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Electronic Logging Devices Seminar
Various Dates // 9:00 - 12:00pm

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Final Rule on Electronic Logging Devices has been published, so now is the time to learn about how this Final Ruling affects your operation.

Join IMTA Safety Director, Don Egli, as he travels the State of Iowa in February to help answer the following questions:  What exactly does the rule say?  What does is mean for commercial motor carriers?  What do you need to know to make the transition to ELD devices?  What do I want in ELD technology?

Click on the links below to view the dates, times and locations for the three seminars.

FREE IMTA Webinar:  State of the Economy As It Relates to Trucking
January 26, 2016  //  10:00 - 10:45am

Bob Costello, Chief Economist at the American Trucking Associations, will be sharing an update on the current economic situation as it relates to trucking.  This information will be of benefit to all trucking company personnel and should help you in making economic and operation decisions as they relate to your company.

Safety Professionals Conference
April 20 & 21, 2016  //  IMTA Office

Staying current on the safety trends of the industry is a continual, uphill challenge.  Because of this, the Iowa Council of Safety Management has created the Safety Professionals Conference as an opportunity for attendees to network and learn valuable information and ideas about how to stay current and improve safety in your company.  This two-day conference will provide the education and a forum for the exchange of ideas and information among attendees.

Cargo Tank Seminar
May 3 & 4, 2016  //  IMTA Office

The Iowa Motor Truck Association is proud to once again host the Cargo Tank Seminar, our most popular seminar each and every year!  If your business includes anything cargo tank, this opportunity will get you on the leading edge.  The instructors for this two-day seminar will provide you with more than enough information & training to successfully run your business.  

Regulatory Updates Seminar
May 5, 2016  //  Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Join IMTA's Director of Safety, Don Egli, as he travels to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to discuss the ever-changing regulations making an impact on the trucking industry.  The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) continues on their mission of new, updated rule-making and this seminar will help you to stay aware & to stay ahead of the game.  
Regulatory Updates Seminar
May 12, 2016  //  IMTA Office

Join IMTA's Director of Safety, Don Egli, as he presents a seminar at the IMTA Office in Des Moines, Iowa, to discuss the ever-changing regulations making an impact on the trucking industry.  The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) continues on their mission of new, updated rule-making and this seminar will help you to stay aware & to stay ahead of the game.  

Regulatory Updates Seminar
May 17, 2016  //  Sioux City, Iowa

Join IMTA's Director of Safety, Don Egli, as he travels to Sioux City, Iowa, to discuss the ever-changing regulations making an impact on the trucking industry.  The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) continues on their mission of new, updated rule-making and this seminar will help you to stay aware & to stay ahead of the game.  

Truck PAC Iowa Golf Outing
May 26, 2016  //  Norwalk, Iowa

Hosted annually by the Iowa Motor Truck Association, the Truck PAC Iowa Spring Golf Outing is an important event for the association.  It not only brings together folks from Iowa's trucking industry but it is also the largest fundraiser for the IMTA's Political Action Committee.  
Truck Driving Championships
June 16 & 17, 2016  //  Altoona, Iowa

The Iowa Truck Driving Championships is an event that showcases the professionalism that exists among Iowa's finest drivers.  Year after year, we celebrate the important role the professional truck driver plays to the economy of this state & nation.  This tradition has always been a strong & powerful force within Iowa's trucking industry.

Family Business Seminar
August 25, 2016  //  IMTA Office

IMTA welcomes back Jolene Brown for a full-day discussion focused on family business.  Jolene is a walking-talking spokesperson with her fun-filled spirit and valuable information.  She's on a mission to share leading-edge best practices, appreciation, laughter and celebration to increase productivity, profitability and pace of mind.
Management Conference
September 20 & 21, 2016  //  Cedar Rapids

Since 1942, the Iowa Motor Truck Association has held an annual convention.  The mission of this conference is to provide a forum in which IMTA members and guests can gather for timely educational sessions and valuable networking opportunities with other carriers and suppliers in Iowa's trucking industry.
Iowa Motor Truck Association
717 East Court Avenue | Des Moines, Iowa 50309

(515) 244-5193