Join us for worship in the Sanctuary as Rev. John Elford, senior pastor, preaches on "Hope Never Disappoints" (Romans 5: 1-5). During worship, we'll sing some of our community's favorite hymns as suggested by members. Have a favorite hymn you'd like to sing during worship in August? You're invited to write your requests on the "Additional Notes" pad in the registration books and place them in the offering plate. Our contemporary service in Harris Chapel is on summer hiatus through Aug. 24.

Welcome to Heather Lee, Youth Director & Justice Associate | Noon, Courtyard   
Join us for cookies and lemonade in the Courtyard after worship as we welcome Heather Lee as our community's new Youth Director and Justice Associate. Heather will lead faith formation and fellowship activities for the youth and serve as the church's coordinator on social justice issues. Heather earned a Master of Divinity degree at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in 2011, and went on to serve as a spiritual advisor at a drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility. Her ministry experience also includes pastoral care at Hospice Austin. Prior to seminary, Heather studied at Schreiner University, where she played NCAA basketball and earned a degree in exercise science. She is married to Shelton Green, owner and founder of Good and Fair Clothing, and has two dogs.

Conversation with Pastor John | 9:45 am, Fellowship Hall 
Meet in the Fellowship Hall with Pastor John about recent staff changes at UUMC. Click here to read yesterday's announcement of Marc Erck's resignation as Director of Music, Worship & Operations.

Meet Us in the Courtyard | After the 11 am worship service 
Visitors are invited to lunch with members of UUMC after our late worship service as we meet up in the Courtyard for an informal meal together. This is a great way to get to know others in our community of faith. Hosts are Michelle Couden and Barbara Mason.


University UMC's Social Justice & Mission Ministries 
Praxis is our online venue for news and conversations of social justice and mission at University UMC and the surrounding Austin community. Please contact Diana Dworin, our Communications Director, at with mission or social justice updates, opportunities, pictures or event notices. Click here now to visit and bookmark Praxis as you learn more about:

News + Events
Children's Ministry August Events
Mark your calendars for these upcoming activities:
Fri. Aug. 8 Parents Night Out
Sat. Aug. 9 Tweens Road Trip to Schlitterbahn
Sun. Aug. 10 Children's Ministry Team meeting
Fri. Aug. 15 Youth Transition Adventure at Krause Springs
Fri. Aug. 22 Friday with Families
For more information about these and other events for children and families, please contact Natasha Ulack, Children's Ministry Director, at

Youth Transition Adventure | Fri. Aug. 15, 9:30 am to 4 pm
Help us welcome all incoming Sixth Graders into our Youth Ministry programs. UUMC Youth will head to Krause Springs with Natasha Ulack, director of Children's Ministries, and Heather Lee, our incoming Youth Ministry director. Meet up at UUMC with a sack lunch, towel, sunscreen, reusable water bottle and clothes over your bathing suits. Cost is $7 for 12 years or older, $5 for 11 years old. RSVP to Natasha Ulack at

Registration Opens Aug. 15 for Tuesday Night Lights Classes
Join us this fall for a new round of Tuesday Night Lights adult education classes at UUMC:
Judaism 101
Sept. 16 to Oct. 7 | 4 class meetings

is one of the oldest religions still existing today and it is the first of the world's three Abrahamic traditions, which also includes Christianity and Islam. Learn about the core beliefs, holiday observances, worship practices, notable figures and history of this rich and vibrant faith. Facilitated by Rabbi Kerry Baker.

Reading the Bible Again for the First Time

Sept. 16 to Oct. 14 | 5 class meetings

One of the vital challenges facing thoughtful people today is how to read the Bible faithfully without abandoning our sense of truth and history. Join us for a study of "Reading the Bible Again for the First Time: Taking the Bible Seriously But Not Literally" by acclaimed author Marcus Borg as we look for a solution to the problem of how to have a fully authentic yet contemporary understanding of the scriptures. Facilitated by Rev. John Elford.

Painting the Stars

Sept. 16 to Nov. 11 | 9 class meetings

View and discuss the popular DVD series "Painting the Stars: Science, Religion and an Evolving Faith." These videos celebrate the communion of science and faith, and explore the promise of evolutionary Christian spirituality from the perspective of leading theologians and progressive thinkers. Facilitated by Rev. Richard Strait.

Godly Play for Adults

Oct. 14 to Nov. 11 | 5 class meetings

Godly Play is an approach to faith formation that combines story-telling with spiritual practices that help us explore the mystery of God's presence in our lives. It engages what is most exciting about religious education: God inviting us into -- and pursuing us in the midst of -- scripture and spiritual experience. Godly Play teaches us to listen for God and to make authentic and creative responses to God's call in our lives. Facilitated by Natasha Ulack, UUMC's Director of Children's Ministry.

How Is It with Your Soul?

Oct. 14 to Nov. 11 | 5 class meetings

Bring into balance the inner and outer dimensions of the Christian life. Organized around four verbs -- pray, learn, mentor, transform -- this class will challenge you to become a more vibrant disciple of Christ as we study together "How Is It with Your Soul?" by authors Priscilla Pope-Levison and Jack Levison. Facilitated by UUMC member Ann McGinley.

Stop Beating Yourself Up: The Journey of Self-Compassion

Oct. 21 to Nov. 11 | 4 class meetings

Many people believe they need to be self-critical to motivate themselves - but in fact, they just end up feeling anxious, incompetent and depressed. Join in our group study of Dr. Kristin Neff's book, "Self-Compassion: A Healthier Way of Relating to Yourself," as we explore how self-compassion helps us see ourselves more clearly and opens a path away from constant, debilitating self-judgment. Facilitated by Rev. John Elford and UUMC member Diane Ireson.


Sunday School Kick-Off & Blessing of the Backpacks | Sun. Aug. 24
Celebrate the back-to-school season at University UMC as we begin a new year of Sunday School for children and youth. Meet your new Sunday School teachers, explore your new classrooms and get ready to grow in your family's faith formation. At our 11 am Sanctuary worship service, children are invited to come forward for a special blessing of their backpacks. On this day, our Children's Ministry also will collect school supplies for our partners at Zavala Elementary School. Drop off your gifts of notebooks, loose-leaf paper, pens, pencils and other supplies in our collection bins located in the Church Office and the Sanctuary and Chapel lobbies. Come out to the Courtyard after our 11 am services to enjoy cold treats from Amy's Ice Creams.

Chapel Service Resumes | Sun. Aug. 24, 11 am
Join Megan Otto in UUMC's historic Harris Chapel for a new experience in the worship life of our community of faith. This informal, creative worship service invites people of all ages -- especially those who are restless for God in their lives -- to come as they are.

Fifth Sunday Gathering | Sun. Aug. 31, 9:45 am, Fellowship Hall
Learn more about the missions at Parker Lane UMC as we host Rev. Tina Carter and special guest Mindy Johnson. Get inspired about the ways that our UUMC community can tag-team with Parker Lane in their ministry efforts and outreach in Central Southeast Austin. For more information, contact Pastor Lisa at
Intergenerational Summer Reading Project | "The Hunger Games" 
Head to your neighborhood library or bookstore, and pick up a copy of Suzanne Collins' "The Hunger Games" for some mind-opening summer reading. As part of an all-new Intergenerational Summer Reading Program, UUMC invites you to read this novel in preparation for the fall, when Pastor John preaches a new sermon series beginning Aug. 24 on themes from the book.    

Prayers at UUMC
Prayer requests are always welcome at UUMC. You're invited to write your requests on the "Additional Notes" pad in the registration books and place them in the offering plate. You may also email your requests to For more information about prayer requests or to join a Prayer Team at UUMC, contact Rev. Lisa Blaylock, associate pastor, at

Fig Leaf Is Back!
Our Fig Leaf clothes closet is back after a hiatus during our building construction. Please bring your clothing items to the collection bin in the elevator lobby in Heinsohn Hall. Summer clothing for men and women is particularly needed. Meanwhile, our Open Door Saturday brunch ministry is serving sack meals in our newly renovated Fellowship Hall. Meals cooked in our kitchen will return  soon as ministry leaders organize the space and train volunteers on our new equipment.

Take "Flat Wesley" On Your Summer Vacations

Going somewhere this summer? That's no surprise -- travel is part of our heritage as Methodists! John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, rode nearly 250,000 miles on horseback as he preached 40,000 times during his service as a pastor. As you travel this summer, remember your connection to University United Methodist Church.  Click here to print out and take a copy of our Flat Wesley cartoon with you on your vacations. Snap a photo of Wesley wherever you are visiting. Bring him on your adventures to theme parks, beaches, mountains, theaters, ballparks, you name it. Whether he is photographed alone or with you in a selfie, we want to keep in touch and follow where the Spirit is guiding the members of UUMC this summer. Send your "Flat Wesley" photos to University UMC or post your photos directly to our Facebook page. Inspiration for UUMC's "Flat Wesley" comes from the children's book, "Flat Stanley." 

Save the Date | Austin's PRIDE Parade, Sept. 20
Plan to join us on Sat. Sept. 20 at Austin's annual PRIDE Parade. T-shirts for this event will be on sale in the Courtyard after church through Aug. 6. 

Save the Date | Youth Ministry Connections & Directions, Sat. Sept. 27    
Reserve the afternoon of Sat. Sept. 27 for the release of an important report on our Youth program -- a ministry that reflects the vitality of the congregation at large. For more information, contact Heather Lee, our Youth Director, beginning Aug. 11 at
Flowers Needed
Members are welcome to dedicate flowers in the Sanctuary for our Sunday services. UUMC volunteers later use the flowers to make and deliver arrangements for seniors on their birthdays as well as homebound and hospitalized parishioners. Available dates to reserve flowers include: Nov. 16, 23 & 30. Email the Church Office at or call 512-478-9387 to reserve your preferred date.