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Defending the Fath!
Four part television series from Christ in Prophecy with Dr. David Reagan
This DVD includes all four of Eric's "Christ in Prophecy" TV programs airing internationally for the second time in July and August, 2010 with Dr. David Reagan and Nathan Jones of Lamb and Lion Ministries.
Divorced From Church? How Apostasy is Scattering the Sheep
Today, many precious saints have been forced to leave their churches due to truly biblical or doctrinal disputes. If you have, you are NOT alone! With alarming numbers of once-trustworthy denominations and leaders trumpeting varieties of Liberalism, Emergent and other heresies, what is the dedicated Bible-believer to do? Should we stay or must we go? In this important message, Eric Barger utilizes biblical apologetics as he approaches the problem, offers solutions, and outlines reasons to both leave and stay in a congregation.
Is Your Church New Age, Emergent, or Christian? This comparison of New Age and Emergent beliefs against the backdrop of biblical Christianity will not only expose the many likenesses shared by New Age and Emergent philosophies but it will also help equip viewers with discernment in understanding and recognizing real, authentic Christianity. CLICK HERE for More
Shadow Government
Leading researchers, authors and minds like Grant Jeffrey, Dr. Katherine Albrecht, Edward G. Griffin, Daniel Estulin, Gary Kah, Chuck Missler, Joan Veon, Brad O'Leary and many others take you through the incredible and hidden world of Surveillance, Rights and Freedoms, Global Government and Bible Prophecy.
 The Death of Discernment: How The Shack Became the #1 Bestseller in Christianity
Learn about the unbiblical, unorthodox theology contained in this runaway bestseller and how it threatens to deceive untold numbers of both Christians and seekers in our midst.
(Eric Barger's most sought after video teaching ever!)

The MOST Dangerous Cult
The Errors of the Emergent Church
Emergent philosophy has invaded nearly every once-safe denomination. In this seminar DVD, Eric defines Emergent thinking and terms, concisely exposing the leaders and errors of the Emergent Church.
Bringing Twilight Out Into the Son
"Blockbuster books and hit movies confuse evil with good."
Twilight is adversely affecting millions, which is why we encourage you to order Eric Barger's informative new booklet, Bringing Twilight out into the Son today. Request several copies to give to friends and family. Having a few on hand for the Twilight fans you encounter could make a dramatic eternal difference. This booklet is now in its 3rd printing!

(Revisited from our August 15, 2008 email update)
For some time now, I have been tracking something called the "Emergent Church Movement" (also known as the "Emerging Church"). I don't want to assume that everybody here is up to speed on what I'm talking about, so first a few words of definition. At some point in the mid-1990's the moniker "Emerging Church" surfaced out of the Young Leadership Network. It came from the notion that, because the culture has changed, a new church should emerge in response. Declaring themselves to be the answer to reach the so-called postmodern generation, Emergents claim to have explored all of the avenues of what the Church has historically been, only to find that little or none of it satisfied them. The common bond of the Emergents was and still is a general dissatisfaction for Bible-believing Christianity, though nearly all of them claim to be "Evangelicals"!
Like many in the various "isms" before them, Emergents set forth to tackle a seemingly noble cause. They appeared to want desperately to reach a lost generation. However, it soon became clear that no matter how zealous Emergents were, the message they offered to their target postmoderns was not the authentic biblical model. Almost before even taking flight, the Emergents veered sideways into the ditch of heretical thinking, doctrine and practice. Their unorthodox view of the Christian faith, including doctrine and solo scriptura, aided in drawing many who were seeking a self-styled Christianity rather than the biblical version. Those who came early to this perilous party also brought volunteers and funding to the soon-to-be-famous heretic leaders and, in the eyes of some, their very presence added credibility just because the seats were being filled on Sundays. After quickly jettisoning the constraints of biblical hermeneutics and (God forbid) sound doctrine, Emergents picked up steam (and press) as being "hip," "different" and "refreshing." In reality, though, "hip" transposes into "we'll accept almost anything," "different" means "far out...really far out," and "refreshing" symbolizes "any Wiccan or Buddhist will feel right at home with us."
I know many Emergent sympathizers would object and say that I am generalizing. However, that simply is not the case. Even without much space to elaborate in this article, and even as difficult as "Emergent Speak" can be to decipher, once one boils it down, just a partial outline of Emergent philosophies indicates glaring flaws.
Hear Eric on Southwest Radio Church's "Watchman on the Wall" broadcast this week!
Here are the topics being covered.
Eric is also speaking this week at Southwest Radio Church's "Wake Up America!" Conference August 6-7 in Oklahoma City. Click here for details. |
Christ in Prophecy TV
Week 2"Defending the Faith"
Join Dr. David Reagan and Nathan Jones again as they interview Eric Barger in week two of "Defending the Faith" on "Christ in Prophecy" TV.
Catch this weeks episode on the Daystar network, Inspiration, The Church Channel, Family Vision and the NRB Network. These networks are seen on cable and satellite systems, such as DirecTV worldwide.
The next airing is Wednesday, August 4 at 7pm eastern/4pm pacific on the Daystar network.
Eric Barger, Dr. David Reagan, Nathan Jones and part of the "Christ in Prophecy" crew |
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New uploads include info on:
- The Emergent Church
- Islam
- "The Shack"
- Universalism in the Church
- Bible Prophecy and the Occult
- Discernment or Deception
- Brit Hume and Tiger Woods
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Order online, call 214-289-5244 or mail your request to: Take A Stand! Ministries PO Box 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030