Happy Father's Day: June 16, 2013 (Tammuz 8, 5773)
To View Large Versions of Each of the Photos Featured in our Father's Day Masthead, Click here.
Newsletter: Our Chavura This Week:
Jewish University * Hillel Academy * Team Yachad * Weddings * Engagements * Bar Mitzvahs * Tzedakah * Dr. James Ehrlich * The Lev Family * Rabbi Marc Soloway * Judy Kantrowitz z'l Award for Creative Writing * Tzeitchem L'Shalom Eli Bilmes * Births
Boulder Jewish Festival (70 Photos) * Ayelet Lev's Tzedakah Lemonade Stand * Final Day: DAT High School
Rabbi Levi Brackman on the ordination of Jewish women * Education Minister gets the giggles * Colorado Rep. Daniel Kagan on his Holocaust hero * Avi Halzel: 'No Hitler, Your Final Solution Did Not Work' * Palestinian Media Watch * and MUCH MORE!
Invite your family and friends to join our Radio Chavura. Please share this weekly e-mail newsletter and encourage members of your community to subscribe. The more people who see our weekly newsletter, the more visibility we can provide to our local Jewish institutions, events and noteworthy individuals.
Every Sunday at 6:30 PM
990 KRKS AM in Denver
This Week on Radio Chavura:
(L-R): Nigel Savage, Hazon; Josh Pierce, Boulder JCC; and Jamie Korngold, Adventure Rabbi
Last Sunday, the Radio Chavura team drove to Boulder to participate in the Boulder Jewish Festival.
This year's event, the 19th annual festival, was organized by Cheryl Fellows, who also publishes the Boulder Jewish News with her husband, David. Three of the groups we encountered - Adventure Rabbi, Hazon, and Camp, Inc. - are featured on this week's edition of Radio Chavura.
The Adventure Rabbi Program was started by Rabbi Jamie Korngold in 2001. A strong believer in the power of nature to inspire modern Jews and bring them closer to G-d, Rabbi Jamie and her congregation regularly take trips to some of the most beautiful places in the United States and Israel. The author of seven books - including five aimed at children and families - Rabbi Jamie is a dynamic leader and exemplifies the fresh spirit that abounds in Boulder.
We are joined by Rabbi Jamie to talk about the exciting programs that Adventure Rabbi offers. __________
Hazon - now the largest Jewish environmental group in the country - was started by New York resident (and British expat) Nigel Savage in 2000. Believing that Jews have a responsibility to "create healthier and more sustainable communities in the Jewish world and beyond," Hazon has helped make Jewish Colorado a more environmentally-aware place to live. Denver Jews may be most familiar with Hazon's involvement at the Ekar Farm, which sits adjacent to the Denver Academy of Torah campus. We are joined by Nigel and by Hazon's Boulder director, Becky O'Brien, to talk about Hazon's mission and its future. __________
Camp, Inc., a new Jewish camp for young entrepreneurs, may not be opening its doors for another year, but it's already creating buzz among circles of innovative young people here in Colorado.
Managed by the Boulder JCC and its chief camp officer Josh Pierce, Camp, Inc., promises to inspire the Jewish youth of today to develop the ideas that will "make a positive difference in the world" of tomorrow.
 We are joined by Josh to talk about Camp Inc.'s Summer 2014 launch.
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Why wait? You can place your free personalized High Holiday greetings to family and friends in the special Radio Chavura 5774 New Year's Edition of our e-newsletter and program guide. Our colorful weekly digital guide reaches a wide cross-section of Colorado's Jewish community, stretching from Colorado Springs through greater Denver and the Front Range, to Boulder and Fort Collins.
In addition, your free New Year's greetings will be seen by Radio Chavura fans throughout the United States, as well as our increasing audience in Israel, Europe and Australia.
Even if you plan to send out individual greeting cards, this is a wonderful way to broadcast your best wishes to the widest possible circle of friends - a true Chavura! Participate now, here. 
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In Our Community:
Share your special thanks, mazel tovs, birthdays, anniversaries and memories with the entire Radio Chavura community. Insertion rates begin at only $18.
Contact us at 855-JEWISH-4 (539-4744) or email: radiochavura@gmail.com.
Rabbi Soloway
Dr. Ehrlich
Mazel Tov: To Dr. James Ehrlich who will be honored this month with the Bergamotto Ambassador Research Award in Calabria, Italy. Dr. Ehrlich is a pioneer in using the polyphenol-rich bergamot fruit to address all components of metabolic syndrome. Dr. Ehrlich is a clinical associate professor at the University of Colorado, Denver.
Yasher Koach: To Bill Cohen, Rabbi Marc Soloway and Jan Rubenstein of Boulder who helped lead the successful opposition to a proposal to create a Sister City relationship between the City of Boulder and the West Bank city of Nabulus. After a long and contentious debate, the Boulder City Council last Monday rejected the link to the Palestinian city by a vote of 6-3.
Mazel Tov: To the graduates of The Jewish Experience's Jewish University: Jim Jacobson, Jan Jacobson, Leslie Stewart, Lisa Feld, Hedy Gurrentz, Erica Gardner, Sam Rubinson,
Anette Yadgar and Wendy Greenwald. The Jewish University is The Jewish Experience's premiere adult education program. The three-year course of study offers students fluency in the most important areas of Jewish life, thought and history.
Mazel Tov: To Rachel Fishman and Daniel Wiener on their marriage. Rachel is the daughter of Dr. Paul and Susie Fishman. Daniel is the son of Bruce and Rochelle Wiener of Potomac, MD. Following their June 16th wedding, the couple plans to live in Starkville, Mississippi, where Rachel will pursue a degree in veterinary medicine.
Suzanne Rabinovitch with Carolyn Reiffman (l) and Dr. Peggy Kasloff
Mazel Tov: To Suzanne Rabinovitch on winning the "Mrs. K" Award for Creative Writing. The "Mrs. K" Award is named for Judy Kantrowitz, z'l, a longtime English teacher at the Denver Academy of Torah who passed away in 2010. The award goes to the 7th or 8th grade student at DAT who demonstrates the spirit and creativity in his or her work that Mrs. K loved.
Mazel Tov: To Shmuli (Samuel) Tessler on his Bar Mitzvah at East Denver Orthodox Synagogue. He is the son of Dr. Heidi and Carl Tessler. The Tesslers are also celebrating the engagement of their daughter, Rebecca, to Ben Pollack, the son of Chaya and Dean Pollack of Pittsburgh.
Mazel Tov: To Dr. Mark and Ellen Levine on the engagement of their daughter, Abbi, to Alon Rosenthal. He is the son of Dov and Paula Rosenthal of the Netherlands.
Mazel Tov: Marcus Cyrstal on his upcoming marriage to Chaya Devorah Florans. Marcus is the son of Jonathan and Gloria Crystal.
Yasher Koach: To Dovid and Naomi Lev and their daughters, Ayelet and Daniella, for operating a lemonade stand last Sunday along Alameda Avenue to raise funds for children's cancer research. Plenty of neighbors and passersby dropped by quench their thirst. [View the photo essay]
Yasher Koach: To Emily Kieval and the other organizers of this year's Team Yachad Color Run and fundraiser, which was held this morning. Scheduled runners included: Shimmy Alter, Yehuda Alter, Gabi Bean, Shifra Brandt, Aaron Brooks, Estee Brooks, Mark Brooks, Gitty Bulow, Heidi Clayman, Pearl Clayman, Sarah Felsen, Dorit Fischer, Kyra Fischer, Liat Fischer, Sahpir Freedman, David Kieval, Emily Kieval, Aliza Makovsky, Avital Rotbart, Terry Samuel, Naava Teitelbaum, and Rabbi T. Tenenbaum.
Tzeitchem L'Shalom: To Eli Bilmes, the 4th and 5th grade Judaics teacher at the Denver Academy of Torah, who will be moving to Israel.
Mazel Tov: To all the 2013 Graduates of Hillel Academy, their families and their teachers: Sruly Abrams; Moshe Brackman; Yeruchem Engel; Shimshi Goldstein; Mordechai Joseph; Avi Kieffer; Eliyahu Lawrence; Mendy Liberow; Yeshaya Eliezer Steinberg; Simcha Baxman; Faigy Berkowitz; Shira Freedman; Amira Friedman; Sarrah Griego; Chaya Zisi Krausz; Ahuva Levitt; Elisheva Major; Miryam Major; Leah Meyer; Esty Scheiner; Chana Steinharter; and Chaya Wasserman.
Mazel Tov: To Rabbi Mendel and Estee Popack on the birth of a son.
Welcome to Denver: Sara Esrig from St. Louis, who is spending the summer working at DAT's Camp Maayan.
Radio Chavura hosts Maxwell and Dean Rotbart welcome the opportunity to speak before local Jewish organizations and groups about Radio Chavura and how non-profits can use the media to heighten public awareness of their activities. To schedule a presentation call us at 1-855-Jewish-4 or email: radiochavura@gmail.com. There is no fee.
Thank You: To those families, businesses, and individuals who have made generous financial contributions to Radio Chavura recently, including: Shirley Lewis, Dr. James Ehrlich, Jim Storm, Tana and Richard Rosenberg ( Tana's Delights), Meir Cohen, and Alicia Vargo ( Pampered Passions).
Through Sunday, September 1st, you can help your favorite Denver-area Jewish charity win a $1,000 publicity package, donated by Radio Chavura. There is zero cost or obligation to participate.
To help, simply tell us which Jewish charity you'd like to see receive our prize. It takes less than a minute to cast your ballot here.
 You can also register by depositing your business card or registration form at:

Chavura Community Calendar
June 18 (Tuesday):
Annual Meeting of the Denver Jewish Chamber of Commerce. Election of directors and officers. 7 pm - 9 pm. Jewish Community Center.
June 20 (Thursday):
The Ladies Auxiliary of Yeshiva Toras Chaim presents the annual Rose Garden Donor Luncheon. 11:45 am. RSVP to 303-629-8200. Honoring Lucie Prenzlau, Ruthie Krausz and Naomi Erlanger.
June 21 (Friday):
Family Summer Concert Series presented by JCC Family Programs kicks off with Rocky Mountain Jewgrass, performing at the Denver Jewish Day School's Allon Family Quadrangle, 2450 S. Wabash Street, Denver, 80231. 4-5:30 pm. Free for Camp Shai families. Guests in advance $10 each or $12 at the door. Bring blankets and prepare to make the Summer Solstice.
June 22 (Saturday):
Rabbi Alter
Rabbi Daniel Alter will give the Dvar Torah followed by a Shiur after Kiddish at the East Denver Orthodox Synagogue. His topic is titled, "Forced Service for all in the IDF: Is Yair Lapid a Hero or Devil Incarnate?"
June 23 (Sunday):
Aish Denver Presents: Broadway unBound, an inspiring musical, written and performed by Rivka Cohen. [See Advertisement Above] Curtain 7 pm. Reception follows. Tickets $25. Note: For women and girls age 10 or older only. Phone: 303-220-7200. Email: info@aishdenver.com. Listen to Rivka on Radio Chavura.
- Charity Golf Event in support of Shalom Cares. Hosted by Zach Stern, a student at Denver Jewish Day School, as his Bar Mitzvah project. The Family Sports Center, 6901 S. Peoria Street, Centennial, 80112. Registration fee is $36. Check in 11:30 am. Start time: Noon. For additional information or to become a sponsor, contact Zach or his father, Jon, at 720-203-2642. Listen to Zach on Radio Chavura.
- Yeshiva Toras Chaim Graduation. 10:30 am. 1555 Stuart Street, Denver 80204. Phone: 303-629-8200. www.ytcdenver.org
Mizel Museum's The Yar Project launch. Reception honoring the individuals who have added to the Museum's collection of digital stories. Allied Jewish Apartments, 22 S. Adams Street, Denver (4:30 pm to 6:00 pm). For more info contact Deanne Kapnik at 303-749-5019.
- Denver Jewish Chamber of Commerce - Board Appreciation Jazz in the Park. Honoring the outgoing members of the 2012-2013 board and welcoming the new 2013-2014 board. Brief ceremony at 5:30 pm followed by music in City Park from 6 pm to 8 pm. Look for the blue ballons. Free.
"Compassion and Choices" - a program for adults on making end-of-life decisions. Led by Dr. Peter Mayerson, a psychiatrist, and Debbi Goodman, JCC Jewish Life and Learning Director. 7:30 pm.
JCC South. 9625 East Arapahoe Rd, Greenwood Village, 80112. No Charge. Adults only. Reservations requested to: southdenver@jccdenver.org.
June 24 (Monday):
Celebrate JFS wine reception at Palazzo Verdi. 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Information: Lisa Mehl at lmehl@jewishfamilyservice.org.
June 26 (Wednesday):
The Godfather of Flamenco Guitar and Dance Performance, Rene Heredia, will present an entertaining program at Temple Emanuel. 1:45 pm refreshments/2:00 pm program. 51 Grape Street. Please RSVP to Jodi Glater at 303-388-4013, x. 307. $5 donation welcome.
Rabbi Gerson
June 29 (Saturday):
- Rodef Shalom's Rabbi Bernard Gerson begins a two-part series, "Heavenly Lemonade," at 5 pm. The discussions will explore divine grace and love. Lemonade and cookies will be served. Part two will be held on July 13th. Open to the entire community. Free.
- Annual B'nai B'rith Denver Leadville Cemetery cleanup and Sabbath services. Rabbi Debra Rappaport of B'nai Vail Congregation will lead the services at Temple Israel, located at the corner of 4th & Pine, one block west of Harrison Avenue in Leadville. Additional details and reservations here.

June 30 (Sunday):
Tour of West Bijou, the Plains Conservation Center's 9,000 acre short-grass prairie natural area. Organized by Hebrew Educational Alliance. 9 am - 3 pm. Reservations required. Special rate - $15. Limited to 30 people. Meet at 21901 E. Hampden Avenue, Aurora, 80018. Contact Naomi Kirshner at 303-758-9400, x. 213.
 | Allegra Haynes |
Wisdom of the Ages, Generations in the Queque: Is This Latest Generation Missing the Boat? Hear from Allegra "Happy" Haynes, current vice president of Denver Public Schools Board of Education and former Denver City Council president. Part of Temple Micah's Community Conversations series. 11 am. 2600 Leyden Street. $15/person in advance. $20 at the door. Sam Mamet will moderate. Co-Chairs are board members Dena Sorokin and David Teitelman.
July 23 (Tuesday):
Poolside concert featuring Julie Geller, presented by JCC Family Programs at the JCC outdoor pool. Part of the Family Summer Concert Series. 10:30 am. $5. Free for Sports & Fitness members.
July 28 (Sunday):
DAT Minyan family trip to Boondocks Fun Center in Northglen, featuring bumper boats, go-karts, miniature golf and much more. Save the date!
July 29 (Monday):
Colorado Hebrew Chorale's Annual Summer Sight-Singing Romp. You be the chorus! 7:30 pm at the Hebrew Educational Alliance, 3600 S. Ivanhoe Street, Denver, 80237. Info and RSVP at 303-355-0232. Contact: Carol Kozak Ward.
August 18 (Sunday):
 | New Year's 5774 |
Special one-hour High Holidays broadcast edition of Radio Chavura on 990 KRKS AM. Airing from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm, featuring special guests, music, and community-wide New Year's greetings. For sponsorship opportunities, contact us at 1-855-JEWISH-4 (855-539-4744).
September 4 (Wednesday)
Rosh Hashanah 5774 begins at sundown.
Last Week on Radio Chavura:
A 'Hole-in-One' Bar Mitzvah Project and Rivka Cohen's Inspiring Musical, Broadway unBound
Zach Stern, a sixth grade student at Denver Jewish Day School, wanted to raise funds and awareness for Shalom Cares (which many people know best for its Shalom Park Nursing Home) for his Bar Mitzvah project.
His intentions were kind-hearted - Shalom Cares is a compassionate care facility that serves our community. Zach witnessed a similar center help his grandfather during a time of need, and felt that helping Shalom Cares would be a way for him to say 'thank you' to all the dedicated people who manage organizations such as Shalom Cares.
Zach decided that to make his project really count he would have to turn his efforts into an investment of sorts, and then watch his contribution grow exponentially.
Using his love for sports in general - and golf in particular - as his motivation, Zach decided to host a community-wide charity golf tournament. Now, rather than raising awareness and funds from just a close-knit group of friends, Zach will be generating donations from many community members (including listeners of Radio Chavura)!
Although Zach's Bar Mitzvah, at the Hebrew Educational Alliance, won't take place until November, the golf tournament will be held on Sunday, June 23rd (while the weather is still nice) at the Family Sports Center, located at 6901 S. Peoria Street, Centennial, 80112. Registration is $36. Check in begins at 11:30 am. For questions, please contact Zach or his father, Jon Stern, at 720-203-2642.
When Rivka Cohen was a young girl, she fell in love with musical theater. Determined that her life's direction would take her to Broadway and beyond, she pursued her passion with vigor.
As she became a more observant Jew in her adult years, Rivka faced a dilemma. Orthodox Jewish women don't sing in front of male audiences - doing so is considered a form of immodesty. If Rivka were to adopt a fully observant lifestyle, she would have to give up on her dream of performing in Broadway musicals. Rivka had spent her whole life believing that she was 'bound for Broadway,' and now found herself rethinking her performance career - which she loved.
In her humorous, touching and inspiring one-woman musical, Broadway unBound, Rivka narrates her struggle and explains her ultimate decision: to put a halt to her secular musical career and devote her life to Torah and other Jewish pursuits (including raising a lovely family with her husband Meir).
Broadway unBound will debut at Aish Denver on Sunday, June 23rd, at 7 pm. This program - exclusively for women and girls above age 10 - will be followed by a reception. The tickets are $25. Register by calling 303-220-7200.
Click here to see large version of Zach Stern's photo
Click here to see large version of Rivka Cohen's photo
Part-Time Sales Representative
Radio Chavura is seeking an experienced salesperson to help us expand our family of sponsors and advertisers. This is a perfect opportunity to help business owners and organizations reach our growing audience of Jewish and non-Jewish listeners and readers. If you have experience and enjoy sales, phone us at 1-855-JEWISH-4 (855-539-4744) for complete details.
Paid Journalism Interns
High school and college students who would like experience reporting and writing about the Denver Jewish community and producing this weekly newsletter and program guide are invited to contact either Maxwell or Dean: radiochavura@gmail.com. Paid positions are available year-round.
Share your Help Wanted positions with Colorado's vibrant Jewish community. We reach a wide cross-section of Jewish families and professionals. Contact us: radiochavura@gmail.com.
Jewish war veterans in Colorado have a rich and proud history of service to our nation and our local communities.
Since 1896, Jewish War Veterans of the USA has stood for Jewish pride, identity, and military service to our country.
Here in Denver, J-W-V Post 344 - the Captain Ellis David Greene chapter - actively works to honor and support veterans in general, and Jewish veterans and active duty personnel in particular.
Post 344 is looking to involve new members and leaders to help it carry on its important mission and perpetuate its many fine traditions - which include the fight against anti-Semitism and unwavering support for the State of Israel.
If you are an American Jewish veteran, members of J-W-V Post 344 would be honored to have you join their group and actively participate in their meetings and activities. If you are not a veteran, but know of one who has not yet joined J-W-V Post 344, we hope you'll alert eligible Jewish veterans to the opportunity.
For more information, contact Post Commander Jim Barnard at 303-791-6114.
J-W-V Post 344 also offers associate memberships to those who did not serve, but wish to show their support and appreciation.
Return to the index above
Connie Suson and Lisa Thorner discuss the community-wide effort to launch a program to connect Jewish men and women who've lost a spouse or significant other.
Hosted by Julie Geller and Featuring: Hal Aqua and the Lost Tribe; Danya and Eyal; and Bryan Zive & Kol Echad.
We Welcome Your Support
Radio Chavura is a labor of love. We are proud to serve as Colorado's only radio voice of the Jewish community. It is our weekly mission to celebrate the organizations and individuals who enrich us all through their hard work, dedication and love of Judaism and Israel.
If you would like to support our efforts and the unique role we play, you can now make a donation (in any amount of your choosing) using a credit card via PayPal. You need not be a PayPal member to contribute to Radio Chavura.
If you wish to use your donation in honor of a special occasion or as a memorial tribute, we are happy to make note of it in our weekly e-newsletter with a minimum donation of $18.
You may also mail your donation, made payable to Radio Chavura, to:
Radio Chavura Attn: Maxwell and Dean Rotbart 200 Quebec Street Bldg 300 - #111-49 Denver, Colorado 80230
Thank you for being a part of our Radio Chavura.
Maxwell and Dean |
 | Sorah Larimer |
The Torah Fashion District of Denver is a collaboration of small businesses that cater to women, teens and children who prefer to dress in a modest manner. Appointments and fashion consultations are available. Contact Sorah Larimer at 720-854-9328.
Rabbi Levitt
Rabbi Refoel Levitt, a gifted educator and scholar, is accepting summertime Judaic Studies tutoring and enrichment assignments for either adults or children. Both individuals and group are welcome.
Contact Rabbi Levitt at 303-329-8226.
Reach more than 800 active and engaged members of Colorado's Jewish community by placing an advertisement for your upcoming event, fundraiser or job openings in our weekly e-newsletter. If you wish, we can also promote your special occasion on our weekly broadcast. Insertion rates begin at $18.
We are proud to reach a wide cross-section of interests and affiliations.
Contact us at 855-JEWISH-4 (539-4744) or email: radiochavura@gmail.com.
Thanks to the following individuals whose keen eyes helped us identify articles of interest in this edition:
Dr. Donald Salem, Nurit Greenger and Shirley Lewis.
If you spot a feature that is worth sharing, please email the URL to Talya at radiochavura@gmail.com.
Ordaining Women? by Rabbi Levi Brackman (www.LeviBrackman.com)
Having had the opportunity to teach Talmud to girls, it is clear to me that there is a real thirst amongst some Orthodox Jewish girls and women to have the same ability to access Judaism's primary texts as is afforded to their male counterparts. Denying them this opportunity is an untenable position to take in 21st Century America.
SPEECH: British Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks at the 'Closer to Israel' Rally
Antisemitism has returned to virtually every country in the Middle East, and even, unbelievably to Europe, from Greece in the south to Norway and Sweden in the north, from France and Spain in the west to Hungary in the east. Whatever happened to Never again?
Dr. Kedar
The "Sushi" is Heating Up by Mordechai Kedar
In the month of May this year, more than a thousand men, women and children were killed in Sunni attacks against Shi'ites, and in revenge attacks of Shi'ites against Sunnis.
Islamic Supremacist Nominated as UC Student Regent (FrontPage Mag)
Saifuddin's record at UC-Berkeley is hardly one of tolerance and love. She co-sponsored a BDS resolution in the Berkeley student Senate, calling on the entire University of California system to divest companies that do business with Israel, based on the spurious premise that Israel is "occupying" Palestinian territory.
Double Standards at University of California (American Thinker)
Only one professor in the entire University of California so far has had the intestinal fortitude to speak out about the growing jihadi harassment of Jewish students on campus, a beloved part-time professor of Hebrew at U.C. Santa Cruz, Tammi Benjamin.
VIDEO: Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat Refutes Those Who Question Jerusalem's Status as Israel's Historic Capital (YouTube)
Perhaps even ore remarkable...is that he actually a published a memoir in 1995 in which he admits to founding the Ukrainian Self Defense Legion, serving as a company commander, and collaborating with the SS.
VIDEO: Rabbi Shai Piron, Israel's Education Minister, Laughs So Hard He Can't Finish His Remarks Before Israel's Parliament (YouTube)
According to media reports, Rabbi Piron was addressing legislation to address the problem of smuggling prohibited items into Israeli jails when the use of the word "penetration" cracked him up. On his second encounter with the word, he was laughing so hard he couldn't finish his remarks.
For the next several weeks Rinkevicious stayed after work and built a false wall in the attic, sometimes with the help of Kagan's father, and created a six-foot by six-foot box, were the family could hide. He did that "for a man he hardly knew, at the risk of his life and at the risk of his family's life."
"I look from the back of my house at the Mediterranean Sea and I feel that I am part of history, I am part of Israel, and I am happy to be here. We are committed and we're gonna make it!"
There is no question that Islam is the problem. When men kill in the name of Islam, they are making a bloody statement that Islam is the problem. The only remaining question is whether to stop importing more strains of the terrorist disease before it's too late or to waste more time splitting hairs on what exact percentage of the affected are truly dangerous.
Pamela Geller
The parents say they called Apple which agreed to cancel the charge, even though in principle all app purchases are final.
Israeli Clarinetist Wins 1st Prize at IMA Hogg Competition (J Space)
Having earned a bachelor's and master's degree from the Julliard School, Moran Katz, 28, has performed worldwide and won an international clarinet contest hosted by Germany in 2009.
BOOK: Half-Life by Joshua Prager 22 years ago, a truck hit the bus that Joshua Prager was riding in Jerusalem, nearly killing him. He had to relearn how to breathe, sit, stand and walk. In Half-Life, Prager (nephew of radio talk show host Dennis Prager) recounts the long journey back and explores both identity and what it means to heal.
I am thankful and only hope that I have lived and will continue to live each day of my life in such a way as to deserve to have survived when so many others did not.
A passionate presentation at the recent New York event by columnist Caroline Glick who enunciates her well-known positions on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
When Kerry was here last month he unveiled a stunning plan to bring $4 billion in investment funds to the PA. If his plan actually pans out, its champions claim it will increase the PA's GDP by a mind-numbing 50 percent in three years and drop Palestinian unemployment from 21 to 8 percent.
"Exposing young Jews to Israel helps broaden their awareness and deepen their cultural identity. We are committed to the goal of all young Jewish adults having the opportunity to be inspired by their ancestral homeland," Miriam Adelson said.
She also suggested that defending Israel was not a cause that should be dear to all Americans and indeed all decent people everywhere, nor that the great majority of Americans do indeed thus support Israel, but that the only people who might be alienated by invading Israel would be American Jews who exercised tremendous political and financial power over American politics.
"Ms. Power's record clearly shows that she is viscerally hostile to Israel, regards it as a major human rights abuser, even committing war crimes, and would like to see the weight of American military and financial power go to supporting the Palestinian Authority, not Israel."
But as a Jew, I am in awe of Samantha's achievement in emerging as one of the foremost voices against genocide in our time and I absolutely believe in her strong commitment to Israel's long-term security. One need not agree on every policy point to look up to a woman whose deepest values as to the protection of human life I share and cherish.
Follow Talya on Facebook
* For additional current articles, videos and photos of interest throughout the week, follow Talya on Facebook.
It's Time to Address Jewish Day School Tuition
 Denver has five top-tier Jewish schools - Beth Jacob, Denver Academy of Torah, Denver Jewish Day School, Hillel Academy, and Yeshiva Toras Chaim.
Sadly, these schools are often under-funded, and parents increasingly must struggle to afford Jewish day school tuition.
As 2012 drew to a close, hosts Maxwell and Dean Rotbart shared two of their ideas for solving the day school tuition crisis without raising rates, refusing students, or turning to government funding. How is this possible?
Hear the full show online now by clicking here.
Listen to the full show - without music - by clicking here.
We invite you to share your thoughts on how to best fund Jewish day schools. Email: radiochavura@gmail.com or phone 1-855-JEWISH-4.
Can't listen live to Radio Chavura? You can hear this week's full show right now, here. All previous broadcasts are available at: www.chavura.com
This week's broadcast is not available in a No-Music version.
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Dean and Maxwell Rotbart
Radio Chavura Co-Hosts |
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