Quanser Newsletter

May 2014

From Classic Control to Complex Mechatronics Webinar

From Clasic Control to Complex Mechatronics
Revitalizing the undergrad control lab experience
Traditional control systems courses are based on the mathematical and signal science framework developed in the mid 20th century. The standard undergraduate course is based largely on characterizing and analyzing system dynamics through differential equations and Laplace transform-based transfer functions. Modern mechatronic systems are complex combination of classic control and system-level considerations from computer control. At most institutions, mechatronic design focuses on the embedded programming aspect disassociated from system dynamics.

In this webinar, Dr. Tom Lee, Quanser Chief Education Officer, presents some novel initiatives of Quanser in collaboration with leading universities, to unify conventional, classic control with systems-oriented mechatronic design.  

QUBE-Servo with NI myRIO connection
Shake Table II helps prepare Peruvian engineers
Research Papers Database
Teach Controls with NI myRIO

Expanding support and compatibility to include NI myRIO portable embedded hardware device, Quanser and NI now offer a turnkey, lab-ready solution for teaching controls. QUBE-Servo with NI myRIO connection helps students learn control theory through engaging hands-on experimentation, from introductory concepts to embedded control. With easily customizable courseware,  QUBE-
Servo is an affordable option for any undergraduate lab.

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'Mesa Vibratoria' Helps Prepare Future Peruvian Engineers

Peru is a country that experiences high seismic activity. Seismic resistant structures are vital for Peruvians. Civil engineers in the country have accepted this challenge and universities and research centers are preparing future professional using the latest technologies for this purpose. Federico Villarreal University in Lima has recently acquired the Quanser Shake Table II. With this system, students can run simulations of actual earthquakes and work on several research projects.

Platforms for Control Research Validation

Quanser platforms became the de facto commercial standard for control research validation, presenting researchers with a framework integrating a physical system with realistic dynamics, real-time computation and modeling. A wide collection of research papers now available online is an example of  research including haptics, rehabilitation robotics, flight control,  unmanned vehicles, automation and more. Share your research results with us!

Research Papers >>
Quanser works with institutions around the world to transform their old, hard-to-maintain, obsolete lab equipment to state of the art learning stations. Quanser solutions offer optimal combinations of hardware, software, and courseware to motivate your students and to give them valuable industry-ready experiences. Available services from our engineers can even help adapt your aging curriculum to modern standards and applications. Our goal is to make the transformation of your lab as painless as possible, quickly, and cost-effectively. Contact info@quanser.com to connect to a Quanser academic solutions advisor.
ACC 2014
June 4-6
Portland, USA
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ASEE 2014
June 15-18
Indianapolis, USA
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ECC 2014
June 24-27
Strasbourg, France
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NIWeek 2014
August 4-7
Austin, USA
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August 17-20
Buffalo, USA
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SICE 2014
September 9-12
Sapporo, Japan
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