Carin' for Cairns

News from Cairn Rescue USA 

http://www.CairnRescueUSA.comJanuary 2016
In This Issue (Click on the title to go to the article; click on any picture to enlarge it)
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Greetings From Vi:
CRUSA ended 2015 with a bang when a young brindle Cairn was found under a porch in wet mud, having just given birth to nine puppies. CRUSA came to the rescue, and Donna Marie Koegler, in our "Name that Cairn Fundraiser", named this new mom Vita for life. So our circle of life begins again in 2016!!
In this issue, you will love our writer's creative approach to Vita and her pups' great homecoming adventure which begins with a very long ride in B.J. Isaacs' Cairnmobile. Next, if you have an all-adult, quieter household, and want to add a new Cairn in 2016, consider Otto, our beautiful four year old who is featured in our Adopt Me article. You will then read about two happy endings: Nic, who was featured in our September 2015 issue, and Bella, who is one of our first 2016 adoptions.
Wondering what your dog's strange body language means? Our article on biting will help you tune in to the warnings. We also cover the final results of our November CRUSA Benefit Auction - thank you again to all donors and bidders, and most especially to Perla Chiaffitella - who has masterfully led four auctions for us so far.
What are your New Year's resolutions? Want to try something you have never done before? How about fostering a CRUSA Cairn? We can't rescue a Cairn unless he has a foster home to go to. Please help by giving the gift of hope to a Cairn in 2016. It will be the greatest New Year's resolution you ever made and our CRUSA Cairns will most certainly agree!
All the best to you and your Cairn families in 2016!
Violetta Argueta
Cairn Rescue USA
Founder, President & CFO
Help a needy Cairn in 2016! Please consider making a tax deductible donation to CRUSA!
During the holiday season past, CRUSA VP of Intakes/Southeast Intakes Coordinator B.J. Isaacs responded to an emergency situation. Here's her story:
'Twas ten days before Christmas,
When in BJ's house,
Six Cairns were stirring but, predictably,
Not a mouse.
With her Cairnmobile fueled and ready to go,
She left on a mission with a "Ho, ho, ho."
On facebook a message had come into view,
That a Cairn mom and eight pups needed rescue.
Under a porch and muddy and weak,
They'd been brought to a shelter,
Where their rescue they'd seek.
After checking her creds,
And finding her fit,
All nine went to BJ,
Who left lickety- split.
It was on to the vet,
but wait, there's a jam.
What a time for an accident,
With a car of Cairns crammed!
A week old were they,
Five boys and three girls,
And by now it's time,
To give names to those pearls.
So here comes Andrea,
With her pet machination:
"You can name a dog,
For a nice donation."
Now it's "Vita", the "octomom" of the clan,
And "Molly", "Gypsy", "Hope" and "Alvin".
Also "Teddy", "Jeter","Jingles", and "Nestor",
And, for the ninth pup who had passed,
The posthumous name "Star".
It's Christmas Day but all is not cheery,
Molly and Hope making sounds,
Of which BJ is leery.
So it's off to the vet -
Some celebration!
Who needs this aggravation?
Pneumonia it is -
A fine Christmas Day!
But with medication,
They should both be ok.
And so it is in 2016,
By now their misfortune seems but a dream.
The pups are beginning to show some Cairn pluck,
And from all of us, we wish the nine "Good Luck!"
(For a more detailed and pictured account of the saga of Vita and her pups, click HERE.)
ADOPT ME: Otto in Illinois Needs Your Love and Patience
In the fall of 2015 a heartbroken Chicago couple contacted Midwest Adoptions Director, Shell Lewis, about surrendering their four year old Cairn, Otto. Otto had always been a sensitive dog...wary of strangers, loud sounds and sudden movements. Now with the arrival of the couple's first child, Otto's behavior had become more erratic and unpredictable. The couple had consulted with a behaviorist and at their vet's recommendation they put Otto on Prozac. But after many tearful discussions they became resolved to the fact that Otto would be better suited to a different kind of home.  
Now residing in a foster home in the Chicago suburbs, Otto has made enormous strides. He is off Prozac and after six weeks under foster mom Pat Frost's watchful eye, he is beginning to play with the other dogs in the home. But his evolution from "tightly wound terrier" to "fun-loving boy" has taken time and patience.  
Otto still has an aversion to quick, unexpected movements and loud noises, and he has to be permitted to do things in his own timeline. His foster mom realizes this and when Otto feels the need to spend time in his crate, she allows him to do so, letting him come out when he's ready. Otto doesn't like to be picked up without warning and if you bend down quickly to grab him, he will have a tendency to bolt. But when approached gently and with a quiet tone, he reacts in kind. 
Otto loves to play ball and knows many commands. He is very treat oriented and loves to please. He went through obedience training with his first owners and would likely enjoy being challenged with additional training and perhaps even involvement in performance activities.    
Otto will be a wonderful addition to an all-adult household that has terrier experience. He needs a quieter home without a lot of 'comings" and "goings". He must have a patient owner who will allow him to integrate into family life at his own pace. He would enjoy the company of another smaller dog and a fenced yard is a must.   
If you are interested in adopting Otto, contact Shell Lewis at
(Click HERE to watch a great video of this handsome and special boy. Check out his photo album HERE).
HAPPY ENDING: Nic Finally Goes Home!!  
We had lots of Happy Endings in 2015, and 2016 is proving to be no slouch either. So we picked out a couple of happy Cairns and asked the adoptive parents how their new 'fur child' was doing. We couldn't be more pleased with the good news about Nicholas and Bella (Bella's story follows), and thought we would share their happy endings with our readers.
In September 2015 Nicholas was featured in Carin' for Cairns Adopt Me article. He was found while running loose on a four lane bridge, and CRUSA again came to the rescue. Marty Taylor of Memphis Tennessee fostered Nic and knew he would be a great Cairn for someone. She said, "Through all that he has suffered he is one of the happiest little guys I've ever seen. He's always bouncing and wagging his tail..."
After two rounds of heartworm treatment and resolution of other medical problems, Diane and Bob Provenzano fell in love with Nic and opened their home and their hearts to him.
Diane says of Nic:
"Nic was great from day one! I walked in the door greeted by our other two dogs and no problems. The only one who is still not too happy is our cat. Nic wants to chase her, so she is hanging out on our bottom floor. Nic is just a very sweet dog who loves all people, especially children. He had a great foster mom, Marty, who took good care of him. We are so happy to have him...our third CRUSA rescue." 
(Click HERE to read more about Nic's background in his September 2015 Adopt Me article - just click on the fourth story down in the Table of Contents.)
HAPPY ENDING: Bella Makes the New Year a Great One for the Marquis Family
It didn't take long for seven and a half year old Bella to warm the hearts of Paul and Donna Marquis. Shell Lewis, Midwest Placement Director, posted Bella's picture on Facebook in early January 2016, and in no time Bella was on her way from Illinois to Paul and Donna's home in Maine to join their other CRUSA Cairn Shaggy.
Paul says this about Bella and about CRUSA (thank you Paul!):
"We are so happy with the way Bella came in and accepted us into her life. It's only been a short while but sometimes you just know when something feels right. I truly believe that being fostered by Jim and Shell Lewis prepared her for being in a quieter household. We thank them for that.
"Losing our little Lucy (also a CRUSA Cairn) really hit us hard. It was so unexpected. I kept thinking that she would want us to move on, and to help and love another. We just love Bella already, and I know she has taken a liking to us. Shaggy is very happy with his new Cairn friend as well. We haven't had any issues at all. We grow to love them both more and more every day. I'm quite sure Bella's happy ending has landed her in the right spot.
"We thank everyone at CRUSA for their dedication to the breed. The care and love that they give these displaced dogs is second to none. The amount of time they devote to Cairns, whether it is to take to vet appointments or to pick up another poor dog; they seem to do it with unending love and caring. We love you all for what you do."
(Click HERE for more pictures of Bella in her new home.)
HEALTH AND SAFETY: Preventing a Bite Before It Begins
Cairns have so many endearing qualities such as their enthusiasm for life and their never-give-up attitude. But one of the reasons Cairns are surrendered to rescues or
"No more hugs please!" 
shelters is because they have bitten. Statistics show that young children are bitten by all breeds far more than older children and adults. Dogs do show signs of their fear and anxiety before they bite, but you need to be tuned in.
Check out this video, a classic example of inter-species miscommunication. The reporter was showing affection for the dog by leaning in and putting both hands on the dog's neck. The dog saw this as a threat. There were warning signs if you look carefully HERE.
Described below are warning signs to help you recognize when your dog is feeling anxious or fearful. Don't punish her if she warns you by growling or leaving the room. Otherwise she is trapped and her only choice may be to bite. Modify the behavior of the child (or adult!) and make certain the dog has a safe space away from people. And never approach a dog from behind, don't kiss or hug a dog or grab for his face, and always give the dog a way out, while removing the source of the anxiety. 
One Paw Raised - This may be very cute, but the dog is worried and does not want to be petted or bothered.
Half Moon Eye (see above) -
The dog
just wants to be left alone, especially when the kids are hugging him or otherwise overhandling him. Time to intervene!
Displacement Behaviors are normal behaviors displayed out of context. The dog wants to do something, but is suppressing the urge. Instead, he licks or yawns, or may scratch, bite at his paws, or do a wet dog shake.
Avoidance Behaviors are more overt behaviors. He may get up and leave (and bite next time), turn his head away, hide behind a person or object, bark and retreat, or roll over on his back in a submissive manner as if to say "please don't hurt me!"
Other Signs of Anxiety include the tail between the legs, the tail down or straight up and out (if a curly-tailed dog), ears sideways or back, or very rapid panting.

(Check out more pictures illustrating warning signs that both children and adults should pay attention to by clicking HERE.)  
CRUSA Fall Auction a Success Thanks to our Donors and Bidders!
Once or twice a year Cairn lovers around the world come together for the CRUSA Facebook Benefit Auction. This auction provides very special gifts for those Cairns in foster care who are not adopted due to their age, or special needs and/or health, but yet require costly veterinary care. This year's auction brought in a remarkable $19,648 thanks to the many generous donations and bids.
Thank you to all who donated and/or bid on items. It is because of people like you that CRUSA is able to help so many Cairns throughout the year. And a special thanks to Perla Chiaffitella, who has now managed four auctions for CRUSA, and is doing an incredible job! Our Cairns in need will be eternally grateful to all who participated and helped raise funds for them. And we look forward to seeing all of you at the next CRUSA Facebook Auction!
RAINBOW EDITION: Remembering our Cairns
We started the Rainbow Edition of Carin' for Cairns so our readers could pay tribute to their CRUSA Cairns and other companion animals who went to the Rainbow Bridge during the previous year. You can read the tributes from last year's edition HERE.

We would like to honor those who have left us in 2015 with our fourth Rainbow Edition, to be published in February or early March of 2016. If you have lost a CRUSA Cairn or other companion animal in 2015 and would like to share your memories and honor your pet, please send the newsletter a short paragraph about what your best friend added to your life and/or what you will always remember. If possible, include your pet's birth and death dates, how and when he came into your life, and where you live. Please attach a picture as well.

If you are unable to write a paragraph, just the basic information - the birth and death dates and where you live, plus a picture, will suffice to honor and remember your pet.  
Email your paragraph and picture, or any questions you might have, to the newsletter at Deadline for submissions: February 1, 2016.
Last month we incorrectly labeled a picture in the story about Joey and Goldie. We
identified the picture to the left as Joey but it was actually Goldie! Joey's mom, Betsi Greene, kindly sent us another picture of
Joey (to the right).

Betsi reports that he is still doing great and all ready for his Canine Good Citizenship class. We are sure he will finish with flying colors!
Submissions for the 4th annual Rainbow Edition are due February 1, 2016 (see article above). Send to
Thanks to our Carin' for Cairns eNews Staff:
Marilyn Royle, Editor in Chief
WRITERS AND CONTRIBUTORS to the January issue:
Paul Marquis, Diane Provenzano, Bob Shire,  Rosemary Shire, Betsi Greene, Nikki Glass, Shell Lewis, Pat Frost, Perla Chiaffitella, Brenda Jo Isaacs, and Marilyn Royle
Are you a creative or journalistic writer? Join our editing staff! Email us at
Cairn Rescue USA is a national 501(c)(3) Dog Rescue for Cairn Terriers and "mostly Cairn" mixes of all ages and backgrounds. Visit for more information.
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