In This Issue
RILA Rings in 2014
Membership Means You
Get Ready For Money Smart Week - RI!
Mobile Devices and Apps at Your Library
Passionate Readers
Krupp Library Goes to War
Reader's Advisory--Graphic Novels
JWU Oral History Project
Reference Refresher
RILA Annual Conference 2014
News From the Field

The Rhode Island Library Association

is a professional association of Librarians, Library Staff, Trustees, and library supporters whose purpose is to promote the profession of librarianship and to improve the visibility, accessibility, responsiveness and effectiveness of library and information
services throughout  
Rhode Island.
Contact us at:
PO Box 6765
Providence, RI 02940
401-203-READ (7323)

Find us on Facebook
Twitter &  Youtube's a time of resolutions. There are some that are perennially popular. Lose weight. Save money. Spend more time with loved ones. Volunteer. It's also time to try new things, or perhaps just make renewals--and hopefully this includes your RILA membership. If you've never joined, now is a perfect time.


Over the past year the Rhode Island Library Association has focused on strengthening libraries in Rhode Island  in many ways. We're constantly developing new collaborations and partnerships, as well as advocating the importance of the role of libraries not only to our state legislature but on a national level as well. Be sure to read "RILA Rings in 2014" by RILA President Jenifer Bond to learn more about our organization's initiatives.


Ready to get involved? RILA is always looking for members to help our on various committees. Depending on your interests, strengths, and availability, there are committees for everyone. Conference, Public Relations, Intellectual Freedom, and Communications are only some of the options, visit the committee page of our website for a full listing.


Happy 2014 from Rhode Island Library Association! Don't forget to join or renew your membership and we'll see you during this great new year!


Andria Tieman & Brandi Kenyon
RILA Communications Committee Co-Chairs
RILA Rings in 2014!
by Jenifer Bond
RILA President 2013-2015

Happy New Year! The RILA Board thanks the volunteers and partners who worked with us in 2013, which was an incredibly productive year. What were we up to? Read on!


We doubled our membership numbers in 2013 and rolled out several new initiatives, including the statewide Geek the Library community engagement campaign. We also introduced the Information Literacy Action Roundtable, an official RILA group that aims to address information literacy needs, trends, and developments in schools and libraries. 


We strengthened important partnerships, collaborating with School Librarians of Rhode Island to bring awareness to Information Literacy Month and working with COLA & OLIS on the Essential Libraries community building day.


RILA's social calendar was chock full of exciting opportunities for our members, from trivia night to the Alex & Ani Charmed by Charity fundraiser. Speaking of fundraisers, we also successfully launched a little Tattooed Librarian Calendar project you may have heard about! These efforts resulted in much needed revenue for our small nonprofit, which ensures we can continue 

working on behalf of RILA, our members, and Rhode Island's libraries in 2014 and beyond.


One of RILA's top priorities is advocating for libraries locally and in Washington, and 2013 was no exception. In addition to meeting with our DC legislators during ALA's spring Legislative Day, we shined the spotlight on libraries at the state level. We put forward two proclamations which earned Governor Chafee's support and officially recognized Geek the Library Week in  

September and Information Literacy Month in October.


Our advocacy efforts will continue as the new state legislative session gets underway. Let me also take this opportunity to welcome Howard Boksenbaum as RILA's new interim ALA Councilor. Howard is headed to ALA Midwinter to represent Rhode Island at the national level. Eileen Dyer, our former ALA Councilor, is focusing her energy on co-leading RILA's Legislative Action  

Committee with Eileen Socha of the East Providence Public Library. Need help with advocacy efforts in your area? Contact the Eileens!


How will we top 2013? Plans are already in the works, starting with Library Legislative Awareness Day on 2/11, followed by Money Smart Week in April, and the Annual Conference on June 2-3. Please renew your RILA membership for the new calendar year to see what develops!

Membership Means You!
By Mary MacDonald and Adrienne Gallo
Membership Committee Co-Chairs

As we begin the new year, the Membership Committee wants to remind you of how RILA works for all of us - for librarians, for libraries, and for Rhode Island.  The mission of RILA is "to promote the profession of librarianship and to improve the visibility, accessibility, responsiveness and effectiveness of library and information services throughout Rhode Island".

In order for RILA to be a nimble and effective organization we need YOU! 


This month as we begin the annual membership renewal process, please remember that every member does count.  When your RILA renewal form arrives in the mail, please renew. Your membership supports our work and provides strength for the committees that bring you an informative Annual Conference, keep you abreast of Intellectual Freedom happenings, meet with legislators to protect library funding, bring you all the library news across the state, and much more!

The Membership Committee is composed of several volunteers from all different types of libraries.  Adrienne Gallo of Cranston Public Library and Mary MacDonald of University or Rhode Island Library are the committee co-chairs. The rest of the committee is comprised of:
Stefanie Metko, Student Coordinator, GSLIS, University of Rhode Island
Dorothy Swain, Assistant Director of Greenville Public Library
Miranda Nero, Cataloger, Ocean State Libraries 

Sarah Zajac, GSLIS, URI student 
Kirsten Anderson, GSLIS, URI student

Join us! We are committed to gaining and keeping members and enhancing the membership experience.   We invite all library staff and library supporters to join or renew for 2014. We're here to serve librarians, support staff, trustees, students, volunteers, retirees and affiliates. RILA is yours and always will be.

Get Ready For Money Smart Week - RI !
By Julie A. DeCesare
Commons Librarian
Head of Research & Education

For a third year, the Rhode Island Library Association is pleased to bring Money Smart Week events to the Rhode Island community with the help of participating libraries and some new partners. Money Smart Week, which started in 2002, is a national program created by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Money Smart Week is April 5-12, 2014. The American Library Association is main partner for MSW and the Chicago Fed. Libraries across the country participate in this initiative.


Money Smart Week's mission is to promote financial literacy. Libraries of all types partner with community groups, financial institutions, government agencies, educational organizations and other experts to help consumers learn to better manage and understand their personal finances. Patrons have always used libraries to access reliable sources of business and financial information. Libraries serve families, job seekers, investors, entrepreneurs, students, and executives by providing current and unbiased information needed to make informed financial decisions.   In the past, wide ranges of topics and audiences have been covered, to name a few:


Estate Planning

Money Management

Saving and Spending in College

Extreme Couponing

Budget Basics

Saving for Retirement

Salary Negotiation

Traveling on a budget


Financial literacy workshops are a great way for libraries to collaborate with local companies, speakers, and patrons. Visit the RILA website for a full list of past 2012 & 2013 events and libraries from to get ideas. MSW events are free, open to the public, and most importantly, objective and informational. Speakers can hand out promotional materials (business cards, etc.), but they should not be selling or requiring anything of their audience.  


This year, in addition to events in our local libraries, RILA is part of Money Smart Week - Rhode Island! RILA has partnered with several agencies to bring professional and experienced speakers to individuals and communities in RI. MSW-RI current partners are:



Housing Network of RI 


Capital Good Fund 

Citizens Bank 

Department of Labor & Training  

State of RI General Treasurers Office  

Junior Achievement 

Progreso Latino  


Last year, several local libraries took it upon themselves to schedule financial programs for their communities. Know of an extreme couponer? A tax specialist? Has your friendly neighborhood credit union presented before? Ask them to do an event!


If you have done a financial literacy program in the past, or know of a possible speaker or organization in your community, reach out to them for MSW-RI: April 5-12, 2014. Once you have secured a speaker or event, contact Julie A. DeCesare ( or Chris Wallace Goldstein ( by February 15, 2014.  


Please keep in mind, the promotion and marketing of your scheduled event and MSW as a whole will be necessary through your community contacts and publications. The statewide committee will be launching a public relations campaign as well and they are also working on providing incentives to attendees of these events. The statewide committee is also coordinating a Money Smart Week family friendly kick off event on Saturday, April 5, 2014: 10 am - Noon. Save the date!


All event details will be maintained on the Money Smart Week RI calendar and RILA  websites. n the coming months, we will be releasing more information about events and promotional materials-- keep an eye on future RILA bulletins, the listserv, our website and Facebook page. Also, the Chicago Fed's Money Smart Week provides a great list of resources for patrons and information professionals.


And, of course, please show your support by attending some of these events. There will be something for everyone!

Mobile Devices and Apps at Your Library
By Corrie MacDonald
Technology Coordinator, Cranston Public Library
Kieran Ayton
Emerging Technologies Librarian, Rhode Island College

iPad 2 Increasingly, our patrons are using mobile devices to read eBooks, perform research and take notes. To better serve our users, it is important to have a general understanding of the types of mobile devices on the market and the apps that run on them.  


Last October, we traveled to the Henry Carter Hull Library in Clinton, CT to speak with Connecticut librarians about these topics. The half-day workshop was sponsored by the Reference and Adult Services Committee of the Connecticut Library Association (CLA). The audience was comprised of over 45 representatives from public and academic libraries around the state. Their experience using mobile devices and apps ranged from novice to advanced.


We introduced the leading mobile device operating systems on the market.  This included the Apple iOs (for iPads and iPhones), and the Android operating system that is used on many other devices including Kindle Fires and the Google Nexus. We also discussed the Windows operating system, which is gaining popularity.


We discussed the intricacies of loaning mobile devices to the public, examining loan policies, procedures and agreements from each of our institutions (Cranston Public Library and Rhode Island College).  There were concerns about ensuring that no personal information was stored on a device after it was checked in.  Another issue which arose was how to allocate staff time in response to the increased demands loaning these devices entails.  


A good portion of the workshop was spent demonstrating cross-platform apps that can be used on both the Apple iOS and Android operating systems.


Our Top Five Apps for Librarians and Patrons


1. Evernote 

Want to extend the ways you can use your mobile device?  Evernote replaces and improves upon Microsoft Word by letting you create documents, notes, and voice memos from your smartphone or tablet and access them from anywhere.  A "note" can be a piece of formatted text, a full webpage or webpage excerpt, a photograph, or a voice memo. Notes can have file attachments, like video content.


2. Mango Languages Library Edition 

Is Rosetta Stone too expensive for your library?  Many public and even academic libraries across the country are purchasing access to this handy language-learning site.  This interactive learning tool is perfect for any patron studying a language.


3. Puffin Web Browser

Have you ever gotten a message on your smartphone or tablet computer that Adobe Flash was required to view a website?  This app will give you flash support through the cloud.


4.First Aid - American Red Cross

Have you ever been in an emergency situation and not known what to do?  This app will give you advice on how to deal with everything from strokes to choking to asthma attacks.


5. Dropbox 

Get a new spin on an old friend.  Many of us already use Dropbox to access and store files but did you know you can install dropbox on your mobile device and set it to automatically backup all the photos you take?  Never worry about losing your pictures again!


For more information on mobile apps and mobile device lending programs, see Corrie's and Kieran's online guide:

Passionate Readers

By Babs Wells 

Youth Services Librarian, East Smithfield Public Library

Cheryl Space

Youth Services Coordinator/Program Specialist OLIS

Clementines in a basket, tangy cheese, savory crackers, and a few tasty sweets await the arrival of the passionate readers.


This group of public librarians, school librarians and teachers gather together four times between September and January to discuss the potential Newbery winner and honor books. Because different books are discussed at each meeting, new members can join at any point. The last meeting of the Mock Newbery Discussion is an exciting night when the all-important voting takes place. Rhode Island librarians and teachers will be voting for our 2014 mock Newbery winner and honor books on Wednesday, January 22nd, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m., at the Oak Lawn Branch of the Cranston Public Library.


This program is offered through OLIS and is a lively discussion filled with laughter and serious opinions about plot, characterization and setting.  As one of the participants pointed out, it is a very unique forum. It is also a nice way to collaborate with librarians and educators from across the state of Rhode Island. It keeps the readers on top of the mountain of the best books that have been published in the past year. The books discussed are among the most critically acclaimed, as well as books with "buzz" from librarians around the country engaged in other mock Newbery groups and on blogs.


For some it is a thought-provoking night out, an informative and meaningful mini workshop. As one participant shared, it is the "whole package", we are thinking and discussing more deeply about the books. We all learn from each other and one of the teachers who attends shared that she truly appreciates the librarians' knowledge of so many juvenile books that she doesn't always have the time to read but would like to feature with confidence in her curriculum. Reading a review of a book is one thing, but actually reading the book and formulating your own point of view is something else entirely. It's like being in a book group but instead of discussing one book in an evening you are talking about several. The reading list is posted on the OLIS site for each meeting.   We discuss the pros and the concerns that each book brings to the table and then ultimately the question is - Keep or Drop. The group's decision to keep a book on the final voting list is based on the official Newbery Medal criteria: In identifying "Distinguished Writing" in a book for children, committee members need to consider the following:


  • Interpretation of the theme or concept
  • Presentation of information including accuracy, clarity, and organization
  • Development of a plot
  • Delineation of characters
  • Delineation of setting
  • Appropriateness of style
  • Excellence of presentation for a child audience.    

Note: Because the literary qualities to be considered will vary depending on content, the committee need not expect to find excellence in each of the named elements. The book should, however, have distinguished qualities in all of the elements pertinent to it.


So we read, read and read some more. As the list gets whittled down over time we know that eventually the collective decision needs to made.

As one participant pointed out," It is always more fun when you hear the awards being announced and you have already read the books!"

The 2014 Newbery Award will be announced at the American Library Association's Midwinter meeting. You can watch the ALA Youth Media Awards announcements live from beginning at 8:00am (eastern) on Monday, January 27th. To follow the announcements on Twitter, use the hashtag #alayma.


History of the Newbery Medal (from the American Library Association website)

The Newbery Medal is awarded annually by the American Library Association for the most distinguished American children's book published the previous year. On June 22, 1921, Frederic G. Melcher proposed the award to the American Library Association meeting of the Children's Librarians' Section and suggested that it be named for the eighteenth-century English bookseller John Newbery. The idea was enthusiastically accepted by the children's librarians, and Melcher's official proposal was approved by the ALA Executive Board in 1922. In Melcher's formal agreement with the board, the purpose of the Newbery Medal was stated as follows: "To encourage original creative work in the field of books for children. To emphasize to the public that contributions to the literature for children deserve similar recognition to poetry, plays, or novels. To give those librarians, who make it their life work to serve children's reading interests, an opportunity to encourage good writing in this field".

Krupp Library Goes to War: Adventures in Publishing

By Mary Moroney, Library Director

Bryant University 

This past fall, the Douglas and Judith Krupp Library at Bryant University published its first book, Bryant College Goes to War, by Bryant University Professor Judy Barrett Litoff.   This project actually started five years ago with the rediscovery of a cache of letters written by Bryant students stationed around the world during World War II.  These thank-you letters were written to the Bryant College Service Club, a student-run club that sent monthly packages of cigarettes, candy, cookies, letters, and knitted articles to Bryant men and women serving in the U.S. military. By the war's end, approximately 500 Bryant women and men had received letters and packages from the Club, which, in turn, received over 1,300 letters of thanks which included firsthand accounts of wartime from students and alumni stationed in every major theater of war.  

The Bryant Service Club

Once the letters were found in 2008, the library immediately notified Litoff, a leading authority on the history of American women and letter writing during World War II.  From the start, the library assumed that Litoff would eventually write a narrative based on this collection.


While Litoff was contemplating a publication, the library began digitizing and transcribing the handwritten and typed letters which had been collected in 4 large scrapbooks. This eventually resulted in the Bryant College Goes to War website which arranges the letters by author and date.


As she began writing Bryant College Goes to War, Litoff worked closely with special collections staff who provided research assistance and additional documents from Bryant's archives to help tell the story.  Due to the staff's intimate knowledge of the letters and other World War II documents in the collections, Litoff asked the library to help design, edit and publish Bryant College Goes to War.  The library welcomed this opportunity enthusiastically!  Library staff rolled up their sleeves to learn Adobe InDesign and started playing with the book's images and text in the design program.  When the book layout was complete, pdf copies were created and meetings were held to convince Bryant's administration to fund the book's printing as part of the University's 150th anniversary celebration.  A full color edition of Bryant College Goes to War was finally published in October 2013 and is available for purchase through the  Bryant University Bookstore.

Reader's Advisory--Graphic Novels
by Stephanie Barta
Reference and Youth Services Librarian, Coventry Library

Last issue, Aaron Coutu presented information on how to read graphic novels.  We realize that everyone may not be a fan of the format, which can make reader's advisory a bit tricky.  So this month, I will be highlighting a few of my favorites and recommendations for readers of all ages.  I've tried to include titles that may not be as well known, as opposed to picking the tried and true classics (also included).



Hark! A Vagrant!, by Kate Beaton: Hark! A Vagrant takes readers on a romp through history and literature--with dignity for few and cookies for all--with comic strips about famous authors, their characters, and political and historical figures, all drawn in Kate Beaton's pared-down, excitable style. This collection features favorite stories as well as new, previously unpublished content. Whether she's writing about Nikola Tesla, Napoleon, or Nancy Drew, Beaton brings a refined sense of the absurd to every situation.


Johnny Cash: I See a Darkness, by Reinhard Kleist: This graphic novel, translated from German, depicts the life of Johnny Cash the country music icon, also known as The Man in Black.  Kleinst depicts Cash's early days meeting Elvis, his famous visit to Folsom prison, to the end of his life.  A unique biography for a unique man.  


V for Vendetta, by Alan Moore:  In the not-too-distant future, freedom is not lost but surrendered willingly to a totalitarian regime that rose to power by exploiting the people's worst fears Evey is saved from death by a masked man calling himself only V. V ignites the fuse of revolution when he urges his fellow citizens to wake up and fight tyranny and oppression.


American Vampire Vol. 1-5, by Scott Snyder (et al): A fantastic series about a new breed of vampire, born on American soil, the first being outlaw Skinner Sweet.   Unlike the older breed of vampire, Sweet thrives in the sun and 45 years after rising as the first American vampire he makes his way to Los Angeles.  There he meets Pearl Jones a struggling actress who finds herself caught up in more than just the action of 1920s Hollywood.  The series is currently on hiatus (vol. 5 came out in March 2013), but the first five volumes should keep readers busy for a while.  Volume one eve boasts Stephen King as a writer!


Marzi, by Marzena Sowa: This is the story of Marzi, born in 1979 Poland, 10 years before the end of communism.  Here, she gives us a glimpse of what it was like to grow up behind the Iron Curtain.  


Additional Adult Graphic Novels:

Walking Dead, by Robert Kirkman

Sandman, by Neil Gaiman

Watchmen,  by Alan Moore


Young Adult:

Daybreak, by Brian Ralph: Told through the perspectives of a silent observer, a one-armed companion guides the reader through a post-apocalyptic world with a zombie-infested landscape.


Resistance by Carla Jablonski: The first in a trilogy, Resistance tells the story of Paul and Marie, two French children whose French town is thrown upside down by WWII.  Jewish friends are disappearing and the Germans are taking control of their town and country.  Paul and Marie must decide to fight or accept the changes the war has brought.  Readers who enjoyed Maus, are likely to enjoy this story of the French resistance in WWII.


The Plain Janes, by Cecil Castellucci: When transfer student Jane is forced to move from the confines of Metro City to Suburbia, she thinks her life is over. But there is the lunch room at the reject table she finds her tribe: three other girls named Jane. Main Jane encourages them to form a secret art gang and paint the town P.L.A.I.N. - People Loving Art In Neighborhoods. But can art attacks really save the hell that is high school?


Zahra's Paradise, by Amir & Khalil : Set in the aftermath of Iran's fraudulent elections of 2009, Zahra's Paradise is the fictional story of the search for Mehdi, a young protestor who has vanished into an extrajudicial twilight zone. What's keeping his memory from being obliterated is not the law. It is the grit and guts of his mother, who refuses to surrender her son to fate, and the tenacity of his brother, a blogger, who fuses tradition and technology to explore and explode the void in which Mehdi has vanished.


War Brothers by Sharon McKay: Jacob is a 14-year-old Ugandan who is sent away to a boys' school. Once there, he assures his friend Tony that they need not be afraid -- they will be safe. But not long after, in the shadow of the night, the boys are abducted. Marched into the jungle, they are brought to an encampment of the feared rebel soldiers. They are told they must kill or be killed, and their world turns into a terrifying struggle to endure and survive. In time, the boys escape. Hunted by the rebels, stalked by a lion, and even pursued by river crocs, they miraculously succeed in reaching safety.


Additional Young Adult Graphic Novels:

Friends with Boys, by Faith Erin Hicks

Yummy: The Last Days of a Southside Shorty. by, G. Neri and Randy Duburke

Maus I & II, by Art Spiegelman

Ghostopolis, DougTenNapel




To Dance: A Memoir, by Siena Cherson: The author describes how she first decided she wanted to be a ballerina at the age of six, and how that dream carried her from her home in Puerto Rico to dance class in Boston to performing with the New York City Ballet.


The Adventures of Polo, by Regis Faller: Polo the dog sets out from his home and enjoys many adventures, including sailing his boat on top of a whale, roasting hot dogs over a volcano, and taking a ride in a spaceship built from a mushroom.*


Silly Lilly and the Four Seasons, by Agnes Rosenstiehl: Lilly is a spunky little girl who delights in the unexpected pleasures of each season, peering inside shells in the summer and tasting different kinds of apples in the fall. In this charming and subtle book by one of France's premier children's book authors, Lilly learns more about the outdoors, and introduces the youngest readers to the colors, words, and shapes that arise in nature. Silly Lilly's intimate monologues deftly capture a child's sense of wonder, in five whimsical episodes that cycle through the calendar from Spring back to Spring again.*


Owly, by Andy Runton: The series, which is largely without standard text dialogue, is about the adventures of a gentle owl named Owly who resolves to do good and make friends in his world with the help of his good companions, the clever worm, Wormy, and Scampy, the gluttonous but good hearted chipmunk. While he faces obstacles in the pursuit of that goal, his faith in the goodness in the world is never disappointed.*


Additional Children's Graphic Novels:

Baby Mouse, by Jennifer Holm

Amulet, by Kazu Kibuishi

Bone, by Jeff Smith

JWU Oral History Project: 
Celebrating 100 years Through Storytelling
By David Meincke, Digital Services Librarian 
Johnson  & Wales University

2014 marks the Centennial of the founding of Johnson & Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island. As part of a yearlong celebration, the JWU Library is coordinating a digital oral history project to document the stories of the people who have witnessed, enacted, and reacted to various changes and events within the University's recent (30-40 year) history.


Led by Dr. Rosita Hopper, Dean of Libraries, the JWU Oral History Project has been in planning for nearly a year. The project is close to launch, with the first interviews to be recorded in a few weeks.  Future plans include gathering interviews by setting up portable 'drop-in interview stations' at campus-wide events, and possibly making use of web-based submissions.


The project faces a few challenges. The first major challenge that arose related to scale: JWU consists of four physical campuses, all of which are considerably distant from each other (Providence, Charlotte, Miami, and Denver). Given this scenario, what kind of workflow might we establish so that interviews can be collected separately at each campus and then consolidated, edited, and published to the web from one location?


The answer turned out to be multipart: rigorous virtual training sessions; extensive documentation; practice interviews; and most importantly, the provision of easy-to-use technology. It is essential that each interviewer be able to handle the technological aspects of the interview with ease so that they can focus their attention on the actual stories and ensure that they are properly captured and preserved.  One of the scariest things to happen to an interviewer is to hear a riveting and heartfelt story, and then realize that the microphone was off the entire time!


The second challenge is more universal: budget. As consistency is an important part of this project, all campuses must use identical equipment. But as sound quality is an equally important consideration (for both archival and aesthetic purposes) we needed to find something that seemingly didn't exist - a recording technology that was user-friendly, affordable, portable, and of professional quality.


In answer to this challenge, we developed a DIY compromise that required only a portable tripod and a professional-quality dual-microphone digital audio recorder (Tascam DR-40 Handheld 4-Track Recorder). When set up in this configuration [see Figure 1] we were able to use our audio recorder's two movable microphones to gather clear, high-resolution audio separately from interviewer and interviewee. Furthermore, this configuration produced audio quality that was nearly indistinguishable in quality from other configurations we tried with expensive external microphones.


Figure 1: Improvised Microphone Placement
(Excerpt from training documentation)
 In February, the first interviews will be published on JWU's Digital Repository, ScholarsArchive@JWU. Once the Oral History series is live on the web, it will be possible to download the both full, unedited interviews, as well as to stream more concise, polished highlights.For more information, contact Digital Services Librarian David Meincke or Dean of Libraries Dr. Rosita Hopper.
Reference Refresher: New AskRI Resources
By Lenora Robinson and Jeremy Ferris
Reference Librarians, has several new database services and updates on some of the old ones. Check out these new features through AskRI!

African American Heritage Database - 

Proquest's African American Heritage database, new at, has great resources for researching African and African American genealogy. A patron can search primary sources including birth, death, and marriage certificates, the federal census, and the Freedman's Bank records. The AfriGeneas forums connect users to others researching African American genealogy. The AAH database also includes an updated version of Black Genesis, a guide to performing this research by James M. Rose, Ph.D. and Alice Eichholz, Ph.D., CG. licenses - provides online instructional courses in software, design, business, and more. has 9 licenses for These are available on a first-come, first-served basis to staff working in Rhode Island libraries. Ocean State Libraries (OSL) also has licenses available for the staff of public libraries. You will need to login to your OSLConnects account in order to access these licenses.


Please fill out the application on ( to receive access to Once approved and the license is issued, the applicant is granted two weeks of access to You will receive a confirmation email and instructions on how to access courses. You must work in a Rhode Island library and enter the name of the library you work in to be approved for use of


Mango Connect

Mango has just announced that on January 15th, they will be launching an updated interface and new features to compliment what they already offer. Mango Connect, will offer course placement tests to start users off in the right spot, 20 full length films on Mango Premiere, as well as a visual redesign. Mango is also consolidating their Mango Basic and Mango Complete 2.0 into Mango Conversations, and phasing out Mango Complete 1.0. Their placement tests help users find where to begin their work with Mango.


Mango Connect is designed to provide a more intuitive, user-friendly learning experience.  There's nothing you have to do to initiate an upgrade; updates will take place automatically during off-peak hours.  But that's not the only new development we've got in store!


Mango Premiere - 

Mango Languages has added new films to its Mango Premiere catalog. "Little Big Soldier" and "Ocean Heaven" have been available for learners of Mandarin Chinese, and "Around a Small Mountain" is up for learners of French. Mango plans to keep expanding the Premiere section to over 20 films by the beginning of 2014. To access these films, log into your Mango Languages Connect account from, click on Add new courses from the Dashboard, and scroll down to the Mango Premiere options.


Spanish for Librarians

-Meet Libby the Librarian! She'll help conscientious librarians learn library-specific Spanish for FREE, to better serve your Spanish-speaking patrons.

Mango Languages introduced a new course designed specifically for librarians to help their Spanish speaking patrons. This is a free service (like all Mango courses through AskRI) - however, this feature is available even in areas outside of Rhode Island without access to the rest of the Mango suite. 


Materials Order Form - is a resource for everyone in Rhode Island looking for answers to their questions.  Use this form ( to request bookmarks, informational brochures, and other promotional goods such as buttons and posters (subject to availability) from and any of our featured databases.

RILA Annual Conference 2014: Save the Dates!
By RILA Conference Committee
Join colleagues from near and far at the beautiful Salve Regina University in sunny Newport on
Monday, June 2 & Tuesday, June 3, 2014 at the Rhode Island Library Association's annual conference.

We are thrilled to bring you keynote speaker, Lee Rainie, the Director of the Pew Research Center's Internet Project, a non-profit, non-partisan "fact tank" that studies the social impact of the internet. The Project has issued more than 450 reports based on its surveys that examine people's online activities and the internet's role in their lives. Lee is a co-author of
Networked: The New Social Operating System, a book about the social impact of technology.

We also welcome Nate Hill, Assistant Director of the Chattanooga Public Library in Tennessee, where he oversees Digital Services and the 4th Floor Innovation Team.  Chattanooga's 4th Floor is a flexible library "beta" space that serves as maker space, event venue, and dynamic public meeting center. Mr. Hill will introduce the public services, tools, and instruction on offer on the 4th Floor and discuss how they enhance user experience, foster creativity, and meet community needs. This talk will inspire even the smallest library to dedicate a corner to these types of innovative operations.

We're developing a fun, informative, and dynamic program for this year's event. Whether you're interested in checking out maker spaces, utilizing super-short video, investigating libraries and the sustainability movement, reviewing best practices for library fundraising - or many other topics in the works - the RILA conference will have something for you!  

Of course, putting on a great conference every year would not be possible without support from our wonderful vendors, RILA would like to thank Comprise Technologies for their support at last year's conference.

Look for conference 2014 updates on the RILA website. See you in June!
News From the Field
Annual Legislative Day 2014

Please join the Rhode Island Library Association for RI Library Legislative Awareness Day on Wednesday, February 11, 2014, from 2:30 - 4:30 pm in the RI State House Rotunda! This year's theme is "Rhode Island Libraries Change Lives."


Come shake hands with your legislators and let them know all the great things your library is doing in your community.  Please give your legislators a shout out to let them know you'll be looking for them that day!


If your organization would like to have a table in the rotunda, please contact Eileen Dyer at

De Johnson Scholarship Recipient
RILA is pleased to announce that Emily Grace LeMay received a De Johnson Scholarship award to support her PLA attendance in March 2014. Emily graduated from URI's GSLIS program in 2012 and currently works for, the North Scituate Library, and the Langworthy Library. She is already an active member of RI's library community and we hope the De Johnson Scholarship award allows her to bring back news and ideas from a national conference that will benefit libraries in our state.  Congratulations, Emily!


The De Johnson Scholarship Fund grants travel support to current students pursuing library degrees, or recent graduates of a library program.  The Scholarship was established in memory of longtime member and former RILA President Derryl ("De") Johnson to help promote active participation in the field of librarianship by providing an opportunity to the newest colleagues in our

profession to attend and participate in library conferences.


Volunteer for RILA

If you like reading The RILA Bulletin, consider joining the Communications Committee.  We try get get as many different types of librarians as we can, and if you like to write, we'd love your help!  Email for more information.


Providence Community Library

PCL is happy to announce that we've hired Eileen Dyer as our new Head of Technical Services.  In addition to being a past president of RILA, Eileen was last year's Librarian of the Year.  She co-chairs the Legislative Action committee and is also a lobbyist for the organization.  Eileen has worked at Cranston Public Library, South Kingstown Public Library and East Greenwich Free Library.  She replaces Doug Hinman, who was with the library for 15 years and who retired late 2013.


Providence Public Library

The Providence Public Library (PPL) Board of Trustees has announced the appointment of H. Jack Martin, MLIS, as the Library's next Executive Director upon the retirement of current Library Director Dale Thompson.  Martin begins on January 13, 2014.


Martin comes to PPL with diverse library experiences over nearly 25 years, including 11 years at New York Public Library (NYPL) where he held a number of positions ultimately serving as Assistant Director for Public Programs and Lifelong Learning.  


Martin's early library experiences include two years at PPL, where he worked in the Library's Art & Music Collection as well as in various branch libraries. "I am looking forward to returning to Providence and helping this venerable Library to continue to develop and evolve for the future," said Martin. "Just as they always have been, libraries continue to be critical institutions of lifelong learning and significant places in our communities.  I believe our Library's future must be directly connected to the learning goals of our community and to that end I will be exploring all opportunities for vibrant partnerships, collaborations and new initiatives."


Outgoing director Dale Thompson is retiring after nearly 34 years with PPL - 25 as director.  


Barrington Public Library

Barrington Library is pleased to announce that Jane Granatino has been selected as the new Head of Reference.  Jane has excellent experience in administration and reference work and also has a proven and impressive track record in community outreach and customer service.  


Jane replaces long term and highly valued employee Lauri Burke who has retired after nearly 40 years of outstanding service to Barrington Library. Among her many skills, Lauri's special strengths were in adult programming and reader's advisory services which she strengthened and extended for the Barrington Library over four decades. 



Brigitte Hopkins, former director of West Warwick Public Library has been appointed as the new Executive Director of the Memorial and Library Association of Westerly.  Brigitte started at Westerly on January 20.


West Warwick

Tom O'Donnell has been appointed interim director of West Warwick Public Library.He had previously worked for Providence Community Library at the Washington Park Library and as Regional Director of Rochambeau. 


The Cranston Public Library is pleased to announce that Adrienne Gallo as been appointed the new Branch Librarian at William Hall Library.

Adrienne has been with the Cranston Public Library since 1999.  She served as the Youth Services Librarian at William Hall Library from 2000-2001. She has been the Branch Librarian at the Oaklawn branch since 2001.She takes over for John Bucci who retired after 30 years at William Hall Library on December 31, 2013.

Stefanie Blankenship has been appointed the new Branch Librarian at the Oaklawn Branch. Stefanie has been the Youth Services Librarian at the Auburn branch since 2008. She takes over for Adrienne Gallo who was recently appointed Branch Librarian at the William Hall Library.


Pawtucket Public Library is pleased to welcome Carrie Ann Perez to their Reference Staff.


Maria Cotto, the Bilingual Children's Librarian at the Pawtucket Public Library, has been awarded the 2013 Juanita Sanchez Grant from the Rhode Island Foundation. 

The Juanita Sanchez Community Fund was established in 1992 through the contributions of friends and family of Juanita Sanchez to memorialize her life as a leader, organizer, and long-time believer in fighting for the unmet needs and rights of Latinos.  


Maria will be using the money to increase the current Espaol/Bilinge Collections currently offered at the Pawtucket Children's Library. Ms. Cotto will also use some of the fund money to bring in Hispanic Cultural programming to the children of Pawtucket. Maria currently runs a Bilingual story class in the Pawtucket Children's Library and promotes diversity within the Children's Library by serving on both the REFORMA and Cornucopia committees. According to the 2013 Rhode Island Kids Count Factbook, 29% of the child population under the age of 18 are Hispanic or Latino.



Tiverton Library officially broke ground on their new building October 26, 2013.  More than 100 library advocates, including Senator Jack Reed, attended the event.  For more on Tiverton's long road to a new library, check out this excellent article in the Rhode Island Library Report.   


Rhode Island Historical Society Library

The Rhode Island Historical Society announced that is has received a $209,397 grant from the Champlin Foundations to replace windows at the society's library in Providence. In a news release, the historical society called the grant "the capstone" of its efforts to to pay for renovations to what is a former church building at 121 Hope St. The Champlin grant, plus money from the Institute for Museum and Library Services, the National Endowment for the Humanities and a Save America's Treasures grant from the National Park Service, will cover the rehabilitation of the library.  


Also, on December 17, 2013, the Rhode Island Historical Society's Research Library Reading Room sustained water damage from a mechanical failure. The Library will be closed until further notice. The RIHS staff would like to sincerely thank all of our RI library colleagues who have expressed their concern and support for the collections and the library.

During the pending Reading Room reconstruction, reference staff will not have access to Rhode Island Vital Records, the newspaper microfilm collection, or the genealogical reference resources that are housed in the Reading Room. These collections are undamaged, but inaccessible. Unfortunately, without these collections, they are temporarily unable to answer reference questions about genealogy, family history, or newspaper articles.

RIHS will continue to provide copy and ILL copy requests from accessible collections for researchers, but please note that response time may be slower than usual.

They have added a webpage of resources that you and your patrons may find helpful in research endeavors during the time they are closed. Please check or Facebook for updates.

Scarecrow Press

Scarecrow Press is seeking chapters from librarians for three library anthologies: Google in Libraries: Uses for Patron, Student and Staff; Making Libraries Integral in the Lives of Baby Boomers; Creative Management of Small Public Libraries in the 21st Century.  See full descriptions of each book as well as submission process on RILA's website. 

The RILA Bulletin is produced by the RILA Communications Committee.  The RILA Communications Committee is responsible for publicizing and supporting Rhode Island Library Association activities using a variety of communication tools. Responsibilities including publishing the RILA Bulletin, managing social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, and exploring other mediums as needed. The Communications Committee may cooperate with the publicity efforts of the Public Relations Committee to promote library services statewide.

Rhode Island Library Association members can contribute content to the RILA Bulletin by emailing the editors:



Andria Tieman & Brandi Kenyon
Rhode Island Library Association