in Minnesota or Wisconsin. Interested? Contact us ASAP!

Peoria, IL
February 21-22
Join Eric for five sessions at the Equip Christian Workers Conference in Peoria. Click here for a list of Eric's sessions.

Myrtle Beach, SC
February 28-March 2
Mark your calendars and make plans to get away to beautiful Myrtle Beach for the "What In The World Is Going On?" Conference
Bill Koenig 
Eric Barger 
Dr. Freddie Young 
Current Events
- Israel
Bible Prophecy
Christian Apologetics
More information about this event coming soon!

Bring Eric to your Church or Conference? 
Eric is accepting invitations for meetings on select dates throughout 2014-15 across North America.

Click Here or call 214-289-5244 to schedule Eric for your church!

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Home Page




New Evangelicalism: The New World Order
by Paul Smith

Like cascading dominoes, the intentional departure from believing the Bible is inerrant has plunged the church of the 21st century down the treacherous slippery slope of accommodation and compromise.

* Why have so many evangelicals identified themselves as new evangelicals?

* What is the relationship between Fuller Seminary, the Purpose Driven Church, and the Emergent Church Movement?

* How is the Emergent Church push for globalization harmonizing with the new world order in these prophetic last days?


Addressing these and many more questions with riveting case studies coupled with staggering and sobering documentation, the author unfolds the shocking progression of ideas that were birthed in a nest of aberrant church beliefs. 


Order & More Info



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Living on Borrowed Time
  by Dr. David Reagan


This book answers many questions concerning the second coming of Jesus including fulfilled prophecy, understanding the season we are in and the signs of the times, and perhaps the most convincing sign of the Lord's soon return.


A unique feature of the book is a prophecy forum composed of 22 Bible prophecy experts who reply to 11 questions concerning the biblical signs of the times that are supposed to signal the imminent return of Jesus. Over 300 pages!

Order & More Info

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The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent
by Dr. Erwin Lutzer


Islam is on the rise all over the West, including America. In this compelling new book, bestselling author Erwin Lutzer urges Christians to see this as both an opportunity to share the gospel and a reason for concern.
 We have now reached a tipping point--the spread of Islam is rapidly altering the way we live. These changes are cause for alarm, for they endanger our freedoms of speech and religion.


Order & More Info

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Emergent/postmodern philosophy has invaded nearly every once-safe denomination. In this seminar DVD, Eric defines Emergent thinking and terms, concisely exposing the leaders and errors of the Emergent Church.

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Part 2 - What to Watch For


Though the list below is far from exhaustive, here are some points to consider about the new Postmodern/Emergent "Evangelicals." Points to look out for are:


1) The downplaying of the ultimate authority and importance of the Bible.


Most heretical teachers won't come right out and flatly deny the Bible, but countless liberals, Emergents, and those of the Postmodern mindset use differing techniques to redefine the Bible.


Some merely bemoan biblical inerrancy, accepting only part of the Bible as accurate and teaching a limited soteriology. To them I ask: How do we know the Bible is accurate on salvation if it's not on creation or history? Others use the popular tag "Let's not argue about the Bible. After all, it's all about Jesus, right?" Really? How does one accept what Jesus said and what the Bible teaches about Him and then try to deny portions of Scripture? According to John 1:1 and 1:14, Jesus is the Word of God incarnate! They are inseparable.


Then others simply want to fashion Christianity into an unrecognizable religion yet call it Christianity.


Popular author, Phyllis Tickle, states: "Now, some five hundred years later (after Luther), even many of the most die-hard Protestants among us have grown suspicious of 'Scripture and Scripture only.' We question what the words mean - literally? Metaphorically? Actually? We even question which words do and do not belong in Scripture..." (The Great Emergence, p.46).


Along with his affinity against Israel, his opposition to biblical eschatology, his pro-gay marriage position, and his belief that there is no Hell, Brian McLaren contends that being orthodox is "how we search for a kind of truth" (i.e., it's all about "the journey," where nothing is absolute, and not actually the truth itself. He believes that right behavior trumps right beliefs (see A Generous Orthodoxy, p.28).


Emergent/Postmodern so-called theologian Tony Jones says, "The emerging church is a place of conversation and movement. Where that's going to go, we don't know. We're figuring this out together. We don't have an agenda of what it looks like at the end of the road. We just want to gather up people who are on this road, who want to go together on it" (PBS Special, July 15, 2005).


Perhaps as disturbing is McLaren's contention that "Missional Christian faith asserts that Jesus did not come to make some people saved and others condemned. Jesus did not come to help some people be right while leaving everyone else to be wrong. Jesus did not come to create another exclusive religion (based on beliefs)" (A Generous Orthodoxy, p.120).


2) Redefinition of previously Orthodox terms


When my friend Pastor Chris Bayer and I attended Brian McLaren's "Everything Must Change" tour stop at Nampa, Idaho, February 7-9, 2008, he stated that:


a.) Jesus' use of the term "Kingdom of God" was political and not spiritual. Calling it a "peace network," "eco-system of God," or God's "global love economy," he said that it is up to us to bring it to pass.


b.) The word salvation means us saving the planet!


c.) McLaren intimated that when passages like John 3:16 refer to the word "world," it really means physical Earth and not the lost humans on it!


McLaren confirms this outlandish idea in his book A Generous Orthodoxy, stating, "For the first time, through the EASTERN JESUS, I began to have a glimpse of how Jesus could indeed be the Savior of not just a few individual humans but of the whole world" (A Generous Orthodoxy, p.65).


He further confirms this notion in a footnote relating to this statement on page 66, stating, "By the 'whole world,' I do not necessarily mean every individual in it, but rather, I mean the cosmos, creation, the earth in history...."


3) Abandonment of orthodox doctrines


This is usually selectively and, again, with redefinitions. I caution particularly that you not look just for errors in what is being taught but carefully watch for essentials of the Faith that are being ignored and left out of the overall teaching of those who claim to be evangelicals. Omission - to ignore what one doesn't like - is part of our fallen Adamic nature and is an important key to understanding what is happening in evangelicalism today.


4) Redefine the Mission and Purpose of the Church


The term "evangelical" previously meant bringing individuals into a personal relationship with Christ. Now, at least to some, it's defined as bringing people into a setting that claims to be the Church in order to experience the journey of their earthly lives, including the notion that by their participation they are thus extended salvation. We could expect this from outright liberal heretics such as Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, who began her tenure by announcing to the 2009 General Convention that the teaching of personal salvation is "the great Western heresy: that we can be saved as individuals, that any of us alone can be in right relationship with God" (Associated Press, OneNewsNow, July 9, 2009).


Tragically, numerous "new evangelicals" ascertain that the Church has never previously had it right and now teach this idea of collective, corporate salvation. Perhaps you have never encountered this heresy, but it is now circulating through once truly evangelical circles; the Scriptures soundly refute it concerning repentance (Mark 1:15, 6:12; Luke 5:32, 13:3-7; Acts 2:38, 3:19, 8:22; II Peter 3:9; Rev 3:3), and belief, confession, and acceptance of Jesus' redemptive sacrifice for our own sins (I John 4:15, 5:1-5, 5:10-13; Romans 10:9-10, 13; Acts 4:12; John 3:3-7, 3:16, etc.).


The Results


a.) Corrupted Theology

b.) Corrupted Christology

c.) Corrupted Pneumatology

d.) Corrupted Ecclesiology

e.) Degraded standard for behavior, conduct, and practice

f.) Blurring of the lines between religions (i.e. ecumenism, universalism)

g.) Perverted view of or no interest in Bible Prophecy


The entire problem facing the Church today boils down to our willingness to accept the supremacy and ultimate authority of the Bible. Unless we and our leaders are wholly submitted to its teaching we are surely headed for shipwreck.


Evangelicalism is experiencing nothing less than a "Satanic Redo" mirroring the liberal destruction and apostasies of 100-150 years ago. Just as a century ago, the battle is over the Word of God. But that's really no surprise when one considers Lucifer's first communication to mankind: "Hath God Said?"




Understanding The Times Radio, "The 'New' Confused Evangelicals" June 22, 2013 edition. Listen at:


"The Errors of the Emergent Church"  

"How to Spot Emergent Church in YOUR Church" (article and downloadable pamphlet)

Follow Eric Barger on Twitter @ericbarger77 and
on Facebook at Eric Barger/Take A Stand! Ministries.
Get it all at



Olive Tree Video Series
From Eric Barger - The primary concern facing the Evangelical Church today.  

In the second clip of the series recorded backstage at the "Understanding the Times" Conference in Eden Prairie, MN in October, 2013, Eric sums up what he believes threatens the Evangelical church today. To watch Click Here.

Watch other clips here.

Don't miss
Understanding the Times Radio
nationwide each weekend on over 650 stations
or download each broadcast at


Latest Program - Dec. 28-29

Birth Pangs of 2013 

Jan Markell and her co-hosts, Eric Barger, Jill Martin Rische, and Executive Producer, Larry Kutzler review the major "birth pang" stories of 2013. For Bible-believing Christians, major stories, particularly as they relate to "signs of the times", exploded. From Israel's isolation to the growing lawlessness, each day welcomed a new story that fit into things predicted in the Bible for the final days. From spying to the betrayal of Israel, it wasn't a good year but these things must happen to a final generation. We don't know we are that generation, but we could be. 


Financial Update

With barely 36 hours left in 2013 we are some $15,000 from meeting our year-end goal.

Thanks for making Take A Stand! Ministries your "home missionaries" as we defend the faith. Together we are making a difference!  God bless you!


Or mail your contribution to:
Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 279
Spanaway, WA 98387

* All gifts to Take A Stand! Ministries are tax deductible according to the laws of the United States


Bring Eric to Your Church or Community in 2014!

Impact Your Church with
Impact Your Church with"Take A Stand! Ministries
(Click the video above.)


Contact us to bring Eric's cutting-edge "Take A Stand!" Seminars for your church or conference.


Scheduling Information


Read About Eric Barger


 Contact us about Scheduling






Want an assortment of Eric's teachings to share with others or enjoy again and again?

Order our 
"Barger Library" 



- 22 of Eric's full-length seminar DVDs
- 10 CD messages by Eric
- 5 Books, plus all 5 Take A Stand! Journals

(a $449 value)

Great for home use, Christian and home school study, Bible studies, small groups, Sunday School, church libraries and anyone just wanting a collection of Eric's DVDs, his most current Books plus others and an assortment of his teaching CDs.

Order online
or call 214-289-5244

You may also mail your request to:
Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 279 - Spanaway, WA 98387

Contact us at our new address:
Eric Barger & Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 279
Spanaway, WA 98387

PO Box 1485
Rowlett, TX 75030  USA

(Note: Please send mail to our Spanaway, Washington address.)

Phone: 214-289-5244  

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