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In this update: Read about a Philadelphia strip club's violent reaction to public preaching, the conviction of an evangelist for preaching near a noisy bar, the ministry's recent outreach at a local ball game, its efforts outside of the trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell and its witness to homosexuals at Equality Forum.

Evangelists Attacked By Violent Mob
Repent America (RA) has been preaching the word of God outside a number of Philadelphia strip clubs in recent weeks, including Show & Tel, Club Onyx, Cheerleaders and others.
Security and patrons of The Penthouse Club, a lavish multi-million dollar den of iniquity located in a darkened, crime-riddled area of the city, have been especially hostile toward the preaching. The manager partner of the club, Alan Markovitz, a cultural Jew whose father was a Holocaust survivor, has an ownership stake in numerous strip clubs across the country. Philadelphia's Penthouse Club, which opened in 2009, was the subject of an undercover police investigation in 2011 and was subsequently busted for illegal prostitution. 
As the message of repentance has been proclaimed this month on the sidewalk surrounding the strip club, security has been physically aggressive, even going so far as to assault members of the ministry. On one occasion, patrons came out to rough up the evangelists, and in the process damaged their property while one man stole a Bible. 
This past weekend, security blasted music out of a parked van covered with large, obscene images in order to thwart the ministry's communication with those entering. Later, a profane and drunken mob waiting for their limo violently threw members of the ministry team to the ground, while the preacher was repeatedly punched as he lay in the bushes.
The Philadelphia Police Department, however, handled the incidents in a very apathetic and unprofessional manner. A lieutenant who came to the scene refused to take any action against those who committed the assault, lit up a cigar and went on his way. On two separate occasions, a supervising officer arrived wearing an unbuttoned shirt, and at one point, stood and laughed with security while one of his subordinates commented that it is "unlawful to offend people." During one instance, the security guard stated that he was calling his "buddy in highway patrol" to shut down the preaching. When the officer arrived, it became apparent that he had a relationship with the workers at the strip club, and attempted to intimidate the ministry into leaving the area. 
Earlier that night, RA also preached outside of Cheerleaders, another den of iniquity in the city. As one of the strippers arrived, she stopped and attempted to justify her sin with Catholicism, noting that she had been baptized, and asserted that she needed the money. Although the strip club wanted the evangelists to leave because the preaching made their customers feel "uncomfortable," the word of God continued to be proclaimed.  

Some time later, a man in a wheelchair named Ed, who claimed to be a Christian, was wheeled over by his friend Noah. As he clung to Ed's shoulder, Noah randomly whispered in his ear and uttered profanity, pushing him to oppose the message of repentance, and was noticeably not in his right mind. 

As the ministry spoke at length to Ed about the word of God and his presence at the strip club, it appeared that he began to fall under conviction. Although his friend went back inside, Ed advised that he wanted to go home. RA urged Ed to follow Christ and not to yield himself to sin.

It is heartbreaking to witness the devastating effect that sin has upon lives. Please pray that God will make a way for these dens of iniquity to be shut down in the city. 
"Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end, but establish the just." - Psalm 7:9
Judge Rules Street Preaching is Disorderly Conduct
A Pennsylvania magistrate judge recently found Jim MacPherson, a co-laborer with the ministry, guilty of disorderly conduct for street preaching to patrons in a noisy bar district last month. 
The incident occurred on Jim's first time to street preach, as he accompanied the ministry to witness in Bryn Mawr, a college town that is often frequented by students of Villanova University. 
As RA began preaching in the open-air and distributing tracts across the street from Kelly's Taproom, which was blaring music from inside the bar, a local resident took issue with the preaching and summoned the police. Officer Swain, who had been driving by, stopped and issued a warning. At that point, the evangelists went across the street and began to witness closer to the bar. 
However, approximately 20 minutes later, when the supervising sergeant came to the scene, Officer Swain issued Jim a citation, even though he was no longer speaking. When asked why the bar was allowed to blast music, but citations are issued for preaching, the sergeant stated that the bar was merely engaged in its normal course of business for a Saturday night.

Last week, Magisterial Judge Kathleen Valentine declared Jim guilty of disorderly conduct, and advised afterward that she personally knows the complainant. As an appeal is forthcoming, please pray that God's will would be done in this situation, and click here to read an article about the trial by Christian News Network, a ministry of Repent America.
"Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets." - Proverbs 1:20
Gospel Goes Out to the Ball Game
Repent America (RA) has been spending much time on the streets over the past month to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible. 
As spring is in full swing, and the days are becoming longer, many are out and about at night with friends and family. Warmer weather also brings baseball season, and so recently, the ministry took the Gospel to a ball game at Campbell Field in Camden, New Jersey. 
RA was blessed to preach to hundreds of attendees coming and going from the ball park, and had a number of discussions with passersby. At one point, while the preaching went forth, a little girl approached and said with a smile, "I like your Bible." 

Sporting events are great places to reach large numbers of people with the Gospel. Why not use the upcoming events in your city this spring and summer as an opportunity to reach your community for Christ?
"And the lord said unto the servant, 'Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, [so] that my house may be filled.'" - Luke 14:23

Exposing the Evils of Abortion Outside Gosnell Trial

Repent America (RA) recently joined with Jeremiah Cry Ministries to speak out against the shedding of innocent blood outside of the trial for notorious Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell. 

As the ministry preached, held signs and distributed tracts to passersby, many were shocked at the reality of abortion. Some became angry, and others expressed appreciation for the outreach. One woman who admitted to having an abortion was moved to tears, and a businessman who passed by held up his briefcase to cover his eyes, so that he would not have to face the truth. 

As the Sheriff's Department shut down all free speech outside of the courthouse, the group moved across the street and continued preaching. Sadly, during the course of the trial, very few Christians were present to decry the evils of abortion in the city and to expose the atrocities of the abortion holocaust.

While RA is thankful that Gosnell was justly found guilty of first-degree murder for the deaths of babies whose spines were snipped after being born alive, thousands more were deprived justice. 

Furthermore, the ministry has learned that the case does not end with Gosnell. Campaign to Stop Stericycle (CSS), a project of Repent America, has uncovered shocking information about the disposal of the babies killed by Gosnell via the medical waste giant Stericycle. Please visit to learn more as breaking news and information will be released in the coming days. 

"Open thy mouth for the [voiceless] in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. - Proverbs 31:8 


Homosexuals Intolerant of the Word of God
Much intolerance was displayed against the word of God this month as Repent America (RA) preached about repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ during Equality Forum, one of several homosexual pride events held in Philadelphia each year.
As the preaching went forth, a number of professing Quakers that supported homosexuality lodged a silent protest by sitting on the ground and holding signs. Two others unrelated to the Quakers were arrested for attacking the ministry and were released after RA opted not to press charges. In a separate incident, a woman exposed herself during the preaching, but police took no action. Other attendees took delight in mocking God and uttered unspeakable things about Jesus Christ.

However, some were receptive to the preaching and listened intently. One man approached Jim and stated, "What you said today has convinced me that there is a true and living God."
The night before, RA preached outside of iCandy, a homosexual bar in the midst of Philadelphia's "gayborhood." One man who came out of the bar was clutching a rosary and proceeded to explain that he had studied in seminary. After making a death threat against the ministry for its presence at the bar, he hopped in a cab and left. 

Please pray for the many men and women who heard the preaching. May they repent and believe the Gospel. 
"Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." - Proverbs 14:34
About Repent America

Repent America (RA) is an evangelistic organization based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which zealously labors to further the Kingdom of God through Biblical evangelism. RA is a small operation with a BIG mission as it reaches out to tens of thousands of people each month with the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Whether it be the public proclamation of the Gospel message (Romans 10:14-15), opening thy mouth for the voiceless (Proverbs 31:8-9), preaching to the poor and comforting the brokenhearted (Luke 4:18), warning the wicked of their way (Ezekiel 33:8-9), or working to preserve our liberties to do so, Repent America continues to "fight the good fight of faith." (1 Timothy 6:12) Please join in the fight with us by making a donation to keep us on the streets as we continue to impact America with the truth of God's Word!

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