In This Issue
Information Literacy Month Social
The Affordable Healthcare Act and Librarians
Idea Studio @WPL
Geek the Library--in Practice
How to Read a Graphic Novel
STEM, STEAM, and the Library
Teen Services Highlights
IMLS Awards 3 National Leadership Grants to RI
News From the Field

The Rhode Island Library Association

 is a professional association of Librarians, Library Staff, Trustees, and library supporters whose purpose is to promote the profession of librarianship and to improve the visibility, accessibility, responsiveness and effectiveness of library and information
services throughout  
Rhode Island.
Contact us at:
PO Box 6765
Providence, RI 02940
401-203-READ (7323)

Find us on Facebook
Twitter &  Youtube

Happy November! The days are turning colder but the RILA social calendar has been hot!  Read on for recaps of recent happenings and check out upcoming events in News From the Field, including The Essential Library: Community Leadership Strategies presented by RILA, COLA and OLIS on November 18th.   

We are looking for your feedback!  Please take a few moments to complete the 2013 RILA Survey in order to help us grow and improve the organization. The survey is designed to gather information about your perceptions of RILA and to see how you rate our mission, activities, and member incentives. Tell us how we are doing by 11/15!

Have you heard about the 2014 Tattooed Librarians of the Ocean State Calendar?  Our little RILA fundraiser has gone viral and we're shipping calendars all over the globe! If you haven't ordered yet, you can do so on RILA's website - a limited quantity will be printed and we're close to selling out, so claim your copy soon. If you have reserved a copy or 2 already, RILA appreciates your support.  The calendar is currently at the printer and will be available after 11/12.  For more information and previews of the calendar images, check out these articles on Huffington PostNBC News, and Reuters!  
Finally, the November 15th Good Librations beer tasting event that was announced in the September RILA Bulletin has been postponed.  Sorry to disappoint all you beer aficionados out there, but we hope to reschedule this event in the future.  Stay tuned! 

It has been a busy fall so far, and there's even more to come!

Thanks for reading, 

Andria Tieman & Brandi Kenyon
RILA Communications Committee Co-Chairs
Information Literacy Month Social & New RILA Round Table
By Mary MacDonald, URI & RILA Membership Committee Co-Chair
Jenifer Bond, Bryant University & RILA President 
Close to 50 people attended the first ever Information Literacy Month Celebration on Tuesday, October 15.  The event, hosted jointly by RILA and SLRI (School Librarians of Rhode Island) was held in the Galanti room of the Carothers Library at the University of Rhode Island. Food and fun was the theme of the event where Jenifer Bond, President of RILA, announced that Governor Lincoln D. Chafee had recently signed a State Proclamation declaring October as Information Literacy Month in Rhode Island. While enjoying light refreshments, participants engaged in a game of "Speed Meet and Greet" in order to get to know librarians from all over the state of RI and discuss information literacy practices in various library environments. 

At the event, it was also announced that the RILA Board approved a petition to establish a new Information Literacy Action Round Table (ILART).  In accordance with RILA bylaws, Mary MacDonald collected 20 signatures of support from RILA members and submitted a full proposal for RILA's consideration. ILART is in its infancy, but hopes to build on the momentum of Information Literacy Month by sponsoring future discussions and events focused on information literacy in schools and libraries of all types, at all levels.  

Special thanks to Jenifer Bond, President of RILA and Jane Perry, President of SLRI for hosting, and to the event planning committee:
Aaron Coutu, Cumberland Public Library
Melissa Chivarolli, Cumberland Public Library
Maura Keating, Bryant University 
Laura Gladding, Moses Brown
Mary MacDonald, URI
Sarah Zajac, URI GSLIS
Kelly LeMeur, URI GSLIS

Thank you to the event attendees, as well!
The Affordable Healthcare Act and Librarians...Meeting the Digital Divide

By Lori DeCesare, MLS; Grayce J. Moorehead, MILS

Marian J. Mohr Memorial Library

After many apprehensive years of waiting and wondering what the Federal government might decide to do about solving the "healthcare crisis" (as it was called), the Affordable Healthcare Act [ACA, or Obamacare] was passed in March 2010, thus increasing the importance of health literacy.  According to the National Library of Medicine's Health Literacy program, individuals need to be visually, computer, information and numerically/computationally literate, all while facing potentially complex and fearful healthcare decisions.  As Librarians, we have a professional responsibility to provide quality information and services to our patrons, patrons who have as many diverse abilities and limitations as healthcare issues. 


WebJunction has provided grants from the Institute of Museum and Library Services [IMLS] to help ensure that Libraries are prepared to assist the public with their healthcare informational needs.  ALA has created a brief online resource guide designed to assist Librarians.  For years, patrons have relied on Librarians to provide them with quality, accurate health information from reference books, specific subject books, periodicals and increasingly from Internet sources; however, now that role will also include providing direction and instruction to accessing state healthcare exchanges that provide information and enrollment opportunities for healthcare benefits.


This challenge of Librarians helping find health information sources for the public is not unlike many other subject specific informational challenges we have faced in the past, especially in difficult economic times.  Whether it is the increase in patrons seeking online job assistance resources (unemployment applications, job searches, resume building), learning how to use their digital devices for downloading books from e-zone, creating a Facebook or email account, or simply using the computer for any myriad number of tasks, the impasse lies with the level of technology expertise and access that is required to search out what is needed.  Prior to this October, Librarians were apprehensive as to the potential influx of patrons coming into libraries to access HealthSourceRI, the Healthcare exchange for RI and the impact on staffing and computer availability.  As of this writing, there were only 2,000+ enrollments (in Rhode Island) in the insurance program; however, even if this ACA healthcare insurance initiative is sluggish to start, there will always be patrons relying on Libraries and Librarians for their healthcare informational needs. 


After attending OLIS' Consumer Health seminar in September, we immediately strategized as to how to educate our public library patrons about online healthcare resources.  Our "basic" computer class was redesigned and marketed to educate users in basic computer operation and Internet searching using healthcare websites (as we had done with Groundbreaking Reads topics this summer).  A webliography was created and followed listing links to Consumer Health Complete through AskRI, Medline Plus, NIH Senior Health, the RI Department of Health and HealthsourceRI.  In addition, a "bookmark" was designed with a basic overview of HealthSourceRI, including contact information via phone and Internet/Facebook. 


We were/ are ready. 


The Office of Library and Information Services offers two tools to help library staff keep up-to-date with information that can help them assist library users with signing up for health insurance as well as with other healthcare needs. The Affordable Care Act (ACA): Resources page contains links to the world of Affordable Care Act webpages, as well as to sites that offer information specific to library staff's needs in this area. Library staff can also participate in the online community of interest [email protected] . If you are interested in the later, send an email to Donna DiMichele [email protected] and you will get an invitation to join.


Chobot, Mary C.  2000.  "The Challenge of Providing Consumer Health Information Services in Public Libraries."  American Association for the Advancement of Science.      accessed 2013.10.17




Idea Studio @WPL
by Evan Barta
Technology Coordinator, Warwick Public Library
Maker Space

October 1st marked the official opening of the Idea Studio at the Warwick Public Library.  The Idea Studio aims to be a creative hub for the community of Warwick; a place where library patrons and community members can meet, learn, collaborate and create through library instruction and programming.


The Idea Studio fits in with the larger trend of "Makerspaces" that have become popular in many libraries across the county.  While the term makerspace can encompass many different ideas, a common goal has often emerged: engage the community in ways that they may not expect from their library. 


The process of planning the Idea Studio was long, taking over a year, and included help and feedback from all of our librarians.  Originally, we planned to create a high-tech meeting room that local businesses could reserve, equipped with laptops, a smartboard and projector, and video conferencing equipment.  But as we learned more about makerspaces through library conferences and webinars, as well as getting some general feedback from our community, we felt that creating a makerspace would be a better use of our space.


As our idea took shape, the logistics of the project became clear.   First, we needed funding.  We decided to apply for a Champlain grant and use those funds to renovate the cafe that once lived in the lobby of our building.  This renovation included flooring, painting, lighting, shades, and furniture.  It took several months to complete, and we used a variety of contractors and designers.


As this work was being completed, the librarians met periodically to discuss what types of equipment and programming we would like to provide to our community.  Some decisions were easy; we already had a successful computer training program that could relocate there, as well as several writing and discussion groups that meet monthly.  All of these programs fit perfectly with the goals of the Idea Studio.


We also purchased some high-tech equipment, including a 3d printer, iMac computers with image and video editing software, and digital conversion equipment to convert old analog items to digital media.  The goal for this equipment is two fold: first, to give the Warwick community access to technology that they may not have otherwise, and second, to encourage our patrons to learn the equipment and create their own projects and ideas.


All of the departments of the library have made use of the Idea Studio so far.  For the children's department, it has proven to be a great place for arts and crafts programs.  For teens, we have set up drawing and art classes lead by community members and learned to build video game emulators from using a Raspberry Pi (mini-computer).  For adults, we offer a wide variety of programs, from crafting wreaths made from old books to digitizing old home movies.  All of the programs offer patrons an exciting way to interact with the library and the members of their community, and to create something fun in the process.


The lab is also open to the public for general use.  People come in to use our equipment and ask questions, but as the programming and participation grow, we hope people will continue to come to the Idea Studio to work on projects they have started and to collaborate with community members they have met.


After a month, the feedback from the community has been overwhelmingly positive.  They are excited to have access to the equipment, and they are also excited to see the programming we do highlighted in a new and exiting way.  We hope to continue to grow and provide our community with a new way to meet, collaborate and create.


Geek the Library--in Practice
By Megan Weeden
Children's Librarian, William Hall Library
Cranston/OSL Librarian
Miranda Nero is a geek

Libraries across the state are having fun supporting OCLC's national "Geek the Library" campaign that kicked off in Rhode Island back in September.


The "Geek the Library" campaign aims to raise awareness and change perceptions about public libraries by asking the question, "what do you Geek?" and promoting the fact that whatever the answer is, it can be supported by your local library. 39 Rhode Island libraries reached out to their communities to start the conversation.  OCLC & the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation provided free materials including posters, stickers and t-shirts to libraries that participated as well as access to an online campaign management center with templates and tips, and ongoing field support for the length of their campaign.


"When we saw the news about "Geek the Library," we knew that it would be an asset in promoting our small, rural library," says Rachael Juskuv from North Scituate Public Library. "We decided to campaign at our yearly booksale at the Scituate Art Festival, where we attract residents of Scituate and beyond. Using the "Geek the Library" campaign material really helped us to promote with a great slogan and professional materials that stress the importance of local libraries. Conversations ensued about what our patrons "geek" and what we "geek," too."


Cranston Public Library made their own posters featuring employees and invited the public to participate make posters stating what they geek. Examples included geeking gadgets, running, improv, ghosts and kermit the frog. At Cranston's Oak Lawn branch there was a large display with SWAG bags for patrons and a trivia contest called "Geek of the Week." Anyone who participated won a Dave & Buster's discount card for a correct trivia answer. Then, each person's name went into a weekly drawing for a "Geek" t-shirt.


East Providence Public Library designated the week of October 14-October 19 as "Geek Week" and made personalized t-shirts for staff to show-off their passions. Then, they set up a Geek Board in the library to find out what the community geeks.


"We also made Geek posters and displayed them in a slideshow on our large TV screen and on many of the computers as screen savers," says Meredith Bonds-Harmon, Neighborhood and Community Services Librarian in East Providence. "It's been fantastic hearing conversations between staff and patrons about what Geek means and why we are promoting this campaign."

The Geeks of East Providence


Barrington Public Library kicked off their campaign on September 15 at the Fiddle n'Folk Fest held at Haines Memorial Park.

Brian Dennehy is a total Geek


"What impressed me was how people instantly loved it," says Jessica D'Avanza, Community Services Librarian in Barrington. "We passed out the Geek stickers, bookmarks and bumper stickers along with flyers for upcoming library programs."


Barrington  also created a Geek Board using butcher paper and hung it from the ceiling.


"It's located across from our circulation desk," D'Avanza said. "As people write what they geek on the board and we need more space, we just roll it down. At the end of the campaign we plan on rolling out the entire length of the Geek Board and inviting the Barrington Times over to do a story."

Barrington's Geek Board
Bryant University's Geek Board
One academic library is on board with the Geek campaign, too.  The Douglas & Judith Krupp Library at Bryant University adapted the campaign for their campus community and rolled it out at the start of the fall semester.  Through a photo campaign, digital signage ads, button making (a big hit!), and displays, Geek has engaged students, staff, and faculty in fun ways and promoted conversations with key stakeholders about library services, support, resources, and funding.  
How to Read a Graphic Novel
by Aaron Coutu
Asst Director/Tech Coordinator Cumberland Public Library

There can be no question graphic novels and comics are a format that has found its place in the world. Unfortunately like Rodney Dangerfield, they "don't get no respect." So, what is it about the comic format that makes it such a challenge for many readers? Why do feel they are not getting a well-developed story with this format while others can't seem to get enough of them? I am hoping that this little piece will help you get a better sense of comics as a form of storytelling so you might liken them more to picture books rather than examples of poor writing.


First, let's clear one thing up and say graphic novels (and their cousins, comics) are a format rather than a genre. Examples of graphic novels can be found in all genres from memoirs and histories to science fiction and romance. With this format, the creators tell a story blending written narrative in the form of speech bubbles and caption squares with illustrations. The illustrations themselves visually present a lot of the descriptive narrative that would be found in a fully text-based work, helping to tell the story. This probably does sound familiar when considering how stories are told with picture books.


Often this is done with a team of creators.   Equal respect should be given to the writer and the illustrators, who might also be broken down into the penciller, inker, and colorist. Together they create a complete telling of the story. Because art is playing such a large role, you will want to make use of your visual literacy skills, taking note of every visual detail. Artists must convey as much information as possible in a limited amount of space, and no pencil stroke is accidental. This is true not only in the visual details of each panel, but also in the layout of the book as a whole and the effect on the reader as pages are turned. Check out this great video entitled "What is a Comic?" by William Kuskin, which was created for a University of Utah Coursera class called "Comic Books and Graphic Novels."  

What is a Comic
What is a Comic


The high importance of the artwork is something that is crucial to remember because it means that characters and plot details are fully developed using the design of the artwork on top of what is written. The reader becomes more involved in the story because, like with a play or a poem, he or she is drawn into an experience by viewing and interpreting the details in each panel and throughout the book. The visuals don't just tell us details, they help us, the readers, experience a raw emotional response to what we see. Sometimes that is just as important as narrative of factual details that might be found in a similar work that is presented in a fully text-based format.


The following short TEDx lecture entitled "How to Read a Graphic Novel" was presented by Michael Chaney at Dartmouth College.

TEDxDartmouth 2011- Michael Chaney: How to Read a Graphic Novel - March 6, 2011
TEDxDartmouth 2011- Michael Chaney: How to Read a Graphic Novel - March 6, 2011

] really gives viewers an opportunity to see how to really use visual literacy to get the full depth of a presentation in a graphic novel.


I really hope you don't mind my forcing you to experience this article in visual terms with the videos as well as narrative text because I don't think it is possible to share how to read a graphic novel with just words. Graphic novels and comics are a visual medium and need to also be talked about in that medium rather than just relying on the text, which would fall short. I don't expect this article to make fans of this format. You can't make someone a poetry fan simply by explaining it. I do hope this article will help you understand the complex storytelling that can be experienced with the graphic, comic format. As Chaney says, "In the world of comics, we must learn to see for ourselves since the whole truth is always a complex interrelation of words and images."


STEM, STEAM, and the Library
by Brandi Kenyon 
Youth & Teen Services Librarian,  South Kingstown Public Library 

STEM has been around for many years, it's not a new concept, however lately you may have noticed the term (or perhaps the term STEAM), popping up a bit more frequently. It's on the cover of the October issue of School Library Journal. It's at the heart of next year's Summer Reading Program. 


But what is STEM? And how is it related to STEAM?


STEM stands for the areas of study that include Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. According to the California Department of Education, "the goal of STEM education in schools is to prepare students for successful employment, post-secondary education, or both that require different and more technically sophisticated skills including the application of mathematics and science skills and concepts, and to be competent, capable citizens in our technology-dependent, democratic society." The National Initiative of Math and Science claims that research shows that compared with other nations, the United States no longer has workers with enough STEM knowledge to push the innovative boundaries of research in science and technology fields.

Thanks to an initiative started at RISD, there has been push to shift  STEM to STEAM by adding the creative fields of Art & design to the mix. Innovation happens not just through scientific knowledge, but from the ability to be creative and think outside the box, skills often learned in the world of art.


So how do we bring STEAM programming into libraries?


This was the focus of the recent 5th Annual Teen Summit, "Full STEAM Ahead", a one day conference jointly hosted by OLIS and the Massachusetts Library Association. Librarians from both states gathered in Worcester, MA for a day of breakout sessions and guest speakers. Kicking off the event was a keynote speech by author Marissa Meyer (Cinder). Meyer spoke not only of the way that art, books, and pop culture has influence real world science and technology innovations, but also how real world science has been the inspiration for many popular teens books (including her own!).


Meyer was followed by two sets of breakout sessions which were led by fellow librarians. In the morning set, Robin Brenner from the Brookline Public Library spoke about "YA Literature and Fan Created Work", while Melissa Robinson of the Peabody Institute Library led a session on "Creativity, Making & Civic Engagement". Robinson highlighted the opening of the Peabody Institute Library's new building, which will include a Creativity Lab. This community space will be home to a variety of STEAM influenced makerspaces, including areas 3D printing, recording studios, jewelry making, video and animation equipment, Lego Robotics, and much more. The project was made possible by donations and grants from a number resources.


The afternoon offered breakout sessions by Brandy Danner of the Perkins school for the Blind, who focused on the role of STEAM in the dystopian genre, while Sue Rousseau of the Portsmouth Public Library and Tanya Paglia of the Barrington Public Library covered "STEAM in the Library: Practical Programming YOU Can DO". Rousseau gave suggestions of how libraries can incorporate STEAM into their programming, even on a shoe string budget. Her advice: start small. Paper airplane design contests, marshmallow and toothpick building structure challenges, mini-catapult building, World Record matching...all of these are fun programs that any library can do. Paglia followed, giving specifics on how she, inspired by a summer workshop offered by the Rhode Island Museum of Science and Art, created a stop-animation club at her library.


The day ended with guest speaker Dr. Carol Giuriceo, the Director of the Rhode Island STEM Center, giving a bit of background on STEM, breaking it down into the way we can work the concepts of each area into education as well as everyday life.


Want more information on STEAM programming and libraries? Visit STEM to STEAM, the Madison Public Library's blog Library Makers, YALSA's STEM resources page, and SimplySTEM .   

Teen Services Highlights
by Kasia Piasecka
Young Adult Librarian, Tiverton Public Library

October was...

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

LGBT History Month

National Coming Out Day (Oct 11)


What you might have missed:


Books for the Beast [best in YA lit] Conference recap


Stephen King Saved My Life - Robin Wasserman


National Book Awards for Young People�€™s Literature announced


The wait is over for the third book in Veronica Roth�€™s Divergent Series [video]


October 13-19: Youth & Teen Services departments celebrated Teen Read Week, including the Coventry, Cranston, and Tiverton Public Libraries, with displays and programs designed to highlight the theme, "Seek the Unknown". Teens at the Tiverton Public Library braved the stage at the Sandywoods Center of the Arts open mic night and performed their poetry, flash fiction, and musical accompaniments written during a month-long writing series that began in September.


Week of October 21: Books for YALSA's Teen's Top Ten Choice Awards were selected last week! A youtube reel of book winners can be seen here.

Official 2013 Teens' Top Ten
Official 2013 Teens' Top Ten

November: Sneak[y] Preview..


November is..

Native American Heritage Month

No Shave November & Movember


Tell your teens about NaNoWrImO before the clock starts ticking! Let Carla Land tell you what it is on The Hub. Get novel-writing inspiration from these fantastic people who wrote and then published their first book during Nanowrimo month.


Nanowrimo is coming to Barrington

Providence Community Libraries

Add your library to the list!

IMLS Awards 3 National Leadership Grants to RI

The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) announced National Leadership Grant awards to the University of Rhode Island, Providence Public Library, and Providence Community Library. 

The projects were selected from more than 285 applications. National Leadership Grants for Libraries support projects that improve professional practice beyond the grantee institution.

"Libraries of all types are anchors for their communities. Whether an academic library serving a university, a Native American library serving a reservation, or a local library serving residents, communities rely on these trusted institutions for information they want and need," said IMLS Director Susan Hildreth. "With these federal investments, libraries will be able to address challenges that face the library field, boost their professional workforce with training and education, and better meet the needs of their communities with improved programs and services."

IMLS provided the following information about the RI projects.


University of Rhode Island - Kingston, RI

Award Amount: $50,000

Contact: Renee Hobbs


The University of Rhode Island will use its grant to create a plan for a national conference and a yearlong community outreach program that will highlight the best strategies for using children's film and digital media to increase literacy. The program will bring together the Providence Children's Film Festival, the Rhode Island Office of Library and Information Services, the American Center for Children and Media, and the Children's Media Association. This diverse audience will address current needs such as filling in the knowledge gaps of children's librarians and fostering collaboration between librarians and media professionals and between schools and libraries. The program will also be an experiential learning opportunity for those library and information sciences graduate students that will help their professional development of leadership and communication skills.


Providence Public Library - Providence, RI

Award Amount: $498,172

Contact: Karisa Tashjian


To address the needs of the underserved population of Providence, Providence Public Library will use its grant to create "Adult Lifelong Learning Access (ALLACCESS)," which will spur stakeholders across the state of Rhode Island to implement models for increasing access to digital literacy, adult education, and workforce services at two of the state's leading public libraries. The two libraries and their statewide partners will demonstrate methods for integrating library, adult education, and workforce services to support adults with low education attainment; low English literacy, disabilities, or low digital literacy. This will clearly establish the important role of community libraries in serving these four key populations whose needs cannot be met by the current workforce. The grant project will be accomplished through a partnership that includes Cranston Public Library, the Office of Library and Information Services, TechAccess of RI, institutions participating in the RI Family Literacy Initiative, as well as the Providence Public Library.


Providence Community Library - Providence, RI

Award Amount: $250,000

Contact: Amy Greer


Providence Community Library will partner with Ready to Learn Providence on "Ready for K!," a school readiness program designed to reduce the achievement gap for children who are entering kindergarten and have not participated in formal early learning programs. Major project components include professional development for children's librarians and family literacy programming, including the creation of literacy kits with books and activities. The project will help ensure that students enter kindergarten ready to learn and will demonstrate the library's important role as a partner in meeting this essential community need.


A complete list of the library recipients nationwide is available on the IMLS website.

News From the Field

COLA, OLIS, & RILA Event Announcement


The Essential Library: Community Leadership Strategies


Monday, November 18, 2013 


Speaker: John Chrastka, Partner, AssociaDirect, Chicago, IL


The Coalition of Library Advocates (COLA), the RI Office of Library and Information Services (OLIS), and RILA are teaming up to present 

an afternoon focused on community asset building.

John Chrastka, a long time library trustee and leading expert on library support, will discuss how to identify, communicate and build relationships with key leaders and organizations in your community and how to strengthen partnerships among librarians, trustees and other stakeholders. 
Mr. Chrastka is the founder of EveryLibrary, a non-partisan, pro-library organization that works toward sustaining libraries as they evolve and grow in the 21st century. He is currently a partner in AssociaDirect, a Chicago-based consultancy focused on supporting associations in membership recruitment.  
During the event, he will also moderate a panel of Rhode Island librarians as they provide insight into the purpose and implementation of fall 2013 Geek the Library campaign sponsored by RILA. Other practical takeaways for action and community building will be shared.


Bring your own questions and insights to the short breakout session, and expect a wealth of ideas and information you can adapt and use.


 Intended Audiences:

  • Library directors and staff,
  • Library trustees and board members,
  • Friends and other library supporters. 

Register on the OLIS website. Registration is limited to 75 participants.



EveryLibrary Meet and Greet 

Complimentary Beverage Meet and Greet at Trinity Brewhouse

Come and meet EveryLibrary's executive director John Chrastka, to talk political action and libraries. Join hosts Ed Garcia, director of the Cranston Public Library and Michele Cobb, president of the Audio Publishers Association, as we host an informal Meet-Up Monday. This event follows John's OLIS advocacy day at the Barrington Public Library. All are welcome. Please RSVP on the Facebook Page to reserve your drink ticket. If you are not on Facebook please RSVP by email to [email protected]


Trinity Brewhouse is located at 186 Fountain St. in Providence.

Monday, November 18, 2013 at 7:00pm  


For more information about EveryLibrary please visit 


Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the University of Rhode Island's Graduate School of Library and Information Studies. Join fellow alumni, friends, students, faculty, and staff for a celebratory evening featuring a reception and dinner, awards presentation, Beta Phi Mu induction ceremony, and special guest speaker, Dr. David Weinberger, Senior Researcher at the Berkman Center and Co-Director, Harvard Library Lab, Harvard University. 


Tickets are $75 (Tax deductible $25) for this semi-formal event, and all proceeds benefit the GSLIS Student Scholarship fund. Hotel accommodations are available at a rate of $109.00 per night by calling the Crowne Plaza and mentioning the 50th anniversary event.  


For more information and to register online:  

For questions regarding this event, please contact Stefani Metko:  

401-874-2878 or  


Beta Phi Mu

Please join the Beta Iota Chapter of Beta Phi Mu in congratulating the
2012-2013 Graduate School of Library and Information Studies graduates who were nominated by GSLIS faculty to join Beta Phi Mu, the international LIS honor society:

Eric Todd Stern, Alan N. Witt, Lucinda Cherry Scott Kellermeier, Angela K.Walker, Stefanie R. Metko, Wendy K. Thatcher, Kimberlee Dewall, Caitlin A. Ahearn, Dominic J. Laflamme, Nicolas Ferreira, Katherine L. Boden, Kathryn Jane Powers, Sarah Naomi Campbell, Anthony A. Loffredio, and Jared Cowing

Since 1948, Beta Phi Mu has been the international library and information studies honor society.  After graduation, the GSLIS faculty votes on which academic leaders from each class with at least a 3.75 GPA are invited to join Beta Phi Mu and Beta Iota Chapter. 
Congratulations to our new BPM nominees!  



Pre-order your 2014 Tattooed Librarians of the Ocean State calendar now at the affordable price of $12, plus $3 shipping if home delivery is selected.  All proceeds benefit RILA and will be used to fund future public relations initiatives and organization events. 


Already a hot commodity, this calendar features the men and women of Rhode Island's library community proudly exercising their freedom of expression, while generating lots of buzz about libraries.  

Visit our website for more information and to place an order using our online Paypal form 


A limited quantity of calendars will be available in early November until they sell out, so reserve yours now.   RILA appreciates your support!

We welcome Benjamin Hanley to the staff of the Greenville Public Library.  He was recently hired to fill a part-time reference librarian position.  He is a graduate of Emerson College in Boston and the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Information Studies, from which he received his Master of Library and Information Studies degree.  In addition to answering reference questions, he offers personal training on the use of tablets and e-readers.

The Cranston Public Library is pleased to announce that Emily Brown as been appointed the new Coordinator of Youth Services. 


Emily comes to Cranston from the Harry Kizarian Elementary School in Providence where she served as School Librarian since 2010. Before that Emily was a Youth Services Librarian at Providence Public Library and Providence Community Library. 


"Emily comes to us with an impressive understanding of Youth Services librarianship particularly on how public and school libraries can interact and work together. She has impressive skills in technology, collection development, children's literature and a passion for working with children and teens. We are very excited that she is joining the Cranston Public Library team", said Library Director Edward Garcia.


There have been several important staff changes at Barrington Library.

First, Bri Johnson left this summer.  Bri had been our excellent YA librarian for nearly 11 years.  We wish her the best luck in her new career.  We are pleased to have hired Tanya Paglia as our new YA librarian.  Tanya comes to us from Johnston Public Library and has many exciting ideas for the YA patrons at Barrington.

Lauri Burke who has worked first as a children's librarian, then community services librarian, and last as Head of Reference/Assistant Director at Barrington Library for a total of 38 years of service has retired as of November 1, 2013.  We will all miss her greatly.  We are pleased to have hired Jane Granatino as the new Head of Reference. Jane comes to us from her position as Director of the Uxbridge Public Library.

We are also pleased to appoint our current Head of Children's Services, Mary Harty, as our Assistant Director as well.  Congratulations, Mary!



The Passport Acceptance Office at the Pawtucket Public Library, open since February 2013, is now available to offer passport services at other RI libraries.  Three libraries have hosted, or are planning to host, a Passport Day event for their patrons.  Passport agents from Pawtucket come to the library on a designated day (usually a Saturday) to process passport applications.  Cranston Public Library held a very successful Passport Day in September.  Providence Public Library's Passport Day will be held on Friday, Nov. 1 from 11am to 2pm, so that employees of downtown Providence businesses can take advantage of this convenient opportunity to apply for a passport as the holiday season approaches.  East Providence Public Library will host a Passport Day on Saturday, Nov. 2 from 1-4 pm


A portion of the regular fees for passport applications processed through Pawtucket Library support the adult literacy classes offered by the Rhode Island Family Literacy Initiative (RIFLI).  For further information on library Passport Days, contact Julie Fischer at (401) 725-3714, ext. 212, or [email protected].


Are you really ready?

If a recent review of your library's disaster plan left you wondering if you really know how things would play out in the event of a small or large disaster, then this program is for you. "A Disaster Plan Tabletop Exercise" is a unique opportunity for you and another staff member to see how well the library's disaster plan will suffice during an event. The workshop will teach you how review your particular disaster plan to ensure that it provides proper guidance in responding to a disaster in your organization and does not have gaps In a tabletop exercise simulated emergency situations are presented in a low-stress and informal environment in which participants use their disaster plans to resolve problems and issues. The tabletop exercise is designed to engage administration and staff in the preparedness process; to develop a cohesive response team; and build confidence in being able to respond appropriately. More about tabletop exercises from wiseGEEK. We encourage you to register for the program with a partner from your institution, but single trainees are accepted.


When: Monday, December 09, 2013, 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Where: RI Economic Development Corporation, 315 Iron Horse Way, Providence

Who: OLIS/Protecting the Past - RI

Advance registration required. 

Some librarians and members of Warwick's knitter's group realized that as the days turn cold, it's likely that the outdoor statue of a quahogger and his dog are starting to feel a bit chilly.  So they took matters into their own hands and did a yarn bombing of the statue.




 More photos are on the library's facebook page.  


Providence College

Norman Desmarais, professor emeritus and former acquisitions librarian at Providence College has had The Guide to the American Revolutionary War in the Deep South and on the Frontier  published by BUSCA, Inc. This is the sixth and final volume in The Guide to the American Revolutionary War series which covers more than 4,000 engagements. (The most extensive published list of engagements totals 1,330.) Vol. 1 covered Canada and New England, vol. 2 New York, vol. 3 New Jersey, vol. 4 Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina and vol. 5 South Carolina.


Librarians Have Fun! 

Team "She Blinded Me With Library Science" represented the local library community at the Grog & Dog Jog event over Columbus Day weekend.  According to local brewer, Narragansett Beer, the relay race features "well intentioned and oddly costumed runners [taking] to the roads in an effort to be the first team to run 5 miles, consume 4 Narragansetts and 4 Saugy Hot Dogs."  Wow!  It's all for a good cause though, as the event raises money for the RI Community Food Bank.

Team S.B.M.W.L.S. reports that they did not finish last in the race and they looked fabulous in their Geek the Library shirts (and tutus and skirts)!


(L-R) Andria Tieman, Brandi Kenyon, Laura Kohl, & Mackenzie Dunn



The RILA Bulletin is produced by the RILA Communications Committee.  The RILA Communications Committee is responsible for publicizing and supporting Rhode Island Library Association activities using a variety of communication tools. Responsibilities including publishing the RILA Bulletin, managing social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, and exploring other mediums as needed. The Communications Committee may cooperate with the publicity efforts of the Public Relations Committee to promote library services statewide.

Rhode Island Library Association members can contribute content to the RILA Bulletin by emailing the editors: [email protected]



Andria Tieman & Brandi Kenyon
Rhode Island Library Association