Insight on Autism  
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In This Issue
Upcoming Trainings
Training Site Project Update
LEAD Parent Graduation
New Pediatric and Dental Office at U of L
KATC Family Guide Update
Sensory Friendly Performance
Social Skills and Employment
Book Review
Quick Links
Upcoming Trainings
Autism and Early Childhood Development Webinar Training Series
(Professional Development hours through the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Division of Child Care and Certificates of Attendance are available for this series. Webinars in this series are recorded) 
Early Childhood Development & Autism
December 2-8, 2013

Environmental & Instructional Supports for Students' with Autism in the Preschool Classroom
December 9-15, 2013

Systematic Instruction in the Preschool Classroom
December 16-22, 2013 
Adults with Autism Webinar (live)
12/13/2013 at 11 AM
Learn more about these webinars and register here
Rebecca Grau Leaves KATC
Dear Friends,

I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I am leaving my position at the Kentucky Autism Training Center (KATC). I will be starting a new position with my family's small business in the New Year.

I strongly support the mission of the KATC and its efforts to develop systemic supports for the autism community; a community I feel privileged to have served for over fifteen years. During this time I have seen children grow into adults and professionals expand their skills. I will forever cherish the countless friendships made at the KATC and always be humbled by the grace and compassion of the autism community.

Even though I leave the KATC with sadness in my heart, I am looking forward to this new challenge and to starting a new phase of my career.


Rebecca Grau

"No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another." - Charles Dickens

Kentucky Autism Training Center
University of Louisville Autism Center at Kosair Charities
1405 E. Burnett Ave.
Louisville, KY 40217 

[email protected]

Autism Center News
FALL 2013                                                                 ISSUE#12
During the holiday season we tend to reflect upon our lives and celebrate during this special time with friends and family.  In this issue of Insight on Autism we celebrate some of our most recent accomplishments partnering with schools and working with families and we want to share information about upcoming trainings and opportunities with you. 
KATC Training Site Project in Schools
Working Together at Millard Elementary

By Laura Ferguson

This year I have had the privilege of working with Melissa Sanders, a teacher at Millard Elementary in Pike County, and many other hard working paraprofessionals in the classroom. From the beginning of the year it has been a great opportunity to work with all the professionals in the room. The classroom environment displayed the use of evidence- based practices. Article continued
LEAD Parent Graduation Ceremony
Learning, information sharing, networking, and empowerment

By Heidi Cooley-Cook


October 25th was a day of learning, information sharing, networking, and empowerment for over 20 individuals from across the Commonwealth.  In the morning, Support Group Leaders came from all corners of the state to review statewide resources and collaborate with each other.  Amy Cooper-Puckett, Policy Liaison for the Department of Behavioral Health Developmental Intellectual Disabilities, provided an overview of the state's various waivers and Article continued

U of L Opens New Pediatric and Dental Offices at Sam Swope Kosair Charities Centre

By Julie Heflin

The University of Louisville and Kosair Charities have entered a new partnership, opening general pediatrics and pediatric dentistry practices at the Sam Swope Kosair Charities Centre, 982 Eastern Parkway, where children with disabilities and chronic health conditions and children from the community can get expert care from UofL pediatricians and pediatric dentists. Article continued


KATC Family Guide Update
Have you used the KATC Family Guide? 
By Heidi Cooley-Cook

There are eight chapters teaming with information to help guide families and individuals affected by autism from screening and diagnosis to future planning and introducing your child to ASD. The KATC is in the process of updating the content of this valuable resource and we want YOUR help!  The KATC will be hosting two conference calls to gain insight from families and professionals on how to Article continued
"The House of Pooh" Sensory Friendly Performance with Stage One Theatre

By Heidi Cooley-Cook

Joining the ranks of 'big' cities like New York, Chicago, Boston, Nashville, and others, Louisville now offers Sensory Friendly Live Theatre Performances!  Stage One partnered with the Kentucky Center and the KATC to bring live theatre to families impacted by autism or other sensory sensitivities.  Stage One prepared videos, photos, and artist renderings of the environment, actors, and set to assist families in preparing their loved one for October 12.  Nearly 150 individuals converged at the Kentucky Center for The House at Pooh Corner for the 11:00 am performance.  Article continued
Social Skills and Employment Group for Young Adults with Autism Now Available

By Lori Wilson

The Center for Accessible Living (CAL) and the University of Louisville Autism Center at Kosair Charities are seeking young adults ages 21 to 30 years old to participate in a social skills group focusing on employment.  Our program will be tailored to enhance specific social communication areas that are often lacking in those with ASD to allow for successful employment within their sphere of interest.  The group will: Article continued


Book Review: The Reason I Jump

By Ally Brooks

"But still, we don't want you to give up on us. Please, keep battling alongside us. We are the ones suffering the most in these scenes, and badly, badly want to free ourselves from our own chains." 


The Reason I Jump written by Naoki Higashida should be a quick read. It is 135 pages, written in question and answer form. The individual answering the questions and expressing himself with such beautiful depth and insight that I found myself crying at almost every turn of the page is a 13-year-old boy living with autism, communicating mainly through the use of an alphabet grid.  Naoki Higashida answers 58 questions about autism, from the very basic, "Why do you jump?" to the very complex, "What's the very worst thing about having autism?" Article continued
KATC also has books available to be checked out from the Amanda L. King Resource Library.  We will mail these books to you anywhere in KY and you can keep the book to read for two weeks. Learn more about the resource library. 
Diandre Glover Thomas, MA 

Insight on Autism, Editor 

The mission of the Kentucky Autism Training Center is to strengthen our state's systems of support for persons affected by autism by bridging research to practice and by providing training and resources to families and professionals. KATC is committed to improving the quality of life for those affected by ASD