Quarterly Newsletter                                                       Supporting Research, Developing Minds                                                      December 2014 
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In This Issue
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Profile Corner

Full Video Profile
Sheikh Saqr Overseas Scholar: Ali Al Nuaimi

Through the Sheikh Saqr Overseas Scholarship Program, Ali Al Nuaimi has taken advantage of the opportunity to study abroad. Ali is an engineering student in the United States and hopes to return to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as a university professor. Through Ali's experience, learn more about the Overseas Scholarship Program and how it can equip Emirati students to become leaders and professionals in their nation.
New Publications

The Gulf Comparative Education Society (GCES) held its fifth annual symposium in Dubai last April. The purpose of this year's GCES symposium was to examine issues relating to language and cultural heritage in the context of the creation of inclusive and outward-looking educational spaces. As countries in the region seek simultaneously to preserve traditions and culture while embracing modernity, challenges inevitably arise, particularly in the education sector. Full Publication
Expatriate Teachers and Education Quality in the Gulf Cooperation Council 

In the education sectors of the UAE and Qatar, Arab expatriate teachers account for a significant percentage of the teacher workforce, therefore playing a critical role in determining the quality of the national education systems. This paper presents results from a study exploring the perceptions of Arab expatriate teachers in the UAE and Qatar regarding the push and pull factors drawing them to the work in the two countries and the implications of this phenomenon for education systems and these countries overall. Full Publication 

Professional Development for Faculty and Staff in Ras Al Khaimah's Higher Education Institutions 

The purpose of this report and the supporting research is to examine the status of professional development priorities, policies, and practices in Ras Al Khaimah's higher education institutions and to identify areas of strength and improvement. The report's findings indicate that the emirate's higher education institutions have the potential to explore opportunities for sharing good practices in professional development and to cooperate on providing some generic professional training for staff of all institutions. Full Publication
Members of the press who are interested in covering or learning more about the Al Qasimi Foundation's research, events, or other initiatives may contact Ms. Caitrin Mullan, Community Engagement and Outreach Program Manager.
Our Mission
To aid in the social, cultural, and economic development of Ras Al Khaimah and the United Arab Emirates through high-quality policy research, strategic capacity development, and purposeful community engagement.

Welcome to the December edition of our Foundation newsletter. It's hard to believe that the year has come to a close, but we're excited to reflect on 2014's accomplishments even as we prepare to engage the Ras Al Khaimah community in new endeavors in 2015. This quarter, we hosted delegations from the United States and Australia to collaborate on initiatives related to education and public health. At the same time, we've been preparing local educators to travel to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as part of our 2015 Ras Al Khaimah Teacher Exchange Program. Finally, the Hands on Learning Program has successfully completed its first semester helping local youth build their skills in interactive classroom settings. As 2015 begins, don't forget to mark your calendars for February 19-21, as the Annual Fine Arts Festival returns to Ras Al Khaimah with three days of art, film, culture, and class. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Warm regards,

Dr. Natasha Ridge
Executive Director
Feature Articles
This December, a delegation from the University of Sydney, Australia visited Ras Al Khaimah to raise awareness about breast cancer and to begin a formal research study through the Al Qasimi Foundation's seed grant program. The partnership between the Foundation and Sydney has led to a collaboration, which has two major research components, among Sydney, RAK Hospital, and the Ras Al Khaimah Medical and Health Sciences University (RAK MHSU). Full Story


Capacity Development

Hands on Learning Takes Off in Ras Al Khaimah


As a result of research done by the Al Qasimi Foundation and local educators, Ras Al Khaimah has seen the launch of a new program that is targeted at supporting high school students who may be at risk of dropping out of school. Known as Hands on Learning (HOL), this program has seen great success in Australian schools and is being adopted in Ras Al Khaimah. Ultimately, HOL engages students in school through building their ties to the community and giving them the opportunity to learn and grow through practical applications. Full Story   


In the Headlines
Gulf News (September 24, 2014)
Emirati Boys Suffer Due to Teacher Disinterest

Research indicates that, in addition to ensuring that Emirati teachers remain motivated, education officials must also exert more efforts to help expatriate public school teachers remain passionate about their jobs. This is because nearly 90 percent of male teachers in the UAE's public schools are expatriates, and they have a big influence on the young Emirati boys in their charge, said Ms. Soha Shami, a Research Associate at the Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research. Full Story 

A native of Orange, New South Wales, Australia, Dr. Natasha Ridge explains the relevance of her new book, Education and the Reverse Gender Divide in the Gulf States, to international education contexts including Australia. Male youths are struggling to persist in education and often lack the role models to which female students have greater access. Full Story

Landscape architect Samar Zarifa recently presented her award winning research on "Inspiring Outdoor Liveability in Arid Coastal Environments," as part of the Al Qasimi Foundation's Majlis series, which highlights research relevant to the emirate's current policy issues. The presentation discussed sustainable landscape strategies and urban planning for arid coastal environments. In particular, Samar detailed her research work focusing on a historic abandoned village as a potential master planning site in the area referred to as Al Jazeerah Al Hamra. Full Story

In collaboration with the U.S. Consulate in Dubai, the Al Qasimi Foundation organized a musical evening with the Della Mae band in the presence of his excellency Robert Waller, U.S. Consul General. The event is part of the Foundation's monthly Community Gatherings series, which seeks to foster social and cultural exchange in the emirate and to provide an opportunity for students to learn about world cultures through art and musical exhibitions. Full Story 

Dubai International Film Festival (November 23, 2014)

A host of emerging UAE directors and their experienced peers are participating in the Dubai International Film Festival's (DIFF's) Muhr Emirati Competition, which places the Emirates firmly in the spotlight. One of the films making its world premiere is Burden, a piece produced by the Al Qasimi Foundation and directed by Mr. Suqrat bin Bisher. Burden tells the story of a young Emirati man who pays for the crime he's committed with a life sentence. Full Story 

Upcoming Events & Deadlines
January 18: Infant and Child Mental Health: Understanding and Managing Behavior Problems in Children 

This Majlis will explore how to create environments that promote resilient, healthy children as a way of preventing mental health difficulties. The presentation will consider the common causes of behavior difficulties among young people and will also provide a template to support adults in addressing difficulties that are unique to each child, including effective strategies that can be used both at home and at school. More Information

Arts & Culture
February 19-21: 3rd Annual Ras Al Khaimah Fine Arts Festival 

Returning to the northern emirates for the third year, the Annual Ras Al Khaimah Fine Arts Festival will take place February 19-21, 2015 and will showcase local and international artists. The three-day event will include an opening gala, red-carpet film screening, and extensive visual arts exhibition. For more information about the Festival, submissions, and tickets, please visit www.rakfinearts.ae.
Capacity Development
March 1: Grant Applications Due


For more information on the Foundation's faculty research, doctoral research, and seed grant opportunities, including eligibility, application process, and online application forms, please visit the research section of the Al Qasimi Foundation website. More Information

2015 Doctoral Research Grant Applications More Information
2015 Faculty Research Grant Applications More Information
2015 Seed Grant Applications More Information
Capacity Development
March 1: Summer/Fall 2015 Internship Applications Due

For more information on internship opportunities with the Foundation, including eligibility and application processes, please visit the Careers section of the Al Qasimi Foundation website. More Information   

Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research
 www.alqasimifoundation.com | info@alqasimifoundation.rak.ae | (P) +971 7 233 8060 | (F) +971 7 233 8070

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