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Community Calendar
Send calendar notices for your organization's upcoming events to us at:
Beginning today, May 19th, and running through Sunday, September 1st, you can help your favorite Denver-area Jewish charity win a $1,000 publicity package, donated by Radio Chavura. There is zero cost or obligation to participate.
To help, simply tell us which Jewish charity you'd like to see receive our prize. It takes less than a minute to cast your ballot here.
Every Sunday at 6:30 PM
990 KRKS AM in Denver
This Week on Radio Chavura:
Jewish Students Run for the Disabled
The 19th Annual Boulder Jewish Festival
Segment Two
Four of Denver's community-minded Jewish young people are guests on the first segment of this week's broadcast of Radio Chavura. The students, each of whom attends the Denver Academy of Torah, will be participating in The 2013 Color Run to benefit Denver Yachad on Sunday, June 16th.
The students, pictured immediately above and at the top of the page carrying the Radio Chavura banner with host Maxwell Rotbart, are siblings: Estee and Aaron Brooks (l) and Heidi and Pearl Clayman (r). To view a complete list of scheduled runners, click here.
Radio Chavura staff photographer, Avital Rotbart, will also be running in support of Denver Yachad (the National Jewish Council for Disabilities), an agency of the Orthodox Union. NJCD is dedicated to addressing the needs of all individuals with disabilities and including them in the Jewish community.
During our second broadcast segment this week, we are joined by Cheryl Fellows, head of the volunteer committee organizing this year's Boulder Jewish Festival, which will be held on the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder on Sunday, June 9th. Cheryl talks about the great entertainment and food that will be featured at this year's Festival.
In Our Community:
Share your special thanks, mazel tovs, birthdays, anniversaries and memories with the entire Radio Chavura community. Insertion rates begin at only $18.
Contact us at 855-JEWISH-4 (539-4744) or email:
Yasher Koach: In addition to the four students featured on this week's edition of Radio Chavura, these other students (and adults) are listed as scheduled participants in the June 16th Color Run for Yachad:
Shimmy Alter, Yehuda Alter, Gabi Bean, Shifra Brandt, Mark Brooks, Gitty Bulow, Sarah Felsen, Dorit Fischer, Kyra Fischer, Liat Fischer, Sahpir Freedman, David Kieval, Emily Kieval, Aliza Makovsky, Avital Rotbart, Terry Samuel, Naava Teitelbaum, and Rabbi T. Tenenbaum.
To pledge your support to any (or all) these participants, visit:
Mazel Tov: Yeshiva Toras Chaim Ladies Auxiliary "Roses of the Year" honorees: Hinda Raphaela Buchbinder (Distinguished Friendship Award); Lucie Prenzlau, Naomi Erlanger, and Ruthie Krausz (M'Dor L'Dor Tribute). The awards will be presented on Thursday, June 20th at 11:45 am, in the social hall at Yeshiva Toras Chaim. Co-Chairs: Adina Krausz, Barbara Nieder and Marlene Siegel.
Mazel Tov : To the 30 members of the third quarter Dean's List at Beth Jacob High School of Denver: Miryam Esther Abraham, Talia Bean, Aliza Berman, Miriam Berman, Rivka Miriam Brackman, Sofia Cain, Chaya Engel, Faige Feldheim, Malka Feldheim, Racheli Felsen, Nurit Fligelman, Chasya Joseph, Rochie Kagan, Yael Kassin, Irit Kaufman, Leah Basya Major, Mijal Mendelewicz, Esti Meyer, Shayna Michaels, Esther Moussali, Rivka Nortman, Efrat Prober, Aleeza Schwartz, Sarah Leah Shurtleff, Chaya Nomi Steinberg, Shira Tessler, Inbal Ushdi, Ahuva Wasserman, Avital Weiman, and Tamar Wilen.

Chavura Community Calendar
May 19 (Sunday):
Drop by the Radio Chavura table at today's Celebrate Family festival at the Jewish Community Center and say "hello." The family friendly celebration takes place from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm and will feature lots of fun activities and entertainment. Radio Chavura's musical director, the talented Julie Geller, will be performing along with other local vocalists and musicians. Free admission and Kosher meals and snacks for sale.
Walk for Israel and Celebrate Family Festival. Yom Ha'atzmaut - Israel Independence Day. Pre-ceremony begins at 2 pm and the walk takes off at 2:30 pm. Jewish Community Center. Sponsored, in part, by Radio Chavura.
- Temple Emanuel's 17th Annual Mitzvah Day, 8:15 am to 1:30 pm. Join in the Temple's largest single-day community service event. More than two dozen choices of locations and organizations that need your help! Details and registration at:
May 21 (Tuesday):
Annual Morning of Music at the Hebrew Educational Alliance. 11 am. A piano concert featuring Gabriela Gottlieb, Debbie Center and Blanche Greenberg. Free. RSVPs appreciated to Naomi Kirshner at 303-758-9400 x. 213. [See Advertisement Below]
The Effect of Obamacare-Healthcare Reform on Your Business, presented by The Denver Jewish Chamber of Commerce. Speakers: Katherine A. Blair, Health Policy Advisor, the Office of Governor John Hickenlooper and Jim Sugden from the Colorado Health Exchange. Registration required no later than May 20th at noon. Members $25. Non-Members $36.
May 22 (Wednesday):
Mizel Museum Annual Dinner and Community Enrichment Award presentation to Pat Bowlen, owner and CEO of the Denver Broncos. Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum, 7711 E. Academy Blvd. 6 pm cocktails. 7 pm buffet dinner. 8 pm presentation. Contact the museum at 303-394-9993.
- SBA Breakfast for Members: Twitter, Blogging & Lawsuits - Introduction to Online Marketing Law, presented by Denver Jewish Chamber of Commerce. 7-8:30 am at the Robert E. Loup Jewish Community Center, Perlmutter Room (Lower Level). Check with organization for reservations and costs.
May 23 (Thursday):
Denver Jewish Day School Graduation. 6 pm. Robert E. Loup Jewish Community Center, 350 S. Dahlia Street, Denver, 80246.
- The Ten Commandments and the Second Amendment - a discussion exploring Jewish values and gun control. Part of the "Ten Jews Walk Into A Bar" series presented by Congregation Har HaShem in Boulder. 7:30 pm at the Walnut Brewery, 1123 Walnut Street, Boulder. Free.
May 24 (Friday):
Friday night Shabbat dinner and lecture with Shaman Roger LaBorde, presented by Judaism in the Foothills. LaBorde is known for his work with no-hope coma cases. 6 pm. 3959 Ponderosa Lane, Evergreen, 80439. Contact JITF for details/pricing. 720-837-2224.
Author Susie Fishbein
May 29th (Wednesday):
Kosher by Design author Susie Fishbein will conduct a demonstration at a special dinner hosted by The Jewish Experience. The women-only event will be held at BMH-BJ: The Denver Synagogue. 5:30 pm. Eve Levy is the women's programing coordinator for TJE. For information: 303-316-6412.
May 30 (Thursday):
History of the Jewish Community of Leadville * Presented by Bill Korn. JCC South (9625 East Arapahoe Road * 80112) @7:30 pm * More Info @ 303-799-6975
May 31-June 2:
Shabbos-shel-Chizuk with Rabbi Mordechai and Rebbetzin Suri Twerski. Hosted by Merkaz Torah V'Chesed. Rabbi Twerski's visit will include communal davening and meals; Divrei Torah; and Sunday brunch. To RSVP and for more information: Rabbi Chaim Sher - 720-881-2768.
June 2 (Sunday):
Jewish Colorado's Got Talent - A community talent show produced by Randy Shapiro Weiss, featuring men and boys from Aish Denver, Bais Menachem, Bais Yisrael, BMH/BJ, Bonai Shalom, EDOS and Zera Abraham. [See Advertisement Below] 9550 E. Belleview Avenue. 3:45 pm. $7 for Adults, $5 for Children 12 and under. $25 family maximum.
Send calendar notices for your organization's upcoming events to us at:
- PHOTO ESSAY: First Lag BaOmer Community & Unity Festival and BBQ held April 28th at BMH-BJ: The Denver Synagogue
News, Features and Videos from Other Sources: Click Here
Last Week on Radio Chavura:
The Pioneering Jewish Community of Leadville
An Interview with Bill Korn
[Listen Now]
For a period of thirty years at the onset of the 20th century, Leadville was the economic driver of the state of Colorado and home to a thriving Jewish community.
Last week on Radio Chavura, Bill Korn, an expert on early Leadville Jewry who helped spearhead efforts to rededicate the town's forgotten synagogue and cemetery, shared with us some of the more exciting anecdotes about the town's early Jewish residents and merchants.
Read more about Bill Korn and Jewish Leadville here. Hear an extended interview with Bill Korn here.
[Do you have Jewish family roots in Leadville? Radio Chavura host Maxwell Rotbart is writing a history of Jewish Leadville and would like to hear from anyone with information, photos or memorabilia pertaining to Leadville during the period ranging from the late 1800s to World War II. Contact him at or phone 1-855-JEWISH-4.]
Connie Suson and Lisa Thorner discuss the community-wide effort to launch a program to connect Jewish men and women who've lost a spouse or significant other.
Hosted by Julie Geller and Featuring: Hal Aqua and the Lost Tribe; Danya and Eyal; and Bryan Zive & Kol Echad
- Israel's Growing Trade with China
Radio Chavura hosts Maxwell and Dean Rotbart discuss Israel's relations with China and other diplomatic topics during their exclusive interview Herb Keinon, chief diplomatic correspondent, The Jerusalem Post
Community Action Alert Last Chance to Oppose Nablus Sister City Project
The Boulder City Council has set the public hearing on the proposed Boulder-Nablus Sister City Project on:
- Monday, June 10, 2013
-Starting at 5 pm
-At the Boulder City Council Chambers, 1777 Broadway (at Canyon Blvd.)
This will be the only item on the agenda that evening.
Please mark your calendar and plan to attend this critically important hearing. Forward this notice to people you know who also oppose this project and encourage them to attend this hearing.
This is our final opportunity to voice opposition to the Boulder-Nablus Sister City Project in front of the City Council, who will decide the outcome that evening.
If you would like to participate as an opposition speaker at the hearing, please contact Bill Cohen at
Part-Time Educator
Are you knowledgeable in Reform Judaism? Have you studied Judaism at a college or graduate level? Do you have experience as an administrator? Been a teacher for 2-3 years? Well then! This part-time educator job - overseeing
Temple Micah's religious school - might be perfect for you!
Aish Preschool
For the 2013/2014 school year, Aish Denver is seeking experienced teachers, aides and substitutes. Email: ______________
Journalism Interns High school and college students who would like experience reporting and writing about the Denver Jewish community and producing this weekly newsletter and program guide are invited to contact either Maxwell or Dean: Positions are available year-round.
Share your Help Wanted positions with Colorado's vibrant Jewish community. We reach a wide cross-section of Jewish families and professionals. Contact us:
We Welcome Your Support
Radio Chavura is a labor of love. We are proud to serve as Colorado's only radio voice of the Jewish community. It is our weekly mission to celebrate the organizations and individuals who enrich us all through their hard work, dedication and love of Judaism and Israel.
If you would like to support our efforts and the unique role we play, you can now make a donation (in any amount of your choosing) using a credit card via PayPal. You need not be a PayPal member to contribute to Radio Chavura.
If you wish to use your donation in honor of a special occasion or as a memorial tribute, we are happy to make note of it in our weekly e-newsletter with a minimum donation of $18.
You may also mail your donation, made payable to Radio Chavura, to:
Radio Chavura Attn: Maxwell and Dean Rotbart 200 Quebec Street Bldg 300 - #111-49 Denver, Colorado 80230
Thank you for being a part of our Radio Chavura.
Maxwell and Dean |
60-Second Radio Commercials
Highlighting Jewish-Owned Businesses
The commercials are broadcast Monday thru Friday on 710 KNUS AM To receive the free Small Business Drives Colorado e-newsletter and program guide, click here. (Plus hear the Small Business Drives Colorado™ 60-Sec tribute to rock concert producer Barry Fey, z"l.) __________ |
Reach hundreds of engaged members of Colorado's Jewish community by placing an advertisement for your upcoming event, fundraiser or job openings in our weekly e-newsletter. If you wish, we can also promote your special occasion on our weekly broadcast or via direct home delivery of our program flyer. Insertion rates begin at $18. We are proud to reach a wide cross-section of interests and affiliations. Contact us at 855-JEWISH-4 (539-4744) or email: |
_  ______________________
BOOK REVIEW: The New Anti-Semitism by Phyllis Chesler. Reviewed by George Jochnowitz (Perry J. Greenbaum blog)
When feminists, gay rights groups, and civil rights activists choose to support Islamic countries where women are subject to honor murders, where homosexuals are imprisoned and sometimes executed, and - in the case of Sudan today and Saudi Arabia before 1962 - slavery is practiced, something irrational is at work. Only anti-Semitism can explain this weird Marxist-Islamic alliance.
The Woman Behind the Dolls: Decades Before Denver's Ruth Handler Invented 'Barbie' (Tablet)
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Rallies Against Israel
(Associated Press)
Nonie Darwish
Why Muslims Must Hate Jews by Nonie Darwish(American Thinker)
There is no third solution to save the core of Islam from collapsing; either Mohammed was evil, or the Jews were evil. Any attempt to forgive, humanize, or live peacefully with Jews is considered treason against Islam. How can Muslims forgive the Jews and then go back to their mosques, only to read their prophet's words, telling them they must kill Jews wherever they find them? It does not add up, if someone wants to remain Muslim.
Arab Israelis who seek to integrate into Israeli society and reject the separatist messages of their political leaders are forced to contend with extraordinary social pressures and even coercion to prevent them from acting in accordance with their wishes.
Rabbinic Plagiarism and Scholarly Integrity by Rabbi Levi Brackman (
Rabbi Michael Broyde misrepresented himself in order to gain entry to a rival rabbinic organization, the
Rabbi Brackman
International Rabbinic Fellowship (of which I am a member). He also used fake names to write letters and comments to bolster ideas he was disseminating. Broyde, like [Rabbi Gilles] Bernheim, was forced to resign from his position as rabbinic judge at the Beth Din of America.
Israelis know how to start their morning right. It might possibly be the reason that Israel was ranked 6th by Bloomberg Rankings of the World's healthiest countries in May 2012.
A website with the politically incorrect URL of tracks these things. According to them, as of May 2, 2013, there have been 20,794 deadly attacks by Islamic terrorists since September 11, 2001.
At its core, anti-Zionism rejects the Jews' fundamental right to self-determination, devalues their national identity, and presumes that they should be treated differently from all other peoples. Despite attempts to characterize progressive Israel-chiding in neutral political terms, an appropriate word already exists to describe the delegitimization of the Jewish State - and that word is "antisemitism."
VIDEO: The Operating Room of the Future (Technion) 6 minutes 28 seconds.
Israeli Factory To Grow Human Bones (Israeli Innovation News)
ZOA Criticizes Dustin Hoffman For Being Special Guest At Radical, Anti-Israel Muslim Public Affairs Council Gala (
ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, "We strongly criticize Mr. Hoffman's shocking and terrible decision to give aid, comfort and legitimacy to this group of Muslim haters of Israel and Jews by accepting an invitation to appear as a special guest at an MPAC function. We are also appalled that he withdrew from appearing at the Jerusalem Film Festival, something which emboldens extreme Boycott, Sanctions, Divestment (BDS) activists who seek to delegitimize Israel as a first step towards ultimately eliminating Israel.
Columbia Professors Against Israel (Israel National News)
Roughly 100 professors and lecturers at Columbia University in New York are demanding that their pension funds not be invested with companies that also do business with the IDF or with civilian security providers in Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria (Shomron) or eastern Jerusalem.
Follow Talya on Facebook
* For additional current articles, videos and photos of interest throughout the week, follow Talya on Facebook.
Thank You!
We are proud to enjoy the friendship and sponsorship of these fine businesses. Please visit them and let them know you are part of the Radio Chavura community.
It's Time to Address Jewish Day School Tuition
 Denver has five top-tier Jewish schools - Beth Jacob, Denver Academy of Torah, Denver Jewish Day School, Hillel Academy, and Yeshiva Toras Chaim.
Sadly, these schools are often under-funded, and parents increasingly must struggle to afford Jewish day school tuition.
As 2012 drew to a close, hosts Maxwell and Dean Rotbart shared two of their ideas for solving the day school tuition crisis without raising rates, refusing students, or turning to government funding. How is this possible?
Hear the full show online now by clicking here.
Listen to the full show - without music - by clicking here.
We invite you to share your thoughts on how to best fund Jewish day schools. Email: or phone 1-855-JEWISH-4.
Can't listen live to Radio Chavura? You can hear this week's full show right now, here. All previous broadcasts are available at:
This week's broadcast is not available in a No-Music version.
Support Our Program
Dean and Maxwell Rotbart
Radio Chavura Co-Hosts |