Winter 2013
Dear Friend,


T�ze �ylda Size saglyk arzuw ed��ris! "A Healthy New Year to You!" (in Turkmen). As the year comes to a close, we want to share our thanks for all your continued support. And to ask for your continued support in 2014. No, not by making a donation, but by sharing SAGLYK ("health") with your Turkmen speaking friends by forwarding them the website address or this message. Only with your help will we be able to make this resource with essential public health information broadly available to the Turkmen public.

As we close the year we would like to highlight that information on reproductive health and sexual education stays as the most read, asked about, and commented area of interest for website visitors. The average age of a website visitor falls between 12-35. Although the website offers over a hundred pieces on reproductive health including blogs and answers to visitors' questions, much work needs to be done in addressing critical issues and concerns in the area of reproductive health and sexual education. Saglyk is looking for partners to develop new content based on the Turkmen public's needs. The informational pieces developed under the series of Reproductive Health and Sexual Education help restore and develop civilized engagement and language around culturally taboo topics.
Image from our article on importance of seat belts
  1. The following blog posts have been read the most and generated most of the comments from website visitors in December:     
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The initiative is inviting caring medical professionals with fluency in Turkmen to join our project team. Please help us identify committed individuals. Also you can find daily Saglyk updates on Facebook, Twitter and В Контакте (VK). 


To view previous program updates please visit the English language page of the website.  



Saglykda gorsheli, ("see you in health" in the Turkmen language)



The Saglyk Program Team


Turkmenistan Health Initiative,