Chancellor's Monday Message
By now you know that I am stepping down on December 24. Given my humble beginnings, it is an honor and privilege I never imagined possible, to have been your Chancellor in the past three years and five months. Through the tumult of the past week, I felt ensconced in the shelter of your kindness, caring, and support. The steady wave of cards, messages, calls, and even unannounced visits, has sustained me through the dark hours. My UMass Dartmouth family, you amazed me, and I am unceasingly grateful. As T.S. Eliot wrote in
Little Gidding,

"We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Shall be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time."
On Wednesday, December 9, 2015 at 3:00 to 5:00 PM at the University Club, I invite you to come and share with me in friendship some wine, cheese, and hors d'oeuvres and bid goodbye for now, until our paths cross again.
We salute all of our faculty and staff who walked the red carpet at our fabulous Service Recognition Ceremony last Wednesday. I am truly proud of the extraordinary service rendered to UMass Dartmouth by so many of you, notably Professor Tony Miraglia, Professor Bob Waxler, and
Ann Welch who have contributed so much in their 40 years here.
It was a thrill to welcome onstage each of the monthly CARES (Chancellor's Award Recognizing Excellence in Service) awardees, escorted by those who nominated them. Hats off to the 2015 Annual CARES Award winner, SMAST Assistant Dean Mike Marino, who received a $2,000 cash prize, and Student Affairs Assistant
Marjorie Fernandes, who was presented with a $1,000 check as the first runner-up. It is the accretion of all your exemplary efforts through the years that has made UMass Dartmouth the institution of excellence that it is today. To Carol Santos and the Human Resources team that organized the joyous event - Sue Wilbur, Kimberley Pennock, Kim Sylvia,
Jayne Weingard, Danielle Almeida, Leslie Mercure, Nancy Holsworth, Lauren Ferrari, Kristen Kupiec, and Liz Cozzone - thank you for all your efforts!    
Saturday night, the Black Student Union (BSU) held its Annual Renaissance Ball at the Woodland Commons. I joined Assistant Vice Chancellor Carol Spencer and her husband, Allan and Professor
Vivian Saleh-Hanna and her husband, Ashanti at the gala. The BSU President, Psychology student Kharlita Chambers-Walker, and her e-Board did a fabulous job in orchestrating the Egyptian-themed celebration, complete with Pharaoh illustrations on the walls, glittering white pyramids and striped wood sarcophagi decorating Lawrence Hall. I particularly enjoyed the energetic choreographed rendition of "Rhythms of Africa," with the student dancers pulsating with rhythm and movement that enthralled everyone.
Were you able to catch part or all of the GAEA (Global Awareness, Education, and Action) Climate Resiliency Summit on December 3 and 4? I convey our sincere thanks to Denise Porche and the Island Foundation, Editor Beth Perdue and the Standard Times, and President James Russell and the New Bedford Whaling Museum for partnering and co-sponsoring the summit. The leadership of Assistant Chancellor
John Hoey and the entire Campus Services team was crucial to the smooth execution of the conference. On Thursday, Speaker Pro Tempore and Representative Pat Haddad spoke about her bill on energy diversity. U.S. Congressman Bill Keating was present on Friday and discussed some of the global policy issues, such as energy inequality, that are at stake in the Paris climate talks.
Both keynote speaker Professor Anthony Janetos and Dean
Steve Lohrenz presented exceptional overviews of the climate change impacts in the coastal communities of Southeastern Massachusetts, the U.S., and the world. Powerful research-based nano-lectures were delivered by SMAST Professors Jeff Turner and Chrissy Petitpas,
Kevin Stokesbury, James Bisagni, Changsheng Chen, Brian Howes; Charlton College of Business Dean Angappa Gunasekaran; and Public Policy Professor Chad McGuire. Who was not captivated by Hippocrates, the young man who spoke on behalf of HBO's Saving My Tomorrow together with producer Amy Schatz? Hearing children speak earnestly on the video clips about their views regarding sustainability and climate change reminded us about our roles as stewards of our planet. Do we have the courage to change before it is too late?
Profound thanks to Library Dean Terry Burton and his wife Lucinda for having established an endowment in their names to benefit the Library! What a befitting gift from someone who works tirelessly to ensure our Claire T. Carney Library continues to be a precious resource in our pursuit of excellence. Hark the herald angels sing! Please join me and Joel this coming Friday, December 11, 2015 at 5:30 PM in the Main Auditorium to hear our Music Department faculty and students present our Third Annual Holiday Concert. I look forward to seeing you there as we usher in the holiday season on campus.

Have a great week, everyone!

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